
Posts Tagged: 'buffy+summers'

Oct. 9th, 2012




I aced my interview at this gym down the road from my apartment. The best part about the job is I would get free membership and the place has a spa and dance classes. I can keep in shape and get paid. Keep your fingers crossed for me!




I'm kind of surprised that there weren't pictures of celebrities without make-up or 'hey look, some chicks actually have fat on their bodies. for shame'. That's all I seem to see when I go to the grocery store and look at the magazines. Don't people have anything better to do?

Anyone know where there might be a place to buy a costume that isn't some slutty version of something?

Oct. 4th, 2012




Note to self: Taking an impromptu post breakup trip to the East Coast is frowned upon when you've only been working at your job for a couple of weeks.


Anyone know of any place that's hiring?

Sep. 14th, 2012




I've heard people talk about weird dreams they've had in here.

Anyone else uh.. have one that involved stabbing a guy and the guy exploding into ash?

Sep. 5th, 2012




I got my first paycheck! Oh, look, my first paycheck is already spent. Boo.

Aug. 19th, 2012




I just landed a job at Bloomingdale's! It's not exactly what I wanted, but at least I'll be able to save up some money for my own place closer to everyone. Fighting for women's rights will just have to wait a bit.

Aug. 12th, 2012



I've never understood the allure of celebrity gossip. Why are we, as a culture, so interested in what people get up-to in their private lives? Fabricated or real, all of this gossip, it's the business of the people involved and no one else's.

Aug. 10th, 2012




Okay. It's official. I'm a lazy bum who does lazy bum things. I haven't even started looking for a job yet and my resume needs so much work I'm not even sure where to start. I've been so distracted working on my mad weapon and krav maga skills that I think I lost sight of what's important. Putting aside any weird things that have been happening lately, vampires aren't real. I don't need to learn how to behead one. Thanks, dreams, but I think I got this.

Now. Anyone want to hire a women's study major? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Jul. 23rd, 2012



You know, generally not okay with little scurrying rodent-creatures that I can't identify. It's like some freaky child's craft project gone awry - brown and hairy and vaguely unsettling. I've seen Gremlins. I know what happens when you feed unidentified animals after midnight.

Jul. 21st, 2012



Broke my foot in this mess. And it's pretty much the most embarrassing way possible, because I stepped in a pothole. AN OLD POTHOLE.

Failed so hard at life this week I think they'll send me back a year.

Jul. 11th, 2012



...so, Valarnet, we seem to have a high collective tolerance for 'strange.' If anyone is about with a little patience left for dream-related oddness, I'd like to run my mouth a bit. Comment below and be forewarned: when I say 'strange,' I mean it.

Actually. Instead, open question: have any of you dreamed about people you've never met, and then caught sight of them in person while you're awake? Because that's happened to me and I think I might be mad.

Jul. 5th, 2012




Finally gotten my schedule back to something approaching normal, I think. Break was good for me in the long term though, I think. Perspective, and all that.

Makes it easier to let go

How was everyone's Explosion Day then? Good, I take it? Everyone still have all their fingers and toes and faces and such?




So cotton candy is the best. It's sweet, delicious, and light, and is better than tacos and chimichangas combined.

Except maybe fish tacos. Those are the best tacos, with just the right flavor.

The sex is pretty good too!

Jun. 24th, 2012



Oh, to be woken late by mournful howls. I'm lucky I've no close neighbours or I'm sure I'd have had death threats by now.

Jun. 16th, 2012




Sweet baby Jesus in a hamper, some guy just tried to run me over on a moped.

I have a lot of feelings about this:

A: Who even drives a moped anymore?
B: I was holding my coffee and now it's on the street.
C: I almost got ran the fuck over.
D: Who even drives a moped anymore?

My pants are all ripped, my knees are all bloody and this sucks. Aren't there supposed to be white knights who swoop ladies out of the way when shit like this happens?

Jun. 11th, 2012




My name is Buffy Summers and I have officially gone insane. No, I mean it. I'm crazy, but it's okay because this time crazy has company. I can't seem to get away from this doctor, but at least he's nice and is humoring me? And he's going to come with me to my last final today. And my graduation on Saturday.... because that's important.

I am strangely calm about this all things considered, but talking it out helped a lot. Lots of talking.

Jun. 8th, 2012




Only one more final and I'm officially a college graduate! Is it bad that I want to preemptively celebrate? I'm pretty sure I at least passed all the ones I took this week and the one I didn't (Thanks my knight in white suit) I know I can pass if I just get enough sleep.

What I am trying to say is that I'm getting margaritas tonight and everyone should come get drunk/dance with me!

Jun. 5th, 2012


I am so confused right now.

my life is weird )

Jun. 4th, 2012




I got exactly two hours of sleep last night and I have a final exam in an hour. I blame you entirely, bad dreams.

Jun. 2nd, 2012



Fact: according to the Grimm brothers' Little Snow White, the stepmother-queen demanded Snow White's lungs and liver. The whole 'I want her heart' bit is pure Disney.

Also, my main take-away from reading was that dwarves are sensible people and know not to open doors to strangers. Why Snow White didn't listen is beyond me.

Another fact: when you Google 'snow white' you have to scroll through half a page of movie times and IMDB entries before you get to the full text of the story. Google, your mind-reading abilities could use some work.

May. 29th, 2012




The next two weeks are full of so many finals I think my brain my go all explody, but on the bright side I graduate on June 16th and then I will have a degree to do.. things with. I just sent out those save the date things my Mom made so I expect to see you guys at my graduation! It's sort of a big deal.

May. 8th, 2012



"A creative adult is simply a child who has survived." I feel like there should be a wild rumpus somewhere in honour of Maurice Sendak.

May. 7th, 2012




I thought you were all crazypants with your talk about vivid dreams and acting like it had really happened to you, but now I think I know what you mean. It obviously wasn't really me or anything, but I have to wonder what my subconscious is trying to tell me with so many cheesy monsters.

May. 6th, 2012




I was out waaaaay too late last night. I guess I didn't want the night to end or something. Weird! I woke up at like 2pm today and I still have a huge ton of studying to do. I can't believe I'm about to graduate from UCLA! This is so crazy. I'm going to be like a real adult now or something.

Apr. 29th, 2012




Poll time, ladies and gents. Well, not an actual poll, but whatever.

Because I'm bored, tell me your favorite drinks. The ones you order when you're tryin' to be cool and impress somebody. Or when you're not bein' subtle about hitting on them. Because "Sex on the Beach" is not subtle. Fun, but not subtle.

Apr. 19th, 2012




Why does every individual I encounter today insist on asking how I am? And why in bloody hell must I be honest with them?

Apr. 18th, 2012




I have the most serious case of verbal vomit today. I can't seem to censor myself. I think it and it comes right out of my mouth. I've already nearly been kicked out of my Lit class for telling the teacher her ass looks big today and then I got into a fight at the cafeteria because some bitch was talking smack about my man. I'm pretty sure I won though. Maybe. Ouch.

Apr. 17th, 2012


Hello, Hello!

My name is Pavel and I am new here on this network thing. I am graduating from UCLA in a few months and then...I am not sure yet. What I really want is to be an astronaut, a flight engineer, but I have hours and hours of flight experience I must get first. I have a beautiful and amazing girlfriend and I was born in Russia but came here when I was seven.

So, here I am and I am sure it's going to be good to meet you!




Can it be June already? I'm done with college. People say you look back on college as such a learning experience, it's the time you really discover who you are and all that mushy stuff, but I still feel like the same ol' Buffy. Just with a sprinkle more feminism.