
Apr. 23rd, 2021




So it's my turn to share the happy news - Izzy and I are going to be expanding Cheshire Confectionaries to include catering services through our website. I know from past experience that it'll make keeping track of things a lot easier for me at least. Plus Cheshire can't mess with the orders that way since they'll be stored on the computer and not just written down somewhere.

Apr. 21st, 2021




I honestly don't understand why some people treat stop signs as suggestions at four way intersections. Especially when there are other cars in the intersection. Luckily I was paying attention to the other car, because I could tell he wasn't going to stop at the sign for me to go, which he should have since I was there first. Had I not been paying attention though and assumed he was going to stop, he would have hit me. There are some people who need a refresher on road rules, I think.

Apr. 19th, 2021




Has anyone ever tried to find their people? Their dream people, I mean. Friends and family, that sort of thing.

I just feel closer to them than the last time I dreamed.




So I've been an EMT for a couple of months now and I actually enjoy it a lot more than I thought I would at the start. The only part I really dislike, which I would think is the same for doctor's, is when the person we're called for dies. That happened last night and I don't know if it's because I've been talking more about being a Medium lately and I've let my guard down, but I saw the man's ghost just after he passed and it shocked me for a minute since I don't usually see random ghosts. I can usually control it and it's usually people I know that I see or people I've had a connection to.

It reminded me just how much of a shock it is to see them unexpectedly and while I sometimes act like an expert on the subject and like it doesn't affect me, that's clearly not true like I thought.

Apr. 18th, 2021




'Bout a month left in the hockey season then the year sucks again.

Apr. 13th, 2021




Well fuck that fucking shit! Just when you think things in Fillory can't get any more fucking fucked they do! I've been tricked into marrying a fucking teenager! The dickhole murdered his older brother, the prince I was supposed to marry and because of fucked up customs I had to marry the spare instead. And then to make matters worse, I find a letter from Quentin telling me that him and Eliot were sent to the past and were now dead and it was up to me to get a key the time key or whatever the fuck key it is to prevent them from dying. How did I get the key, you ask? I had to dig up a fucking corpse! At least it gave me an excuse to get away from my boy husband. God, I hope something eats him.

Apr. 12th, 2021




I had a blast with my family, but it's great to be home, back with Simon and Jace!

Cath, hope you are well, I will be in tomorrow to get right back to work!

So tell me what I missed?



Network: May Parker

[FILTER: Johnny Lawerence]

I saw what you told Veronica on her post. I am so sorry.

Apr. 11th, 2021




So. Derek's moved and Lydia is moving too once we graduate. I didn't even know they were thinking about it, but it's pretty much a done deal. Derek already went, and he signed the garage over to me. I don't even know what he was thinking. I can't be trusted near the equipment! I'm just the front desk guy. Maybe he thinks I'll learn to actually repair my jeep instead of patching it up with Duck Tape, but, no, really. I'm just going to patch it up with Duck Tape.

So uh. Anyone who knows something about cars and fixing cars without relying on Duck Tape, want a job? At least I already manage the books and payroll and stuff, and I'm the one who organised the files but...yeah. I have no idea what I'm doing, otherwise.




I've mentioned that I've been dreaming an alternate version of the events of the first time I was dreaming. In them, there are these ghosts that keep forcing us to go in one specific direction. They exist purely to ensure that fate or destiny doesn't deviate.

We beat them. We made destiny our bitch and now I don't know what's going to happen only that everything has changed.

I don't even know what set these changes in motion...




Days like today, National Siblings Day, where everyone is posting pictures of their siblings on social media really make me miss Sarah and Cosima. It also makes me miss Alison, Helena and Adele, which is weird since none of them have been real people. Although, the whole thing with Adele does make me wonder if I really have a bio sister out there somewhere. Does anyone know how one would go about looking for long lost family members?

[Blocked from Eliot Waugh]

It occurred to me recently, while going over my planner for the rest of the year that this summer will be mine and Eliot's four year anniversary. I can't even bloody believe it. I've never been in a relationship this long before. I honestly can't believe it's been almost four years.

Apr. 10th, 2021



[text] veronica mars

Who wants to get blackout drunk a few drinks with me?

Apr. 7th, 2021




Bad timing to have gone sober. I could really use a drink about now.




I haven't had any weird dreams for a while. No more ghost sightings either. Maybe I'm done with the whole thing.




Ain't none of my dreams been pretty, but this last one was interesting. I told Carl the story about how my mom died, set herself on fire smoking in bed. He told me he shot his mom, ended it before she turned. We got cornered by a lone walker, put it down and it had a knife stuck in its throat. Turned out it was Carol's knife. I sulked off alone, feeling bad for my friend who deserved better, right, and I kicked in a door, and there she was/ Alive, barely. Ain't sure how she survived, but she's a hell of a fighter. I carried her back to where we're living, but that's when I woke up.

Apr. 6th, 2021




So dream me is maintaining this blackmail the cop thing. I just have a really bad feeling about that. But it's not like I can sit my dream self down and have a chat. All I can do is wait and see how it plays out. Even if I have a feeling it's all going to blow up in my face.




It's been a bit since I had any dreams. Last one dealt with me taking out my enemies. This one? Has me becoming chief of my tribe and them practically worshipping me like a goddess. I'm not sure how I feel about that.




Joy of joys, there's a new werewolf in town, in my dreams. He got arrested and the Argents sent a goon dressed up like a deputy to the station with wolfsbane, only he didn't count on us meddling kids getting in the way. It could have been a lot worse than it was, but these dreams are so freaking exhausting.




I knew it was going to happen sooner or later. Took a little longer than I expected, but I finally had another dream. Always a funtime when my real life girlfriend tries to get me killed in the dreams. Dream Murphy didn't even deserve it this time!




Superstorms and hostage situations. Always a fun time. But hey, at least I was the inside man, and even though I did get caught eventually, I didn't get hurt for once. And there were no Wraith involved in this adventure, which is a nice change of pace.




I was watching the muppets this morning and had the most bizarre thought.

But Olaf (the talking snowman I created in my Dreams) and Gonzo would get along great! They have a similar view on life. Olaf is kind of a philosopher snowman.

Apr. 5th, 2021




Those peeps were so much fun yesterday!!!

It got old really fast, but it was totally the highlight of my day to have a bunch following me around places. I did eat one, but after the screaming I couldn't do it anymore.

Apr. 4th, 2021




I can't believe the peeps came back.

Apr. 3rd, 2021




If I could stop being stalked by a wolf in my Dreams....and by a wolf in the dreams within my Dreams, that would be great. Because now I'm beginning to think I'm being stalked by it here and see it through my peripheral but I know I'm not and I just want to sleep. And not feel like I'm going to be repl Ugh. I mean I know I have to let it just go in its own time and keep going but really. Can't it move on already? I can't just randomly fall asleep at work or whatever because I'm so exhausted from running from a wolf in my Dreams and coffee isn't doing any good at staying awake.




So in my dreams, my best friend is going to The Hunger Games.

Not cool. I promised her I'd take care of her mom and her little sister.

Honestly, I'm not sure how dream Gale is going to deal with Katniss being gone.

Right, so. Just a friendly reminder The Peppy Pie offers a 10% discount for all dreamers. Cause we all deserve a break.




Dreamed about the All Valley tournament last night.

Yeah. That was an adventure.




Just when I start feeling like I've made a break through...

I had another dream.

If I had any lingering doubts about the effectiveness of a service dog (I didn't), they'd be gone now.

Apr. 2nd, 2021




Dream me blames Five for Patch's death, and I'm on a revenge mission to kill the idiots who killed her. Of course Klaus provided a distraction, by starting a bar brawl. The only good thing was that sitting in the car with him after, I saw one of the idiots I'm gunning for, and followed him back to a hotel. But they got the jump on me, and managed to shoot me in the arm while they made their get away.

These dreams are a real doozy.




These dreams within the dreams are going to do me in, I swear. This time I was at a church, and the preacher was doing communion, but instead of wafers he was giving the people razor blades on their tongues and then they were bleeding from the mouth. It came my turn, I grabbed his arm and said 'no it ain't' and then we struggled like arm wrestling until I fell out the bed and woke myself up. And of course I was in Ruthie's trailer. I flipped out on her, said being with her is a sin, and stormed out. I know I hurt her feelings, but it's a lot for dream me to handle.

I went into town, to get a drink at the bar. It's El Dia De Los Muertes. A kid ran into me, he was running from a mob of adults. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and he had a tree pained on his torso, just like the cornfield guy in my previous dream within a dream. After a bunch of other kids tugged on my shirt and I told them I didn't have any money, an old woman told me they were expressing sorrow for my loss. She handed me a pastry from her basket and said 'even the dead have to eat'.

I went into the church. Half expected to see the preacher from my dream. I went into the confessional, and confessed my sins. He seemed to know who I was, said my momma chose to die. I demanded to know who he was, he looked at me and it was Scudder. I tried to confront him face to face, but there was no one in that side of the confessional.

Next morning, back at the carny camp, I talked to Samson. He told me he doesn't know why I see the things I see, why I see Scudder everywhere. He said Management expected me, and it wasn't no accident they picked me up in Milfay that day I was burying my momma.

Later when I was working, Lila tried to come on to me. She's always with Lodz, and I can't stand him. So I don't like her neither. She let it be known everyone knows about me and Ruthie, which upset me. Sometime after that, Gabe came to get me because Ruthie'd been bit by a snake. She wasn't breathing, so I took her in one of the trucks out away from camp to try and heal her.

Honestly I ain't sure in the dream what's real and what's not. For all I know the whole thing with Ruthie getting bit isn't real. I can't tell when it's a dream in the dream until I wake up in the dream.




Ah, the joys of time jumps in dreams. I got to live through teenage awkwardness last night. Some good, some not so good, some really terrible. But the thing that stands out the most, aside from Kyle being a douche and my dad being...my dad, is how I woke up thinking I still had two legs. But then reality set it, because oh yeah. The dreams took one of them away.




I took Livvy to see the Easter Bunny at the mall today and it didn't go well. She seemed so excited to go up until it was her turn.

Apr. 1st, 2021




Ah April Fools day...A time honored classic day to believe nothing. Believe no one, if you fall for it that's your fault; not mine. ;)

It's days like these I wish I were still at an office. May your saran wrap be plentiful if you are.

Mar. 31st, 2021




While I still fucking hate wearing an eye patch, at least the ones from my dreams are stylish. They have to be fit for a Queen after all. I just wish I had any more hope that I'd get my eye back, but after I destroyed it in my last dream, I highly doubt I'll have 20/20 vision again. And I can't even go get a glass eye because there isn't even a fucking socket where it used to be. I'm just glad I still have the glamour from Magnus so at least to other people it looks like I still have two eyes.




Today I got some superheroing in. I stopped two guys from breaking into a house. Saved someone from falling off the Santa Monica Pier. Prevented someone from being hit by a car and got another cat out of a tree.

I'm not going to lie, I love when I get to use my abilities like this. I just love helping people and keeping people safe. I mean, I'm glad it's not an every day/monster of the week type of thing like in my dreams, but I do love being useful. Having a purpose. It's just so worthwhile.




I'm not going to lie, I kind of love that people are getting their panties in such a bunch because of Lil Nas X. Don't get me wrong, I think it's completely bloody ridiculous and obvious that they're going after him mainly because he's gay, but he doesn't seem to be letting it phase him and seems to be currently living his best life. I love seeing people with his level of confidence.




With April Fool's tomorrow I've been trying to come up with some fun fake out foods. I found this giant pinterest list - here and I'm definitely working on some of them tonight.

I'm not going to spoil the surprise if any of you stop by tomorrow, but don't trust your eyes.




I woke up to this mini sign for The Wild Pony this morning. The actual one is gigantic and I sent it to Michael to repair so my mother knew what to look for if she ever went wandering off again. It's just kind of a nice memory and I'm also glad that it's not gigantic.




The Cinnamon Toast Crunch possible shrimp tails contamination has ruined me. The guy who found the shrimp tails hasn't posted since it first happened, so there's been no closure on if it's real or not.

But I totally realized I had an extra bag of CTC in my pantry and I was a little nervous opening it up for cereal this morning. Luckily no shrimp tails or anything bad. Thank goodness I opened it before April Fool's Day.

Mar. 30th, 2021




Today was National Doctor's Day so we had lunch brought in for everyone this afternoon. I also got some gifts from past patients of mine. It always makes me happy when I've been able to help someone in one way or another. I mean it's the whole reason I became a doctor after all.

Happy National Doctor's Day to all the other doctors out there.




My birthday present from my friends back home finally arrived. Along with it they sent me a bunch more snacks from home. And now my roommate has gotten better with boundaries so it's unlikely that he'll go through them. But I'm pretty sure he didn't find anything he liked last time so he probably wouldn't go through them anyway. Some people just don't have any taste. ;)

Also, I can't believe the semester is already almost over. It feels like it just started.

Mar. 29th, 2021




Alright well hopefully my friends and I in the Dreams realized that bringing strange teenagers back to the Hostel is a BAD IDEA after this. The last dream I had ended with us interrupting a robbery when we went out to get food and we 'rescued' another teenager from his criminal parents. Or at least that's what we thought we were doing with Topher. Turns out? Topher was the bad guy all along - a vampire if you can believe it and somehow immune to the flames from my Fistigons once I finally got control over the flamethrowing part of them there. We got into a fight and I ended up getting knocked out - AGAIN for a disturbing trend in my Dreams - only to come to in time to see Karolina's blood making Topher explode when he tried to drink it. I guess that's what happens when you try to drink the blood of someone who's made out of light.




Well at least I have one actual friend in my Dreams even without my mother's support for my desires though. Mary Ann, my confidante there and one of the maids, helped me get to my room and out of my flour covered dress without running into my mother since we both know that she'll fly into a rage if she sees me that way. While getting me ready she and I get to share some of the gossip that we've overheard around the house and around the town too - like that the King is planning to introduce his new jester at the ball tonight. And that there's going to be an empty storefront on Main by the end of that month which will be perfect for our pastry shop.

DreamMe knows that I'll have to act quickly to get the store before someone else and before Mother finds out what I'm up too since no heir of Rock Turtle Cove has ever owned or run a business and she's not intending for me to be the first. Since the theme of the party is black and white, I'd planned on a simple sort of white ball gown - which honestly I fell in love with here when I woke up to my wardrobe having crossed over - but Mother shows up at my room and insists that I wear her choice, a low cut red dress that is too just a little too small and the corset has to be cinched far too tight for my comfort in order for me to wear it. My mother's response when I tell her I can't breathe because of how tight it is "You shouldn't take seconds on desserts and you'll just have to go without dinner tonight". I just know that when the next Dream hits if it's that party it's going to be utter hell for me.




I swear to god, I don't have a child, I have a gremlin. Someone watered her after midnight!

She came in the kitchen, half dressed, hair was every where, grunts at me as she climbs in her chair to get her milk. I sat my coffee down, get up to grab the brush to braid her hair as her father puts her breakfast on the table. As she started to eat, she started to squirm around, it was really just her waking up. I asked her not to move, than she informed me "I was ruining her life."

When did she become a teenager?

Mar. 28th, 2021




I don't know which of their classmates told my daughters you could explode peeps in the microwave, but our entire kitchen smells like burnt sugar now. ...At least they had the thought to put a plate under the peeps first, so that's less cleanup than it could have been, still not the way I wanted to start spring break.

I think maybe taking them to see the horses would be a good idea, before they go on search for more candy around the house to turn into science experiments.

Mar. 27th, 2021




Today I had a client ask we tell the caterer he wanted candle salads as a starter dish. And I've never heard of a candle salad before. So I looked it up. Okay fruit salad of some sort, but why is it called a candle salad?

So I kept scrolling to the finished picture. And um.

I don't really have much (any) experience in that area, but that really doesn't look like a candle to me, and I can really only think of one way you'd eat that.

Did I mention this event was a wedding rehearsal dinner? How much do you have to hate your in-laws?




Nico let me know he was expecting some packages soon, which. Normal. We both order a lot of stuff online, and he's an artist and always has a steady supply of sketchbooks and canvases so he doesn't run out. So I didn't really think anything of it when I saw the huge box on the porch today.

Until he opened it. And the entire thing is antique or reproduction cookbooks.

I'm not going to lie. I'm scared.

Mar. 26th, 2021




I saw the White Rabbit again in my Dreams! And this time he talked to me! Well he thought I was someone named Mary Ann but that's not the important part! He needed my help to keep the Duchess from executing him over something or other by going to his house to get his gloves and fan that he'd dropped in the Hall we fell into. The Hall disappeared while the flood was happening so I went running off and find his house by following the signs that point in that direction. As soon as I went in the house it finally hit me how weird all of this is and I ended up fantasizing for a few minutes about what it would be like to have Dinah ordering me around the way the Rabbit did but then I realized she probably wouldn't be let in the house doing that.

I found his fan and gloves and right next to them a little bottle on the table and clearly dreamAlice hasn't learned anything about just eating and drinking what she sees in this strange world I'm dreaming about because she drinks the bottle down even though there's no label on it because her logic - something interesting is bound to happen - and she's not wrong. She starts to grow bigger which is great at first until she stops drinking from the bottle only to keep growing. Finally dreamAlice is so big that she has to lay on one side with her arm out the window and one foot up the Rabbit's chimney in order to fit in the house and that's when she quits growing.

And that was when I woke up.




I'm really hoping that this latest dream means that I'm finally going to stop having to relive the fallout from the accident. It started with me meeting this girl named Kat when I was in the hospital - her mom works there and told her I needed a friend so...thanks mysterious pitying mom I guess. I really wanted to dislike Kat but she's just got that quality about her that makes it impossible. I was released from the hospital the next day and my grandparents took me home so I don't know when, or if, I'll see her again but it was good to have a friend for at least a little while distracting me. Almost enough to break through the numbness I was feeling in the dream.

The Dream ended with the funeral - us burying them in the cemetery that the accident was in front of and Gran wanted me to speak there, just like here but I couldn't. I couldn't talk about them. I didn't want to talk about them or listen to other people talk about them. In the dream I started screaming at the funeral while someone was talking about Emma, and I just kept screaming until I blacked out in the Dream.

I woke up here screaming with Dragon beside me trying to comfort me.




I feel like taking a bike trip this weekend.

Need to feel the wind in my hair or something.




Right. Don't mess with a vampire. That's the take away from last night's dream. Even though I averted a crisis, it was a near miss, and I'm honestly surprised dream!Harry kept his composure.