
Posts Tagged: 'spock'

Jun. 8th, 2012




So I had this absolutely awesome idea.

Internet Care Bears.

We could have Troll Bear, Nyan Bear, and of course 2Bears1Cup.

Jun. 5th, 2012



Cannot find any reference to extrasolar planets called Omega. Strange dreams of alien plagues becoming more frequent. Troubling.

Jun. 2nd, 2012




Lizzie..Lizzie what did he do to you.

Jun. 1st, 2012




I will be spending the weekend in recovery from the semester's end rush. After that, I will find myself with an abundance of time on my hands. I think I'd like to take up a new hobby.

You asked me about helping with your spaceship quite some time ago. I will now be able to help in whatever fashion you'd like me to.

I would very much like to take you to dinner soon. And perhaps you'd like to come over sometime this weekend? I would not force my cooking upon you, but we could order food and watch movies, if you like that sort of thing. (Is inviting you over in such a fashion a suitable move for our current relationship status?)

May. 30th, 2012



You know, I'm no aerospace engineer, but this SpaceX business makes me want to try my hand at a rocketship.

May. 28th, 2012



Always find days off problematic. Boredom, lack of focus. Unpleasant. Would much rather be working.

May. 25th, 2012




I havn't been in town that long and what time I've spent here has mostly been spent in training, but hi everyone! I'm Ty Lee.

My friend Jubilee is around here somewhere.


Hi Jubes!

I just thought I'd introduce myself!

May. 22nd, 2012




I am disappoint

No one ever dreams of me.

May. 17th, 2012




Read more... )

This adorable dog is Jaffen, named by my son. Isn't he adorable?

I've been having more of those dreams again which is odd. I'd like to go a night without one.

May. 16th, 2012




As the end of the semester approaches, I am filled with something like happiness. I have forgotten what it's like to have free time.

How was Las Vegas?

May. 7th, 2012




I find myself rather alarmed by what some see fit to post on the Internet.


Ever re-watch a movie you loved as a kid and realize the special effects are total crap? Yeah. I'm there right now.

May. 2nd, 2012




everyone keeps talking about their dreams

i think it's aliens

Apr. 21st, 2012




All of today I have been haunted by the dream that I had. It was odd. Really odd actually, it is the only way to explain it. There was something called Starfleet and for some reason I was leaving the Science Track and switching to the Command Track at the suggestion of Admiral Paris?

I think it is up there with the most unusual dreams that I've ever had and I have no idea what would have prompted it. It was so clear too, not like my usual dreams which I either don't remember or not clearly and they usually fade fairly quickly too which this hasn't. It's... Well odd.

Apr. 18th, 2012




Seems my unusual day wasn't the unique experience I thought it was.

Apr. 14th, 2012



Filtered to Uhura

I don't really know what to make of all the dreams.

Apr. 6th, 2012




I've been dreaming, or I was until I stopped letting myself sleep. First I'm falling. Its endless and strange and dark and I'm falling, I never should have chased that rabbit. Then drill comes for my head and it's whirling I can hear it and feel it in my bones.

possible trigger warnings, rape, murder and arson )

Apr. 4th, 2012



I was going to just show Scotty and Uhura but I wanted to share.



Mar. 30th, 2012



It absolutely breaks my heart when I come across a paper where the name of the course is spelled "Anthopologie 101".

And at that point, I generally take a break from grading.

Mar. 19th, 2012




As it seems the past few days have been dedicated to what can only be described as "hypothetical" questioning, I am now going to attempt to steer the community in a different direction. Polling.

How old is the average poster here? If you feel uncomfortable divulging your age, you may pick a range.

Mar. 18th, 2012



Hypothetical Question

Say you have a friend who's extremely well groomed.

He likes a lot of plants, keeps his place really clean, drives a hybrid car, and has fruit and yogurt in his fridge.

You're pretty much assuming that friend likes guys, aren't you?

I mean would you tell that guy, "I think you like guys", or would you just never say anything?



Looking for a Computer Person

Maybe the one that helped me with the ducks?

I have all of this software in my computer that's supposed to help me run the Ranch, and I'm looking for someone to help me figure it out.

I don't really trust the kids anymore, since ... well... ducks.

Also they put porn on my computer.

I'd like to get rid of the porn on my computer but when I tried to do that it multiplied.

It's not that I don't like porn, mind you, just I'm old fashioned and it doesn't belong on my ... whatsit. Hard drive. That's what magazines are for.

Anyway, you can call the ranch. Or reply here. Or whatever.

I'm willing to pay for lessons to make me look like less of an idiot when I try to text message people too.

*thumbs up*



Hey, Network

This is entering into that mystical category of ariing other people's personal problems online because I've honestly got no idea what to do to help some of them out and I dunno, I appreciate a lot of perspectives to keep me fresh or whatever you want to call it, so...We'll go with that.

There's a friend of mine from the pre-med days, Geoff. We still keep in touch despite the fact he's out in fuck knows where, doing fuck knows what now, and anyway, that doesn't really matter. What matters is, he's establishing himself in a new town, meeting the people and digging himself out of a rut, and he's made a lot of amazing friends and likes being around them when he's not working.

But, the thing is, my friend, Geoff, has started to get the idea that some of his friends are kind of leading him places he's not really sure he wants to be going. Don't get me wrong, he thinks they're amazing, even if he doesn't get their obsession with ponies fucking, but he's just a little worried about, you know, participating in some of the antics. Since it can get everybody into more trouble, and all.

And, well, he's like me, he's a doctor and all, and older than the ringleader of the little antics, bless his heart, and isn't sure if he should be playing along because his job is kind of high stress, or if he ought to try controlling his friends or what.

And there's this amazing girl that my friend's met, and he's been getting the idea she wouldn't really approve of all of this....carousing that's going around and...

Anyway. My friend doesn't want to lose any of his friends, but he doesn't want to end up with them cut open on his ER table, or the side of a ditch either. Or to be there with them.

So, uh, what do I tell the guy?

Mar. 11th, 2012




So this is normality, chit chat on a boardwhatsit like this trying to make internet friends?

Hi possible crazy people, lets meet up and have coffees?

Whatever, I'm Tahiri. I don't plan to care and share. I'll probably occasionally speak up when people talk about stuff that isn't oversharing to a creepy degree but you all seem to really enjoy that.


How is it I'm still on your couch?

Mar. 10th, 2012



In which Spock is awkward.

It is a strange practice writing on a network where I do not know most of the people. At least on Facebook, I know who is reading the words I throw into the ether. Most of those people are interested in what I have to say, understand my humor, and are teachers or students. Here, I am not entirely sure of the demographics that make up the user-base and that makes it unnerving. But I must soldier on. Or quickly delete my account, I suppose.

My name is Spock. I look forward to making your acquaintances.

Mar. 9th, 2012



Idea. I has it.

So I watched Scotty rip an engine out of a hybrid, stick it in a robot, make it work, and then put it back. And make the hybrid run even better. I mean, I can rip an engine out and put it back and make it work, mostly, but to repurpose something like that? I can’t do that. But this man could, and he did.

And it gave me an idea. Maybe it’ll give me purpose, if he’s willing. And my idea is insane enough he just might agree. We’ll need others. A pilot at least.

Yeah, I think we can do this. I just need to be very convincing.

Mar. 7th, 2012



Just a quick update

Pavel's at home and doing alright.

I made him a little bed in the living room so I can keep an eye on him and moved all the plants to the kitchen counters.

They look like my mother's old gardens now instead of kitchen counters, but that's alright.

Mar. 6th, 2012




How do people actually live in this place? I haven't been in Orange County a year and I'm already bored. I guess that's what you get when you have Disneyland right down the street. Where is the action?



I'm a horrible Ferret Dad

I was going through all of my notes and things, preparing for my lectures next week, and I guess I wasn't really paying attention like I should have been. Normally I like to go out and do this while grabbing some coffee somewhere, and Pavel is in his cage. I forget how zoned in I can get.

He was running around. I like to let him out of his cage whenever I'm home, and usually I keep an eye on him. He loves to cause trouble - he's a ferret - but it's usually never that bad. Knocking things on the floor over a few times, stuff like that.

He knocked over one of my plant stands and tasted some of the leaves. I really don't know if he ate them or just took a nip and a lick to see what it was, but... the plant is a mess, I can't tell for sure, and he's really not acting himself now.

I don't know if it's because I scolded him and locked him up after that, but he's really been down. I might have to take him to the vet, I really don't know what to do.

Poor Pavel. :(

I'm so careful about my plants, too, I try to keep any plants I'm not sure about away from him. And he isn't usually the eat leafy greens type, either. I'm probably worrying over nothing...

Mar. 5th, 2012


dear students

I know it's Monday, I know it's lovely weather, and I know you're only a few minutes drive away from the beach, but it's not Spring Break yet. You've got mid-terms before that, and so showing up to class in your bathing suits is just... really, it's not conducive to focused learning, I'm sorry to say.

On a personal note, I don't know if I'm doing anything for the break, myself... I still have and a friend's proposal to edit, and an article on the Isla del Sol Chicana ruins to finish, and if I don't finish a draft this week, I'll never finish grading anyone's midterms. I'd like a vacation, but. Well, "my office with no students running around screaming about kegs" is really quite like a vacation. And, besides, I don't think I could wear a bikini comfortably around town quite the way the girls on the quad tanning are doing. Maybe it's better I stay and work.



Sleeping Dreams and Ghosts

The other day was uncomfortable. My ghost wasn't really a ghost. That's always a shock, I'm used to the ghosts. Its the corpses I can't handle.

[info]theknghtherself kept the demons at bay. I might have hurt myself if I'd made the realization alone. It wasn't that there was a murder in my flat, its that I found the body. I still don't fully remember it.

Aveline was quite nice, even if she has almost red hair. Have I mentioned? I rather dislike the color red. She tosses and turns when she sleep. I wonder if she has her own demons.



Best Bar Ever

I had a good weekend. Made a couple friends, wrecked a bar. Got dumped. Or maybe I dumped her. It was sort of a mutual thing. With flying objects and broken glass. I've had better breakups. [info]parking_brake of all people invited me into coffee. And then we went to a bar.

Its this place called Mad Dogs and Englishmen. It looks like someone put up some wood and opened a bar inside and then vomited all over the floor, but the whiskey is top notch and the bartender has a working flintlock.

So I was having a drinking contest with this Scottish dude and losing miserably, and I had the most perfect idea.

There was this big guy. Lets call him cupcake. Well cupcake has a mean right hook. Next thing you know, [info]parking_brake was going all Jackie Chan on everyone, [info]warp_speed was hitting things with abandon, and there were flying midgets.

This bar..this bar is best bar.

Has hot waitresses too!



a crisis can be a breakthrough

I began with a new patient today and, without going into too much detail and breaching confidentiality, they admitted to me that two previous "doctors" had placed them on ten different psychotropic medications. Some of them experimental. None of them effective. They came to me because, after two years, they're frightened. They've been taking some potentially dangerous and totally unnecessary risks. Now, while I won't tell you what the patient suffers from, I will say that it falls into the category of life experiences, things we all go through. Not psychosis. And their story is one I hear every day, although the thought of ten medications in two years is a particularly disturbing thought.

This person wanted to be well, but in some ways they wanted to be ill even more. They needed an explanation for not being able to cope. They were afraid of the pain, like all of us.

If I do nothing else with my life, I want to teach the few people the universe puts in my path that there is value in suffering. Personally, I've always found it very empowering.

Mar. 4th, 2012



I think Kiki is determined to make me fail out of school. You know how they say "the dog ate my homework", right? Well, I don't know if she was jealous or bored or just ran into a bout of species confusion, but I now have only half of my lab notes for Monday.

But it's so, so, so pretty out! I think I'll go out and try to reconstruct the other half of my homework at a cafe or in a park or something. Mmmmm, I think I'll make it a cafe so that I can get something delicious to eat. Maybe a pastry? And, bonus, that way nobody will sit on my work or chew on it!