
August 23rd, 2017




Well, now that's that's all settled - To make up for lost performances during the latest round of Orange County being Orange County, Bandstand will be adding additional matinee performances starting the 28th through the end our run on the 4th, Tuesday remaining dark. What is sleep?

Orange County, the one place where you should probably get "random invasion and other unexplained phenomenon" insurance or cancelled days.




Thank god my boyfriend can blow things up with magic. Unlike some people here, I have no special abilities nor do I use any weapons, so the fact that Royston has magic probably saved our lives this weekend when his house got swarmed by a group of zombies.

Closest I've come to really killing anything was when the gremlins invaded. Ended up using some paint thinner to set a few on fire. And that is why I'm never getting my security deposit back, if I ever move out of my apartment.




That was pretty scary! I hope everyone's safe and okay? It looks like most of us can handle big, scary things that happen like that in the OC!




My father was right. I'm a bloody fool

I wish those demons were still around. I could use something to hit right now.




I may have overextended myself utilizing my dream powers during the past few days.

I have the ability to call the ghosts of my ancestors to me and give them the ability to fight alongside me in this realm. Since my dream ancestors are not here, it seems I brought from the beyond my ancestors in this life - both from my adopted parents (do not ask me how that happened) and my birth parents. They were very effective in helping to drive back and destroy quite a number of these demons and undead.

However, it seems they do not wish to leave just yet, after helping me in all the fighting. I now have a Civil War Union soldier, a World War II Marine, two ancient African warriors, and a Highlander in my living room.

Goddess help me.