
Posts Tagged: 'will+solace'

Aug. 24th, 2018




I don't know why my dreams take such long hiatuses. I haven't had any dreams all summer then last night I had this super long dream. Spent lots of time in the Labyrinth. Met a Sphinx and Hephaestus. Split up from Grover and Tyson cause Grover felt Pan's presence in Labyrinth so Annabeth and I continued on to Hephaestus' forges cause he asked us to find out who was messing with them. We found out who it was, Annabeth kissed me, which I wasn't expecting at all and then I summoned water from within me, but it caused an explosion and I lost conscienceness and woke up on Ogygia. Met Calypso there who gave me a choice, to either stay with her and become immortal or go back and help my friends. I won't lie, the thought of staying with her was tempting, especially after Hephaestus showed up and told me that my explosion caused an earthquake that may have woken Typhon, but he also gave me a hint on how to get through the maze.

Calypso gave me a raft to sail back to camp after I told her my choice and when I got there, I found out that everyone thought I was dead. After that Annabeth and I left to go find my friend Rachel cause she could help guide us through the Labyrinth. Once back in the Labyrinth, do you think we caught a break? Nope. We got captured by Luke's forces and brought to Antaeus' Arena cause Luke wanted to give him some entertainment. Turns out Antaeus' father is also Poseidon so he takes an interest in me and wanted me to battle Ethan Nakamura, but I didn't want to fight another camper, even if he was on Luke's side. Antaeus didn't like that so he attacked me and I ended up killing him, which angered Luke so he ordered his forces to kill us. I used the Stygian ice whistle that Quintus gave me to summon Mrs. O'Leary. We managed to escape when she appeared and I woke up after that.

When I woke up, I found the whistle on my nightstand. I've been wondering all day if it'll actually summon Mrs. O'Leary. I haven't tried it yet cause I don't know how I'd explain a really large mastiff to my mother.

Aug. 22nd, 2018




I think Will’s figured out a way to deal with my remote hiding every weekend. Either that or the dogs have figured out how to open up my bag and remove my 3DS from it and hide it someplace. Which I wouldn’t really put it past our greyhound because he is too smart for our own good but our golden retriever is much sweeter than he is smart.

Although he has figured out how to sleep on his new bed and be able to roll over without falling off of it so maybe he’s smarter than I give him credit for.

Picture behind cut to save friends pages, not filtered )

I took the picture without him on it because depending on the light he might blend into it a little too much but it almost matches Cesare’s throne bed so it works.

Jul. 30th, 2018




There was an Over 21 night at a science museum last night. Nico and I are newly legal, thought it would be fun to do, so we bought tickets, arranged for an uber, and made up for every field trip ever where you had to be quiet and not touch things in a museum made of things you’re supposed to interact with. It really was a blast, and probably would have been without the drinks as well, to be honest. I definitely want to go back sometime.

I am a little confused about the lady with three kids that was arguing with security when we got there, though. I mean, it was advertised as ‘no kids allowed’. Not only was there alcohol, but it was past museum hours. Who tries to bring toddlers out at night like this?




Resurrecting Superman went about as well as I'd feared it would. He was definitely not friendly when he woke up. Not even I could stand up to him. Moral of the story: Never head-butt Superman. It'll only hurt you, even if you're incredibly strong like I am. I was about the only one of us who was strong enough to at least temporarily hurt him.

Luckily, Bruce had called Lois Lane, and when she arrived, she was able to stop Superman and calm him. Whether he will return to help us in time is another question. At least Steppenwolf seems to be the only threat to the world now.

Jul. 28th, 2018




Has everyone heard the recent mountain lion stories? First there was the woman who came home to find a mountain lion sleeping on her couch and when it woke up, cause her roommate came home and screamed, it ran behind the couch and slept for another six hours before it left on its own. Then there was a video of four mountain lions on someone's porch, drinking water out of a planter or something and then they just wandered off. I'm not sure where either of these things happened, but oh my god, I don't know what I'd do if I ever encountered either. I mean, aside from the taking pictures part of course. No one would believe you if you didn't take pictures.

Jul. 23rd, 2018




In the care and feeding of goths, it’s important to remember that if there is a ghost hunting marathon on tv? You’re probably going to lose control of the remote. Possibly the entire remote, itself. I still haven’t managed to find it, even after many negotiations. And Cesare and Ziggy apparently aren’t snitches because I can’t get them to help me sniff it out.

Jul. 6th, 2018




Ever stop to think that when you dream, like little d and not the big D dreams, you can have a conversation with someone and not know what they're going to say even though it's all in your head?

So doesn't that mean that your brain is capable of withholding information from itself?

Jul. 3rd, 2018





So. I've probably actually lost my mind. There really are dinosaurs. I wanted one. Clara said no. =(.. God I sound insane.

Jul. 1st, 2018




Speaking of card games, this time one that doesn’t involve half a craft store of glitter, I found out who was in the flying chariot/car/bus of my Dad’s that crashed into the lake at camp. Confirming that Nico is a complete nerd in any universe, dream or not, he had a card game he was obsessed with. It was an odd combination of pokemon cards and D&D, with the figurines. He was waiting for his sister to come back from a quest, and I asked him if he could teach me. ...confirming I’m also a complete nerd in any universe.

Jun. 25th, 2018




There’s a reason they call it craft herpes What do you do when you can’t get something out of the carpet just by vacuuming it? And you think all you’re doing is grinding it into the carpet more? Asking for a friend.

Jun. 13th, 2018




So. Nico has decided to order pet wine for our dogs. I’m not sure if I’m shaking my head more at the fact dog wine exists or at the name of the company, considering. Apparently the name was part of why he couldn’t resist.

May. 28th, 2018




Will and I really shouldn’t ever play Animal Crossing late at night if we’re going to be visiting each other’s towns. That’s how comments about me “only deflowering him a little bit” get made. And our dogs bouncing back and forth between our room and his dad’s is how the comment gets overheard while we’re there visiting because the door’s open.

May. 27th, 2018




I no longer have a master bathroom. I have given it over to the cricket that’s moved in there and is trying to attack me everytime I step through that door. So I closed the door and hope that the cricket has a happy life in there with my shampoo and everything else that I’m going to have to go to Walmart or wherever’s open all night to replace it.

May. 23rd, 2018




I think I need to get a new charger for my 3DS cord, or become the first person in history to die playing Animal Crossing. I went to plug it up earlier, and just happened to notice before I plugged it into the wall that the wire was exposed and fraying. Meanwhile Ziggy is laying down while looking up at me with guilty eyes... I can’t imagine what happened here...

May. 17th, 2018




Are there all these monsters running around here like they seem to be in the dreams and I just never noticed them? I don’t think Ziggy and Cesare are going to be trying to fight their way onto the bed anymore in the morning when I’m sleeping in. Not if my dreams are going to keep being so adventurous. Did anyone know that creatures with horns can drive public city buses because no one can see through the mist surrounding them to see their real form? Bianca didn’t see what he really looked like - or what the three men that attacked us in an alley really looked like, because three muggers attacking two children makes so much more sense I guess - but I know what I saw! They weren’t human.

May. 15th, 2018




I for one welcome our ancient alien cephalopod overlords.

Apr. 26th, 2018




So, my first time getting to see my Dad in my dreams is his vehicle crashing into the lake at camp. Just to remind everyone, my dad is the god Apollo. And said vehicle is the actual sun. So... that’s fun? At least it wasn’t him driving, and I think everyone was okay.

Apr. 19th, 2018




He killed cancer puppy Well I guess I can’t hate that blonde girl in my dreams too much. She has rather well connected relatives and if I can get that internship with her aunt, I’ll be set for after Brakebills in regards to picking a career because I’ll get to know literally everyone who’s anyone among Magicians. But she won’t take me on this year so...fingers crossed for next I guess.

That being out of the way if Quentin ever does show up here - I’m going to strongly recommend no one allow him near their pets. He was trying to cure one in mine, Gerald although everyone called him Cancer Puppy and he was the absolute most adorable dog ever and I loved him and instead he killed him. He killed a dog that magic had rendered immortal because no one before us could figure out how to cure the puppy of the cancer he had. What the hell Quentin?

At least one good thing came from the dream though - I woke up to the world’s most adorable dog having crossed over from the dreams. Sleeping on the pillow beside me and no one is coming anywhere near him to cure him. He’s fine just the way he is - alive, adorable and well on his way to being completely spoiled here by me. And if Q ever shows up - he’s not even going to be allowed to LOOK at the dog

Apr. 10th, 2018




Seriously dreams? The three languages I speak already weren’t enough? You had to dump an extra two in my head? I didn’t even realize it until I was studying this afternoon and when I went to look back over my notes, instead of Italian because it’s still the easiest for me to read, I was writing them in Latin! LATIN! And I can understand classical Greek now. My head hurts

Mar. 30th, 2018




I had another dream. I’m still a kid and still at camp. And I’m still not doing exactly the best at weapons training. I did find out my godly parent is Apollo, which doesn’t really surprise me when that’s literally my dad’s name. My dad, who’s a nurse, teacher and failed garage band guitarist, who has a love of really, really bad poetry, is a Greek god. You have no idea how absurd this is in my head.

He claimed me as his in the dreams after I instinctively healed another kid at camp. Apparently that’s something I can do in the dreams, by singing. Anyone who’s heard me sing can tell you how little sense that makes. I mean, please feel free to ask my long suffering boyfriend.

When I woke up, my hands were weirdly tingly. It makes me wonder if that’s spilled over into the waking world. A certain orange shirt was also draped over the foot of the bed.

In the dream, there are other children of Apollo. I’ve got brothers and sisters. I’ve always wanted siblings. I wonder if I have any Dad doesn’t know about here

Mar. 27th, 2018




There not enough words in any language for me to say just how wrong that dish is.

Mar. 26th, 2018




Well you see something new every day. Or at least I do. Leaving a site I was checking out for a client today, I got the joy of watching an old man drive his car directly into the doors of a pharmacy. I’m guessing they either don’t take his insurance or didn’t have his prescription ready.

Mar. 15th, 2018




Ziggy’s getting big enough now that he’s figured out it’s not so easy for me to pick him up and put him down when he’s in my lap, so he’s started to crawl into my lap for a nap when he knows I’m about to leave for classes. Not only is it hard to move out from under a 25 lb puppy, I also feel so guilty about it, too.

I wonder if that’s also part of his plan?

Mar. 13th, 2018




Wasn't feeling so hot yesterday so I decided to work from home. Fell asleep at one point and woke up to the fucking strangest movie. At first I just thought it was an old western then a bloody fucking dinosaur showed and up and I thought I must have taken too much cold meds and I was seeing things. Before I could actually check the info on the movie to see what it was, I fell asleep again. Anyone know what the hell was on?

Mar. 11th, 2018




I hate spring ahead cause while I like getting the extra hours of sun during the day, I dislike losing an hour tonight. Sure, I'll be asleep and it's not like I get up early on Sundays anyway, but still. It's the principle of the thing. And yes, I know I probably sound crazy.

Feb. 24th, 2018




I’m a little sad that the Olympics are over. I’m also glad that Nico doesn’t have any reason to yell at the TV in Italian anymore. At least not until summer of 2020. It was a good reason to find a break from studying, though. Nico, Sans, and I watching each night. And explaining to Ziggy what was going on since it’s his first Olympics. I know that supposedly dogs aren’t able to see the TV, but he seemed pretty interested anyway, so who knows?

Feb. 23rd, 2018




Watching my boyfriend and his bff watch the figure skating, tonight, may have been one of the most amusing things I've seen. I never would have expected either of them to be so into it and listening to them critique their costumes and music choices was hilarious.

Feb. 9th, 2018




This is the most honest thing I’ve ever seen describing me in the morning. Which makes the fact that Will is the ultimate morning person suck that much more. One day I’m going to figure out how to keep him from getting up at dawn.

Feb. 6th, 2018




Saw this in the store the other day.

Nothing says Happy Valentine's Day like a First Order Executioner... )

Jan. 27th, 2018




Okay so say someone ends up getting cut by a scorpion faunus and poisoned and it makes them really sick and then you get the scorpion stinger. Is it possible to make an antidote with the poison from the stinger? And if so, how do I do it? I have to make this right, I have to save him




My dream self has a lot of adventures. Most while he is stuck as a disembodied soul bonded to a suit of armor. Which is just plain weird.

He can't eat that way, and I wake up sometimes with cravings for foods I have never heard of. I am so glad I have never had to be like that.

Jan. 26th, 2018




I guess I should have been paying more attention to everything that the office at our apartment complex was saying about the sale. Apparently part of it involved us losing our contract with the company that supplied trash pickup for the complex since they took the dumpster and now there's just an empty place on the other side of the parking lot where it used to be.

Jan. 20th, 2018




It turns out there is a reason my dad didn’t show up in my dream. Not that he showed up in this one either. I had been traveling with Mom on her tours I still can’t believe she’s a country singer in the dreams, and there had been several weird things happen at a few of her concerts. Things exploding, fights breaking out… Mom decided it wasn’t safe for me to go on her tours anymore and that going to summer camp would be a better option for me. I have a feeling a few of you know where this is going.

I’m pretty hopeless at training. I mean, I’m okay with a bow. I might be able to hit the broad side of a barn with one. Forget swords. At least I’ve seemed to make a couple of friends there, a boy named Cecil and a girl named Lou Ellen. And it’s nice to just stay mostly in one place and not sleep on a tour bus. I thought I moved around a lot in my childhood here.

Jan. 19th, 2018




I think I liked it better when the Dreams gave me a little bit of information at a time. I feel like I didn’t get any sleep at all last night thanks to all the information that got dumped in my head. After Madre was killed, Father had us taken by one of the furies to be dipped in the Lethe river so that we’d forget everything that had happened to us, then we’re taken to DC and enrolled in a military school by a lawyer that has been placed in charge of the trust fund our dead parents left for us. Bianca and I were happy there, spent our free time exploring the National Mall and I kept seeing things that weren’t really there or shouldn’t have been there so the lawyer showed back up and this time moved us to some hotel in Las Vegas. The Lotus Hotel I think is what the sign said. Anyway, Bianca and I walked through the doors and that was when I woke up.

Jan. 3rd, 2018




So I just found my best friend/roommate's credit cards frozen in a block of ice in a bag in the back of the freezer. Before I ask him why they're there, who wants to try and guess what the answer is gonna be?

Dec. 29th, 2017




I've been too busy playing with the present my boyfriend got me for Christmas to post about what he got me for Christmas. I can honestly say I've probably never had a better gift in my life. I still have no idea how Nico managed to keep the whole thing secret until Christmas Eve.

Guys, meet Ziggy. Cut for space, visible to all )

He's just a baby right now, a rather mischievous baby, so next year we need to make sure he knows not to play with the tree. Because he's definitely going to be big enough to knock it over then. Cesare... is learning to share. He's not sure quite yet what to make of his baby brother. But he wasn't sure what to make of me at first, either, and learned to share.

I hope everyone had a good holiday and has a great New Year's.

Nov. 26th, 2017




Decorating for Christmas is pretty easy when you never undecorated from Halloween. Nico wanted to keep the Nightmare before Christmas theme, so really we just had to throw in some stockings and a tree. Did you know they made black artificial trees? I had no idea that was something that even existed. After decorating it with some white and black striped ribbon, white ornaments, and a tree topper of Jack as santa, and I'm can see us waking up to that giant stripey snake or attacking jack in the box from the movie.

Meanwhile, our quest of finding grinch themed presents continues. ...I kind of want to keep some of these for ourselves. Or at least get a duplicate.




Hi there. I'm Ravi.

I guess this is where I'm supposed to tell you that I enjoy piña coladas, long walks on the beach, and reading novels on a rainy day. Not that we have many of those here in Sunny Southern California, but it still sounds better than 'hi, I'm a nerd who works in a morgue and studies dead people for a living'. I just hope none of you are on tinder, because how awkward would that be? Haha! ... Too much? Yeah, probably better to leave that part out.

So! This looks like a forum full of wondrous dreams and answers to the county's conspiracy theories. Please tell me someone has a good picture of big foot.

Nov. 15th, 2017




The dreams really need to stop coming the night before I have a test or something. It was so hard for me to concentrate today and of course the cafe at school was out of sugar packets so I had to drink nasty black coffee. How can anyone drink it like that? Seriously, it tastes gross with sugar.

So, what had me unable to concentrate? Grover is gonna lose his searcher's license if he doesn't find Pan, Tyson showed up, which is one of the only good things. I got a weird Iris message of Nico talking to a ghost. Annabeth and I ended up in the Labyrinth after being attacked by giant scorpions. Then Hera showed up and was as unhelpful as ever. Not surprising really.

So yeah, I've been wondering what on the earth that message of Nico was about and hoping that Luke doesn't use the Labyrinth to attack the camp. And hoping we don't get killed in the Labyrinth either, cause that'd be just our luck.




I saw this on facebook today. I've never seen an Italian food truck before, or a food truck ran by royalty before. I just know that the food looks really good and might be worth a day trip up to LA for.

[Private to Nico]
I know you haven't felt really all that great lately, but... maybe a taste of home would help?? And I'm not sure you're going to get more authentic Italian food in SoCal than Italian food served to you by an Italian prince. And maybe a drive would help, too? I wish you would tell me what's

Nov. 12th, 2017




I just gotta say, if you're stupid enough to steal eggs from a velociraptor, you definitely deserve to die.

This post brought to you by the fact TNT is currently showing Jurassic Park III. Yes, the velociraptors are inaccurate, but you still don't go up against them like that.

Oct. 29th, 2017




So Nico made a bunch of creepy possessed figurines and we hid them around the apartment complex for the kiddos to find. Bring us a figure, get some candy. I think there might be too many for the kids to actually find, though, so I figureine that some people might like to do a little Halloween scavenger hunt too. Come up to [apartment number] at [apartment complex] if you find one. They look about like this if you're not sure if it's our creepy figurines or just a normal creepy figurine.

Oct. 22nd, 2017




What is it with you yanks and Halloween, anyway?

Oct. 20th, 2017




I saw a video on facebook the other day for these molds that can grow fruit into different shapes. There were apples and watermelon in the shape of hearts and even a watermelon shaped like a skull. It seems kind of cool, but at the same time, is it really good for the fruit to grow inside these plastic molds? Somehow I don't think it is.

Oct. 18th, 2017




I am going to miss Nico and Sans fighting with the RA over Halloween this year. It was great to watch them add more and more decorations to the hall just to annoy him. I mean, at least at the apartment, we're pretty much free to decorate however we want to, but there's just something satisfying about passive aggressive decorations against a Halloween Grinch.

...I say Halloween Grinch, but he wasn't much better about Christmas.

Oct. 15th, 2017




Somehow I don't think descending into a labyrinth that we have no control over seems like the best idea. It's really the only idea, though. I mean, this thing is alive and we're just barreling in like it's nothing.

I'm just really happy I have homework to distract me.

Oct. 12th, 2017




If you could teleport anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?




So today is National Coming Out Day. The first person that I ever told I was gay was my friend Daphne when we were fifteen. I told my parents not long after that and unlike in my dreams, they were both incredibly supportive of me. I had been scared that they wouldn't be, but I'm lucky enough to have a great family and great friends who always accepted and supported me. I know that not everyone is as lucky to have that sort of support system, and if any of those people are here and ever want to or need to talk, I'm a pretty good listener.

Oct. 3rd, 2017




I’m pretty sure that this is what’s going to make my boyfriend decide I’m not allowed to do any shopping by myself because I just picked up the things I needed to test this to see if it really works.

Sep. 21st, 2017




A friend of mine said this was the place to check out. Seems a nice, if weird, place, so far.

So, hello, Valarnet. I'm Alphonse Elric. I'm 18, in pre-med, have a brother in the military, and love chemistry and cooking. I pretty much live at school and only sleep at home, but I like it.

Life is, as usual, busy, and it isn't getting less busy anytime soon, but it seems like I need a break, at least sometimes, to not turn into a robot.

What do you all do when you don't have time to do much, but need a break from life?