
Posts Tagged: 'percy+jackson'

Feb. 20th, 2019




Scientists have found a new moon orbiting Neptune, and it's name is pretty damn adorable. Hippocamp after a sea creature from Greek mythology.

It's so tiny even Hubble missed it. Graphs!

It could enable the discovery of other moons and 'exoplanets' outside the solar system - some of which could harbour life.

That would be so cool. By the by did Oppy ever get rescued?

Feb. 19th, 2019




The Universe really didn't want me to get food on my way home tonight.

I decided to go to McDonalds after class and so I pull into the drive thru and the screen is off. A minute later the guy says that they're closed cause their system is down. So there's a Taco Bell down the road so I decided to go there and there's like twelve cars in the drive thru and nowhere to park.

By that time, my mom was texting me, telling me that she was making breakfast for dinner.

Feb. 14th, 2019




So, waking up to someone in your apartment that doesn't live there is always weird. Especially when your boyfriend can't go more than so far away from them. Luckily Nico's never been big on Valentines Day and our plans were basically horror movies and video games. So that didn't really change very much there.

The dogs are living for this. Ziggy loves everyone, so that's not really surprising. He's a golden retriever, it's what they do best. Cesare is very picky about his humans, though, and he's enjoying the hell out of this.

Feb. 11th, 2019




Alright this is weird but my boyfriend’s dad, who’s also my cousin because my uncle will screw anything with a pulse is his dad, which makes holidays a lot more interesting now that we know, just showed up in my Dreams. And he’s THE Apollo - the Greek sun god from mythology - and yeah he’s got a chariot that he drives across the sky each day to make the sun move. Which was a car when he first showed up but when he realized how many people Artemis was asking him to transport to Camp Half-Blood, he turned it into a bus and if I never have to see that thing again I’ll be happy.

[Private message to Bo]

So...that offer to help me out with learning to tell when people are actually seriously flirting with me and when they’re not - still good? I’ve got a class with someone who I’m not sure whether they are or not and I’ve had some pretty bad run-ins with them and their boyfriend before this over her flirting with me. Because clearly I’m going to turn straight for her if she keeps it up in one of their minds.

Jan. 29th, 2019




I'm sure saying as much is only bad luck, but I do love the moments when the Orange County is relatively peaceful.

Jan. 17th, 2019




So I finally told my mom and Paul about Mrs. O'Leary. I mean, I didn't tell them that she's a hell hound and I got her from a dream, but at least now she's at my house and not Nico's dad's place. I decided to do it now cause at least she'll have time to get used to the place and my mom will have time to get used to her before the baby come. Although, I think my mom is already pretty used to her.

Now I just have to figure out a way to tell them about my dreams and stuff cause if I get anything bigger than Mrs. O'Leary, it's gonna be harder to explain away.

Jan. 16th, 2019




[written in Latin]

Dream me is very interesting. He can fly, create storms, throw lightning bolts (suck it Hercules), and knows Latin. Which somehow translated over into the real world over the holidays. I just woke up one morning and I could understand all the Latin on the buildings downtown. Naturally I decided to take Latin this semester in hopes that if I understand it, it will be an easy class to pass. I am in awe of this new thing. Flying would be fun, but now I am able to call people a shiny red babboon's butt without them knowing that is what I am saying.

So I know a new language, apparently. I've been singing Elvis in Latin for the last three days. It sounds hilarious. Next song I'll write in Latin, about jellybeans, just for kicks. Anyone else suddenly learn a new language from these dreams?

Jan. 2nd, 2019




2018 was a wild ride. I found out my mom hid a whole side of my family from me my entire life. I got to meet my dad for the first time, as well as cousins I never knew I had. I found out my best friend is my half brother. It’s still weird, getting used to it. Knowing I have a huge family when for so long it was just Mom and I.

But it’s a good weird, at the same time. How many people sincerely get to say their brother or sister is their best friend, you know?

Here’s to hoping 2019 is a little less of a roller coaster. And really hoping I’m not tempting fate or Orange County in general by saying as much.

Dec. 16th, 2018




Okay I'm just going to go ahead and say it now - Die Hard is not a Christmas movie. It is a movie that takes place at Christmas and that is a completely different thing.

Dec. 13th, 2018





Jason Grace grace has tagged you (Hazel, Nico, Percy, and Will) in a post )

Nov. 19th, 2018




I knew I was right not to be comfortable with Bianca spending all her time with those Hunters that rescued us in my last dream. She finally breaks loose from them to come and talk to me, only to say that she’s going to join up with them. She’s abandoning me because now we’ve found other people who can take care of me because, hey, we’re demigods and there’s a camp for people like us! So that totally should make it better right? Since they’ll come visit the camp at times. Complete bullshit. I just want to go eat my weight in chicken nuggets and ignore her calls.

Thanksgiving’s still on don’t worry. I’ll be nice and mature that day.

[Jason and Percy]
Please tell me you guys can come by for at least part of Thanksgiving Day? I’m having Dad and Bianca over to meet Hazel. She said she was ready.

Nov. 12th, 2018




Nico and I found these light switches online while taking a break from homework. Homework has now been temporarily paused while we're waiting for an email back from our landlord to find out if it would be okay if we change all the lightswitches in the apartment to these before we go ahead and order them. I know there's the "better to apologize than ask permission" option, I just don't want that apology to come out of our deposit.

Oct. 9th, 2018




Well the relief at finally seeing my cousins show up in the Dreams was short lived as the Manticore was kind of a match for them (still think dreamMe had the best part in that whole thing telling the Manticore where it could shove it’s army but...I’m admittedly biased towards myself). Anyway - we ended up getting saved by the Hunters of Artemis, which is kind of weird because I’m pretty sure that’s my boyfriends aunt’s name and she would absolutely put together a group like this, and then kind of just hung out with them for a while.

Well Bianca hung out with them for a while. I was off by the fire with my mythomagic cards and figures. I’m not sure I’m too comfortable with Bianca having been off with them like that, talking in private.

At least I got something out of this dream though - I woke up to find my mythomagic cards and figures on the nightstand. Luckily I got to them before Cesare or Ziggy could. Just when I think we’ve gotten through Ziggy’s chew on everything stage he finds something new to make his chew toy.

Oct. 8th, 2018




No offense to anyone in my dreams but, if everyone in them could just stop riding the jock of whoever Percy Jackson is, that'd be great. Just five minutes without casually dropping his name, bro. Five. Minutes.

Sep. 5th, 2018




So...apparently my dad is the villain in some event on a video game. I wish I could claim I was surprised but it matches up with his image for most people. I’m half tempted to download the game and check out what they’re doing with him but part of me thinks it’s weird even for our relationship.

Sep. 3rd, 2018




I don’t know how many of you have ever played Animal Crossing. It’s become something Nico and I play as something when we just need a break from studying. It’s easy, the music is soothing, and there’s things to do and collect every day. One of the tasks is usually delivering mail from one villager to another. Either it was sent to them by mistake or they bought each other something and are too shy to deliver it themselves. Usually you get to find out what’s in it.

Today I had my dog villager asking me to deliver something to a sheep for him, and if I could keep it hush hush, he’d appreciate it. All I could think was ‘what needs to be kept secret? So I delivered it to her and she wouldn’t open it in front of me. Just thanked me for keeping it a secret.

I’m... pretty sure I just helped an in game drug deal go down. Right next to the police station, at that.

Aug. 24th, 2018




I don't know why my dreams take such long hiatuses. I haven't had any dreams all summer then last night I had this super long dream. Spent lots of time in the Labyrinth. Met a Sphinx and Hephaestus. Split up from Grover and Tyson cause Grover felt Pan's presence in Labyrinth so Annabeth and I continued on to Hephaestus' forges cause he asked us to find out who was messing with them. We found out who it was, Annabeth kissed me, which I wasn't expecting at all and then I summoned water from within me, but it caused an explosion and I lost conscienceness and woke up on Ogygia. Met Calypso there who gave me a choice, to either stay with her and become immortal or go back and help my friends. I won't lie, the thought of staying with her was tempting, especially after Hephaestus showed up and told me that my explosion caused an earthquake that may have woken Typhon, but he also gave me a hint on how to get through the maze.

Calypso gave me a raft to sail back to camp after I told her my choice and when I got there, I found out that everyone thought I was dead. After that Annabeth and I left to go find my friend Rachel cause she could help guide us through the Labyrinth. Once back in the Labyrinth, do you think we caught a break? Nope. We got captured by Luke's forces and brought to Antaeus' Arena cause Luke wanted to give him some entertainment. Turns out Antaeus' father is also Poseidon so he takes an interest in me and wanted me to battle Ethan Nakamura, but I didn't want to fight another camper, even if he was on Luke's side. Antaeus didn't like that so he attacked me and I ended up killing him, which angered Luke so he ordered his forces to kill us. I used the Stygian ice whistle that Quintus gave me to summon Mrs. O'Leary. We managed to escape when she appeared and I woke up after that.

When I woke up, I found the whistle on my nightstand. I've been wondering all day if it'll actually summon Mrs. O'Leary. I haven't tried it yet cause I don't know how I'd explain a really large mastiff to my mother.

Jul. 30th, 2018




There was an Over 21 night at a science museum last night. Nico and I are newly legal, thought it would be fun to do, so we bought tickets, arranged for an uber, and made up for every field trip ever where you had to be quiet and not touch things in a museum made of things you’re supposed to interact with. It really was a blast, and probably would have been without the drinks as well, to be honest. I definitely want to go back sometime.

I am a little confused about the lady with three kids that was arguing with security when we got there, though. I mean, it was advertised as ‘no kids allowed’. Not only was there alcohol, but it was past museum hours. Who tries to bring toddlers out at night like this?

Jul. 23rd, 2018




In the care and feeding of goths, it’s important to remember that if there is a ghost hunting marathon on tv? You’re probably going to lose control of the remote. Possibly the entire remote, itself. I still haven’t managed to find it, even after many negotiations. And Cesare and Ziggy apparently aren’t snitches because I can’t get them to help me sniff it out.

Jul. 11th, 2018




I don't understand this whole 'What Color' sponge thing I keep seeing on instagram. Has anyone else seen it? It looks like that green stuff florists use for flower arrangements and they squeeze out colored water or glitter or whatever. I don't understand it. It's like those slime accounts. I still don't understand those either.




So. Question. Where the fuck am I supposed to keep a pegasus in this place? Because I totally woke up to my pegasus nosing me this morning. At least she's not dead

Jun. 28th, 2018




You know, I'm still only partially convinced that there's something to this whole dream thing. I could've just gotten so drunk I don't remember getting this tattoo on my arm. But considering it's the same mark I have in the dreams, it's probably not a coincidence.

So, I'm a Valkyrie, apparently. Kind of like in Norse mythology, but in my dreams they're more protectors of Asgard than choosers of the slain or whatever. Plus, I am about as non-Norse-looking as you could get.

Jun. 13th, 2018




Anyone else follow the news from E3 over the last few days? There are so many games that I can't wait for. I think there might still be some trailers I missed. I need to go take another look and see. Someday I hope to be a part of making some of these amazing games.

Jun. 9th, 2018




Glad to know that I have the same type of smart mouth in the Dreams as I do here. Bianca might have cut me off but I know myself - I was going to tell Dr. Thorn to shove his army up his monster ass. At 10. I kind of like 10 year old me. Turns out the school our family lawyer moved us to from the Lotus Hotel was being run by a manticore, which for anyone who doesn’t know is a very fucked up looking monster with the face of a man, the body of a lion and the tail of scorpion that it shoots stuff at you with, and we have to get rescued from him by other demigods. Because for all my smartassness I’m still just a kid and didn’t have a weapon and someone named the General wanted us brought to him because we’re apparently pretty powerful demigods.

May. 28th, 2018




So I had more dreams about Triple G Ranch last night. I made a deal with the ranch owner, Geryon, that if I could clean the stable of his man eating horses, he'd let us all go. Yeah, I said man eating horses. So first I tried using the nearby river, but the water nymph there wouldn't help me, but she did tell me that water is always with me, so I was actually able to make water appear by throwing petrified sea shells at the horse dung and causing springs to appear.

Of course when I got finished, I found that Geryon had tied up my friends and reminded me that since he hadn't swore on the River Styx our deal was void. I ended up killing Geryon though my shooting an arrow through his body sideways, cause he had three bodies so I had to hit all three of his hearts in order to kill him.

After all of that Nico refused to go with us. We ended up summoning Bianca's ghost and found out she was sending me the Iris messages of what Nico was planning and told him to forgive me cause her death wasn't my fault, but he still refused to go with us.

So now I guess we're gonna go back into the Labyrinth again.

May. 23rd, 2018




I think I need to get a new charger for my 3DS cord, or become the first person in history to die playing Animal Crossing. I went to plug it up earlier, and just happened to notice before I plugged it into the wall that the wire was exposed and fraying. Meanwhile Ziggy is laying down while looking up at me with guilty eyes... I can’t imagine what happened here...

May. 17th, 2018




Are there all these monsters running around here like they seem to be in the dreams and I just never noticed them? I don’t think Ziggy and Cesare are going to be trying to fight their way onto the bed anymore in the morning when I’m sleeping in. Not if my dreams are going to keep being so adventurous. Did anyone know that creatures with horns can drive public city buses because no one can see through the mist surrounding them to see their real form? Bianca didn’t see what he really looked like - or what the three men that attacked us in an alley really looked like, because three muggers attacking two children makes so much more sense I guess - but I know what I saw! They weren’t human.

Apr. 30th, 2018




I haven't had any dreams since November, which I was kind of glad about cause it gave me time to focus on school and stuff like that, but of course the night before an exam, they return.

So, after Hera was unhelpful, we continued through the maze until we came across a Hundred-Handed One named Briares, who had been captured by Titans. We ended up rescuing him, but I had to beat him in a game of rock, paper, scissors before he'd come with us. And let me tell you, when you're playing against a guy with a hundred hands, it's not that easy to win a game of rock, paper, scissors.

After that, we ended up on this ranch called Triple G Ranch and guess who was there. Nico. And during all of this I kept having dreams about Daedalus and his son and nephew.

And now I have to try and study for this exam and not think of the owner of the ranch who has three bodies and one head. You would think I'd be used to the crazy creatures from Greek Mythology by now, but no.

Apr. 26th, 2018




So, my first time getting to see my Dad in my dreams is his vehicle crashing into the lake at camp. Just to remind everyone, my dad is the god Apollo. And said vehicle is the actual sun. So... that’s fun? At least it wasn’t him driving, and I think everyone was okay.

Apr. 20th, 2018




Okay, so finally got some new dreams. My friends in my dreams are idiots - totally dicks - and decided to write a nice slur against Nancy on the movie theater marquee - classy. Nancy got upset and I let Jonathan keep punching me in the face because I really did deserve it. I finally laid into them and decided to go get Nancy back.

BAD IDEA. I walked to Jonathan's house and basically walked into the weirdest shit ever. Christmas lights everywhere, everyone going crazy over something, and Jonathan threatened to shoot me. THEN A MONSTER FELL FROM THE CEILING. SERIOUSLY- A REAL MONSTER. What the hell are these dreams?!

And my face is nicely bruised - thank god for the weekend.

Apr. 10th, 2018




Seriously dreams? The three languages I speak already weren’t enough? You had to dump an extra two in my head? I didn’t even realize it until I was studying this afternoon and when I went to look back over my notes, instead of Italian because it’s still the easiest for me to read, I was writing them in Latin! LATIN! And I can understand classical Greek now. My head hurts

Mar. 30th, 2018




I had another dream. I’m still a kid and still at camp. And I’m still not doing exactly the best at weapons training. I did find out my godly parent is Apollo, which doesn’t really surprise me when that’s literally my dad’s name. My dad, who’s a nurse, teacher and failed garage band guitarist, who has a love of really, really bad poetry, is a Greek god. You have no idea how absurd this is in my head.

He claimed me as his in the dreams after I instinctively healed another kid at camp. Apparently that’s something I can do in the dreams, by singing. Anyone who’s heard me sing can tell you how little sense that makes. I mean, please feel free to ask my long suffering boyfriend.

When I woke up, my hands were weirdly tingly. It makes me wonder if that’s spilled over into the waking world. A certain orange shirt was also draped over the foot of the bed.

In the dream, there are other children of Apollo. I’ve got brothers and sisters. I’ve always wanted siblings. I wonder if I have any Dad doesn’t know about here

Mar. 17th, 2018




So apparently the Lotus Hotel wasn’t a permanent thing. We were there for a month, and then another lawyer showed up to tell us we’re being taken to a new boarding school. In Maine this time - Westover Hall. I don’t get why they had to leave us in a Vegas hotel for a month before taking us there but I guess that’s what they get paid for right?

Mar. 14th, 2018




Why don't ants get sick? Cuz they have little anty-bodies!


Hey, got a second?

Mar. 11th, 2018




I hate spring ahead cause while I like getting the extra hours of sun during the day, I dislike losing an hour tonight. Sure, I'll be asleep and it's not like I get up early on Sundays anyway, but still. It's the principle of the thing. And yes, I know I probably sound crazy.

Feb. 24th, 2018




I have to wonder when I am in a college level art class, in the art program, and I am having to argue with a teacher for deducting points because “the project was on shape not lines.”. Shape is a space defined by lines. That’s… the literal definition. I’m not exactly sure how you want a shape separated from negative space without the use of line. I can’t wait until you want us to make things look three-dimensional without the use of shading or highlight. I really can’t.

Feb. 14th, 2018




Did anyone else watch the men's halfpipe yesterday? I can't even begin to imagine how one does flips and shit like they do. It's crazy, but so entertaining. I hadn't intended to watch it, but then they mentioned Shaun White and I kind of had to see if he was gonna win.

Feb. 9th, 2018




This is the most honest thing I’ve ever seen describing me in the morning. Which makes the fact that Will is the ultimate morning person suck that much more. One day I’m going to figure out how to keep him from getting up at dawn.

Jan. 31st, 2018




So, I've decided that I really don't like earthquakes. Or poisoned water. It's the weirdest thing cause I can like feel that there's something off about the water. Must be a whole child of Poseidon thing. I still don't know how this whole thing works.

Jan. 20th, 2018




It turns out there is a reason my dad didn’t show up in my dream. Not that he showed up in this one either. I had been traveling with Mom on her tours I still can’t believe she’s a country singer in the dreams, and there had been several weird things happen at a few of her concerts. Things exploding, fights breaking out… Mom decided it wasn’t safe for me to go on her tours anymore and that going to summer camp would be a better option for me. I have a feeling a few of you know where this is going.

I’m pretty hopeless at training. I mean, I’m okay with a bow. I might be able to hit the broad side of a barn with one. Forget swords. At least I’ve seemed to make a couple of friends there, a boy named Cecil and a girl named Lou Ellen. And it’s nice to just stay mostly in one place and not sleep on a tour bus. I thought I moved around a lot in my childhood here.

Jan. 18th, 2018




Wait, I thought that this whole Tide pod challenge thing was a joke, but I just saw an actual video of people eating them. I'm not sure if I should actually be surprised that there are people that stupid.

Dec. 26th, 2017




Getting a call from my dad on Christmas was pretty great. It was a little weird not being home, though.

Nov. 15th, 2017




The dreams really need to stop coming the night before I have a test or something. It was so hard for me to concentrate today and of course the cafe at school was out of sugar packets so I had to drink nasty black coffee. How can anyone drink it like that? Seriously, it tastes gross with sugar.

So, what had me unable to concentrate? Grover is gonna lose his searcher's license if he doesn't find Pan, Tyson showed up, which is one of the only good things. I got a weird Iris message of Nico talking to a ghost. Annabeth and I ended up in the Labyrinth after being attacked by giant scorpions. Then Hera showed up and was as unhelpful as ever. Not surprising really.

So yeah, I've been wondering what on the earth that message of Nico was about and hoping that Luke doesn't use the Labyrinth to attack the camp. And hoping we don't get killed in the Labyrinth either, cause that'd be just our luck.




1. Gods are not helpful.
2. Offering a wish, and then disappearing is not helpful.
3. These are some very weird dreams and are not helpful.

Moral of the story: Zero helpfulness all around.




I saw this on facebook today. I've never seen an Italian food truck before, or a food truck ran by royalty before. I just know that the food looks really good and might be worth a day trip up to LA for.

[Private to Nico]
I know you haven't felt really all that great lately, but... maybe a taste of home would help?? And I'm not sure you're going to get more authentic Italian food in SoCal than Italian food served to you by an Italian prince. And maybe a drive would help, too? I wish you would tell me what's

Nov. 10th, 2017




So many people joining the community lately.

Hi newbies! I’m Thalia. Don’t pay any attention to what they say about me in the tabloids. Not only are they wrong, they’re also boring. This is like the fifth home wrecker story they've written about me in the last two years or so.

Oct. 31st, 2017




The moon exploding is usually kind of a bad thing, right?

Oct. 18th, 2017




I am going to miss Nico and Sans fighting with the RA over Halloween this year. It was great to watch them add more and more decorations to the hall just to annoy him. I mean, at least at the apartment, we're pretty much free to decorate however we want to, but there's just something satisfying about passive aggressive decorations against a Halloween Grinch.

...I say Halloween Grinch, but he wasn't much better about Christmas.

Sep. 26th, 2017




My sword keeps getting extra heavy every time I try to use it. Sometimes it just swings too wide. This is ridiculous.

Sep. 16th, 2017




I wish the dreams could like pause during school. I'd be fine with having them during breaks and stuff like that, but during the school year is not the best time for this. Hard to concentrate when I'm thinking dwelling on dreams where something tried to kill me and I half expect something to try while I'm in class.

I've had a lot of dreams over the last month or so, but haven't really talked about them, but it might be good to do that so maybe I won't be dwelling so much.

So when we got to Olympus, we joined the Council of the Gods. Thalia offered to take Zoë's place with the Hunters and Ares and Athena suggested that they kill me since with Thalia out of the picture, that left me as the child of the Prophecy, but luckily, some of the other gods didn't agree with that. Artemis said that if they punished us, then they were no better than the Titans. My dad also said that Bessie could stay on Mount Olympus and after that we partied with the gods for awhile then went back to Camp Half-blood. Unfortunately when we got back to camp, I had to tell Nico what happened to Bianca and he took it about as well as I had expected. He hated me for not saving her and then he unintentionally summoned a bunch of skeletons, which, I figured out to mean he was a son of Hades. No one else could have done something like that.

After that, I was telling Annabeth about it when Grover showed up and told us that he heard Pan's voice and that he said, I await you. Cause nothing bad can happen when you heard voices, right?

I went to an orientation for a new high school not long after that. The high school that Paul teaches at, so that's a little weird, seeing Paul in my dreams. I met Rachel again, during the orientation and she ran off, so I followed her to the auditorium and she told me there was something weird about two of the cheerleaders. Turned out they were creatures called, empousai. I ended up killing one, but the other one disappeared. What was worse, Paul and some others saw the incident so me and Rachel ran off and ran into Annabeth, who was waiting for me. Rachel left and me and Annabeth headed to camp.

At camp, Annabeth went off to talk to Clarisse so I wandered around a bit and almost killed a hellhound who turned out to be domesticated or as domesticated as a hellhound can get. Her name was Mrs. O'Leary and she belonged to our new Swords Master Quintus. Chiron showed up then and brought me to Grover and the Council of Cloven Elders, which as you might have guessed was made up of satyrs. It's their job to look for Pan. Annabeth and Clarisse were there along with a nymph.

I woke up just as we got to the meeting, so I can only guess what it's about, but I'm assuming it was about Grover's message from Pan. I just hope that this time around things aren't as crazy as the other times. I don't need anyone else to die on my watch.