
January 22nd, 2015





I had another dream.

I saw the world end. Our world. I was in a space station, watching as the sun expanded and swallowed the Earth. There were no more humans living on it, but…that was home. Sure, it was so many billions of years in the future, but it felt so depressing. How can I feel so upset over something that hasn't happened? And won't happen while myself or any of my friends are still alive?

I almost got burned alive too. But the Doctor was there…always the Doctor. He may have given me a hard time for wandering off, but he was always there for me; despite the heartache and strangeness of the situation, he was there.

How can I be so interested in a man I’ve only dreamt of twice?

Private to John )

Private to Clara )

Private to Amy )




Helloooooo Orange County! How are all of you beautiful, beautiful people?

I am Lalna and I am conducting an extremely sober survey. I have reasons. They aren't secret or anything but I'm going to pretend they are because I like the allure of mystery.

If you feel so inclined, please answer the following questions;





I guess dreams are a welcome distraction to all the crime going on lately. At least this one had some good parts.

Though I did wake up to find out Baxters was broken into so that was a downer. At least I don't have work? I think classes should get cancelled too.



failed filter from Naga the Goddamn Serpent

I'm probably going to get arrested tonight.



Notice to employees and customers of Baxters Bakery

The Bakery was broken into last night and as such is a bit of a mess today. Nobody was hurt thankfully but they weren't exactly careful when looking for things to steal.

Please note we will be closed for at least twenty four hours while things are fixed and tidied.

We have contractors working on it and hopefully they won't take too long to put everything right - I'm planning on using my charm to get them to work hard for us!

Any questions please feel free to ask


While things are being fixed you obviously don't need to come in to work but will be paid as usual. I'll message those working over the weekend when we know about the re-opening details.




So here's my New Year so far:

Got married on New Year's Eve, though it was so early in the morning it might as well have been New Year's Day. At least I won't be able to forget my anniversary date. That's a point in the good column.

Friend mysteriously re-appears from the dead. Drama, but I guess we'll put that in the good column.

Other bestie gets possessed by darkness which we inevitably end up cutting out of him the medieval way. He dies. Points in the bad column. He comes back. Points in the good column, but God. Damn, 2015, lets not make this a pattern.

Bar fight of epic proportions, and me so drunk that I'm still hungover a few days later? Well, at least the wife's learned how to use surgical staples. The bar owner isn't pressing charges, but I'm pretty sure I cracked a rib. Points in both columns.

What a hell of a way to start THIS year off.




Plan for the next week:
» Get Mardi Gras shit organized, because I'm bringing an ole fashioned New Orleans party here damn it. I'm too poor to go fly home.
» Finish getting rid of all these damn pies
» Make more batches of booze filled chocolates
» Make a new menu for said holiday
» Sleep sometime





And my T.V. and X-BOX One. And broke a whole mess of stuff just for kicks.

BUT MY CANNABIS PLANTS. I've got people's orders depending on them, and now I have almost nothing!

They couldn't drag 'em all out of the greenroom so they broke and hacked some off.

And of course I can't even call the cops for this.




Okay, I officially regret bitching about how being a cop in the O.C. was nothing like being one in NYC and that it was kinda boring.

This crime wave isn't just overwhelming, it's really pissing me off. I hate feeling like all my hard work is useless. It's like trying to swim against a rip tide. No matter how hard you try, things just seem to be getting worse.

I need motivation. Gonna have me some Jack and Coke and watch a shit-ton of Southland. Officer Cooper speeches make everything better.




If I have been subjected to this dream phenomenon, they seem like nothing more than simple dreams. There was little that was particularly poignant, and, having experienced at the very least four separate ones, one of them is nearly useless and another far too coincidental.