
Posts Tagged: 'jubilation+lee+%28jubilee%29'

Dec. 19th, 2013




Um, hello? Not quite sure what to say here, but this man I met yesterday, Chuck, told me that I should look up this network. I guess I should introduce myself and see what happens?

My name is Sarah and I'm the manager over at Orange, Orange frozen yogurt shop in Irvine. I don't hope to keep that job forever, but it's a decent job for the moment. I've recently moved here from New York to spend more time with my mother and a change of scenery. I love gymnastics and martial arts, so if you ever want a trainer in either of those I have some experience in training people and I make a great sparring partner.

And that's about it. I'm just enjoying my declared snow day because only strange people want frozen yogurt when there was a blizzard last night. And I don't want to deal with them.

Dec. 18th, 2013




Wasn't there like some Canadian running around on here saying 'how can it be December without snow' 'how do you live' 'what is this one season all year round thing'?

Well, I'm gonna blame the snow on him because we Americans have a proud tradition of blaming Canada.

Dec. 6th, 2013




Somebody warned me about the crazy stupid dreams that happened here. I believed them. You have to believe in weird things when you have a guardian angel, after all. That just makes sense.

I didn't think I'd get any, though, because I don't really live here yet. I guess a visitor's pass is all you need to dream about strange childhoods in padded rooms with white walls. I think it's time for more pancakes.

Dec. 5th, 2013



So. Anybody know of a good restaurant that delivers? The last three days of mine were spent at the hospital with one of our kids. They're okay now, but I think I might kill someone for a burger and a beer.

Dec. 1st, 2013




I think my moms are going to kill me when they find out that I went on a road trip and ended up in California. At least Jubilee will be happy to see me.

I hope.

By the way, Jubilee, I found your apartment. I'm not out in front of it right now because that's 'creepy stalker', but I logged onto this net cafe place a block away. Could you post here when you get home? Because I don't really have anywhere else to stay.

Nov. 28th, 2013




Good luck to those who are going out to brave the lines and crowds tonight and tomorrow at the stores. I've never really understood the whole Black Friday thing. I understand that stores have sales and things, but don't they have sales during the entire Christmas season?

Nov. 13th, 2013




How many of us here dream of being vampires? I feel as if I should start some sort of support group. Feel free to answer me privately if you like, I don't want to make anyone here uncomfortable.

I'm Eli Howlett, if we've not met.

Nov. 3rd, 2013




To anyone that cares, the pointy teeth are back.

Oct. 11th, 2013




Okay Valarnet!

I'm here, I'm settled in, and it's Friday night. The clubbing dresses are all unpacked so someone tell me where I'm going tonight! Anyone want to join? It's going to be fun!

I can't wait to meet you and Garm!





Oct. 10th, 2013




Sometimes I wonder why I volunteer on my free days at the hospital, then it's the little things that remind me it's worth it. The kind words, the smile on the lips of an old woman who knows she doesn't have much time left and enjoys passing on her stories to anyone who will listen. It's those moments that make me smile.

Despite the fact my house is miles from anyone I have decorated for the first time in over... well a long long time. I guess I felt the pull of the season.

I'm craving non-terminal patient company. How's about we hit up a good exotic food place and mourn the fact it's not as good as in it's native country?

Oct. 5th, 2013





Sep. 28th, 2013




I just flew in from Amsterdam, and boy are my arms tired.

...tough crowd.


Hey, hey net, what's the word for when you're trying to make up a new color but you can't because the fish keep staring at you with their big eyes going blub blub blub blub?

I don't know it either. It's sad.

You know what we should do to cheer up? We should go to the park. We can have a big party in the park with a giant beach ball and those parachute things they used to have in gym class and ice cream and hotdogs and maybe hotdog ice cream. You should come. All of you. Someone should bring bubbles. I would, but I ran out.

Sep. 24th, 2013




Oh my gosh you guys. I don't remember who it was that posted up that fashion post a few days ago, but I was doing some research around, and all of the fall colors are perfect on my skin.

I'm going to need to do all the shopping when I get there!

I was talking to someone with a dog named Garm last time I posted on here. Helja? Thank you so much for the moving tips. I've actually been pre-shipping some of my items and they've arrived safe and sound. We really need to get together when I land! Shopping and coffee dates and surfing! I have no surfing gear so I hope you can set me in the right direction for that.

I can't wait to get there. I hope you guys at the Croft house are ready for this!

Sep. 16th, 2013




Yay! The dog that Remy found wasn't microchipped and nobody's claimed her yet, so meet our new dog Ruby!

Jubilee, before you ask, NO IT IS NOT PRACTICE FOR HAVING KIDS.

Sep. 15th, 2013




I arrived in America over the weekend and have gotten settled in as much as I can in only two days. Church seems a little confused, but that's understandable. Give it a day or two and once he's explored the house, he'll more than likely keep to himself in my room. I do hope he'll get a long with my cousin's dog. I start classes on Monday at UCI. I'm nervous, but excited at the same time. I've been in touch with my professors since classes have already started, so hopefully I'll catch up quickly.

Oh, I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm James Carstairs, but mostly everyone calls me Jem. I just moved here from England and will be staying with my cousin, Jubilee, and her wife for the time being. I honestly can't thank them enough for letting me stay for now. I hope I won't be a bother for them.

Sep. 12th, 2013



I'm not sure we're still going to have that party on Saturday, since everyone is sick and there are a bunch of crazy animals. I'm probably going to stay in that night and not get into too much trouble.

Which means no fancy cake. :(

Sep. 10th, 2013




So, I'm thinking I should hide while the world goes crazy. This is nuts.

Sep. 1st, 2013



Attention sexually active members of the Valarnet:

Rugburn is nobody's friend. It is only sexy for the first little while, and the injuries that result can stick around for some time. If you must have sex on the floor, put down a blanket or a sheet first. This will prevent most friction burns.

Aug. 27th, 2013



Filtered Away from Mikaelsons

I know quite a lot of people here have dreamt about having powers or being a supernatural creature and I know that quite a lot of you have acquired these powers or became these creatures. My question is, is there anyone who hasn't? My sister has dreamt about us being vampires and I only just had the same dream. This doesn't appear to bode well for me and my family.

Aug. 21st, 2013




The Hotness wishes she was vampy again.

Aug. 18th, 2013




Seriously? The underwire in my bra just randomly snapped. Like, what? I don't even get how that just happened. I reached towards the coffee table for the remote and I heard this snap then realized it was my bra. I mean, I have more, but all the years I've worn bras and this is the first time this has happened to me. Eight months ago I wouldn't even dream about telling this many people about my bra.

Aug. 11th, 2013




I hit the bars and vault for the first time in like a year. Like the ... real stuff. Memory is still there, body still there thanks to all the exercise I do...

But I think something was missing. I think I was missing the fire. I think maybe I'm scared I'll hurt myself again.

Aug. 1st, 2013




Randomly: I never heard that Remy might be a girl's name in some cultures. Saw this Egyptian fille on TV with that name and she was crazy. Worries me.

Not-so-randomly: It's too damn quiet 'round here. Makin' me nervous.

Jul. 28th, 2013




I had a new dream last night. It was actually a few dreams. I wound up moving to Blüdhaven with Batman's sidekick, but while we were there an assassin named Deathstroke tried to kill me by having his daughter Ravager do it. He didn't succeed cause I beat her and he had no choice, but to get her medical attention. Then I joined a group called Justice League Elite, undercover for Batman and I worked with some other heros called Green Arrow and Flash while doing that. The team eventually disbanded, but we succeeded in our mission.

No matter how many dreams I have, it still boggles my mind how bad ass I am in the dreams. I don't think anything can touch me.

Jul. 25th, 2013


Locked from Turin Turambar and Logan Howlett

My name is Oyama Yuriko. Some of you may know me from your dreams. In my dreams, and in some of yours, I may be known as Lady Deathstrike.

Deathstrike did terrible things. I can only imagine what I have not seen yet. But I am not Deathstrike, and I will not be Deathstrike.

I don't know if it matters to anyone, but according to a doctor I have seen, I may die soon from the metal that is now in my body. If I do, I wanted anyone who would care to know that Deathstrike will die with me. If I don't, I will work to keep her as nothing more than a nightmare.

I don't expect sympathy or forgiveness or anything, especially from those of you who already hate and fear her. But I have nothing to lose at this point by being honest. So, honest I have been.

Jul. 12th, 2013




Who else dreams of being a vampire? Or is one? I am simply curious. I have not heard of the boy from my dreams, Oskar, arriving, nor my sire, but I could be mistaken.

Jul. 9th, 2013




Gotta say those blue things were great for taking out some aggression, yo! Fireworks to the faces bitches!

Never thought I'd miss being a vampire...

Jul. 1st, 2013




I can't believe that a year ago today I made the Olympic Gymnastics team. Where did a whole year go? While I won't be going back to the next Olympics to compete, I'm hoping that I'll be able to help other girls get there. I've been talking to my coach and in September, I'm going to start coaching. I'm really looking forward to it.

Jun. 20th, 2013




My stethoscope just decided to tell me how graceful my neck was and how happy it was to get to be draped around it. It... then went into the merits of getting to rest against my breast and carried on a conversation with my clipboard.

I... think I may have had too much coffee.


Awwww, I wish Ginger was talking. Now I don't want to be in new York.

Jun. 10th, 2013




Paff? Paff!


Jun. 9th, 2013




All work and no play makes Penelope a something something. Anyone want to go out for drinks tonight? Figured a lot of people on here could use a night to relax and recharge, so let's all go out and have a couple of drinks and do some dancing and pretend that our lives aren't busy and awful.

Jun. 7th, 2013




Sunshine! And no instaburn! I'm pushing up the party time to 3pm, if anybody wants to help set up. I am going to dip myself in sunscreen and spend the day outside.




Holy shiz I've never been this hungry in my life but this is awesome because I'm hungry and it's for real food and holy shiz holy shiz I can feel my pulse THE HEART OF THE HOTNESS BEATS MIGHTILY!

...imma get morecandy.

Jun. 6th, 2013




Anyone ever dream that they are something that's not human? Like a mythological creature? I had a really awesome dream and my boyfriend and my brother, Klaus, were involved, but it got really weird when I turned out not to be exactly human.... At least I know I could rock a flapper dress if I wanted to.

[Private to Stefan]
We need to talk about my dream. It was really weird. And Klaus was not....very nice.

May. 12th, 2013



I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say that if you're a teenager spending as much money on prom as you could on a semester of college, I hope you enjoy your future as a waitress or a fast food server.

Protip: you can have sex in a car for free. Not like you haven't already.

May. 7th, 2013




So I totally had a Ben & Jerry threesome last night, and did not even regret it in the morning. I guess there is an upside after all.

May. 3rd, 2013




So...Lorna said I should ask for Jubilee?

Apr. 21st, 2013




So, uh, Logan? You're not allowed to sneak off and shag Remy anymore.

You guys, the impossible happened today. Remy LeBeau proposed. (I said yes. I'm not stupid.)

Apr. 2nd, 2013



Why aren't my clothes falling off? :(

Mar. 25th, 2013




Is it possible to acquire photosensitivity as one ages? I've never heard of it. Maybe I'm just getting migraines or something.

Mar. 16th, 2013



Voice post to Laura, accidentally public

Oh oh oh h ah

You're my love
You're my sweetest thing
Don't shy waay
Don't shy away

Every night makes me hate the days
Can't get enough
Of your love

Am I wrong, am I so unkind
Show me the way
Don't turn away
I can't hide all these thoughts in my mind

Ooooh )

Mar. 1st, 2013



Locked to X-Men

So. I know it probably got nothin' to do with Scott and his boy and that M'am Neena, but was curious - yesterday a beat-up trenchcoat showed up lying on my chair in my apartment. I tried it on and it fits like a damn glove. I vaguely remember it - can anybody tell me if they remember me wearin' it? When I dream I ain't the focus.

Just curious if it's somethin' from the dreams or if cherie playin' a joke on me.

Feb. 19th, 2013




I can't believe how much has changed in only a few weeks. I mean, if someone had told me a month ago that I would have pole danced, I would have told them they were crazy and turned completely red. I still don't really know how that happened, but it was actually fun. Kinda glad Logan suggested going to that strip club the other night.

Apparently, we also have a puppy now. Well, Jubilee and Laura Janelle have a puppy now. They're the ones who have to walk him and pick up his poop and I'm Auntie Cass, who gives him treats and lets him up on the sofa.

About a week and a half and I'll be in Boston for the American Cup, so for the next couple of days, I've gotta practice as much as possible. Not to the extent that my dad pushed me, but I haven't competed since London, so I have to be at my best.

Feb. 12th, 2013



Bored. Stuff hurts. I need something to do.

Feb. 2nd, 2013




I think the stress of everything that's going on with my parents is catching up to me. I fell asleep on Jubilee's the couch and dreamt that my dad was training me, but it wasn't gymnastics. He was training me to fight; like karate and stuff. I was pretty young too. Younger than when I started gymnastics, but I'm pretty sure it lasted a few years, cause as the dream progressed I got older. I was really good too. He had me fight against full grown men and I took them down every time. How is that possible for a kid? At one point I seemed pretty upset about something and I ran away. I was still pretty young when I ran away, but I don't know why. The other weird thing is that I never said a word during the whole dream. It was like I was mute or something.

I'm gonna try to go back to sleep.

But before I forget, Violet, Thea, we should get together and talk about the club sometime.



Locked to X-Men (who know they're X-Men)

So, um. Bonjour, I s'pose.

You all probably know me - I'm Remy LeBeau, apparently y'all call me Gambit, too. But the thing is, I ain't technically met none of you yet.

I been having the dreams, just like everybody, and just recently, I dreamt that M'am Ororo get me inducted into your group. Obviously means I ain't up on everything right now, but at least I know what I am. Scott was kind enough to fill me in on some of it.

I want to know everything you all can toss at me. If I slept with anybody, if I pissed you off, if I done anything good or bad. I remember my life up til now, but after joining? Blank slate. So I'm counting on you. Right now I'm just wanting to know tous les choses so I can look after me and my girl.

Thank you. A lot. And I hope I ain't made any enemies among you.

Jan. 28th, 2013



Zach said I should introduce myself on this message thing. He thinks it will help me learn to read better if I do it while talking to people.

I'm not sure about that, but he's been right about other things, and he's my friend, so I'm going to give it a try.

I'm Laura, no delete back one word. Stop that! interested in meeting new people, but I don't know how good this Internet thing will be for that.