
Posts Tagged: 'buffy+summers'

Jul. 8th, 2014




I just realized that my favorite red and black corset top is missing too. Guess that counts as underwear even though it covers enough that I can wear it out. Damn! And that was expensive too. Not even all the folded laundry can make up for that going missing.

Jul. 7th, 2014




Okay who wants to buy me enough alcohol to kill an elephant?




I'm not sure if the cleanliness of this apartment makes up for the fact that my red undies are still MIA.

Unless somebody cleaned it overnight?

Allison? Kenzi? Lydia?

Jul. 6th, 2014




I need to get out more.

Jul. 5th, 2014




Okay, crazy people. What's going on with the socks? Do you have any idea how many pairs of socks are in this house? Pema is going to drive herself insane trying to find them all. She's convinced that one of the kids hid them all somewhere.

Jul. 4th, 2014




So like I can't sleep.

Not that I ever sleep.

I literally can't sleep.

I had this thought.


Jun. 30th, 2014




So, where are all the good Fourth of July parties gonna be? Anyone setting off fireworks or doing anything on the beach? I need something to do later on in the day. My aunt and uncle are gonna BBQ in the afternoon, but later I'm totally free!

Jun. 28th, 2014






Watching The Grudge was not a good idea at 2am this morning. I may or may not have been so scared I let out a scream or two. So I really hope I did not wake up my roommate Buffy. Scary movies and me just do not mix, and for some reason they always seem scarier at night or in the wee hours of the morning. I'm thankful I didn't have any nightmares from the movie.

Anyways, I've been thinking about trying to get ready to run a half marathon or something to that effect. The color run last weekend was a blast, and I do like to exercise. Anyone know of any good trails or scenic spots that I should check out on my runs?

Jun. 26th, 2014




Dreaming about living a long time is great.

Watching your lover grow old and then get killed. Not so great.

Jun. 24th, 2014



All he does is complain
dumb jock
dumb jock
dumb jock
As if I CHOSE this.
Why do I care what he thinks?

Got hired by someone to code a website on the side. Good to know I'll be able to eat this summer. What sucks is companies won't hire me due to being in high school and all. Oh well. Doesn't mean I can't do freelance.

That being said, it looks like I'm also being given another student to tutor. A girl named Buffy?

Jun. 22nd, 2014




Where do I sign up to get off these dreams? Pretty sure I just had one that hit way too close to home. I want off this ride now. I left New York to get away from memories of my parents.




Well, it’s not Rent.com. I figured it was better than finding a roommate off of craigslist. Is anyone looking for a roommate? I’m house trained, I promise.




I'm not one to post pictures of my McDonalds meals. This is something that I made and actually think I outdid myself this morning.

butterscotch sticky buns )




Superheroes - that is to say, female superheroes in particular - have very peculiar and impractical costumes, don't they?




Along with the creepy ancient tomb thingy of demonology and vampire slaying, I woke up with a wooden stake underneath my pillow and I think it's name is Mr. Pointy. I'm not sure why I think it even has a name, except that my brain knows that it has a name. Who names a stake? You name teddy bears and cute pets. You don't give names to wooden weapons. You just don't.

I think I have a split personality going on and she's convinced she's a vampire slayer. Unless someone is strategically breaking into my apartment and leaving Halloween props around like it's an Easter Egg hunt.

Jun. 21st, 2014



I got dragged in to work at some ungodly hour because people were complaining of seeing a giant flaming bird in the sky. Naturally, the people working the phones at that hour assumed they were all on drugs, and so I was woken up from a dead sleep to come in and investigate.

We swept all their houses and ran every test imaginable on the people that were hauled in, but nothing. No LSD, no K, no MDMA, no mushrooms of any kind. Just a giant bird in the sky.

I still think they were on something, but if they were, I haven't run into it yet.

Don't do drugs, people of California. Or you'll have to deal with a very displeased Detective Chauvelin.

Jun. 19th, 2014




Since the Fourth of July is roaring it's glorious head around the corner, it's time to plan some festivities! Party festivities. The drinky kind surrounding a bonfire on our sandy shores, and watching the pretty explosions in the sky.

My fellow blonde in crime, Caroline and I really want to plan something. Are there any plans in place? Can this just be one giant party where everyone's invited? Because my final grades for algebra came in and I need to cope. In the form of festivities.

On that note, I need a math tutor, since I need to retake the class.





It's always a little strange at the end of the school year when I realize that I don't need to wake up early in the morning for a couple of weeks. I can stay up if I want to, but then I find that I get bored pretty quickly. I think I need to get out and do something this summer. I've been here for about four years now and there are still a lot of things I haven't seen. A lot of things I haven't done.

So, because of that, I'd like recommendations to places and things I should go to and see and I'll tell you if I've done it yet.

Jun. 18th, 2014




What a miserable day.

I was hoping Spain would cheer things up for me, but apparently the entire Spanish team has forgotten how to actually play the game of football and now have to return home with their tails between their legs.

More dreams, of course. The musket and dagger are all right, and D'Artagnan's finally become one of us officially. It ought to be cause for celebration but the rest of the it just made me feel too jealous for my own good not my best. And of course there's nothing quite like dreaming a version of the girl you were supposed to marry once upon a time, only to find out that in the dreams she never really wanted to have a family with you after all and purposely disappeared. Then dreaming of her dying in your arms as she fought to defend her convent and her queen.

Oh, yes, and then I slept with the queen of France. So there's all that, then.

Jun. 17th, 2014




So, my co-workers made me get on here. I'm Daniel Jackson a linguistics professor at the UC of Irvine as well as having a passion for archeology. I'm very much a workaholic so I doubt I will be on here often but I at least did what they said to and signed up for it.

Jun. 15th, 2014




Bella and Nessie surprised me with some cute arts and crafts Fathers Day gift and breakfast in bed.

We then went to my Dad's house for lunch and went to my Father-in-law's for dinner. I'm pretty sure I still see his hands creep towards his cop gun whenever I enter the room.

Now Nessie is in bed and Bella and I are cuddled up by the fireplace. Life is pretty sweet.




Of course, when you're a Frost, no matter how estranged from your family you might be you still have to make an effort. Especially on holidays.

Does my father deserve top shelf cognac? No, he does not. But he still spent a lot of money raising a daughter he despises. I suppose that does deserve some credit, which is why I sent him a gigantic bottle of low quality cognac, instead.

At least he cannot say I didn't send him anything.




I don't know if it is because of Father's Day or what, but I had some of those crazy dreams again last night and apparently I was going to go see my dad.
Like I really needed to be reminded of him today.
I never got there though because I found a dead body. As if that wasn't bad enough turns out the body was my boyfriend's sister. All this tells me is trying to see my dad is never a good idea.

But anyways Happy Father's day to all the
dads out there.

Jun. 13th, 2014




I'm officially a child of divorce.

Holidays this year will be swell. Wonder how the first tug-o-war of daughters is going to end up, but on the bright side, if we celebrate holidays separately, then our family dinners will taste less like a hateful relationship and more like pot roast.

I need to call my sister.

On the bright side, so glad I moved out. Tonight sounds like a night for rootbeer floats and partying. Anything crazy going on tonight? Or tomorrow night? C'mon, it's the weekend!




The damage done to the fields from the snow was pretty extensive, but the cows are fine. Just a minor setback in milk production.




High school is officially over for me. I'm done. Valedictorian and all of that. Writing speeches aren't exactly my thing, but I'm going to try at least.

Now on to college. It better be so much better than this.




Not only is tomorrow Friday the 13th, but it's also the full moon. You would not believe how many times today, I've heard people saying that the extra crazies will be out tomorrow because of those two things happening at once. If I actually believed that bad things happened on Friday the thirteenth then I'd worry that I was in trouble tomorrow, but I highly doubt one has any bearing on the other.

However, it got me to thinking, is there anyone who believes that Friday the Thirteenth is unlucky?

Jun. 12th, 2014



[Locked from Lydia Martin]

A question for you lot. What's the most romantic wedding proposal you can think of? How would you want someone to propose to you?

It's rather obvious why I'm collecting ideas. I want it to be special.




My dreams are exhausted. I never want to be President. Especially not of a whole planet. It's quite ridiculous.

I don't know who is more exhausted. Me in real life or me in my dreams. It's funny because I know my dream self would be horribly appalled to have children.


I have been lost somewhere deep deep inside Orange is the New Black. I feel like I've missed things.

Jun. 11th, 2014




People need to stop me from cooking. Or even entering the kitchen. I tried brownies from a box... I have no idea how they came out so hard. Like fudge. Not burnt, and not really dry... just dense. What did I do wrong?

Jun. 12th, 2014




So my kitchen is a complete mess and will probably take a lot of cleaning but I do have boyfriend made cupcakes to show for it so I can't be mad at him.

Jun. 11th, 2014




Ended up getting one of those weird dreams people post about so often.

Nibelheim sucks.

Jun. 10th, 2014




With all the commotion, I hadn't let it sink in. They accepted my application to CSU Irvine. I can go to college in the fall. My mother would be so proud of me

Jun. 9th, 2014




Does anyone else feel really bad when they see roadkill? Or is it just me?


To those of you following my recent drunken adventures, I sincerely apologize for the post but the saga continues. The bar tender called me in the middle of studying for a case. She asked me for a meal so naturally I asked her why. Then I proceeded to ask her if she had run out of food and needed more, that a supermarket was probably a better idea. She then called me a robot and hung up on me. I..don't even remember most of night before. And I sincerely doubt it will happen again. Is she correct? Am I a robot?
Why do I care?

Jun. 8th, 2014




Advertising to people on the internet. I must be desperate.

Sooooo....a friend told me this was a good place to try and find a roommate! I swear if all I attract are creepers Hi! I'm Buffy. ♥ I go to school in Irvine and I'm looking for a roommate! It's an apartment with two bedrooms, so you get your own! Uhm, no pets please.

Also this advertisement is mostly for girls, but if you're super attractive gorgeous beautiful clean guy, I'll take you into consideration. [[address]] is the address, so if you wanna drive by and meet me, take a look!

But if you're a creeper I have a wooden bat and a pair of stilettos that make great shanks.

Thanks a bunch! ♥


Everyone come tell my little brother how cute and handsome he is. I do it all the time, but I think he's starting to not believe me as much. People of the O.C., I need back up on this!!

If he gets it from a lot of people, he can't doubt me anymore. )

I really know some of the greatest people, both in-dream and out. Hey, Roy, should I figure something out for you next? I bet if Lian helps me, we could come up with a really great post!

Nov. 8th, 2012




She's all over in my dreams. All I can think about is revenge. I'm not sure what to do with all of that.

Nov. 4th, 2012




Have to drop off some papers at the courthouse on Tuesday morning, which is right next to the polling place. So I can kill two birds with one stone before I head into work.




Why is it that the one night of the year that I get an extra hour to sleep, for free, is the one night out of the year that I wake up early?

Oct. 25th, 2012




Best Halloween movie. I have to ask since it's practically Halloween and I have no social life so I am thinking of renting a movie.

Oct. 20th, 2012



Dear Valarnet, I need your help in settling a dispute with a work colleague.

Marvin the Martian: obnoxious or hilarious?

As you can see, it's very important.

Oct. 18th, 2012




[Filtered away from Steve Rogers]

Okay so um.. how do you tell if someone actually likes you more than just friends? I mean if it's not a usual kind of relationship where you're y'know fooling around all the time.

And I get it, I need to have a conversation and just ask, but that's so frickin awkward. 'Hey do you like me? Circle yes or no'.

Oct. 14th, 2012




I bet she shops at Wal-mart for everything. Their everyday low prices are hard to escape. And it's not like this crap she writes actually pays that well.

'What were you doing in Wal-mart Miss Windrunner?'.

None of your goddamned business, Miss Skeeter. But since you brought it up, having passionate sex in their bathrooms was the furthest thing from it. Those bathrooms aren't even clean enough to consider such a thing.

And that woman wasn't even the same woman from the coffee shop.




Thank you to everyone who came and helped me move yesterday. I can't believe we got it all done so fast! And the old place is clean, too, surprisingly so. Landlord says I'll get my full deposit back. Sounds great, right?

Winona loves having a yard. She spent almost the whole day yesterday sniffing around the fence. I think she's in doggy heaven.

Oct. 12th, 2012




Post your thoughts on a blog, they said. It'll be good for you, they said.

Oct. 11th, 2012




I'm moving this weekend, and would love some help. I'll buy pizza and beer for any volunteers!

Oct. 10th, 2012




Anyone who asks me for any of these flavored vodkas is going to get a punch in the face. Pumpkin pie flavored vodka? I feel like an old man, all of a sudden! In my day we drank shots straight and we liked it! Uphill! Both ways! In the snow, even.

Kids today, yeesh.