
October 12th, 2014




So, Halloween's coming up. I don't have a costume yet.. which is a big deal for me, of course.

And I do plan to be at a Halloween party, since it's on a Friday.

Now the two questions:

Who's throwing this awesome party I'll be attending-- or am I throwing it?

And what the Hell am I going to dress up as?

I was a Ken Doll last year. That was pretty awesome. I've been a (female) hooker. I did the pirate thing, the frat-boy-in-a-sheet-at-a-toga-party thing.. Three years ago I was a slutty ghost. I threw a sheet over my head and put on ladies underwear over top of it. That was fun.

Anyone have suggestions? Requests?

I could always dress up as Iron Man. Or, you know, Master Chief.




Well I for one am glad that we don't live close to Wasco. I'm not one to be scared of clowns, but this reminds me of a horror movie.




Hi, Valarnet. My name is Hazel Grace Lancaster, but you can just call me Hazel. I've heard this is THE place to be on the Interwebs, so here I am.

wow, that was lame

Are there any other book lovers on here? I am completely obsessed with post-apocalyptic fiction right now. I don't know what it is about that genre that has sucked me in, but I think it's really interesting to see all the different versions of the future. So many of them are realistic in the sense that you can see it really happening. I guess it makes me wonder what the world will really be like 150 years from now. I know I won't be around to see it and that's kind of sad, but I still like trying to imagine it.




I am unsure whether dreaming (or Dreaming, as some people call it here) of someone I have met before is more or less unsettling than Dreaming of someone I haven't.

And so I turn the question to you, Network. What are your thoughts on the matter?



[ X-men and Neena Friends ]

Well, the chip in my head is finally disabled, and you honestly don't want to know how. Let's just say that I'm going to be tasting burnt metal in my mouth for... you know... a week or so.

And I'm like hey, it could be worse! At least the thing didn't paralyze me. Can you even imagine what level of grouchy pain in the ass I'd become if I couldn't bounce around like a crackrabbit anymore? Don't answer that, Clarice.

Thanks again to Kitty and Rachel for putting up with me.

I just wish that I could shake this strange feeling like everything's 'off' somehow. I got so used to fighting the damn chip that now that it's off I don't know how to use my powers anymore.




Chasing a 6 year-old around Disneyland all day is a lot of fun, but it's incredibly exhausting. On the bright side, it eliminated the usual "let me stay up another hour" debate. Annie's just as wiped as I am.