
Posts Tagged: 'jubilation+lee+%28jubilee%29'

Jan. 21st, 2013




I'm in so much pain. Now that the gym is open again, my dad had me up before the crack of dawn to make up for the training I missed out on during the flu outbreak. I've been training for the last fourteen hours, almost, non-stop. I just spent the last half hour soaking in an ice bath and it made no difference. Even my coach thought my dad was pushing me too hard and he's one of those Russian coaches who usually don't know what too much is. I just wish this would end. I don't want to quit gymnastics, but I don't want to be forced to train this hard. It's not fun anymore.

Jan. 7th, 2013




To tell be honest, I'm kind of glad that the gym is closed. Means I get a break for once. My dad must actually be taking this flu thing seriously, because he hasn't even made me get up at the crack of dawn to go running or anything. Last winter when the flu was going around he just made me get a flu shot so that I could keep training.

Jan. 4th, 2013




Well that was a thing.

[Private Lock]

Today I fucked up. Today I fucked up really badly, and I can't even start to make it right. This is the most catastrophic, most disgusting, most destructive thing that I have ever done. I thought the bomb would take it out, I thought the people had already been evacuated. I thought...

Thank God no one was killed. Thank God the injures weren't severe...

But there's nothing I can do that's ever going to make this really right. [/Private Lock]

Since I'm already back in San Francisco, I'll be staying here a couple days, check out some repairs on the house. Anyone who wants to stay is welcome.

Jan. 2nd, 2013




Threesomes are sort of like communism: great in theory, not so much in practice.

Jan. 1st, 2013



Seriously, what was that, I don't even.

It's been a crazy day and night. But hooray for 2013!

I'm going to go to bed now, as soon as the nice taxi lets me off at home. Big Mac, pancakes. You know you want to make them for me. I'll be over when I'm sure I'm not too hung over. I'll text first.

If there's anyone who wants to come to my place for drunk snuggling, and you have a reason to suspect I would be up for snuggling you sober (you know who you are), please come by. I'm in a super snuggly mood, and all I have to snuggle is my bathrobe. It is not terribly affectionate.

Dec. 30th, 2012




Did anyone else not get their wish? I totes didn't :( I wanted to see someone from my dreams.

Dec. 15th, 2012



Quick Valarnet!

Best excuses for having a black eye, bruised cheek and bleeding scratches up and down your face?

Am I allowed to say Fight Club? Is that still relevant?

And...okay, best responses to the "you're not my REAL dad" thing? Cause I never really HAVE one...

Dec. 14th, 2012



Dear guy I yelled at last night (I don't think you ever told me your name).

I'm sorry I dropped enough f-bombs to rival a military strike, and that I yelled at you.

Dec. 12th, 2012



I'm really starting to like it here. Newport Beach might not be as busy and full of people as San Francisco, but it's just as fun, and there's less traffic.

I just can't wait to get done with all the administrative stuff for my shop. It's mostly set up the way I want it (I'm never going to complain about cleaning my room again), now I just have to do the boring part. Forever. Luckily, college has prepared me for unending paperwork.

Nov. 26th, 2012




My kid's a fucking MORON.

And grounded for the next twelve years, which I actually got the landlord in on. She doesn't know the details but you'd be surprised how a supplement to the rent check does wonders.

I could STRANGLE Roy right now.

Nov. 25th, 2012




[Not locked]

Headmistress Katherine Pryde. I like the sound of that.

[locked to Jubilee, Rahne and Xi'an]

Have any of you dreamed about Scott and Logan splitting the X-men?

And I thought my parent's divorce was bad.


You're a dick.


Logan ended up reopening the school. He called it the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning.

Scott was probably pissed.

Nov. 17th, 2012



Hey Valarnet!

Everyone here who doesn't have other plans, and/or sane people to hang out with is invited to my Thanksgiving All Stars event. I'm handling the cooking, and there will definitely be vegan friendly options if you're not into eating things that have faces. Dessert is also completely covered, and it is gonna be amazing. So we'll eat at about three, though I'll have crackers and stuff out before that point, and there'll be all kinds of amazing stuff to do. Party is being held at:

[Insert Clint's Address]

So, just consider this an open invite. Maybe I'll see some of you there!

[Locked to Clint:]

You're okay with me throwing Thanksgiving at your place, right?

Thanks so much, you're totally my BFF.

Nov. 11th, 2012




[Filtered to Clarice, Jean, Jubilee, Kitty, Rahne, Wade and Xi'an]

If you want to beat up some aliens, I'll pick you up.

[To Emma]

I know you probably don't want to know about this, but we've got a problem in the desert, and they need everyone they can get their hands on to help.

I just wanted to say..just in in case....

I'm going out of town. Alien invasion, welcome to the new normal. Want a souvenier?

[Meetra and Obi-wan]

If either of you are available, we're dealing with some serious problems and could use your help.

Nov. 1st, 2012




Hey, Valarnet lawyers, I've got another legal thing to run by you. This is actually relating to a real situation, and it's probably obvious which one, so it's less statement of intent, and more of a general question as to how screwed the situation is.

...I was kind of accidentally assaulted last night. By which I mean, the person who shot me shot me accidentally, and wasn't in his right mind at the time. I wasn't in mine either, actually. And it was just with a children's arrow. Which meant I still had to be put under for them to dig it out, and had to get the wound dressed and everything, and I don't get to come home until tomorrow, but he really didn't mean to do it.

Is there any point in trying to tell the legal authorities that I don't want to press charges? I mean if they were present for the aftermath, but not the actual event and it was really just two idiots fucking around here, and it sort of seems stupid to possibly put somebody in jail for this? I know that technically, once they're made aware of some crimes, it becomes necessary to report, but this was seriously not on purpose, the insanity defense isn't gonna work because you have to have been unable to distinguish right from wrong at the time and...

I don't know. But I really don't want Barton to go to jail because he shot me while he thought he was Robin Hood either. Is it worth trying to explain that at this stage, or should I switch back to the old campaign contributions thing my parents used to do?

Oct. 20th, 2012




I've been so scatterbrained and this happened last month, but I just wanted everyone to know that... I really appreciate the gifts that got sent to the hospital while I was stuck in there.

I'm out now, I've been out for a few weeks, and it's all been kind of crazy... Physical therapists and meetings and trying to get life back on track. But it really cheered me up, and you guys here on the Valarnet are amazing.

They gave me this ugly cane to use while I'm recovering, it was horrible! So I bought some glitter and ribbons and gems and really blinged it out. Now it's the most awesome cane in the history of ever. Check it out!

[ Awesome Picture Here ]

Mia! We should go shopping or get smoothies or something! Since I can't run with you just yet.

Oct. 14th, 2012




Like Ollie would hit me. I'd kick his ass from here to New York, yo!




Excuse me? You know, if your life had gone to complete chaos, you wouldn't be shaving either, the only thing remotely scandalous about the Jubilee thing is our ages, which isn't even THAT bad, since we're legal and consenting, and the last woman who got a black eye or anything else from me was a fencing teacher when I accidentally lost grip on my rapier and launched it at her face. When I was like fifteen.

I'm not even gonna say that that's about to change, but sometimes you do wish you were that asshole who went after media, you know?

...Can you do Sunday bailouts in L.A?

Oct. 12th, 2012




I have changed my mind about Halloween. I'm going to dress as Rip Van Winkle and spend the night by curling up in a corner somewhere. In fact, I'm going to start now. Thank you well meaning colleagues who suggested I get a pilot for the ride home, cause I'm just about done.

Oct. 11th, 2012




...Who knew jail had so many RULES?

Oct. 9th, 2012



RSVP here for the Stark Tower Halloween party

Just leave a note, people!




Porn tapes? Really? That I didn't tell you people about? Oh come ON, Rita, do you seriously think that I'd be that quiet about it? The Roy commentary I'm not touching, the blood diamond thing I'm having looked into. Deleon signed under certain conditions that I had set out so this kind of thing wouldn't happen again. My family dragged themselves through the mud of that for two generations, and if that's what selling out made happen again, I'm not gonna be happy.

It's been a really long night, but I just wanted to put that little tidbit out there for you people.

Oct. 7th, 2012




You ever find out what an asshole you are by getting forwarded a petition to fill out that's been addressed to, and is about you and what an asshole you are?

I miss Thursday.

Oct. 4th, 2012




I do not understand why fans of mine send me their underthings. As someone who does not wear them, there is little point! Perhaps they are trying to send some sort of signal? A distress sign? I jest. I know they mean for them to be seen as a sign that they want to have sensual interludes with me, but alas, I am only one man. I cannot get to everyone.

Though I do try, and I like to think that means I am a man of character. Hello! I am Zevran, but you may call me Zev.



The bad dream fairy appears.

I'm an asshole in my dreams and attack kids, including my goddamn sidekick.

Obviously, this isn't you know, the real Dream Ollie and something has to have caused it but...seriously? Pretty disturbing implications THERE if it's supposed to be some kind of warning for my real life.

Cause, seriously? Pointing my bow at a sixteen year old girl? Actually SHOOTING at said sixteen year old girl? Trying to blow up the other, ex, sidekick?

What's the metaphorical meaning of all this, exactly?

At least she wasn't Mia. Then I'd have to be more worried. As it is, looks like I'm skipping the meeting I had planned afternoon to get a head start on the weekend. What did Jimmy Buffett say, it's five o clock somewhere?

Could've done without that really disturbing trip into dreamland, all the same, thanks. So, to keep my mind off of this, I propose a new Halloween tradition:

Grown Up Trick Or Treating.

Same idea as the old version really, only instead of the candy, every house passes out a shot or bong hit. We all show up at that party following this. Anybody actually want in?

Not that I know what the Hell I'm going as since my costume idea got STOLEN and all. But you know. In theory.





Sep. 28th, 2012




I had a dream. A dream the other night. I've been trying to reconcile what it means, and I just can't seem to come to the right conclusions to make myself comfortable with it.

Sep. 27th, 2012




Feel like I've come out of a long sleep and the world is topsy turvy.

Why am I grieving for people who weren't real?

Sep. 26th, 2012




This is about as good a costume as I could find for a pregnant woman.

Sep. 25th, 2012




So, hey. They starting to know me at my usual haunts. Anyone up to recommending a card room or drinking hole where old Remy might be lost in the shuffle for a bit?



[Failed private lock to Ollie Queen]

Yo Ollie! Your girlfriend demands chocolates, foot rubs and unreal amounts of sex.


I also uh.

Remember that thing I told you about? From the dreams? With the thing? And the pointy teeth?

I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay pale yo.

I sometimes can't see myself in the mirror.

(OOC: Attempt to delete part of the post has FAILED. Bwahahah.)

Sep. 24th, 2012




I'm not sure how I want to relax tonight after a long day of class and studying. Any suggestions?



[!Fail privacy lock to Portia, viewable to all]

No, I did not disappear. I ran away for the weekend to Vegas with Bill. It was the perfect way to spend a weekend but that is not surprising, he is a complete dream. It was pretty amazing.

And no we did not spent our entire weekend in bed. Why do people automatically assume that when you say you went away with the person you are dating? Not that I would objected, why would I? Bill is amazing... He is gorgeous, good at everything he does, treats me right and he is mine.

We did get the entire Vegas experience in though; we got dressed up, went to the casinos, gambled some (I did not even lose all my money), and said why not and got married. You know all the things people assume you did when you said you went to Vegas.

Sep. 22nd, 2012




The recent technological meltdown has left me supremely glad that I'm single and rather boring.

Sep. 21st, 2012



[Failed private to self, visible to all]

Right, note to self:


I mean, not texting whilst topless, texting photos of topless self.

Sep. 19th, 2012




Okay seriously is that dream place like one bad thing after another? I'm losing track of the number of people I love dying, or the number of times I'm fighting, or tortured or turned into an abomination.

I need my happy place, yo.




Most of us are familiar with unusual dreams. If you believe they are real, is there anything you would avoid now?

I know that if I become pregnant, I will die. and so will everyone else So the counter to that is obvious.




I wish I had a bit more time for pleasure reading. My weeks are so full of school that I barely have time to finish my homework and assigned reading, let alone read something for pleasure instead. Not that I'm complaining, I'm thrilled that I'm able to study what I want to study and where I want to study it... It's just a little more time consuming than I planned. And I planned for it to be incredibly time consuming!

Sep. 17th, 2012




School should be optional if you are smarter than your professors. Who wants to sit and listen to morons talk all day? This is why teenagers are addicted to cellphones. Angry birds saves us from going crazy in school.

Sep. 16th, 2012




Good afternoon, Valarnet! It's a beautiful day to go to the park and have a picnic, I think. Of course, I just think it's beautiful outside, so that makes it a good day for anything! What are you guys up to on Sunday? Are you being lazy like me or are you doin' stuff?

Sep. 14th, 2012




I've heard people talk about weird dreams they've had in here.

Anyone else uh.. have one that involved stabbing a guy and the guy exploding into ash?

Sep. 13th, 2012




I have been waiting to post something here until I had more news, but I know that Ty Lee had friends here that she spoke with on occasion.

Friday evening as she and Azula were leaving the Gala, a car slid out of control and crashed into her. Azula is unharmed - I believe Ty Lee pushed her out of the way - but our young gymnast friend has not been nearly as lucky.

She is stable and awake, now. I am sure she would want me to tell you all not to worry overly much, but I thought it best to make people aware, in any case. Her parents are not currently allowing anyone to see her, but she has her phone with her.

Sep. 12th, 2012




I need 2 start getting more sun. I'm so pale it's stupid. Hurts my eyes too.

Stupid sun.




OKay, it's been months since the accident. I think it's about time I got back into shape now.

So: Anyone out there do self defense training? Martial arts, kickboxing... stuff? Also, Fencing?

I also really need to brush up on my archery, but the target Obi built for me should be enough for that.

Sep. 9th, 2012




[Locked and filtered to: Clarice, Dani, Illyana, Jean, Jubilee, Kitty, Moira, Neena, Rahne, Wade, Xi'an. Also open to Wrex, Obi and Shepard]

Okay folks. We need to get things organized a little better, mostly so Wrex knows who's working with us. The underground areas are complete and we've started construction on the main buildings. What, if anything, are we all contributing, not just now, but once everything is set up? Some of us have already discussed what we want to do as a field team, but there's also helping kids out, and other people manifesting strange powers who are adults.

Some of you may not be fully aware of what's going on. In short, we want to have a groundwork in place. Most of us have experienced traumatic memories along with powers manifesting. Not everyone is going to handle that well, and that's what we want to be able to help.

Also. Psychiatrists. Anyone know any good ones?

Aug. 31st, 2012



So I am babysitting little children for what I think will end up being this entire weekend.

This should be interesting.

Aug. 19th, 2012




So maybe I should invest in some kind of sensitivity training...

Nobody who'd get what I want to share with them is speaking to me at the moment. Because I'm an ass. But let me tell you, internet, it's amazing.

Aug. 18th, 2012




There's a woman in my dreams who keeps... recurring. Radiant like the moonlight. A soft, gentle, loving sort of light. Whenever she's around, you can't help but smile... she's the kind who'd make friends with the devil himself.

...In one of them, I think she might even be the Messiah. That probably sounds crazy

Aug. 14th, 2012



You know, it's a shame that the Olympics are over. That was the one thing we could all agree upon watching at the station.

Congratulations, by the way, to all the Olympians on the Valarnet. You had some very invested firefighters cheering you on.

Aug. 9th, 2012




I just shot like...8 commercials. Who knew this was such hard work, even sitting down!

Aug. 7th, 2012




Nothing is better than seeing someone you fucked go to the Olympics. I feel so AMERICAN.