
Posts Tagged: 'laura+kinney+%28wolverine%29'

Nov. 24th, 2015





I had another Dream. And this one wasn't as boring as the other ones. I learned that apparently my hair is magic. I'm not quite sure how it's magic, but it is. My mother taught me a song to sing and it starts to glow and then it makes her younger. I'm really not quite sure how this happened, but it's so strange.

And then it was just kind of a mesh of growing up in the tower. Apparently I also love to paint there and basically learn as much as I possible can. You have a lot of free time living in a tower, so I'm trying to learn and do as much as I can.

And my god. My hair - it keeps growing and growing. It's a little freaky how much hair someone can have. I'm a little nervous about that happening here because I swear my hair is a little bit longer after I woke up.

Nov. 20th, 2015




I dreamed something that didn't make sense, but then makes sense once you think about it.

There are legacies in my dreams. People who take on the mantle of others to honor those who have been lost, and to then make that legacy their own.

I just hope I live up to it.

Nov. 15th, 2015




People are confusing, but I like them.

Nov. 11th, 2015




Ramen noodles covered in soy sauce have become my favorite new on the go food.

I really need to start eating food that won't one day grant me a horrible sodium induced death.

But so yummy, crappy food.

Nov. 1st, 2015




I went to my first ever college party last night and it was a lot of fun. However, I had these dreams of memories of being a baby, but I would never remember that of my real life. But there was also dreams of a woman who looks a bit like my mother here and growing up with her.

Weird thing is that I live in a tower with her. But I did see some amazing lanterns in the sky.

Blah. Confusing. Also, does anyone want to model for me for my drawing class? It doesn't require being nude, unless you are into that.

Oct. 28th, 2015




CLARA! My darling Clara, I do believe I have discovered, on the google machine, that the man we were speaking of the other day. The one who implanted his face in your chest and shook his head about, was actually committing a brazen form of foreplay or mating ritual called: "Motorboating". It's a bit absurd, as I do not believe any motors, boats, or water for that matter ever came into play.

I intend to do further research upon motorboating. So far, in my explorations in the physical realm, I have come to find most find it odd, offensive, and a few found it amusing. Nothing much more than that though.

Still, I think perhaps I'll go onto doing research here abroad, open to all humans and humanoids alike. I have come to find really only females seem to play victim here, but it's open to all so as not to leave any stone unturned.

Motorboating: Does it work as a mating ritual? Yea or Nay.

Oct. 16th, 2015




I am pretty sure the 16 year old time displaced version of the 32 year old leader of my people has a crush on me.




So a dead body in Ohio was thought to be a Halloween decoration.

I can't tell if I'm more disturbed by the fact people just assumed it was a Halloween decoration or prank, or the fact that I know this isn't the first time dead bodies have been mistaken for Halloween decorations.

Oct. 8th, 2015




Well, I finally got some of those dreams that I've heard people talking about.

Yeah. I think I agree with some of the consensus I've seen other people have about their dreams. Mine suck. At least, the ones I had the other night certainly did.

In my dreams, I was in a foster home. Several of them, actually. Apparently, I bounced around a lot. Never really stayed in one place for long. As soon as I got comfortable, as soon as I thought I'd found a place I thought I could call home, I got shifted again. No one knew anything about me, either. Who my parents were, where I was born, even my name. In the orphanage that I kept getting sent back to, they called me Mary Sue Poots. Um...eew. I can see why I decided to go by Skye when I was older in my dreams. Not that that isn't so weird, as Skye is my middle name.

So yeah. Apparently, according to my dreams, my life as I know here is a lie. Good to know.

Oct. 2nd, 2015




They captured many of us. Young heroes, trainees, just students learning to use their powers. And they forced us to turn on each other and fight to the death in an arena.

And everything I was trying to become washed away in a sea of blood.

Sep. 25th, 2015




In my dreams last night we had a memorial for those that had died after the swarm of crows attacked us. I even dreamed about that again. About the shortage of food, and how I went to bed hungry that night because I didn't want to take anything away from the group because they're starting to lose hope that we'll ever find a place where we can be safe and away from the infected, and probably the Umbrella Corporation.

I'm even starting to wonder if there's a place where we can be safe from everything.

Sep. 24th, 2015




It's officially Autumn as of yesterday, which means the weather and sun are finally mild enough for me to feel like going to the beach. Who wants to come with me?

Sep. 22nd, 2015




I can't believe there's a social media platform I'm only now learning about. Most of them involve following or friending or whatever, which cool. And probably why? This seems more... well I don't know what it seems like yet.

Anyway, hi internet people. I'm Hanna. Not quite sure what to make of this yet but I'm willing to learn. I start at UC Irvine on Thursday if there's anyone who goes there? Maybe?

Sep. 15th, 2015




Sometimes, your dreams are bad. You lose an arm and it grows back. You kill people to save others.

You have friends. You go through terrible things together. Things no teenager should have to face. War. Death. Torture. Genocide. You form a bond. You start to feel human. But you know you're not human. You're a killer, a weapon. You don't even know if you have a soul.

But then, there is Paris. And someone to remind you how to be alive. People you can trust. To heal you. But also to end you to save others.

Can you miss people you've never met?

Sep. 14th, 2015




Hello there lovely people of the internets.

My name is Rapunzel, which is a really weird long name, but I have a handful of nicknames you can choose from if you want. I moved down here from Oregon a few months ago and some guy in a coffee shop told me about this network. I am going to Laguna College of Art and Design and still debating between fine arts or illustration as my path.

I will probably be looking for a job later and perhaps a roommate in the future, so maybe this place can help me out with that. Otherwise, I like to just be creative and am always interested in new ways to do so. Can only re-create crafts from Pinterest for so long before you need something new to do!

Sep. 9th, 2015




Nothing better than some nice dream repeats to put you in a good mood. Oh and a day full of meetings. Deep. Joy.

Sep. 8th, 2015




I dreamed someone close to me was possessed by demons. It is my understanding that this is a common occurrence for us. Possession and mind control. It is not easy being a mutant.




Some days I just wonder why I even bother. Why I'm here. Why I haven't fled yet. Today? One of those days. Ugh.

Sep. 5th, 2015




For sale?

Twenty year old neurodivergant girl seeking potential partner.

Great patience required.

Must be willing to run barefoot through the grass on sunny days. Dancing in the rain optional but delightful.

Contact Alyssa Hamilton for references.

Sep. 2nd, 2015




Okay, I'm new to this whole social media thing, so don't laugh too hard if I screw up. I figure it's time to meet some new people, and it was this or okcupid... and I don't think I'm ready to visit that side of the internet just yet.

Where do I start? The name's James, but most people call me Bucky. I just moved to the OC a few months ago-- I'm from Brooklyn, originally. Thought the change in scenery would be nice. I work at the VA doing social work.

Is that enough information? Or too much? I can never tell with blogging.

Aug. 24th, 2015




Well that isn't something I want to repeat in a hurry. Being stabbed hurts way more than you'd think it does.

But at least it was my left shoulder, I'd be going stir crazy if I couldn't write.




I am extremely embarrassed by the way I acted over the last week. I want to assure everyone that I would never do anything to harm my cat. I feel horrible for the things I said and for the way I treated my husband and sisters. I will be spending quite a bit of time making it up to them and Aslan.

Aug. 16th, 2015




If this cat leaves one more bloody fucking dead animal on our bed, I'm going to take him out to the bloody freeway and leave him there.

Aug. 13th, 2015




Time travel. My dreams have time travel now. We go to the future to save our present and if we are gone too long we die. And then I position myself to travel back and be at the right place and time to save someone else.

And then, just before I woke up, I know it is not friends who have found me.

Aug. 6th, 2015




It's wonderful knowing a friend is safe. I could throw him a party every week for this one. That's one less worry I have in my life now.

Aug. 3rd, 2015




Oh my god. What in the actual hell happened to my reflection?!

How does a reflection just disappear? How do you not have one?! I can't even Google 'why the fuck don't I have a reflection' because that just doesn't happen.


Okay, I googled it and I'm either a vampire or a ghost. Or I don't exist and am typing this from some existential plane. Still. Really not amusing.

Totally got a wallet's worth of rupees though. Not the Sri Lankan currency, unfortunately, more like various colored gems. So I guess that means overall it's useless, much like having no reflection and my eyeliner looks like crap today.

Jul. 25th, 2015




I sometimes feel as though I am only good for a few things, and none of them are what most people would consider to be good things.




People should be required to take an IQ test before watching shows like America's Got Talent. It would possibly prevent most of the headaches I get at the ER.




Hello, everyone. I hope your morning is going well. Right now, I have no complaints, as I have my coffee, laptop and some music playing in the background. All-in-all, it's a good morning for me. So people of Orange County, do you have a specific morning routine that you stick to?

Jul. 21st, 2015




Sometimes I question the decisions of the adults. Emma Frost was probably right.

Jul. 18th, 2015




Last night I dreamed I possessed something called the Power Cosmic. I think, today, it would probably be...useful.




As per usual, anyone looking to keep from getting swallowed up by the nastiness going on outside, my bar's open for shelter should it become necessary. It's getting to be a tad bit more a problem than it had been recently, and if it's the end of the world, best be getting some drinks in before it hits.




In this time of weirdness, I thought I'd provide some virtual (adorable) relief:

I absolutely love having the kiddos at home, but nothing is sacred with babies in the house.

That said, please do keep in mind that I'm a trained professional with years of experience working with big cats. Please, for the love of god, don't go on Craigslist or whatever and try to buy a lion. Really dumb idea. Leave it to the professionals.

Jul. 7th, 2015




What do you do when you're starving, have eaten literally everything in your apartment, and you're still fucking hungry?

Jul. 6th, 2015




I dreamed there's an entire area hidden in Antarctica called the Savage Land, where dinosaurs still exist.

Before that, I was arrested by a man in a star spangled outfit. I ... cannot really blame him. I may have been a child, but my crimes were many.

Blocked from Logan

Do others feel...abnormally protective of people they have dreamed about?

Jul. 3rd, 2015




So, hey there.

Name's Clarke. I moved to Irvine a couple of weeks ago and have been trying to make sure I know how to get around.

Figured it was time I actually introduced myself and met some people. I'll be studying nursing at UC Irvine this fall.

Jun. 9th, 2015




Now that it's been performed and graded, I wanted to share my choreography final.

It's dark. Sad. About missing children. I redid it completely, based it around those dreams.

Those are the girls I'll teach this summer. They did beautifully.

Jun. 5th, 2015




Moving to a new country is always a fascinating experience. I do love that. Hello, I've been directed here by one of my employees.

I'm Kenya Rosewater, it's nice to be here.

May. 26th, 2015




Take a guess on who got engaged while fighting a nightclub full of demons and vampires.

Third time's a charm. So is literal hell walking on Earth. I know a new brand of romance now - the possible Apocalypse.




I have always had nightmares. Terrors in the night that leave my heart racing.

But this was something new and different.


Have you had any luck finding them?

May. 23rd, 2015




I feel as if an entire lifetime's wealth of scientific knowledge just got dropped onto my head. I have spent most of the day trying to come to terms with the fact I now know more about quantum physics, time travel, parallel worlds, and so many other things regarding science and technology that do not even apply to this world yet or perhaps never will. Not to sound arrogant, but I believe I am one of a number of individuals in my world that are considered a sort of intellectual elect - a handful of those who are considered the most intelligent people in the world. I know for certain that Tony Stark is one of those men.

I do wish the dreams would have taken their time with this, much as they did with my Wakandan past.

As it were, I do not know if I need a lot of aspirin, or a copious amount of alcohol. My head hurts.




Peeta, stay home for me, okay? There's demons around.

Time to go practice saving the world again.

May. 24th, 2015




So I think my brother and I arrived in this city at an interesting time. Are those vampires I see outside our apartment? Is this a...regular thing?

May. 22nd, 2015




Hello. My... roommate set me up with an account.

I do not really know what I will use it for.

But someone did suggest I ask a question. Does the nightingale sing?

May. 10th, 2015




Oh look another year where I don't talk to my mom on mother's day. Yay.

But I did get a call from my kids the twins. I miss them terribly.

Apr. 6th, 2015




Think we picked a good time to go to Paris. Ain't sure I wanna go back until things get back to normal in Orange County.

Ain't sure shit ever gonna get back to normal.

But Paris is nice.

Laura K


Mar. 24th, 2015




I found a motorbike that Logan doesn't have yet.

Something something beer eh?

Mar. 14th, 2015




We like to say that a cat, or another pet, moved themselves in. That it was entirely their fault that they're entered our lives. We give up our own agency rather than admit to ourselves that its our choice and our choice alone that lets the cat in. We don't often like to admit that we voluntarily take these creatures into our hearts and our homes.

It's easier to say that the cat moved in, and wouldn't take no for an answer.

Jan. 31st, 2015




So I'm finally twenty one. My birthday was a couple of days ago, but I don't really feel any different. I've had a fake ID for a few years now thanks to Jubilee, so it's not like I've never drank and I've already been to clubs, so it was a little lackluster. Then again, I did get a pretty awesome early birthday present with Logan coming back.

Also, I've been running myself ragged almost every night, patrolling. This is getting a little out of hand. I don't think even Gotham had this much crime in my dreams. I feel like I need a vacation, but at the same time, I feel like I can't just sit around while this stuff is going on. Ah, the life of a dream superhero.

Jan. 30th, 2015




Lesson number 578 in Rogue's Life Handbook:

When moving around the cafe and can't quite get something up on the shelves don't accept a hand from your employees you uh, forget to focus on control and end up with a new migraine and a newcomer in the hotel that is my brain. He may be getting a bonus this week for that one. He's fine. But you know. I feel bad.

Seriously. Get it together brain. It's like, I'm joyfully taxing my body's limits and my brain goes "oh nope, we're on vacation now sorry" and leaves the echos to try to run the joint. And let me tell you, they? They do not know what the word control *means*.

I've gone crazy, haven't I? Ha.

In other news, Mardi Gras inspired foods are now at A Taste of Home. I've hired more staff. And it's been a week since I've stress baked enough pies to feed all of Orange County. And I may have hung a sign out front reading "Neutral Ground" and if anyone decides to be a jerk, I'll just grab you bare handed and let you suffer.