
Posts Tagged: 'alice+liddell'

Oct. 10th, 2019




I dreamt I watched stars born in a cradle nebula. I named each one as they went off into space. The reason I mention this is how it affected me. I've never seen anything so beautiful in real life. I woke with tears in my eyes, and I am not so much on my pride as to deny it. If you had seen what I dreamt you would have too.

Oct. 6th, 2019




I must say, it's always rather interesting to see what Dreams end up on repeats when they aren't the ones that feel like they have a strong meaning or that could be counted as a 'major moment'. Instead it's the random interactions with people in the streets, buying an apple from Louise Audu and talk of marching on Versailles or the Bastille, going to salons put on by Sophie de Condorcet or with Olympe de Gouges or reading L'Ami du peuple and Robespierre's previous speaking out against capital punishment.

Such is life though.

A week into rehearsals for Bonnie & Clyde and I can already tell that it will be amazing, which of course it will. It's been a little over eight years since I was last in this show but it's as if it was only yesterday in that regard.

Oct. 2nd, 2019




So. Whatever that was I felt this morning not only woke me up, I transformed into Sailor V out of instinct and ran into the main area of the house. Where Alice's dad was. I didn't know what to say when he asked why I was dressed so weird, but he decided to roll with it. I guess people outside the network really don't pay much attention to the weird stuff that happens here, do they?

That being said, is everybody okay?




TW: Discussions about massive loss of life are in the comments

Welp, my friend obliterated my entire ... like everything. Running around in Logan's spare wifebeater and a pair of jeans that maybe go down to my knees. I feel like Oliver Twist right now. She got my wallet, too, so THAT's been fun.

And my luck isn't even *gone anywhere* right now. This is my luck actually *working*, since me and Guinness are fine.

But Jesus, this sucks. Gotta find a new place, gotta replace all my clothes. At least my weapon arsenal was in another building.

[Private to Jaina]
When you come down from whatever the hell this was long enough to breathe, we need to talk.

Sep. 28th, 2019




We just found out what musical we're going to be doing at Uni this year, and it's based on one of my favorite movies! I am definitely going to be trying out for the main character, so everyone please wish me luck? Mom will finally get to see me as a law student, even if it's on stage. Elle Woods! I mean, if I get the part. I shouldn't get ahead of myself before auditions even start. But still, Legally Blonde the Musical! I'm super excited.

Sep. 15th, 2019




To everyone who came to either concert this weekend, thank you.

And as the concert is now done, along with the hints, I can officially say what show auditions are for next weekend. But first, the hints as filmed by my brother.

cut to spare the friends list, visible to all )

Yes, that is Jeremy Jordan who showed up. Yes we are going to be doing Bonnie & Clyde this winter. (And yes, Armand is clearly quite excited about this fact).

So again, auditions are next weekend (the 21st and 22nd) with call backs the following weekend (the 28th and 29th) at [theatre]. Then the show itself will run from mid November through the end of December.

Sep. 10th, 2019




So apparently Porgy Porg has decided that the rule about not messing with Mina's transformation wand only means he should't try to play with it. It couldn't possibly mean don't move it from her room to mine! I really wish I knew why he decided that it should go under my pillow though.

[Added 15 minutes later]

Mina....I think we might have a little bit of a problem. Or a big problem. ...I sort of accidentally activated it I guess and I'm now in your Sailor Venus outfit.

Sep. 8th, 2019




I realise I'm going to hell for this and probably a million other things (do you think Jesus cares about grand theft donut if you do your time?) but-

There's a dunkin I'm NOT banned from near the place I'm doing my community service and ... I fell down the damned pumpkin cinnamon rabbit hole. FUCK this stuff is good. It isn't at all like drinking a pumpkin pie and now I'm gonna have to buy at least three more before I go home.

Sep. 1st, 2019




I joked when I came out to my parents, give it a few months and I'll be asked why I don't have a boyfriend OR girlfriend. Because Mom's a housewife and I'm her biggest hobby.

Guess who just got asked "Have you met any cute boys or cute girls yet this year?" You get three guesses, and the first two don't count. She even suggest I cook for them... and do what? Impress them by being the first person to blow up a stove by trying to boil water? I don't have TIME to date. I've got a job, I'm doing a double major, I've got tryouts for the next musical our uni does before long... What free time do I have for anyone? No matter how cute? I mean if someone cute falls into my lap, they fall into my lap. But I've got stuff to accomplish and that's kind of more important right now? Until then, my free time is devoted to practicing, sports, and trying to play through my Steam library.

Aug. 18th, 2019




I think I’m starting to pick up on a trend in my Dreams - they’re always picking up right where the previous one left off so I need to stop driving myself nuts wondering what is going to happen next. Because it’ll come when it comes. And I think I’m just going to have to accept that dreamAlice makes horrible decisions when it comes to food and drink in that weird hallway. Even after that drink that shrunk her down to ten inches she still picked up the cake from the glass box that just magically appeared under the glass table with currants on top to spell out ‘Eat me’ rationalizing that if it makes her taller she can grab the key and if it makes her even smaller than she can crawl under the door. One way or another she’ll get into that garden. Sound enough logic there I guess. Except that the cake doesn’t do anything. Or at least it hadn’t before my alarm went off and I woke up. To find a glass box on the nightstand with a cake inside it with those words on it.

I guess I’ll find out the next dream what it’ll do and if it makes me grow...then I could try the drink that showed up and see if it works and I’ll have something to reverse it so no harm right?

Jul. 27th, 2019




I went to pick up my allergy meds from the drugstore today, and while I was waiting in line? All the songs on the muzak were songs that I loved when I was in high school. And then it hit me. I turn 27 next month. These songs are all ten years old now, or more.

Oh my god, I'm old. When did that happen?




"Did you know your roots are showing?"

That's an interesting question. I mean, I've only been bleaching my hair since middle school. Given I'm college age now, you would think this means I know how hair color works. But thank you, kind stranger, for taking it upon yourself to comment on my appearance and tell me something that is clearly obvious only to you. I never would have known there was half an inch of black hair connected to my scalp had you not pointed it out to me. It couldn't be that I was waiting on doing something about it for a reason. Say, deciding to wait until just before school started back so it would be looking at it's best for my first day of classes.

Since you were so helpful to me, should I repay the favor? I mean the fact you're about thirty pounds overweight, balding, have a large zit right between your eyes, and your shirt is buttoned completely wrong are all completely things you'd never know without me pointing them out. I mean, that's just being helpful isn't it? You wouldn't know if I don't point it out to you.

But that's not the way I was raised, and I believe in giving someone a second chance before destroying them completely. So you're welcome for telling you about the shirt.

Jul. 19th, 2019




I am getting super annoyed with spam bots blowing my phone up. No matter how many numbers I block, there's still just as many each day as there was the last. Part of me wants to just keep my phone on silent to avoid them, but what if it's my parents, my boss, Alice, people I actually want to talk to?

And why do they have to blow my phone up when I'm trying to sleep? I have a month left of vacation before I go back to working towards two degrees. I'm not blowing your phones up in the middle of...

...You know what, is anyone here good at hacking? So we could figure out who owns these spam bots and give them the same wakeup calls?

Jul. 15th, 2019




So, I know some people don't have summer classes but I do and my first one's at 9am but I've had no sleep because the person living next to me held something like a drum and bass concert last night and it didn't finish until about an hour ago and now I'm not even sure a dozen coffees is enough.

I wish I could just magic myself awake. That'd be awesome.

Jul. 14th, 2019




No wallowing. No wallowing. I'm not going to. It's not what he'd have wanted. For any of us to do. I just have to act like everything's okay right now. I just have to...act. Keep August 2nd clear if you want to see Rock of Ages on opening night at [Theater Name]! We'll be running through mid-October so if you don't get a ticket for our opening weekend you'll have plenty of time to come and see the show!

[Private to Marguerite Blakeney]

I really can't thank you enough for all of your help in putting me in touch with your choreographer friend. Working with her made it so much more comfortable for me and easier to learn the routine and the suggestions she made really improved it so I honestly can't wait until opening night to see how everybody responds to it. Mostly that creep though if I'm being completely honest.

[Private to Minako and Logan]

I already arranged for tickets to be held for both of you and Daddy they'll be waiting at the box office whichever night you want to come.

Jul. 7th, 2019




oh God no I don't think anything good can ever come out of answering the phone before six am.

[Private to Logan Howlett]
I have to go out of town for a few days. A friend of mine died in his sleep and I'm going to go and be with his family. Can you keep Kurt?

Jul. 2nd, 2019




Finally graduated high school in my dreams!

And my boyfriend can now return to town.

Of course there was a lot of insanity that happened around graduation but at least it ended on a good note!

Jun. 13th, 2019




So, this being pride month? I finally came out to my parents. Subtle has never been my middle name, so standing there in the kitchen like a neon light while I went to drop off some things we borrowed was the very most me way to do it. It took Mom a few minutes to get what my shirt said, and dad even longer. She pretty much had to spell it out for him while I stood there nervous.

We had a long talk about what it meant, was I sure, was that Skeeter article from way back when right (ew Mom, no. Alice has always been family and Logan practically is now as well), and just generalized worry for me. But in the end, they understood and accepted me. And I am so so relieved. I've been keeping this a secret from them for so long. And they love me just as I am.

Not sure how the short skirted super hero talk will go, but that's for another time. Like. Maybe when I'm 30?

And I know I'm lucky and that's not how every one's parents have reacted. Still react even now in 2019. But I am so happy I told them, and I only wish I didn't hide it for so long.

Jun. 6th, 2019




I am never going to get used to having an alarm at the house. I’ve set it off every night this week coming in from rehearsal. And without knowing what time I’ll be home I can’t ask for the alarm not to be turned on. Especially since I know I’d probably forget to arm it myself when I came in.




I just stubbed my toe and it was the most fantastic pain I've felt in my *entire life*.

May. 23rd, 2019




The day is nearly over and I haven't bothered to get out of bed. I've got a place to be in an hour and there's no literal way that's happening.

Had more Dreams, Central City is apparently experiencing Metapocalypse. Hundreds of metas at a time attacking us. Our former friend Zoom is behind it. Trying to overrun the place. We never seem to catch a break of any kind.

Here I was kind of hoping the Dreams were done with me, but of course not.




I usually never answer my cell phone if it's from a number not in my address book. There are people I'd rather not talk to, and plus with all the phone scams these days? I figure it's much safer to just let it go to voicemail. If it was something important, they will leave a message. And if it was about my writing, I live with my PR agent and it would go to his phone, anyway. So I don't have a reason to answer unknown numbers at all, really.

So I don't know why I answered one today. I guess I was just busy getting the groceries out of the car and just wasn't thinking? Apparently my number is a digit off from some salon or something, and the lady on the other end could not grasp that, no, we can't fit you in for a cut and color, I don't know a Tina and if she has an open slot, this is a cell phone and the only thing I can do with hair is a really crooked french braid. When I finally hung up, she called right back and demanded my manager.

Part of me wanted to go ahead and tell her she had whatever appointment she thought she was booking and let her make a fool out of herself when she got there. But the girls were right there, and I don't want to tell them that they can't lie and turn around and lie in front of them, you know?

If she calls again, I'm just giving the phone to Aslan to bark at. She did want my manager, after all.




No. Absolutely not. I refuse to spend anymore time than absolutely necessary with the Rock of Ages choreographer. I signed on to play Sherrie in the show not to have someone trying to grope me while "correcting my position for the move." I get that it's easier to do it by moving me physically but if my hips aren't right - there is absolutely no reason for your hands to be on my boobs. And there is never a reason for you to be practically cupping them.

And now I'm supposed to agree to "private sessions" to get the number that Sherrie does at the club perfect? No that's not happening. In fact if I can find a way to - I'll find someone else to help me get more relaxed and less wooden when dancing on a pole. And if I can't find anyone else? I'll bribe someone to come to the sessions with me if I have to. Even if they're just going to be sitting off to the side watching.

May. 14th, 2019




Sometimes this place is too crazy even for me, and I'm all 'holy crap what did I get myself into, why did I tell Orange County that I accepted its challenge?!'. And then we've got days like today, where I'm on my way home from work when this girl runs up the street at me.

Naga! Wow, but the cars on the road had like, no idea how to handle that. I wanted to shout something like 'Haven't you ever seen a polar bear dog before!?' but, like - they definitely haven't. So I can't even be mad about all the honking and screaming they were doing.

But hey, Asami? I am definitely going to have to consider moving into a bigger place, now. ALSO does anyone know where I can get bulk fish from?




His name is Chicken

cut for image )

May. 13th, 2019




You know, I'm pretty sure that taking a shower isn't supposed to trigger the smoke detector.

May. 5th, 2019




I don't know wtf those things are, but I'm not a fan of them.

May. 4th, 2019




When I first woke up and saw the porgs everywhere around our house, I thought that Daddy had just gone overboard for my birthday. And then I realized that they were alive and hopped on here to see where everybody else was talking about them being around their houses too. Which means that for once Orange County decided to give us something cute and not lethal as a surprise for us and I love it!

Mina and I decided to keep one of ours and named him Porky Porg. Kurt loves him already - and really loved the frosting on my birthday cake earlier today until it was time to get the frosting off of him.




This... is not the way I meant to be spending my best friend's birthday, with a space penguin infestation. How many of these things ARE there?

You, wearing my Columbia hat? You're cute, you can stay. But you over there with my transformation pen? You've overstayed your welcome. Give that back before I kick your feathery butt!




Happy to report they taste like chicken.




These creatures are adorable and I have five




Okay what the hell are these things?? Wierdest, loudest damn creatures I ever seen. And I thought Rocket was bad.

First there were a bunch in the yard that Kraglin chased off and then I get to my ship and they're freakin' everywhere! They're makin' nests IN my ship!


Apr. 16th, 2019




I’m absolutely and completely blaming/thanking Mina for this. I heard that they were doing a summer run of the show Rock of Ages out here and holding open auditions and thought it might be fun to go and try out. I really wasn’t expecting to get a call back because there were amazing women with a lot more experience than me performing on a stage but they want me to play Sherrie! I’m kind of equal parts terrified and excited because this is a lot bigger than playing a Heather on campus was. And I won’t get to spend half the performance in pajamas as a ghost.

I refuse to allow those people talking about the end of the world to ruin my excitement over this! Even if I am going to put off going out and celebrating until after those...things are gone. And the sky is a normal color again.

Apr. 7th, 2019




It's just like my sister to freaking elope and not even tell me. I don't even know this guy, what if he's a loser? Or worse? Nesta and I might get along like oil and water but I don't want to see her hurt.

Apr. 2nd, 2019




On one hand, thank you and no thank you to Tumblr for their April Fool's joke this year for reminding me of my middle school posts with the memories feature. On one hand, it was cool to see posts I hadn't seen for years in fandoms and interests I haven't thought about forever. On the other hand... 14 year old me. That's all I can say about that.

I did kind of like it, but I hate that it was for a joke and won't stick around. Much like the one they did a few years ago that had spreadsheets people turned into art or memes and things. They come out with some really cool things for their April Fools day pranks that would be wanted and useful, and the rest of the year they decide to ban nipples and make LGBTQ tags unsearchable.

I swear, next year their prank will be to make a functional website for a day.

Apr. 1st, 2019




It's so pretty. I want to see it.




Thank you unnamed janitor at the university. I wasn’t even thinking that the pool of water outside of the bathroom in the drama department was urine until you made a point of saying that it wasn’t. Now all I can think is thank God I wore boots today because I had to walk through it in order to get to my professor's’ office. And wondering where I can take these to get them cleaned just in case the janitor was wrong.




I don't know if I'm more concerned or more pissed off.

Has anyone ever been really, really pissed off at someone in their Dreams and also... really worried about them?

Rhys got his ass hurt so I went into this... rage and kind of ripped apart the people that hurt him.

Then I find out we've got this bond between us he didn't tell me about and I wanted to rip him apart.




The day of fools, or, the day I can post the most outlandish tales from my dreams and no one would believe me.

So instead, how about three truths and a lie, and you can guess which one is the lie.

There's an alternate universe where we're all dinosaurs. One of my best friends is a dragon. Logan is good with babies. I've got a dual citizenship with the UK.




Nazi vampires. Because of course, why not. I can't even act like I'm all that surprised. But seriously?

Mar. 24th, 2019



Filtered Away from Tyler Lockwood

I’m looking for a physical trainer. The one I was working with isn’t meeting my needs anymore. I don’t trust him like I did I’m willing to work around your schedule of course. I’ll just need some notice to make arrangements for Kurt. Any recommendations for who I should contact? Or trainers on who looking for a new client?

Mar. 22nd, 2019




Alright, so I guess I should introduce myself and stop lurking. I'm Jesus and before you ask, no, I can't turn water into wine or walk on water. It's just what my friends call me and I like it. I'm a stuntman and I'll also be teaching a self defense class at the Wayne Gym. So, if anyone is interested, come by.

Okay, so I saw this earlier today and thought it'd be a funny ice breaker. So, google 'Florida man' and your birthday to see which Florida man you are. Mine is, Florida man charged with exposure at Pensacola strip club.

Mar. 11th, 2019




Well I think I just disproved my own theory that if I stayed busy enough I wouldn’t have any dreams this semester at school. I finally found out what the key in my dreams opens up! There was a little curtain off to one side of the hall, and inside is this little tiny door- maybe a foot tall- and the key fits it! I open it up and there’s this really beautiful garden on the other side and I lay there looking at it for a while, wishing that I could get in there but my head won’t even fit through the door.

I finally quit laying on the floor, wishing, and go back to the table I found the key on and now there’s a bottle that has a label that says Drink Me on it! I know it wasn’t there when I first got the key, but it is now and it’s not labeled poison, so I drink it and it tastes pretty good. And after a minute makes me shrink down to the right size to fit through the door but just my dreamluck - I locked the door when I went back to the table and left the key on top of it, and can’t reach it anymore. And no matter how many times I try to climb that table I keep slipping back down to the floor and I finally just give up and start to cry.

And that’s when I woke up here. And found that same bottle on my pillow next to me. A part of me really wants to take a sip and see if it will make me shrink here like it did in the drams but the rest of me is saying “Don’t be stupid Alice. You have no way of reversing the shrinking and can’t take care of Kurt if you’re only ten inches tall! And you definitely can’t go to classes or auditions if you can’t be seen!”

Mar. 6th, 2019




A while back I got shot, and that really sucked. It put me in a wheelchair, and that really sucked, too. I've made pretty long strides since then, even gotten some feeling back, but this whole time my therapist kept telling me I should get some kind of animal companion.

Guess they make your mental health a less sketchy place. So Rose and I finally went out and got me a kitten. They're pretty low maintenance, you know, while still being generally warm and fuzzy. Better than fish, I guess. Hopefully I keep this thing alive.

Funny thing though, Logan. I'm gonna have to name this cat after you. Because look at this:

cut for image size, open to all though - pretend the woman in the picture is neena )

Beer isn't good for kitties, little guy.

Feb. 25th, 2019




I should be doing homework for my classes. And instead? I'm watching a grown woman on youtube bathe in a gigantic bag of tea while she answers questions from her fans. What is even my life?

More important question, what is even her life?

Feb. 16th, 2019




Okay so generally Daddy takes care of the repairs to this house but I don't think he'd be too happy about Mina and I leaving it until he gets back next week. Anyone on here know of a company that won't completely rip us off in getting our backdoor replaced by Monday?

Feb. 11th, 2019




Sometimes you just gotta shame your friends.

video of Jaune being bowled over by a small black and white corgi while Weiss mocks him in the background

Feb. 10th, 2019




I'm kind of amused and annoyed. The dreams literally gave me a shirt. I've been dreaming for weeks and all I got was Was this shirt?

Jan. 19th, 2019




I woke up this morning to a sad update on the page of one of my favorite social media stars - Boo the Pomeranian passed away in his sleep yesterday. I know it's probably silly to be upset about a dog that I never even met dying but I loved seeing all the new pictures his humans posted of him because he was just so cute and it always made me smile to see them no matter what else was going on. Is anybody else going to miss seeing that adorable face in new pictures?

Jan. 18th, 2019




A few warnings about the Scourge.

They can't be reasoned with. They also cannot turn you into one of them unless you're exposed to the plague, which typically must be ingested. So don't eat any suspicious looking grains.

The typical ghouls are much faster than zombies you see in movies, and watch out for geists, who like to climb walls and attack from above.

I'm more concerned about the giants, abominations and frost wyrms, personally.

They're being led by a man called the Lich King. He's incredibly powerful and dangerous, so if you see a man in blue armor with a glowing blue sword, run.

You risk your very soul if you stick around.