
Posts Tagged: 'groot'

Apr. 5th, 2016





Are people always so open about their dreams?

Apr. 4th, 2016




Oh man! I felt the baby move! Sorry if that's an over-share, but I'm just really excited!

Apr. 1st, 2016




LMAO these pranks are GREAT!

I may have to try one today. Bit harder as I don't work in an office per se but I can make it work :)

Happy April Fools!

(no the link is not a prank I swear. It's to an article.)

Mar. 29th, 2016




I honestly do not remember how I found this place, but I thought it would be a good start in getting to meet people in the area. I'm Minato Namikaze, and I am new to the OC area but it seems like a pleasant place so far. So, are most of you natives or have you moved here from other places?

Mar. 28th, 2016




So, anyone else go buy half priced Easter candy today? I couldn't resist. I was only going to check if the store had any Cadbury eggs left and I ended up buying more candy then I need. I am so weak when it comes to chocolate. But, I can always keep some in my desk at work and some in my apartment and maybe give some to my friends.

Mar. 19th, 2016




So dream me apparently thinks that "12% is better than 11%" is a justifiable reason to support Quill's suicide mission to get the Orb back from Ronan. Because apparently all Quill has is 12% of a plan ready.

I then proceeded to eat a leaf growing out of my shoulder.

Dream me, I'm facepalming you right now.

Mar. 9th, 2016




So Audrey and I are happy to announce that we are expecting another baby! He or she is due in September and we're ridiculously excited. As is Ben about becoming a big brother.

Feb. 18th, 2016




I miss Vegas, it was fun and pretty and there were no sightings of a weird monster thing or blood rain.

Even the queue for the sign would be better than this.

Las Vegas sign picture )




This blood rain needs to stop. Otherwise I may end up with a bunch of Audrey's in my yard. My poor plants :(

Yeah I just made a Little Shop of Horror's reference. I know, I'm dating myself.

Feb. 15th, 2016




All I gotta say is, thank god we were in Vegas when all this crazy went down. Blood rain, crazy stuff happening at the beach. Kinda dreading heading back tonight.

How's everybody holdin' up?

Feb. 10th, 2016




Next time I complain about not getting any more new dreams, someone slap me.

Hot damn, I've got a helluva headache. I can barely brain right now.

At least the dream gave me some answers about what we were gonna do with that Infinity Stone. Although thanks to Drax's dumbass idea of speed dialing Ronan, now 'ol Blue Face has it and we're basically plotting a suicide mission to get it back.

Feb. 6th, 2016




I totally forgot the superbowl is this weekend until the memo came around for those working. I have to admit last year it was nowhere near as bad as I expected, I've seen way worse after a football game at home.

But to anybody watching and celebrating be careful :)

Jan. 26th, 2016




In lieu of little else to do, I thought I'd allow myself a certain bit of nostalgia. And by that I mean it's been ages since I've had a look at the variety of gifts the dreams have bestowed upon me. Now, seeing as I'm something of an observant man, I immediately noticed something not quite right. I've got this rather impressive scepter that usually has a certain glow about it.

It's not glowing anymore. And it is very cracked.

Has anyone by chance seen a very lovely, very unusual sort of stone? You'd know it right away if it were out of place. It's not exactly the sort of thing that's safe to handle.

Jan. 7th, 2016




I will admit the timing was awful, but what can I say? I'd planned the move before I was injured on set. Such is life, I'm afraid. That's why I was not ashamed in the least to hire a moving company. Anyway, I was told of this little network from one of the guys helping move my stuff. Since I'm currently incapcitated, I figured I'd browse this place while supervising my things being unloaded.

Hello, then, I'm Deirdre.




I was prepared, I really was. I knew that people started getting dreams, because Clara had told me, but it's different when you actually get them, isn't it? I spent four days trying to pretend they didn't exist, but they kept coming back.

Let's see if I can remember it. Giant head in a jar. Bitchy trampoline who used to be the last human. The Elf &mdahs; The Gelf. No! Gelth. That's it. Aliens who farted — and I'm not even going to try and pronounce that name. Harriet Jones. Daleks. I was gone for a whole year because the bloke I was traveling with missed the time frame, say it was 12 hours, but it was 12 months. My mum thought I was dead and that my boyfriend Mickey had done it since he was the last one to see me.

It's all here in my head, and it's not fading. You know how dreams fade after a few hours? It's not like that at all.

Dec. 29th, 2015




Listen, I haven't seen Gremlins since I was a kid. I DO NOT REMEMBER A DAMN THING ABOUT THESE BASTARDS.

Some of them got into my greenhouse, which is not cool. Why is my greenhouse always the causality in these things? One of 'em hit the manual switch for the watering system and suddenly they all friggin' multiplied! We managed to lock them in but that door's not gonna hold for long.


Dec. 25th, 2015




Hey, Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all celebrating are having a blast. For those of you who want to squeeze in some more playtime of Christmas Music before y'know, ditching the Pandora station or iTunes playlists, I highly recommend Jon Secada's "Christmas Fiesta" album. Nothing like amazing Latin rhythms to classic Christmas songs, guy really knows how to make them great stuff to dance to.

Also...has anyone else seen some shady floating mistletoe just up and appear then peace out before you know it? Just wonderin'...

Dec. 18th, 2015






Dec. 2nd, 2015




So go figure, Cali gets snow ahead of the East Coast. Sorry NYC! Nice to see this seems to be a normal thing around here. Well, normal for the OC.

Already ran around Fullerton covering the more sensitive plants so they don't get frost damage while my poor boss freaks out and claims it's all climate change and El Nino's fault.

Nov. 24th, 2015




Damn I forgot how much I missed New York. Got my scalding hot coffee in under a minute, inhaled half a pie of REAL pizza, joined the masses in rushing around at the speed only New Yorkers run at. And that was just when we got in last night.

Even got a nice slap of cold weather to greet us, just in time for Thanksgiving.

Almost hugged a pan-handler I'm so happy.

Nov. 10th, 2015




First time in New York. It's a lovely city. As it turns out, only some of the locations in my dreams match up with the actual city. I did get some Christmas shopping done. I'm pretty sure my parents will be thrilled with the presents I bought them. Also, there's a guitar-playing cowboy in Times Square who only wears his underwear. Felt that deserved mentioning.




I'm slightly disappointed to see that people are suggesting Baxter's Bakery as the place to go get pie around here. No offense to Audrey (she does make some delicious food), but I want to make sure my name at least gets a mention (Thanks, Regina).

So, come on down to Mellarky over on [address] for any bakery needs. We've got pies, cakes, cupcakes, pastries, bread, etc all day long. And if you mention "Valar" I'll give you a buy one, get one deal!




Hello, OC! This where all y'all been hiding? Finally got a computer worth a salt, so here I am. Call me Trip!

So. This dream thing f'real? 'Cause the stuff I've glanced over is nuts.

Nov. 1st, 2015




So that really kickass Zombie Pumpkin sculpture I posted about before Halloween?

It came to life.

And started chasing the trick or treaters. I'm talkin' like, little kids. At first the parents thought it was some awesome costume. And I'm standing there tryin' to figure out if my friend punk'd me and replaced the thing with himself, but then it tried biting one of the kids and wouldn't stop going after people and all hell broke loose.

Ever try to grab a life size slimy pumpkin sculpture? Yeah. Not fun.

Oct. 30th, 2015




No. No we are not dressing up the animals at the zoo for Halloween.

What the Hell?

I'm getting told I'm not encouraging a "kid-friendly atmosphere" because I think dangerous animals deserve respect. Getting dressed up is something a person gets a choice in. How am I supposed to ask a wild cat if it wants to wear a costume? One roar for no? Two for yes?

Give me a break, people.

Oct. 25th, 2015




I ordered my Brother and Sister-In-Law some onesies for the new baby--they don't know whether it's a boy or a girl yet, and are keeping names a secret--and they just came in the mail. God, I love these clothes. Takes my mind off the p

I may have to binge watch TNG on Netflix tonight.

Oct. 23rd, 2015





Too many pumpkins? Nah, can never have too many pumpkins right? )




There's a man in my dreams. He's an interesting character. Tall as a tree and from Brooklyn. I've never been to New York, but for some reason all of my dreams take place there.

Oct. 17th, 2015




[Peter's singing, distantly, obvious that he doesn't realize his journal's recording]

"This is my fight song! Take back my life song! Prove I'm alright song! My power's turned on. starting right now I'll be strong! I'll play my fight song! I don't rea-- Wait, is this... OH GOD."

[Sound of the mic getting aggressively attacked]

Okay, so uh.... apparently at some point my phone began recording, and submitting... so uh, I'm going to fix that feature. But if you could go ahead and pretend you didn't hear any of that, that'd be great.


So I'm going to go hide under my desk and not come out until the rapture.




Nothing beats homemade pancakes.

Pancakes )

Oct. 12th, 2015




I read a really interesting article on sleep paralysis (http://www.iflscience.com/brain/understanding-sleep-paralysis-terrifying-unique-state-consciousness) and it got me thinking even more about the dreams most of us here tend to experience.

It's a fascinating area of study really.

Oct. 10th, 2015




Every night gets a little worse. I wake up with scratches, scrapes, scabs even. I'm bruised and sore. What kind of dreams leave a man waking up with their leavings still on him?

Sep. 13th, 2015




So more dreams filling in the gaps about our trip to Knowhere. Please tell me we get off the damn rock/skull thing soon. The whole lack of sunlight/mining town thing is getting old.

Did learn two things though:

1) Don't let Rocket get drunk. That non-Raccoon might be able to pack it away, but once he gets plastered, he will kill you with the gun that's bigger than himself just for calling him a rodent or a raccoon.

2) Seems dream me has zero problems with agreeing to sell his corpse ahead of time so the Collector can add it to his collection once dream me kicks the bucket.

Rocket's snarky line about it did make me laugh when I woke up though.
Tags: ,

Sep. 12th, 2015




I keep thinking there's something I'm forgetting. I don't know why I think that. I only know I can't keep my head on straight unless I'm directly attending to some kind of business.

Working with my plants helps. It's always good to feel as if I'm doing good for someone else.

Being with my children? That's what keeps me going.

I feel as if I should be doing more than I am for them. I'm hardly enough to be a father much less both father and mother to my two. It's hard. Harder than I ever thought it would be.

All I know is I'm doing the best I can. I can only pray it's enough.




I will always stop and watch Back to the Future if it's on TV. I have loved this movie since I was little and know all the lines. I find myself repeating entire scenes.

Stefan, Care, Anna, we should have a marathon.

Sep. 2nd, 2015




Okay, I'm new to this whole social media thing, so don't laugh too hard if I screw up. I figure it's time to meet some new people, and it was this or okcupid... and I don't think I'm ready to visit that side of the internet just yet.

Where do I start? The name's James, but most people call me Bucky. I just moved to the OC a few months ago-- I'm from Brooklyn, originally. Thought the change in scenery would be nice. I work at the VA doing social work.

Is that enough information? Or too much? I can never tell with blogging.

Aug. 29th, 2015




That sad, sad moment when your dream self is a grown man, with a very good degree and skill set, and you have to watch yourself get fired (not fried) from Baskin Robbins. Baskin Robbins.

I worry about Dream Scott.

Aug. 11th, 2015




Well at least now I know where or really what Knowhere is located in. I only had dreams of that whole business with the Collector but now I got the "previously on" dreams.

So who else besides this guy thinks building an entire colony/black market industry inside the head of a dead celestial god is messed up?

Aug. 1st, 2015




It's oddly comforting that this spider is doing a mating dance. What's really funny is that it reminds me so much of guys at bars. HEY LADY HEY PRETTY LADY LOOK AT ME LOOK LOOK LOOK

But seriously, this is the cutest spider and I wish spiders liked kisses.

Jul. 11th, 2015




So, note to self: when presented with an Infinity Stone, knock the Collector's crazy assistant away before she can grab the thing.

Because DAMN. Infinity Stones are ridiculously powerful. Like, 'let's blow up half of Knowhere' powerful.




So hey guys. My name is Owen, I'm with the Wildlife Waystation. We rescue and rehabilitate exotic animals, usually from 'pet owners' who think it'd be cool to own a tiger and don't realize what a dumb idea that is.

Anyway, I heard this was a good way to connect with people, and I figured hey, I can't spend all my time with mountain lions, right?

Though most of my free time is taken up with my babies at home. They were born with spinal issues, so I'm taking care of them and raising them until they're well enough to be on their own at the Waystation.

Say hi to the kiddos! )

Jul. 4th, 2015




Happy Fourth of July everyone! Enjoy whatever you're grilling and get out to whatever fireworks you're near if you can.

If you're gonna watch them on TV, watch the Macy's Fourth of July fireworks. They're the best in the country ;)




Okay, whose watching Independence Day today?

Jul. 1st, 2015




Anybody ever been so distracted at work you kinda planted a hundred annuals in the wrong spot?

Yep. You're lookin' at the guy who just spent two hours doin' just that.

Jun. 30th, 2015




Anyone else an alien in their Dreams? #Confused

Jun. 9th, 2015




I should not be allowed on the internet for long periods of time by myself. It leads to me buying awesome but useless things like this shirt.

I fear this website may soon take all my money

Jun. 4th, 2015




So lotsa dreaming again. Had the same dream about being tossed in the slammer with that Starlord guy, Rocket and Gamora. That was fun. Well, for me. Seems Rocket and I have been in prison more than once and know how to rule the place right away. Helps being a tree alien that can shove roots up a guy's nose to prove a point.

Busting out was the new dream and was actually pretty wild. Rocket went on and on about some bull elaborate plan, and I just walked away and was all "screw it, I'm removing the battery from that box over there and we'll play it by ear. Rocket'll think of something." And then suddenly it was chaos and Rocket was all up on my shoulder shooting a gun bigger than him and then we're scrambling up (well okay I was growing myself taller on purpose and they were scrambling up ME) to the control room and I can't even explain how Rocket pulled it off for us to get outta there but he did.

Also I think he asked Quill to steal that guy's prosthetic leg just for giggles. Nutjob.

But seriously, don't mess with that raccoon.

Apr. 10th, 2015




Seems I had it easy at botanist school. Legit college is a pain.

Apr. 8th, 2015




I can't believe that Ben is 3.5 months old now. I'm back to work almost full time. Merlin's back to work. The world keeps on spinning. Life is reaching a new equilibrium. I think we're starting to sleep more, though it's hard to tell. I also think it's time to start sleep training the baby. He needs to get more rest than he's getting, I think. For his health and our sanity.

Sorry, I didn't mention the bakery. We won't be having our usual Thursday night performances tomorrow night. But come in, anyway, and pick up a Sparkling latte.

I've got new "Customer Response" cards by the register. Please feel free to take one, fill it out, and leave it in the box by the front door. Put your name and email on there, and I'll send you a coupon for a free espresso beverage, just for giving us some feedback!

Apr. 7th, 2015




At least these bloody dreams gave me something useful.