
Posts Tagged: 'laura+kinney+%28wolverine%29'

Dec. 15th, 2014




Nobody panic.

But I'm totes not a vampire anymore! MY HEART IT BEATS AND IT BEATS FOR CHOCOLATE YO

Dec. 13th, 2014




Have to admit, I wasn't expecting to see this much snow when I moved to California.

Name's Remy LeBeau. Thought I'd take a look at this network thing.

Nov. 25th, 2014




The Reaper Task Force. Dumbest division name in existence. At least it shut me up and I managed to reconnect with my father, among other things, despite the whole 'planet is getting plowed relentlessly by giant alien cuddle fishes.'

Oh. Yeah. Dream talk, should anyone somehow wonder if our planet is actually under attack by an alien cuddle fish. The answer is obviously no.

Also, look at this interesting movie trailer about Cinderella. Fascinating. She's gonna kill me. Worth it.

Oct. 30th, 2014




Turian armor's something of a bitch to alter and make it fitting for a human.

Mission accomplished though. Let's see if I remember to Halloween right.

Oct. 14th, 2014




Okay guys, enough letting me eat ice cream until I burst. I'm gaining like fifteen pounds from all this ice cream. I can't afford to gain fifteen pounds. Like, seriously, stop letting me eat like I'm some depressed high schooler. even though I broke my own heart. Hide all the ice cream! HIDE IT.

Now who's going to come get me to get off my ass and lose said ice cream pounds? Lets turn that into muscle!

Sorry to say I forgot to grab my new shoes from his place before I bailed. I guess I need new shoes. Uh after I find a job again. Damn, I really liked those shoes too.

I am sending you all my chocolate. I so don't need to eat this much. Oddly enough I think being a logan groupie is less depressing. Weird.

Want to go do some friends like thing? I don't even care what, just I don't want to sit at home and stare at my wall.

Oct. 8th, 2014




I want to start a fight club.

Oct. 7th, 2014




It's been over a week since I last baked. Someone call me a doctor? Heh. Don't worry, I'll be back to normal feeding people again soon.

I swear reality hates me.

Jazz club soon or do you need any help with anything? I need to be out of the house. I have... a project to work on but I can't focus on it.

Neena, Laura
How are you guys??

Oct. 1st, 2014




So for those who were wondering, Dream me managed to bring back those who crossed over into Supernatural Purgatory, even some old friends. Stefan and Enzo can say thank you to me since I drove my car through the window of the grill, taking out a shitload of travelers, making the whole thing possible. While it was kind of a suicide mission, and kind of not since I was coming back through with you, it was a good plan - up until that one snag. There is always that one thing that fucks up everything else.

My saves are Elena, Stefan, Enzo, Alaric, and even Tyler, and that Luke kid. Then the spell stopped. I'm dead. This might be the end.

Can I rewind that and give the hero hair back?

Sep. 21st, 2014




I ran into my dad today. I haven't seen him in a couple of months and it was just as frosty as the last time. They blame me cause they had to get actual jobs again after I sued them to get access to my money last year. It makes me so mad that they see all of this as my fault.

Sep. 7th, 2014




I love how my mother is ignoring me, and my friends pretty much, save for one, didn't bother checking on me. god. people suck

So three days of forced insomnia paired with the two days before hand that I hadn't slept makes for a very violent me, we found out the fun way. I saw some crazy shit there for a little bit. I probably should avoid insomnia unless people want to get hurt. I get a little violent.


Sep. 1st, 2014




I can officially cross off "dying" and "coming back to life" off my bucket list. I've read it's a thing here, so I feel like I've been initiated into some kind of club.

Also, ever wonder where a mouth of hell would conveniently be and open up at? Check your local school library! You'd be surprised.

Aug. 21st, 2014




I don't even know what to say about this last round of dreams. I don't even know.

i was a prisoner for five fucking years. Five. I was some twisted experiment, and my next door cell mate - Enzo. Yeah, my best friend, still.

I also know that when a vampire takes a cure they begin to age, and I'm pretty fucking vindictive. That wasn't a mystery. I took vindictive to several new levels.

I'm not sure which is worse. Elena and I - why can't we be happy? Why? I want her, and I'm so lost and so damn destructive that I really can't take my own happiness. I pushed her away.

I'm taking a bottle, and heading out.

Aug. 20th, 2014




Seriously. The OC Hates me. HATES ME.

Lina, Laura, Kitty, Logan, Raven D.

So, after Lobster I went out on the bike.

Let's just say the bike's trashed and so am I. Who knew broken legs took forever to fucking heal. My ribs are better, it's kind of nice because sitting up was a bitch for a bit. Although I guess I'm losing that power because it's taking forever for the leg to fix itself. Not fair. I feel like it's gone all spotty on me. Works for a bit then takes longer.

Also guess who hit me? Just GUESS! This is becoming a habit I'd like to avoid.

seriously. I'm not leaving the house again this month. I had my bike brought back to the house and I'll just mourn over it for awhile. I might be able to fix it. But this makes for a very depressed Rogue.

Lina Only
but he made the quiches, and made me a steak to eat and tucked me into the bed on the couch he'd made up... I'm so confused I'm confused right now, Lina. He was nice

First filter + All those who live full time or part time at Lina/Rogue's place

That said, food for the next few days is done - I'm going to just sleep I think - there's quiches in the fridge, pork loins in a covered dish there too for dinner and sandwiches made for lunches. This is probably the only time I'll ever say have a free for all in the kitchen if you need anything else. Just don't break my kitchen.

Aug. 17th, 2014




Just hit a woman with my car.

But don't anyone worry-- she was just fine, didn't even get a dent.

And the woman was okay, too.

I bet this sort of thing happens all the time here. It sort of happens all the time in New Orleans, too. Crazy pedestrians everywhere.

On the upside, my new penthouse is sublime. Thank you, Newport Beach, for the beautiful water-front property.




After her run in with Remy
private to Laura, Lina, Logan, Raven, Kitty
Pretty sure getting hit by a car was NOT on my to do list. Also since when are there more Southern, Louisiana sounding folk than me and Lina around?

Fucker was on his.cell while pulling out of a parking spot, sent me rolling. Ruined my favorite jeans. Really hate crazy rich spoiled brats who think they're hot shit.


Oh. My.

Well this is awkward. I just remembered the name he gave me. I just got hit by the Fucking Cajun.

Aug. 16th, 2014




I think I'm mostly pissed about the bikes. And the cigars, I had some cubans in there. Fuck.

Didn't even hurt that bad until everythin' grew back.

Yeah, I got exploded. Shit happens.

Aug. 11th, 2014




I do not want to get into the details of trying to explain this, because half of you would not believe me and it isn't really a story for general audiences.

But the bodies on the news were killed by a vampire that I sired a few months ago. Tracking him has taken me the better part of a month, and I miss him every time. He has gotten very fast. But I will catch him eventually.

The other vampires in this community are not to blame and shouldn't be punished.




Not to be a killjoy, but.

Is it me, or does the news report about the two bodies being drained of blood scream "vampire"?

Aug. 4th, 2014




Well that was an interesting outing.

Next time I think going to someplace as crowded as Disneyland please, shoot me in the knee caps so I can't go. It was nice hanging out with my dream-friends who are becoming real friends, but I sweat to death and played dodge the grabby handed children all freaking day.

Only bonus was Logan wore a freaking kilt to Disneyland. To be fair, Kitty encouraged me to give him one but I wasn't expecting him to wear it to Disney-freaking-land. Only bonus for the day.

Thanks for being tolerant of, well, me all day at Disney. Pretty sure I've had my fill of crowds for a year.

Jul. 25th, 2014




Sometimes these dreams can be real badassed.

Jul. 24th, 2014



None of the flyers I posted around town seemed to be getting any attention, so I thought I'd advertise here.

Looking for members to join a 3 piece punk band. I've got lead guitar down, just need a drummer and bassist. Name's already picked out: White Silk Chinchillas. Totally non-negotiable. Hit me up.

Jul. 23rd, 2014




Heard a little rumor that if I wanted to mingle with the locals, this was the place to be.

I'm Garrus.

I'm also bad with social networks. Don't mind the eventual awkward.

Jul. 14th, 2014




Dear vampire-slaying Dream Me,

You just totally failed at your job when you started falling for a vampire. Sure, you didn't know, but the signs were there. No one has a complexion like that unless they're dead.

I can't even begin to explain how much of a fail this is.

No love,

Can I get off this train of craziness now?




The bad thing about a healing factor is you can't get forget-the-world drunk when you need to.

Jul. 10th, 2014




Operation Wolverine People
Day.. what number are we on ... of Babysitting turned camping party. I am pretty sure there is not enough booze in the world to handle this migraine. Also woke up after a dream, not a Dream, just a regular dream, but it wasn't mine.

That. Is going to take some getting used to. So while I'm me and functional, I'm going to go make us real food. You know because surviving on smores, jerky and beer is not actually a good idea. Any requests? if not you may get a weird mix of Southern and Canadian. Fair warning.

If you ever have the chance to absorb someone's personality into your head SAY NO. Waking up from a dream that is, you know, not about me or mine, or even a Dream, is so awkward it's not even funny.

Jul. 8th, 2014




My head hurts.

Lina Inverse
I might not be around for a few days. Something came up with the people from my dreams. I... let's jus say it's hard remembering i'm me right now.

Operation Wolverine Folks [yes i'm lazy]
I'm probably camping out right here until his ass gets up, unless ya'll kick me out. I'd apologize but yeah, not feeling like it. Also I think I drank all the beer here. Sorry. It was an impulse thing that didn't help any. I also have no desire to go out in public, I'm having issues with myself Sorting this shit out is not an easy trick. How did I do it all the time?

Jul. 4th, 2014




Nothing like being woken up at the crack of dawn by your friends blasting Bruce Springsteen. I guess I should be flattered, right? At the risk of sounding old, I need a nap.

Not too bad, though. The dreams I was having weren't all that great and the distraction was good. I still think they should have bought me breakfast, though.

Jul. 1st, 2014




Nothing like waking up and nearly stabbing your girlfriend. And it hurts.

I had another set of not-me-but-still-me dreams. Like it's an alternate universe to the dreams I have that feel the most real.

Uhm Ororo I hope you don't dream those ones, that version of me took your eye. Apparently you're a bad guy there.

Jun. 26th, 2014



Since we're at our first stop heading to Rome, Damon and I just wanted to thank everyone who came to the wedding! All the gifts and cards and company were appreciated! And I hope everyone had fun! :D We'll see you guys in two weeks. <3 Addio!

[ooc: Feel free to tag into the reception log and post gifts and such. I'll be adding some stuff in tonight!]

Jun. 25th, 2014



NSFW in comments!!

I'm getting married today. There's nothing like being woken up with that thought.

No, I'm not going to run away screaming. I'm ready to do this.

The dreams showed up again, and my girl picked me. The day of our wedding and my dream self finally got the girl. It's going to be a good day! Better see everyone there.

Jun. 20th, 2014




Yeah okay what the hell was that last night?

Jun. 19th, 2014




I woke up this morning to a loud thumping noise and realised that it was the sound of my heart beating. Something it hasn't done in months, and now is finally doing again.

It is... interesting how used to being undead you become, when you finally transition through it all. I forgot about things like breathing, or temperature changes. I think I'll miss the things being a vampire awarded me. Superhuman strength, and speed. I'll have to adjust my fighting style all over again.

But it's worth it to be able to eat real food. Speaking of that, I'm starving. Cass, we should order in a bunch of pizzas tonight!

Jun. 13th, 2014




Downside. Dreams getting freaky. Really cool. But freaky.

Plusside, I got a little present and it's the most badassed of presents.




Trying to find a date as a vampire is totes harder than you'd think. I mean I could mez the person but that's skeevy as fuck, but when he or she sees my eyes it's like they've gone to nopetown. It sucks.

Well you get the occasional person who's way into it but most of the time that's kinda not a long-term thing.

And then there's the baby which is another nopetown kinda thing!

Jun. 8th, 2014




I know you totes missed me. Its okay. I'm back. Celebrate and shiz.

So I got up to some stuff. Had some fun in Paris. Partied. Blew up something in the catacombs. Clubbed a lot. Found a baby.

cut for picture )

So what I miss?

May. 28th, 2014




To those concerned, I am home safely. My friends came to rescue me... though it was very confusing at first, since most of them are usually female and seem to now be men.

I'm okay.

May. 20th, 2014




Ah went on a bit of a ride around the state to clear my head.

ah discovered... ah've got nothing going for me, ah mean no real job to speak of at least. Which is a bit depressin' really. Ah guess ah should change that up a bit, yeah? gettin' too old to be a thief, ah'm too tired for the bullshit. Though, ah'm not sure what ah can do.

May. 16th, 2014




Nothing compares to holding a sixteen year old version of your best friend's mother and trying to console her. When she's the same woman that did the same thing to you when you were a kid. God time travel sucks.

Making arrangements to get the kids off to visit with my dad for a couple weeks this summer. And for me too for at least a week of that. And my dad had this great idea for a road trip for them that I'm apparently not invited on. I see how it is.

May. 11th, 2014




Going to Hawaii tomorrow! Well, later today anyway. I'm looking forward to this. I need the break. And I guess we're officially girlfriends now. Going on vacation together and everything.

That wasn't even my plan when I came back to the OC.

May. 6th, 2014




Just wanted to let people know, if you've got PTSD, either from being in the military or from something else, go ahead and drop me a line. I'm willing to listen, and believe me I'm not going to judge.

May. 1st, 2014




bwah u all missed me


Edited in later

Someone who's getting grounded hijacked my computer. Sorry folks.

Apr. 17th, 2014




So, I saw that post the other day about stunt work and it got me thinking, maybe I might contact him about an interview or audition or whatever it is that stunt people do. I mean, not only do I have the gymnastics background, but the martial arts from the dreams. What better way to use both of those?

This could either be a good idea or just a crazy, late night idea.

Apr. 10th, 2014




My friend James Carstairs was taken into hospital last night. I don't know how bad it truely is and the doctors didn't seem to either, but he was feverish and hallucinating and they don't know why. At least they didn't when they eventually kicked me out this afternoon. I know he would appreciate visits and support from his friends, so please drop by and see him.

I'm going to try and sleep now then head back in the morning.

Apr. 5th, 2014




I'm not sure what to say on here anymore. I know there are other vampires on here, but most of you dream of being one. This was never a dream I had. I was already a killer who struggled with her humanity, and now all of that is only made worse.

It's ironic that I struggle with the same things in my dreams but for completely different reasons. At least she could go outside if she wanted to. She could make an effort at a normal life. I cannot, and I am still adjusting.

I lost the good job I had. I... guess I'm going to need to find something with a night shift.

Apr. 2nd, 2014




I seem to have joined the dreamers at long last. I also appear to be a Shadowhunter. My parents run what's called, The Institute in Shanghai. It's a sort of sanctuary and home for other Shadowhunters. I'm quite young, so I'm still being trained, but it seems quite fascinating. I can only imagine what else will happen.

Mar. 24th, 2014




It would appear that my cousin has decided to move to Paris for a little while. I do wish we had gotten more time to spend together, but hopefully she will find what she's looking for and comes back soon. On a lighter note, I'm officially on spring break. I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do this week when I'm not working though.

Mar. 5th, 2014




Hello. I'm Terra. It's nice to meet everyone. I figured that joining this social network thing was probably a good idea. And a fun way to meet people. As long as you're careful about who you talk to, I suppose.

Someone tell me something interesting about themselves.




Hellooooo Valarnet! I haven't been online for a couple of months, but when you don't own a computer, you just jump on when you can. So what has been new? What is everyone doing? Let me tell ya, trying to find a place to stay while there is ash raining down and strange orc-like characters walking around is VERY EASY. Yeah, that needs to happen more often.


So, this morning was entertaining. I woke up with what I can only call a contraction - but the baby is only 33 weeks. Not even eight months in. It hurt like a son of a bitch. I debated basically just sitting there, freaking out and hoping it'd wake up Logan.

But I got the phone, and I googled "early contractions." And it turns out there's something called Braxton Hicks contractions, which are basically practice for your uterus.

I'm incredibly relieved that's all it seemed to be, but I swear to God, I'm gonna be a little fucking uptight for the next month or so. I should probably find other moms to talk to - googling shit isn't the same.

Mar. 4th, 2014




Can't the dreams just take a hiatus while I'm trying to study for midterms and stuff? No? Yeah, thought so.

So, Annabeth, Grover and I started on our quest to Los Angeles and were driven into town by the camp's sentry who was this big guy with tons of eyes covering his body. Then we got on a bus and were attacked by the furies again, one of them being Mrs. Dodds that I killed earlier. Apparently monsters reform after a while. So we escape and wind up at this place called, Aunty Em's Garden Gnome Emporium where we get some food, which was good, but then the not good part happened. Aunty Em was really Medusa and tried to turn us into stone. I ended up cutting off her head; yeah, tell me that wouldn't be traumatic for a twelve year old. We found a lost dog after that and returned it, getting enough money to buy train tickets. We got off in St. Louis at the Arch and I rode to the top where this middle ages woman turns into an Echidna and her yappy dog turns into a Chimera. In order to escape, I jump out of the arch through a hole that blown into it and landed in the Mississippi river, finding out in the dreams that I can breath underwater.

I already found out here that I can breath underwater and it's kind of interesting that I found out here before finding out in the dreams. Isn't it usually the other way around?

So, my dreams ended there and when I woke up, there were a pair of high top chucks at the end of my bed. Now these aren't just ordinary sneakers. Luke gave them to me before we left on the quest and they're flying sneakers. How cool is that? I haven't tried them yet cause I haven't had time, I'm actually gonna be late for class if I don't end this now, but how cool is that?