
Posts Tagged: 'clara+oswald'

Apr. 10th, 2019






Apr. 2nd, 2019




A new month means I need a new list of books to read.

Looking for any and all recommendations, although I'll be honest: non-fiction is boring unless it's about cooking. If it's a good food memoir, then please, give me all the titles.

In the last few months, I've read The Passage trilogy, Howl's Moving Castle, Children of Men and You (which I really didn't like, and gave up on). I have a pretty random taste in books. As long as it's interesting, I'll happily add it to my goodreads.

Mar. 30th, 2019




So, A little bit of random history trivia for those who are interested: Abraham Lincoln is in the National Wrestling Hall of Fame, and apparently liked to talk smack to his opponents.

Mar. 18th, 2019




I'm getting kind of sick of my apartment.

Mar. 17th, 2019




My dreams have been most unkind of late.

If anyone would like to share good things from their dreams, I'd really appreciate it.


Brother. What have you dreamed?


Do you have a moment?

Mar. 14th, 2019




It seems silly, but things like this discovery are really exciting, when it comes to seeing how people actually lived in the past.

When you're studying ruined cities it's easy to forget they were once vibrant societies. And that even the grandest city could one day be abandoned to time.

Mar. 9th, 2019




Well that's one mystery solved. For the past few months, a number of my former students would stop by the diner and just give me some type of fruit. No reason given, nothing. Just told not to worry about it. I go along with it because well, fruit can be expensive so I'm not about to turn down free fruit. Even if it was getting weirder. Talk of offerings. A meme as an explanation.... And I mean, it's Orange County so there's always something weird going on.

And now I finally have an answer. No weird Orange County shenanigans this time. No. It turns out it was because of a game of 'Truth or Dare.' No idea who came up with the dare but kudos to them for the ingenuity.

Feb. 21st, 2019




Second time this month I've had someone throw a brick through my window. I'm not sure why people think that'd scare me. It just pisses me off that I have to keep replacing my window.

Feb. 10th, 2019




I'm kind of amused and annoyed. The dreams literally gave me a shirt. I've been dreaming for weeks and all I got was Was this shirt?

Feb. 5th, 2019




I was looking for something and I found some of Li's music. She had collectors vinyls of Lindsey Stirling. One of them I bought for her.

Our first 'official' date was a Lindsey Stirling concert.

It's been seven months but if I listen to these I'm going to end up emotionally compromised.

Jan. 16th, 2019




Dear British Parliament, stop wasting time with no confidence votes. You have seventy-two days before the EU exit with no deal that would devastate everything. Those of us living and working abroad need to figure out our visas and crap.

The times I wish cracking some heads in government would actually work. I'll just prepare for having a continuous hangover headache for the next couple months.

Jan. 1st, 2019





New Horizons has completed the most distant flyby of any celestial object and is beginning to send data. It might be awhile before we get images comparable to the Pluto images from a few years ago.

But it's exciting.

Cut for Image )

Dec. 31st, 2018




Happy New Year from my Lyft!! )

I was going to spend New Year's Eve at home, but then I decided to get dressed and go have a few drinks at my usual place. Anyone wanna join me, I'll be at [name of bar].

Dec. 6th, 2018



Agency filter +. Clara + Twelve, and Magic Guild + any other agency assets

So I had a thought with the snowmen piling up outside my building. What if we could amplify the thoughts of the city into melting them faster? If we amplify the natural vibration of human thought from a really small singular thing into a really big thing we might be able to minimize them at least to keep people from getting too hurt. We can relay that vibration from the satellites down at the snowmen and boom, should have an instant slushie. It may not stop them all, but a high enough vibration and maybe melt a few of these suckers before anyone gets seriously injured.

Dec. 5th, 2018




Seriously, again?

Right, so. Looks like the Snowmen are back after not showing up last year. What you need to know.

1. Psychic snow. So basically if you think about them, more will form.
2. Picture them melting.
3. DON'T THINK ABOUT THEM LATER. Since as point 1 notes, they will just re-form. Yes, I know this is easier said than done.

Dec. 3rd, 2018




I've never been so damn cold. It's pretty, but also so much cold. My short sleeved self was very unprepared. I didn't realize this was a thing at this elevation?...wait. This is an O.C. thing isn't it?

Nov. 25th, 2018




There is a giant wall around Seattle in my dreams. No one allowed in or out. Why do I feel like my dreams are becoming a bad foreshadowing of real life?

Nov. 19th, 2018




Alright, so I'm settled into an apartment (thank you again, Clara, it's much appreciated!), and I even managed to land a job all before Thanksgiving. Go me! Or something. So now it's back to attempting to be a responsible adult and all of that. Which is boring, if you ask me, but a girl's gotta make a living. And at some point I gotta stop running

I'd consider throwing a house warming party, but I only know like, five people here. That's not much of a party scene so much as a friendly dinner.

Nov. 12th, 2018




Pimpernel Outreach will be hosting Thanksgiving dinner for people and families who either have no where to go or cannot afford a meal to make themselves. Anyone who wishes to volunteer to help serve the meal is more than welcome! We also plan to host a Channukah event and Christmas dinner. At both of those we will also give out gifts to those who come. So if anyone wishes to volunteer at either of those events as well, you are more than welcome to!

Oct. 30th, 2018




Alright, so I'm looking into getting an apartment, but things are difficult with the whole ghost in the machine thing going on. So, anyone have any suggestions for good areas of Orange County to live in that isn't too pricey? Or does anyone know of apartments on the market with reasonable rent?

I so need an actual job again as well

Oct. 26th, 2018




Being English, I always celebrated Guy Fawkes Night moreso than Halloween. I'm curious, would any fellow Brits, or anyone else here, be interested in a Guy Fawkes Night celebration? There may not be a life-sized effigy of Guy Fawkes to burn, but there will at least be a smaller one. Food and so forth will also be provided if anyone is interested in coming.

For those who don't know, Guy Fawkes Night is November 5th.

Oct. 19th, 2018




Okay but seriously, is there some sort of time frame on when the whole "Dream thing" you guys go on about is supposed to start? Because I'm now starting to think this is some colossal joke. Like the ultimate hidden camera kind of thing.

Oct. 13th, 2018




Another dream, another chance to save the world! A new adventure with the new Doctor didn't disappoint.

Maybe this'll work out.

Doctor )

Neena )

Oct. 9th, 2018




Anyone else ever get PTSD flashbacks from their dreams? Like you know it's over, you know the danger is gone.

And yet...

Oct. 7th, 2018




It has been a little over a month since I have moved here. Everyone I met so far has been beyond welcoming.

But these dreams. Do they always mirror your own life so closely?

Sep. 30th, 2018




I have never smiled so much in my life as I did in my latest dream. And it was forced smiling because if you weren't happy you got killed by robots. Upsetting the robots was a very bad idea. Managed to fix it all in the end, but that was far too much smiling for my liking. And of course emojis found their way into my dream life. Should've known that humans would never let emojis actually die.

Sep. 22nd, 2018




Well, I could have done without the whole being eight years old again thing. Thanks, Orange County. Really.

Sep. 14th, 2018




Three weeks from tomorrow Jemma and I are getting married. I both can't believe it's that close, and yet also so far away. I'm both excited and a bit nervous. It's a big step, but I'm more than happy to be marrying the woman I love.

And at least we have the best wedding planner helping us out so that cuts down on the stress! ;)

Aug. 26th, 2018




Well, that was an experience. For the first time in a long time, my dreams returned. I'd found some refuge in Bucharest where I was beginning to piece my memories and life back together, the ones that Hydra stole from me. But that was all shot to hell, quite literally, when Steve Rogers showed up and brought a bunch of people trying to kill me along with him. I swear, Steve has the worst sense of timing ever. And the worst sense of fun. I just wanted some plumbs, man!

Aug. 25th, 2018




He bloody tried to send me away! After everything we'd been through together, he just sent me away. A holographic message to live my life, but how could I after everything he showed me?

So I went back. I looked into the heart of the TARDIS and saved him. I saved my Doctor. And what do have to show for it? A terrible headache and a little bit of heartache. I'll be in bed for the rest of the day.

Aug. 8th, 2018




I don't know how to begin about this.

cut for discussions of death )

Aug. 1st, 2018




You know, it's been a few years since my dreams have ended and while it's always brilliant travelling with the Doctor, sometimes it can also end up more or less like this.

Jul. 29th, 2018




I actually got a decent camera now, and I could swear my girlfriend is a model.

Cut for image, viewable to all )

Jul. 10th, 2018




I think my dreams are done for now. They feel it, anyway.

TLJ spoilers )

Jun. 23rd, 2018




At first I was just bored, but now I'm confused, bored, and dinosaurless. That's a thing I haven't thought since I was five. WTF.




I'm inviting trouble just saying this.

But I'm really bored.

Jun. 21st, 2018




Since it's National Selfie Day, I thought I'd throw up one of my most recent selfies. Anyone else wanna share a selfie?

#NationalSelfieDay )

Jun. 17th, 2018




All of you talking about your stupid dreams did nothing to prepare me for my own.

Though except for living in some kind of medieval world on the human side of a wall blocking off Fae kingdoms, there wasn't much different in my life. Still me taking care of everyone else in my family.

Jun. 15th, 2018




Today, the cutest member of my family - Miss Ruby Rose - graduated from college. Everyone go congratulate her and buy her a giant hot chocolate!

[Cut for pic] )




How many cars does a person need? As though the Alfa Romeo 4C wasn't enough, I now have a Mercedes convertible as well. My dream self seems to rather enjoy expensive cars. Though I suppose the Mercedes is a bit more practical than the Alfa Romeo, but even so.

May. 3rd, 2018




So. Don't go outside. You probably saw everyone else's posts about what's goin' on and think 'oh it can't be so bad, I've seen worse!' No way, these buggers are smart. And that makes them scary. I plan to hunker down and sit the rest of this out!

And if you're one of those hero types that wants to look out for everyone else, bless you. After all this blows over, come over to Baxter's and there's a coffee and danish in it for you.

Audrey )

Henry )

Apr. 3rd, 2018




So the mundane BS of my dreams continues. Dad wins his position as DA, I end up enrolled at a school called Blackwell Academy. Good school, everyone loves me, drama club, all the usual crap.

Someone tell me something awesome and magical so I can live through you vicariously.

Mar. 28th, 2018




Sometimes I wonder if I should've pursued photography as a profession. Or maybe it's more that my girlfriend should've pursued modeling. Or maybe both. You be the judge!

Cut for image, viewable to all )

Mar. 10th, 2018




My dream love life is still a mess. The only boyfriend that I haven't killed hasn't died has now forgotten me. Not only that but he has forgotten who he is completely. I knew it was coming before hand. I'm not sure if that made it worse or better.

Would you rather know the love of your life was going to forget you and have one last emotional night together? Or have it be a surprise and not have to deal with the 'goodbye'?




Backdated to late Tuesday night

i know you all don't know this but we all almost died today

sorry about that. don't worry though i watched my brother's plane take off so we're probably good for now. i might be a ticking time bomb though so keep an eye out just in case.

stay safe out there.


i'm sorry if i was kind of short before but thanks for your help. i'll likely have questions when i hate myself less am sober wake up tomorrow but for tonight this is all i have.

so how evil do you think you have to be, on a scale of one to dream luthor, to accidentally almost blow up all of southern california in an attempt to turn your sister's harmless invention into the perfect bomb that you can then sell to the baddest of guys for money money money to get your so-called good guy company off the ground? because i'm personally kinda stumped.

Mar. 1st, 2018




Found the wreckage of the Enterprise. The alien that had led us to this planet turned out to have lured us with her story of distress, but I'd already figured that out and baited her myself. It was just me and Chevok until we found Scotty and an alien named Jaylah who's been hiding out in a cloaked, crashed Starfleet ship that's nearly a hundred years old. I'm going to assume that's our ticket offworld, if we can get her into the sky.

We know where the crew is. The only question is how do we save them?

Feb. 27th, 2018




Well. I can add puddles to the list of things I will never look at the same way ever again. Just when I think I've seen everything in my dreams, something new comes along.

Feb. 21st, 2018




How come children are always the scariest things to encounter? Especially when they have a gas mask on and go around asking "Are you my mummy?" in that horrifying, innocent voice.

I think I'll have nightmares after that nightmare.

Feb. 19th, 2018




I can't believe I was obsessed with a Loth-cat.

Feb. 13th, 2018




Okay so these dreams. Do they have to have some type of supernatural element? Or can they like just feel like memories of another life?

I think I might have had one but I’m not entirely sure. It was all pretty normal. Just me back in high school. Although in these dreams I’m dating the older brother of the new kid in school. Pretty sure the relationship is on the abusive side too. I wish dream!me would just grow some balls and stand up to him already. Even weirder? I know him here too, only we never dated he was just one of my teachers in high school. Is that normal?