
Posts Tagged: 'jessica+moore'

Oct. 22nd, 2019




So I went out last night, in desperate need of chocolate and midol, and didn't bother with a bra because it was like, 3 am.

This lady looked so offended and whispered to me 'did you know we can see your nipples?'

My response?

'First of all stop being ungrateful'

The look on her face was almost as good as the chocolate.




I wish I could say I feel more like myself, but my dreams have... kind of moved into a world dynamic and I don't really know how I feel about it. My home was destroyed, the city I built for myself and my people...

And in the process I've apparently gone from blonde to quite literally platinum. Except for a blonde witch's lock.

Which is a stupid thing to be concerned about all told...




I knew dream me had some issues. But I didn’t realize just how fucked up she was until last nights dream.




Started EMT training earlier this month. It's funny, all my life the last thing I really wanted to do was anything medical related; my dad was a doctor, but recently I'd started thinking about it and while I don't want to be a doctor, I want to be able to help people so I thought being an EMT would be a good alternative. I don't know if it's the random invasions that happen here or if it has anything to do with my Hunter abilities, but here I am. Hopefully I'll pass all my classes.

Oct. 19th, 2019




Can someone explain why I watch things like Forensic Files in the middle of the night when my boyfriend is asleep? I could put on anything else that's not going to make me bloody paranoid, but no, instead I put on the show about murders. What is wrong with me?

Oct. 17th, 2019





The Barbie Dreamhouse is real!


Oh man, I wish they would run this for longer because they would make bank. Only let the first guests have the cool celebrity interactions and then the other people get to just enjoy the house itself. It's just so pink and adorable. Debating if I want to spend some time watching the clock on the 23rd and try to book it.

Oct. 16th, 2019




Looks like I'm losing my mind along with the rest of you. I even woke up with a cold gun after dreaming about it.

Oct. 13th, 2019




The president of my sorority might be able to force me to wear a costume but she can't force me to wear one of the slutty animal ones that she and her clones are wearing - I'll be going as a nurse.

Oct. 12th, 2019




I made lunch with the news on than tuned it off to have a nice meal with my daughter.

Meltdown ensues - tears, screaming, pushing the plate away because "I ruined her whole life" by turning off the news.

I feel like my kid is broken.

Sep. 9th, 2019




Okay so really weird question - has anybody had powers show up here without having dreamed about them?




I prefer staying out of sight and low to the ground, but I have to say flying around and picking up cars is pretty fun.


I'd like a report from everyone on if you still have your powers or if you've miraculously become super human or magical.

Sep. 5th, 2019




I see the most insane things when I go places with my parents. Since I didn’t have to go to my class today and dad is having to use his stored up vacation days, we decided to hit Disney for a few hours, stopping at the ticket booth to renew my pass so that I can keep going to the park with my friends whenever I want. Anyway while we’re waiting in line, this woman with kids starts flipping out because she has to wait 5 minutes and she didn’t come there to spend her day waiting in lines. At a theme park. What was she expecting?

To make it even better when she got up to the window her kid started saying he was bored, which I totally get because that line IS really boring especially when you compare it to the ride lines. But remember mom flipping out over having to wait in a line? She turns around, looks at him perfectly straightfaced and says “You need to learn to be patient and wait your turn”. Mom had to death glare Dad and I both to keep us from reacting because REALLY?!? This grown woman who threw a fit over having to wait in a line telling her son that? Take your own advice lady. For real.

Sep. 4th, 2019




Steve and I spent the last week talking about current events and he decided he'd like to go back on active duty. I'm fine with it! I have always supported him for what he's done for this country, but I didn't think he'd be deployed so quickly!

However, we are keeping the house! I'm staying here. Although I might need to look for a new job, because when Steve is able to call, I can't just walk away from patient in the ER, can I?




So I woke up this morning and this little dude was on the pillow next to me! Gave me a fright before I remembered him from my Dreams.

cut for picture )

I started having more dreams, obviously. Basically I live with my mother in a tower to protect me from the outside world. I have this special hair that can heal people or take back their age. I'm not sure how I got them, but apparently if you cut my hair then the power goes away from that lock and it turns brown. Someone tried to do that to me as a baby and I have this tiny lock of brown hair near the back of my neck.

So anyway, this little dude (Pascal) is a friend of mine in the Dreams and I can't believe he's here! How do I know it's actually him? Because he is side eyeing the hell out of me and wants to ride on my shoulder everywhere. I'm taking the day off work so I can pick up a bunch of supplies to take care of him and research chameleons!

Sep. 3rd, 2019




Locked to members of staff at Mercy's Clinic )

Alex )

Margo )

Woke up with a pounding headache. These dreams sure know how to show a guy a good time.

Sep. 2nd, 2019




Sometimes I wake up from a dream repeat and I'm like 'oh yeah I was a child soldier' and I start laughing but it's not actually funny I'm just kinda messed up




It's definitely strange seeing my Dream self doing something that isn't running the Chikara Dojo, though I'm not entirely shocked either. It was still strange to see. Even if what I...she is still helping the community, so it's not like the goal or purpose has changed, just the means. Which isn't the worst thing. It's still just strange though. Not to mention the

Or that the fight has seemed to land with her/me despite that fact. Which honestly should have been expected when you defeat an evil organization and leave a power vacuum for the different street gangs to try and seize power.

Aug. 4th, 2019




Of course the cell phone addict would be put in my group of campers. She couldn’t quit instagramming and taking selfies long enough to sign in at registration so her sister had to do it for her. She’s going to be in for one rude awakening when 9 am comes tomorrow - no cell phones from 9 am to 5 pm because those are our workshop hours. No cell phones for anyone unless it’s an emergency. And sadly “OMG I MIGHT LOSE FOLLOWERS!” is not an emergency.

Jul. 25th, 2019




Okay, I’ve just about had it with this stroll down memory lane that my dreams seem to be intent on. Although I do have a lot better taste in guys here than my dreamSelf seems to, judging by the first boyfriend she ever had. If you’re going to have long hair - take care of it. No one actually likes the greasy hair look.

Jul. 23rd, 2019




As a veteran who fought in Afghanistan, anyone who says they can end the war there in ten days is completely ignorant of the realities of war. War is not simple by any stretch of the imagination. It's hell. Complicated, horrifying hell no matter how you look at it.

Jul. 21st, 2019




I just saw a suggestion on facebook to add your own hair to your potted plants as free plant food. And you know, even if I've probably accidently killed every plant I've ever touched, I'm good. If it comes down to it, I'll just get a fabric tree or something, because I've seen this movie. Today you feed your plant hair, next week you've got a venus flytrap yelling "feed me Seymore". And I just don't need to deal with that.

Jul. 5th, 2019




Maybe I should start considering taking the day after the 4th of July off too. I'm way too hungover for this bullshit.

Jun. 20th, 2019




Really Dreams? Did you really have to make me relive my first day of school?

Jun. 13th, 2019




It appears my assessment of my allegiance were correct. As confusing as it might be to me, the dreams are at least allowing me to understand the consequences of actions in a way few people can say they experience. Anger and vengeance are a poison, and I will not let them cloud my mind like my counterpart has.

Thankfully I have completed my course for the year and will not return to school until the fall, thanks largely to a very generous scholarship allowing my completion of learning here in America.

As this is my first time having a summer break, I am looking for suggestions for things to do while I'm off school. What kinds of things to people do on summer break?

Jun. 9th, 2019




Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 walked so Hadestown could run...

No pressure for our production this coming July and August!

Jun. 7th, 2019




Oh they are going to be so pissed when they read that note from housing. Since part of the reason I’m staying on campus this summer is the cheer camp I’m working at, the university decided to house some of the girls in the sorority house with me in the empty rooms. Is it wrong of me to want to pop popcorn to watch their heads explode at the thought of these girls sleeping in their beds?

Jun. 2nd, 2019



Filtered from non puncturable star wars types

Best weekend I've had in a long time. I'm not ready for it to end, or to go home. During everything that happened recently I forgot to make reservations for Galaxys Edge, but Stiles didn't. He surprised me with it. I won't give any spoilers but if you love Star Wars, it's a must see.

.. I feel like me again. I haven't in a while.

Did I ever tell you that I had powers?.. I don't remember.

May. 19th, 2019




ooc: spoilers )

May. 15th, 2019




I keep hoping that the governing body for the Olympics will realize what a double standard they're setting requiring Caster Semenya to take hormone suppressants because her body naturally produces more testosterone than the women she'll be competing against. Yet when it was discovered that Michael Phelps' body naturally produced more lactic acid than his competitors, meaning he doesn't get fatigued at the same rate as them, that same body said that he was fortunate to have been born that way. Why didn't he have to take a hormone to synthesize lactic acid so that he didn't have that hormonal advantage over his competition?

May. 14th, 2019



Filtered away from Mitch Rapp

What the actual fuck. My dreams and items gave been decent until this recent fucking item. Why the hell would I have this and why why would it transfer over....

I need a drink, or five.




So fun fact. If you go ice skating in the middle of the day during the week, there's a lot less people and sometimes you're the only one on the ice. Which okay, makes a lot of sense.

Though I'm kinda confused why one lady came up to me to ask if the ice was always so bad since they hadn't done the zamboni since so few people and middle of the public skating time? I mean...it's a public rink in a mall? I don't know. It was just very weird.




Sometimes this place is too crazy even for me, and I'm all 'holy crap what did I get myself into, why did I tell Orange County that I accepted its challenge?!'. And then we've got days like today, where I'm on my way home from work when this girl runs up the street at me.

Naga! Wow, but the cars on the road had like, no idea how to handle that. I wanted to shout something like 'Haven't you ever seen a polar bear dog before!?' but, like - they definitely haven't. So I can't even be mad about all the honking and screaming they were doing.

But hey, Asami? I am definitely going to have to consider moving into a bigger place, now. ALSO does anyone know where I can get bulk fish from?

Apr. 22nd, 2019




I really should have gone to see my mom before going to the store to see what they had in the way of leftover Easter candy on sale. Although now that I think about it - I probably still would have bought as much as I did. It was half off chocolate! Best part of Easter once you're an adult.

Apr. 12th, 2019




Now I remember why I quit taking naps after classes and before practice - boring and yet at the same time weird dreams. And if there's anybody who's about to tell me that dreams are your subconscious expressing something you want: keep it to yourself. I am 100% convinced that I have never wanted my parents to have stayed married. Or not to have all the sort of siblings my stepdad brought around because they needed a fresh start or a safe place to stay for a few months.

Apr. 7th, 2019




Heard some people talking about this place on campus. Figured I'd check it out.

Name's Tim. I like Texas, beer and football.

Anyone hear of any good keggers happening tonight?




I think...

I think I just became a super villain super powered in these dreams. It is very odd. Waking up was so different, I don't feel like this is good.

{Private Message to Dr H. Quinn}
Hello, I feel it is important to message you in request of potential assistance, I was given your name in relation to dream trauma, since you may understand it?

I am worried, this latest dream... I am hearing things that are not there.

May I make an appointment to see you?

Mar. 30th, 2019




I got a few second interviews next week. It's always good to know my personality wins over some people. My current supervisors has to know what I'm about to do.

In less serious stuff: [Video of his pygmy Bantha, Majy, playing at the park with a giant yellow rubber ball.]

Pets are great.




So, A little bit of random history trivia for those who are interested: Abraham Lincoln is in the National Wrestling Hall of Fame, and apparently liked to talk smack to his opponents.

Mar. 28th, 2019




What the fuck did I just watch? I was on twitter and someone retweeted a compilation video of kids throwing fucking pickles at each other. They were literally taking them out of burgers and tossing them at each other. We're fucking doomed if this is the next generation.




It's been a little over a month now and I still see Vincent's reflection when I look in the mirror or anything else reflective. To others I'm still myself, which is good, but it's still disconcerting to see someone else when I expect to see myself. I hope this passes sooner rather than later.




Well this is going to be a very fun conversation for me with campus security. My dad is insisting that I find out what I need to be allowed to have my gun on campus. It's licensed, I have a permit and I know how to shoot. I just don't think that in a sorority house which I swear has to be filled with more than our share of airheads with girls who didn't have the benefit of growing up with a cop and all of his friends from the police department is the best place to have it. No one just happens to know UC:I's rules about weapons on campus do they?



Blocked from Bo

This may or may not sound bizarre, but do any dreamers here have experience with becoming immortal or much longer lived?

I'm married to a Fae and I'd rather not grow old and die on her. Besides, the archaeological opportunities a thousand years from now would be interesting.

Mar. 27th, 2019




I know it’s their allowance and they should get to spend it on what they want to, but why why do the girls keep wanting to use them on blind boxes? For what they’re getting, I feel that they’re honestly really expensive. They feel like dollar store grab bags sometimes, just marked up for interesting packaging and being considered a “surprise”. It’s not the money, it’s just that it feels like these toy companies are taking advantage of the kids this way.

Mar. 26th, 2019




Sometimes it's really tempting to let go of my apartment. But it helps keep me grounded in the now, instead of gallivanting off to the future, as it were.

But still.





I've been approached to attend the US Olympic Track and Field team tryouts in June and I'm considering it. This would have no effect on my tryouts this spring and summer to represent Greece in the Athletics World Championships later this year.

But I almost feel like I would be betraying my home country.

Apr. 24th, 2018




Moved into a bigger place so my pup can run around in the yard. He's loving it. )

Apr. 22nd, 2018




Are we expecting another weird OC weather event that no one told me about? I went to three grocery stores, and every one of them was completely wiped out of white bread. Not just one brand, but the entire section. Even the store brands. I mean, I’m not that picky, but I live with two little girls (and a boyfriend) who won’t touch whole wheat bread, so that wasn’t really an option.

I didn’t really want to go to yet another store, so this week everyone’s getting wraps instead of sandwiches for their lunches.

Apr. 10th, 2018




Daddy came into town for the weekend to see how I was doing and we went out to eat at one of our favorite fifties style diners. Probably the most unhealthy food imaginable, but also some of the most amazing. While we’re sitting there trying to figure out what we’re getting we hear the woman at the table next to us asking the waitress what the healthiest thing on the menu is. I just sat there for like five minutes kind of trying to figure out why you’re going to come to a restaurant that has the phrase “It’s not healthy, it’s not fat free” as part of it’s slogan? The waitress steered her towards the house salad because that is literally the only...light option they have there. I enjoyed the look of horror on the woman’s face when I ordered a triple meat omelet with extra bacon and hashbrowns with cheese on them.

Mar. 26th, 2018




It’s kind of hilarious. I’m just sitting here doing my laundry and studying. I’m only taking up two washers, and all the rest of them are free right now. Two people keep fighting over the same exact washer, because “It’s the bigger one”, taking the other’s clothes out and dropping them on the floor to put their own in and then leaving. The other one comes back, gets mad, and does the same. Mine will be dry before either of them make it through a wash cycle. Just. Use another machine. Or stay with your clothes?




I have to replace my entire bedroom set. And the carpet. And probably my front door because even though my dad’s tried to repair it I still don’t think I’m going to feel very safe sleeping there. Maybe I should just sell the house and get a fresh start all together