
Posts Tagged: 'alice+liddell'

Nov. 9th, 2020




These dreams will never cease to intrigue me. I also woke up to a set of shields and Thor's Mjolnir. Not sure what I'll do with Mjolnir but if anything, it makes for a good paperweight.

Oct. 28th, 2020




School it's so bad in my dreams, I mean I'm dealing with popular girls being bitches, but other than that, I kinda like it. I'm still on the task of getting the wand for mother, but I'm going about it another way, which I'm not too fond of. I gave the Prince spelled cookies for her could fall in love with me.

I know, I know, but the thing is...I think I'm falling for him? Weird.

Also woke up to my mother spell book in my bed.

Oct. 24th, 2020




Can I go back and take back everything I said about not wanting Daddy to play out every potion learning session during the campaign? Because I would happily sit through that every weekly play session as opposed to listening to him have his character attempt to seduce every humanoid enemy our party comes across.

At least Kurt seems to be more amused than disturbed by his grandpas. I swear next week I'm just calling Okaasan and putting her on speaker so she can hear this.

Oct. 12th, 2020




The last time I saw anyone angerclean was back in 8th grade when Mom saw my F in pre-algebra. But the past few days have been a weird trip down memory lane because that's what Alice is doing with her post break-up energy. She's getting rid of so much stuff, and I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing. I've never seen her closet have this much room in it before? But she's got four huge boxes of things to donate to charity. And I've lost track of just how much stuff we've been taking pictures of for her to list on LaceMarket.




On the 30th, Crescent Yoga Studio is going to have a masked meet and greet for our members.

It will start at 8pm till 10pm! There will be a food, tables to eat, drink and chat at. You must wear and masked, but you don't have to dress up in costume. However there will be a custom contest!

Oct. 11th, 2020




I think Emma is starting to teeth, her gums look red and she's been crying nonstop for the last 12 hours.

I might have even joined her for an hour.

I have tried everything I can think of.




Well... that was interesting. I guess I just like being a history teacher. There is far too much in that dream that's the same out here. Something that I'm not entirely sure how to handle. Only difference is the whole ordeal with the woman I love.

Seems like I like giving second chances too, right off the bat.


So, you already knew who I was then? If these dreams are any indication of things.




Do people with normal eyes forget people that wear contacts or glasses are blind as a bat without them? Don't wake me up and ask me to look at something. Because I honestly don't know what I'm looking at when I don't have my eyes in.




So I found out I'm engaged to a thief today.

Have you seen those ads for the really adorable plague doctor and plague nurse plush? I preordered them and I've been really looking forward to them. Since it was a preorder, I wasn't really expecting when they'd come, I just figured they'd get here when they get here, you know?

I went into Nico's office space today to see them sitting on a shelf.

Oct. 10th, 2020




These Dreams are a special sort of madness once they start aren't they? Just flooded by them...and letters from no one I recognize flooding my house being delivered by Owls. Didn't know anyone used birds to deliver things in modern times anymore. Dream uncle went insane, wouldn't even let me have one. There were hundreds at least. Made us move to some lighthouse island to escape them.

Oct. 5th, 2020




I had the strangest thing happen to me earlier. I went to get something to eat after my last class and I was on the phone with my brother while I was eating, just minding my own business. I hang up the phone and almost immediately this girl, who had been sitting nearby, comes over and tells me that I have really perfect teeth. I know I have pretty good teeth, but I've never had a random person come over and tell me that before. So I thanked her and told her I had to go and left.

Has anyone ever had anyone randomly compliment their teeth before?




Gotta love that California air! Especially at night, but it's the best damn thing I've ever come home to. Other than a pair of punks that are AVOIDING ME! Okay, they're not. They're just going to make me live in this manor all on my lonesome.




Count Chocula, Franken Berry, and Boo Berry now have a three pack. Also added to the seasonal cereal: Reeses puff Bats and my cereal fix is almost satisfied. Almost. Gonna need a bigger cereal closet soon. Cerealously.

Looks like I'm minus one roommate/handyman.




Why am I dreaming about turning 8 years old, and waking up feeling like I actually lived it.

Oct. 4th, 2020



Network -- Jefferson

Personal Entry )



Network -- Prince Henry

Personal Entry )

Sep. 24th, 2020




So I'm now on desk duty answering phone after saving the world and losing my live. Till Howard Stark entered my life, office clerk/officer by day and not quite sure what to label myself by saving the world at night? It's a joke that I can do more work than an whole office can, but that's how world of my dreams is. I'm lucky enough to have a fellow name Jarvis to work with, he's a lifesaver. At least I'm still trying to go good in the world, even if I go unnoticed.

Please keep in mind, if you wake up with something that's happened into your dreams. Bruises, wounds, are you in hurt worst than that.

Come to the clinic!

We understand and will help treat you.

Sep. 23rd, 2020




Remember when the Hump Day commercials were all the rage? I kinda miss those days. Maybe because I was a lot younger, and more innocent back then cause I was just a kid. Adulting is hard, man.



Network -- Prince Henry

Personal Entry )

Sep. 20th, 2020




Think I've sort of found a new hobby, been taking photos recently. Starting to get the hang of it I think. Landscapes are fun and all but I think people might be more interesting, anyone want to be a guinea pig and have a photoshoot at some places in town?

Sep. 14th, 2020




Part of me was hoping when I saw the headline that signs of life were found on the planet Venus, that maybe they saw the ruins of my castle or something, but nope. Just chemicals in the clouds.

Sep. 10th, 2020




Now that I'm officially settled into my new home, I guess introductions are in order. So, hi. I'm Andy. No, that isn't short for Andrea or anything like that. It's just Andy. I'm a military brat who has moved around too much to even say where I was last.

Now that I'm in the OC I'll be working with the police force. Criminology is a passion of mine, has been all through college. So, the fact I get to put it to good use works wonders for me.

Sep. 2nd, 2020




Um, right. So I'm Harry, and was told to introduce myself on this thing. Hello? I like afternoon tea, a good book and more tea. Basically, bring me all your tea recommendations for Orange County? And maybe a good diner. I do like the occasional sweet.




These dreams are going to kill me. Like I swear I'm going to have a heart attack. Scott and I were at the school at night, no one else was there except the janitor. Oh, and the Alpha werewolf that's trying to get Scott in his pack. There were no alarms, no locked doors. Like seriously. My real life school? Locked up like a tomb at the end of the day, no one goes in or out after hours.

But there we were, with the Alpha stalking us. It sent Allison a message to meet Scott at the school. She was with Lydia and Jackson, so they came too. And then we were all like sitting ducks. He'd already killed the janitor, and now he was trying to kill us. Or making us think he was trying to kill us. Jackson wanted me to call my dad because he's the sheriff, but I didn't want to and I hit him! I totally sucker punched Jackson Wittmore and lived to tell it.

Well, my dad eventually did show up, but by then the Alpha was long gone. So was the janitor's body. Scott and I realised the Alpha wasn't trying to kill us, he was trying to make Scott kill us. Kill his old pack, his friends, and join the Alpha's pack. In the dream the Alpha tore the battery out of my jeep and threw it through the window of the classroom where Scott and I were taking cover.

But the cool thing? That jeep is here. It was in the drive way the morning. Keys and all!



Network -- Parker

Personal Entry )

Sep. 1st, 2020




Dieu, where has the time gone? High ho the glamorous life indeed! Anyway.

This weekend only, Bandstand will be performed at L.A. Fleet Week. Two shows a day, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Active and former members of the military get in for free.

Aug. 29th, 2020




Does anyone else have random conversations about things, and then facebook starts hitting you hard with ads on whatever you talked about? It's a little bit creepy. Not that I have anything against tea, ever. But I haven't been searching for it online or clicked on anything for it. But because I talked out loud to Dad about seeing a video of tea changing color, facebook is giving me ads about tea and only tea.

Aug. 25th, 2020




While okay, this cake being animated when spun is kinda cool.... who puts popcorn on cake? And why is this in my recommended? I appreciate the pacmen, I kind of want my own animated pacman cake for my birthday now. Just... popcorn?

Aug. 21st, 2020




How do you tell someone you are in love with that you still love them?

Thee's a complicated history, but you know they can work it out!

Asking for a cousin friend. Really, I am, it's not me.


So...I still want to meet Hades or Dad him.

But can we have a sibling dinner first?

Aug. 8th, 2020




Blonde? And I don't know what was going on with my hair.

Bobo and I got home and some weird homeless looking guy was in our crack shack. Will-o'-the-wisp. What??? Okay. Fae world. I guess I shouldn't be that shocked. This guy supposedly knows things about Bo's parents but won't give it up until we get his stolen stuff back.

And we were almost shot trying to retrieve it. I'm in over my head in these dreams. Human in a fae world. Sidekick to a Succubus. What could go wrong? Bo nearly killed someone and turned on me when I tried to stop her. There's some guy can that remove his head. Repeat: Removed his freaking head.

Aug. 4th, 2020




What the fucking hell?

I apologize if I insulted the dream gods or whatever this is.

So, the apocalypse begins and this plane of survivors is above the nuclear blast. They end up at this fallout shelter called Outpost 3. They get these little fucking cubes to eat and it basically sucks and they play the same song on repeat over and over. You can't go outside or do shit, and suddenly who comes in on a carriage like a year and a half into this - ME! I've been watching, and I'm some sort of leader. Someone shoots my horses at my command. Dudes, this is creepy as fuck.

Now, I'm in trying to interrogate those to take to my 'cooperative' to determine who gets to live and who gets to stay and starve. Some rubberman comes in and is hovering around, bangs my first subject (and I think it's me or some sort of thing I create - which makes no sense) but then I tell him that I wouldn't touch such a pathetic guy. This is so TMI, but this is so fucked up. So then the guy in the rubber suit goes back and they're going at it and he stabs the guy thinking it's me and it's his grandma who ratted on him as disgusting and immoral and needs to die. I get some perverse pleasure seeing these people do their worst. I mean, I stripped a lady to look at her spine, humiliated her and told her she didn't pass my test.

But seriously, I got an apocalypse, an android, survivors, some sort of leadership that I'd like to cancel. I'd like spaceships, or maybe fluffy bunnies in a field. I'm some demon. I know it.




I really should have listened to my gut when Mina's dad brought up adding daddy to the new campaign we're planning for once things calm down on set. He used to always be a part of our D&D campaigns but when his company took off he had to miss a few.

And now I remember why the loss wasn't all that bad - he decided today that part of his characters backstory involves curing cows of addiction to the game world equivalent of meth.

Aug. 3rd, 2020




Normally, I wouldn't bother with the network. But, I know of a certain someone who would probably tease me like crazy if I didn't say something. So, if you ever need anything, you can find me at the local firehouse. Where it seems that I practically live most days.

Just ask for Clark Kent.

Jul. 26th, 2020




I thought I'd try making cookies today because I just wanted some. Followed the directions perfectly. The edges were burned and the insides were still raw. And this is why, Mom, you really don't want me to learn to cook. I'd just poison myself and everyone around me.

Jul. 23rd, 2020




I'm going to take a shot in the dark here and ask - anyone want to be an extra or background character in the film I'm shooting? We had some people walk off set today breaking their contracts and need to fill the spots. You might have a few lines but not many.

Jul. 19th, 2020




More dreams. For starters, took me back to being a little kid playing soccer. The day I met my dream best friend, Vanessa. We both had the same necklace. I definitely don't agree with out pizza choice. Double cheese pepperoni with pineapple and anchovy.

Then there was more back to what seemed to be the present. I don't like this girl Morgan. She's talking about Michael as if he's hers, when I know Vanessa is clearly crushing on him. And when I mentioned Vanessa was going out with him al of a sudden he's such a horrible guy. She just kept making snide remarks. I don't know why Vanessa is so damn nice. She's clearly a bitch. My sister's in my dreams but she's not my sister at all. I don't even know her. I can time travel, my best friend can turn invisible but I just can't believe someone can see into the future?

Oh! And it's pretty cool. I found the watch that I wear in my dreams.

Jul. 11th, 2020




This whole network thing is weird. It's all about dreams. I have them, not that they are interesting. I got a role and it was run by people who turned into man-hungry snakes as in Anaconda snakes. I don't think that is what people are talking about.

I also might need a second job. Rent isn't cheap or free.

Jul. 7th, 2020




I know all about the dreams, I've heard people talk about them on this network, finally I guess I join the club.

I dreamed that I lived on an island, called the Isle. It was horrible, dark, dank, and everything on it was awful. The food was all spoiled, had flies all over it, everything was bitter or just gross. The sad thing about it, everyone who lived there, acted like it was normal.

They thought it was alright to live that way, because they always have lived that way.

The thought of it all just grosses me out.

Jun. 25th, 2020




I don't care if Daddy says we don't need one - when this is all over, I'm buying another generator for the house. Flashlights are wonderful and are helping with reading and everything but it has been a longtime since Daddy had to take care of a two year old during a blackout. I'm two minutes away from screaming and pulling my hair out

Jun. 23rd, 2020




It's still almost two weeks until the 4th of July, and the neighbors are shooting off fireworks. It is SNOWING IN JUNE and the neighbors are shooting off fireworks.

Just. ...Wake me up in 2021.




Yes, this sounds about right. I thought we were overdue for freakish weather.





It's June. Note to Mother Nature - you suck.

Hi. I'm Michael. I don't know why someone pointed me at this network as a place to network or whatever. I thought it might be like Tinder, which is complete shit, but funny at the same time. I have an audition today, but it's snowing, the traffic is brutal because nobody can drive in it, and my cat spilled my coffee everywhere. How is your day?

Jun. 22nd, 2020




After a few days of having Cesare looking at us like we betrayed him by bringing another puppy in the house, we gave my dad a golden retriever for Father's Day yesterday. I know I know, you're never supposed to give anyone an animal as a present without discussing it with them first. But. It's been awhile since Sunny passed, and I knew how much she meant to him. And.. it felt right. And I am really, really glad we did it. You can tell while he was in no way expecting it, that he was a good surprise. Ziggy's going to miss his playmate I know, but it's not like we're not going to take the boys to go visit him.

Jun. 15th, 2020




...My Dreamself is really not very observant when it comes to the little things happening to her. The rabbit dropped his fan and gloves while running away from me after my giant state scared him. I was using his fan to cool off and it must have reversed the cakes effect somehow because I was able to put one of his gloves on. Unfortunately - I forgot the key again while I was still tall enough to reach it but I did drop the fan so I didn’t shrink anymore. I just have to deal with the mess of the tears I cried while a giant having formed a sort of sea around me so I’m probably one of the few people who can honestly say that I’ve been in danger of actually drowning in their own tears. Nice right.

I also found out that it’s not just the white rabbit who talks - there’s a mouse trapped in the tear sea with me and I mention Dinah and accidentally frighten it off. Or offend it? I’m not really sure which so I start talking about dogs and that’s...not an improvement and the mouse just leaves me there by myself and refuses to talk to me anymore if I don’t promise not to talk about cats or dogs either one anymore. While we’re floating there I notice there’s actually a lot of animals in the water with us and the mouse promises to tell me it’s history once we get to the shore which has...somehow appeared in the distance. I lead it and the other animals to the shore and that’s when I woke up, soaked through and had to strip the sheets off my bed to run through the wash. I’m so glad I decided to just be honest with Daddy about these Dreams. I didn’t have to come up with any explanation at all for absolutely soaked bedding.

Or for the fan and gloves that have now joined the cake and cordial on my dresser top. I’m starting to have a nice little collection of Dream items there.

Jun. 12th, 2020




Anybody out there know how to handle a crossbow?

I could use some lessons I've got a bow.

I had another dream. The camp got over run with walkers, we some people. And Jim got bit. We had to leave him behind when we moved out. One of the families decided not to go with us. There's still too damn many of us to travel quietly, and I really don't like the cops in the group.

Still haven't found my brother, but we made it to the CDC. Supposed to be help and resources there. Just a bunch of dead bodies and walkers. Seems like we're screwed six ways to Sunday. If it were a TV show, I'd expect my brother to come running out of the shadows to save the day, but I don't think it's gonna happen that way.

Jun. 7th, 2020




I know I’ve read about getting dream tokens and stuff. But still weird to wake up and find one. What’s the strangest one’s some have you got?

[Sam Winchester]

I’ve got something you’ll want to take a look at.

Jun. 1st, 2020




And it looks like I have my next two shows lined up.

LA Fleet Week (September 4th through 7th), we will be bringing back a full production of Bandstand! And then after that, it's rehearsals for the US Premiere of & Juliet, which we will be opening in November.

A bit of a longer lull between shows then I'm used to, but such is life.

Which means if you need me for any spy purposes, now's the time since otherwise I'm mostly at Pimpernel Outreach.

May. 12th, 2020




Hello everyone, I'm Mal Queen.

I'm new to the area!

Open for suggestions on what to do here.

Where to go?

Restaurants to try?

May. 10th, 2020




I've always had dreams about flying, which comes as no surprise considering it's what I do, but dreaming about flying an X-Wing is something completely different. While it's similar to a jet, it's also nothing like it at all. I'm going to have to take Black One out sometime soon. I want to fly in space, but at the same time it's so daunting. I'm gonna do it soon though.

My dream last night was a lot better than the last one I had cause I wasn't tortured and I didn't crash and get a concussion. I got back to the Resistance just in time to leave to take down some First Order troops on a planet called Takodana and then once we got back to base I was finally reunited with BB-8 and Finn, which was awesome.

As good as things appear to be going, I'm not holding my breath that it's gonna stay that way for long.

May. 5th, 2020




I'm going to build a lightsaber.