
October 13th, 2014




Whose bright idea was it to go to a party on a Sunday night when I have a 7am class on Mondays? Michael, I am seriously side-eyeing your advice giving skills right now. There is not enough coffee in the world.

But seriously- Tony, Pepper, great party and the house is AMAZING!

Now, if someone could just hook me up to an iv drip of espresso, that'd be awesome.

ETA: Happy Birthday, Jeremy! I can't believe I almost forgot, but I got you an awesome present, if that helps any!

Posted via Journaler.




I've had more of the new dreams it seems..I'd been given a letter to deliver to the Captain of the Musketeers Monsieur de Treville, but a Man from Meung stole it while I was unconscious after the last fight. I went anyway to see him without the letter, but found you don't just ask to be a Musketeer. You have to be commissioned by the King.

During the interview I spotted the Man from Meung outside the window and tried to pursue. Instead I end up basically running into Athos who was already injured and injuring him more. Then interrupting Aramis with some handkerchief thing, and finally basically tripping on Porthos's cloak after making fun of his clothing. Anyway I pissed all three of them off, so challenged each one to back to back duels while being pretty damn sure I wasn't even going to survive the first. One at noon, the other at one, and the last at two.

[filter: Remy, Sharon, Anna, Athos, Aramis, Porthos, Rogue, Portia]
I think we're as settled as we're going to be now in our new home. Maybe it's time we did a house warming party. How is this weekend looking for everyone?




Worst early Birthday present ever.

(ooc: 1. Wow I should have done this ages ago. 2. No, it's nowhere near her Birthday. 3. I apologize for image darkness.)




Someone at work recommended I should watch the Sleepy Hollow tv show. So I've been watching it. It's not bad, I think it's a bit too obvious a lot of the time but I can see the appeal. Then suddenly there was a shot of Blake's The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed in Sun, and I'm pretty sure I felt a bit nauseated.

Please tell me I'm not the only who's had things ruined because of those stupid dreams.




Now this is much more like it.




I guess at some point you have to stop pretending Dreams are just...dreams.




Annie is excited and can't wait for Halloween. I'm pretty sure she only picked this because she has a battle axe. I did see a little boy who was trying on a Daryl Dixon costume and it was adorable.

[Family and Friends]

We are going to take Annie to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party again. If anyone wants to go with us let me know so we can go together.




I may have adopted a kitten over the weekend and he is adorable! His name is Oreo.