
Posts Tagged: 'alice+liddell'

May. 4th, 2020




What in the world are these creepy teddy bear like things?! One has taken up residence in my bed and is shedding more hair than my mother does when she's upset.




Normally I would hate party crashers but how could anyone be mad about these guys invading their backyard birthday party?

Pretend there's pictures of a small group of ewoks in Alice's backyard poking at things and eating handfuls of birthday cake

Ewoks can feel free to crash my birthday every year if they want. Although they did seem a little confused by the custom cake Mina got me Pretend there's a picture of a lifesize ewok cake.




Just watched some of the bear critters take down a big walker usin' a couple of telephone poles.

Gotta say, I really like these guys.

Cept I'm also pretty sure they're about to BBQ one of the troopers an' that ain't right.




I feel like I woke up in one of Simon's movies.

I got my delivery this afternoon, one tried to steal from me! Quick reflexes kicked in and was able to get my bag of flour back. but I decided they must be hungry and thirsty so I put some food out on a tray and paper cups of water.

Big mistake. They have been chanting, banging on the door and the wall to get my attention for more. I gave in, went to put another tray out, nearly tripped over rocks and noticed the weeds that appeared outside the door. I'm assuming it's payment.

Max is going to love seeing them when he gets out of school.




Well, it appears I've been adopted by an Ewok. Cute, bit skittish. But he followed me to Pimpernel Outreach and the kids seem to love him. I'm not entirely sure he understands the story that's being read for story time, but he still seems quite taken with it all the same.




There are Ewoks in the old treehouse in my backyard. I've seen a lot of crazy stuff over the last couple of years, but I never thought Ewoks would move into our treehouse. Dragon keeps barking at the patio door, but I don't want to let him out. I'm honestly not sure who I'm more worried about if I do let him out, him or the Ewoks.




Um tell me you guys are seeing the things outside and it's not just a crazy dream?




Nearly had a heart attack this morning. I thought that was Starkiller Base in the sky for a second. Not that the Death Star is any better.

This is nowhere near cool, OC. Knock it off.

Edit: Oh great, there are Stormtroopers now.

Apr. 23rd, 2020




Someone remind me that if I'm ever kidnapped by a masked, megalomaniac that I really shouldn't sass them. They really don't like that. Also, what kind of name is Kylo Ren? How does one even come up with something like that? I know it's not his real name, but still. It's just bad.

I also finally figured out why Rey and Finn are with BB-8 and I'm not.

Oh, and I have an entire space ship now. I got the rest of the pieces of my X-Wing last week. I haven't flown it yet though. I still can't quite believe that I'll be able to go into fucking space in it!

Apr. 22nd, 2020




I have no idea exactly what Nico's video game did to him, I just wish it didn't involve a character I share the same name as apparently not doing anything. Because there's nothing like reading next to your significant other when all of a sudden he's yelling at Will Turner. Because I thought he was telling me I was totally useless at first. And all I'm doing is just. Studying.




I just had the strangest dreams about some town called Mystic Falls. There is something off about both the town and my dreams. Like it wasn't just a regular dream. I've seen a lot of people on here post about dreams. Does anyone dreams that just feel different?

Apr. 20th, 2020




DreamAlice is ridiculously dramatic I swear. I found out how tall the cake would make me - 9 feet tall which is great because now I can reach the key on top of the table! Except again I’m too big to get through it into the garden on the other side. Which leads to crying and causing a pool of tears to form around me that is four inches deep and spreads halfway down the hall which of course is when the White Rabbit shows back up only this time he’s dressed up with gloves and a fan talking about he’s late to meet the Duchess.

I tried to talk to him in a quiet voice to ask for help but he got scared and ran off, dropping his gloves and fan on the way out. And because clearly dreamAlice hasn’t learned anything about how it’s not smart to assume that anything here is normal or safe to use picks it up to use it because it’s warm in there. And while fanning herself comes to the conclusion that she must have turned into someone else because of all these changes she’s going through.

Apr. 13th, 2020




My daughter enjoyed seeing the bunny tracks around the house. To whoever did that, thanks. You made her day.

Apr. 6th, 2020




As much fun as it was getting to relive Mina as a child last time this happened? I'm really glad that it skipped our house this time. It would have really sucked not being able to do our final show of Six last night without her on the stage too. I'm still a little sad that the show is over but happy at the same time.

Now that we've got some breathing room with school and performances - girls day this weekend?

Mar. 17th, 2020




Made it back home. If I can even call here home anymore. New York sort of became my home these past few years. But right point is I made it back to Orange County. What a time to return.

Since I can't really go anywhere social media is probably the best way for me to reconnect and meet people here.

I'm Caroline. I'm an event planner whenever that's needed again. I love shopping, the beach, getting my nails done - pretty much all things I can't do right now. So please keep me entertained :)

Mar. 10th, 2020




I don't know about the rest of you, but I am absolutely living! I've always WANTED to be in a video game! Anyone want to join me in cosplaying while we hit all these boxes? It doesn't matter if you don't have a costume, I'm using my compact to disguise myself and I don't mind using it on you as well.

Mar. 5th, 2020




Guess who's back! Back again....okay, even I know that was just bad. Anyway, like I said, I'm back. For anyone who doesn't know me, I'm Percy Jackson and I was just in New York for the last few months doing an internship. Got the opportunity to finish my internship back here and even though New York is home, The OC has become home. I mean, all my family is out here now, so I took the opportunity to come back early.

I'm sure that this means something crazy is going to happen any minute now.




So quick BB-8 update; I still can't understand him. He keeps beeping and chirping at me. Although he has a little lighter tool in one of his tool bay disks and he's been using as a sort of thumbs up if I've guessed something he's trying to say to me. So I guess we're off to a fairly good start.

Also, for anyone curious about what exactly he looks like, Meet BB-8 )




Now that it’s official I can announce - I’ve got another movie in the works! It’s not a sequel to my last one exactly but it is going to be in that same universe, so if you wanted to know what happened to some of the characters….this could be your chance to find out. And since it’s not a direct sequel if you haven’t seen the other one don’t worry. It’s going to stand alone.

[Private to Mina]
Am I insane to be taking on so many projects and trying to stay this busy?

[Private to Nathan]
Dinner Sunday after the evening show?




It's that time of night when you're sitting up alone, missing the people that are no longer with you because Spotify threw their favorite artist at you.

But it doesn't hurt this time. That's good right? Or bad?

Mar. 4th, 2020




Ever get a case of itchy feet?


Got a moment?

Mar. 2nd, 2020




Previews this past weekend were a success, and our official opening is tomorrow night.

Though I must say, after seeing some of the changes that have been made to the Broadway run of Six, I'm happy that we're able to keep the aspects that make Six unique. I understand Broadway and Equity issues but still. Ah well, c'est la vie.




What's the appropriate temperature for swimming in an outdoor pool?

I've lost my grapes, if anyone at the grocery store found them, I hope they ended up back on the shelf. I guess I was too focused on the eggs not breaking.

Feb. 27th, 2020




Dad, I love you. I do. But you burn water and always have. We don't need one of those recipe subscription box things, I don't care how simple the commercial made it look. I'm pretty sure I can make whatever it is you wanted for a lot less than those subscriptions are.

This is the reason I do all our shopping.

Feb. 26th, 2020




Things I should be doing:

probably taking care of the weird hangnail on my toe

Things I am actually doing:

discovering archive.org has video games

Does Oregon Trail count as studying?

Feb. 21st, 2020




Yes you heard me speaking Japanese on the phone in the campus computer lab. And you were absolutely right in saying I don’t look Japanese. Good to know this year’s freshman class is so observant.

Now if only I could get some assurance that they aren’t all judgemental jackasses like this guy. I wasn’t speaking Japanese in an attempt to be “trendy”. I was speaking it with okaasan because since we found out that I understand a lot more of the language than any of us thought - we’ve been speaking it on the phone so that I can learn even more. One of the benefits of my best friend’s parents being my second parents.

Feb. 20th, 2020




My dreams last night was like binge watching three episodes of a show. So much happened so I’m gonna try go keep this brief; James hired Mon-El for an internship at CatCo, which didn’t go so well. Cadmus was selling alien weapons to criminals and we ended up stopping a group of them in the end. I had some of my powers sapped by a crazy scientist; J’onn too and he wasn’t as lucky as I me. I could use light therapy to get mine back, but he needed a blood transfusion from another Martian. Ended up fighting the man who J’onn took his appearance from and ended up getting captured. Found out Mon-El had gotten captured too. Also found out that mine and Alex’s father was actually still alive and he helped us escape. I don’t know what happened to him after that though, but hopefully he’s alright. In the end, we all had pizza at my place and celebrated the fact that none of us died.

I'll be honest, I'm glad that I mostly use my powers here to stop regular criminals or robberies and not rogue aliens or people who have grudges against my cousin.

Feb. 18th, 2020




Seriously dreams?? SERIOUSLY???

Why is it everyone else gets badass stuff and I get THIS Cut for Image )

Feb. 14th, 2020




In astronomical terms, this is what we'll call a near miss.

Feb. 12th, 2020




Well hopefully DreamAlice will have actually learned her lesson about eating strange food she finds lying around in that hall. The little cake didn’t do anything to her at first, which is where my last Dream left off. But in this one - it made her taller so odds are in my favor that if I tried the cordial I got here and it actually worked, I wouldn’t be stuck six inches tall! I’d end up about 9 feet tall, though so I’m going to have to figure out if there’s a way to moderate the effects.

DreamAlice couldn’t see her feet anymore by the time her growth spurt stopped and made a promise I can actually agree with - since she couldn’t see her feet anymore she’ll buy them a new pair of boots every Christmas to keep them happy. Her reasoning behind it I can’t go along with quite as easily though - if she’s not nice to them they might not walk where she wants too. I just...I can’t even begin to figure out that logic.




I feel like Walt Disney would be raising a fuss if he found out that Disney was continuing to raise ticket prices. It's getting ridiculous at this point. I know there are rising costs with things, but you may get more of an increase in attendance/revenue if you didn't make the price so high. I'm not saying make it only $50 to get in, but something the average family doesn't have to save for years in advance.




I dreamed I saved a little droid from another scavenger. He was really cute and I tried to maintain a serious face but he just rolled his head at me and beeped and my heart melted.

Jan. 27th, 2020




I've been so busy between school, practice, and work that I haven't even had time to post here about my mother's reaction when I got the part.

Mom thinks she has a sense of humor. I mean, okay. She does, but it's a weird one. Knowing how absolute horrified I've been about the movie version of Cats since the trailers first hit, she decided to tell me that to celebrate? She was going to get us all tickets. The woman told me this with a straight face, waiting until the look of horror and shock washed over me before she finally gave up and started cracking up.

Thank the gods that it's already out of theaters, because I think she would have actually spent money on this joke otherwise.

Jan. 16th, 2020




I am thinking of going on a cruise I need a vacation. So, tell me, where should I go, what should I do? How long should I stay?

Jan. 13th, 2020




I do love coming home to casting emails. Gold star for Cathy Parr!

It seems the only person involved that I have no knowledge of outside of our meeting at call backs is our Aragon actress, but that's part of the fun, getting to know new people. What will be interesting and new though will be seeing how the script works out as it seems there are essentially four (well five but there's no access to the Broadway revisions) main scripts for Six and we'll just read through each one in the next two days and the final script with be Frankensteined from that based on the principle cast and what fits each of us best.

Taking the unexpected nature of live theatre where anything can happen to new levels.

Jan. 5th, 2020




How interesting. Not only have I not had any dreams since early last year, but those dreams all took place in the 21st Century; the one I just had took place all the way back in 1002 AD. My siblings and I were in France, fleeing from our father, which is appears we did for some time. I was growing more and more disgusted with everyone's eating habits and wanted to split up, but Elijah didn't seem to think that was a good idea. At some point we killed some nobles and Rebekah suggested we take their clothes and pose as them. It turns out when we killed the nobles, we missed a servant who had been sent to bring them to a nearby castle and we used him to help us pass as nobles.

Since it's us, I can only assume this is going to go wrong very quickly and very spectacularly.




So, who else still has their Christmas decorations up? Alex wants to take ours down soon, but I just hate doing it. It always makes the apartment feel so empty, which is funny since it's mostly the tree that takes up any significant room. I told her though, that if she lets us keep them up for another week, I'll take it all down myself with my super speed and she won't have to lift a finger. I think she likes that idea.

Jan. 4th, 2020




On one hand it’s really sweet that one of my mom’s friends sent Kurt a late Christmas. If was definitely not what any of us were expecting in that Amazon box since apparently Daddy and I are both waiting on orders to come in, but Kurt would look really cute in that little outfit.

On the other hand I am super annoyed at my mom because she is still sharing information about him with people I don’t know over the internet despite my repeatedly asking her to stop. And now giving them my address! To make it even worse when I tried to talk to her about it she didn’t understand why I was making such a big deal out of her giving my address to one of her Facebook friends who she’s gotten to know really well since the woman first commented on one of her pictures SIX MONTHS AGO!

She’s never met this woman in person but she’s giving her my home address and Kurt’s sizes. And won’t see why this could possibly bother me.

Got an opening?

I think she needs to be cut out of Kurt’s life for awhile. And mine. Until she can respect my boundaries. I don’t want her picking Kurt up or getting any information about him. Please?

Jan. 1st, 2020




2020 - It's going to probably take me almost the whole month of January to get into the groove of correctly writing the year on things.

Anyway, hi - I'm Elio. I'm a freshman at USC and a music major. I should be working on an assignment to get ahead for the semester coming up, but I really don't want to.

Sooo... give me your best hangover cures, plz - my roommates are idiots.

Dec. 21st, 2019




Double show day and a week left for Bonnie & Clyde, but that doesn't mean I haven't been thinking of the next thing. Which has now been set.

So, the next show being done at [theatre company] will be the musical Six. Auditions will be January 4-5, call backs January 11-12, and the show will run for the month of March for International Women's Month.

Dec. 12th, 2019




Opening night is next Saturday, and I am so pumped for it! I've given out my free tickets already, but if you'd like to come see me as Ella Woods, I'd love to see all of you there. You can get them from the Chapman University website, or at the Uni itself. The show starts 8 pm!

Dec. 11th, 2019




Since it's the time of year to make changes I thought I'd go ahead and make one that I'd been thinking about off and on for the past year. I don't have any projects going on right now - although I do have one or two that I'm in talks for so wish me luck - so there was no reason not to just take the chance. And if I decide I don't like it? The color will fade out in a few months or I can get it dyed a different color.

Cut to save friends page, not filtered )

Dec. 8th, 2019




A play in three acts.

Scene: Rehearsal room in October
Me: You'll want to make sure you have snow appropriate jackets for December
Jeremy: What? This is Southern California, that's ridiculous
Me: We'll see.

Scene: Backstage, day after Thanksgiving
Jeremy: So the snow in LA County, was that what you were talking about?
Me: Well, Palmdale and Lancaster were unexpected though I believe it snowed there eight years ago. But no, not what I was talking about.

Cue yesterday backstage
Jeremy: Okay, I get it.
Me: =D

Anyway, we have three weeks left of Bonnie & Clyde so if you're interested and haven't seen it yet (or wish to see it again), there are still tickets available.

Nov. 10th, 2019




Please someone tell me I'm not the only one who forgot to get their flu shot before now? I was able to get an appointment at my doctor's office for tomorrow, before classes thankfully, so it'll be taken care of but I think I need to figure out a better way of keeping track of it then 'oh I'll wait until the doctor's office sends me a message to remind me I'm late for it'

Nov. 8th, 2019




Are stores in more of a hurry to start pushing Christmas at us than normal, or is that just me? I went to see if they had anything good still left on Clearance from Halloween (no, I'm not hoarding costume pieces despite being able to disguise myself as anything I want. What are you talking about?), and the whole section was already Santa and reindeer. I asked someone that worked there if they had just moved what was left, and apparently they donated it all yesterday? It's only been a week...

Nov. 3rd, 2019




As...interesting as that was, I'm certainly glad to be myself again. Especially with tech week starting today. That would have been hard to explain. Though I'm fairly certain that "Don't schedule rehearsals on or around Halloween" is in the unofficial putting on a production while in Orange County handbook at this point.

C'est la vie. Onwards to tech, then previews running the 12 through 14th with the official opening for Bonnie & Clyde the 15th and running through December 29th.

Oct. 22nd, 2019




I really can't think of a better way to celebrate my birthday this year than starting rehearsing the part of Elle Woods! I am still in disbelief I got the lead role, and rehearsals today were absolutely amazing. I'm exhausted in the absolute best of ways!




So I went out last night, in desperate need of chocolate and midol, and didn't bother with a bra because it was like, 3 am.

This lady looked so offended and whispered to me 'did you know we can see your nipples?'

My response?

'First of all stop being ungrateful'

The look on her face was almost as good as the chocolate.

Oct. 11th, 2019




This year I’m ahead of the game I think! I’ve already figured out my and Kurt’s Halloween costumes for this year instead of scrambling at the last minute to figure it out and just pulling out my old cheerleader uniform like I did last year. No I’m going as a witch and taking advantage of his walking stroller to get out of trying to figure out how to carry him and the bags. He’s still not a 100% steady on his feet yet so this way it’ll be safe and good practice for him and I can use felt and fabric and fabric paint to make it look like he’s in a cauldron being turned into baby stew.

[Caroline Forbes]
Hey. Can I ask you something? I know it’s coming out of nowhere and might not be the best timing and you can absolutely refuse to answer of course. I just don’t know anyone else that I can ask that might have an answer.

[Tyler Lockwood]
I miss talking to you




Now that all of that is over, I think I'm going to leave the country for some much needed R&R. At least, at the earliest opportunity. New campaign shooting starts in November, and I have some exciting news to share next year - I hope that soon we'll be able to connect my name to far more positive things than all of the injustices and human rights violations my father has directed. Though I know that nothing I do from here on will erase these things, nor should it.

I only hope to forge some kind of better path.

When I get back, I would like to reconnect. And would welcome any tips from you as to how better to invest some of the money I've been making.

[Remnant Filter]
I know I already spoke to some of you about this, but I'm taking any of you who want to come along with me to Okinawa. I hope to start the trip on the weekend of the 19th, and bring us back into town the next Saturday. We should have plenty of time to visit Japan's other islands and see anything we want to check out while we're there, and Okinawa's beaches still have warm enough water for swimming. You're all free to land and go your separate ways, too, but I can book us all rooms at a popular resort there so that we all have one place to touch base at.

Please just let me know if you'd like to come.