
Posts Tagged: 'sharon+carter'

Aug. 4th, 2015




Oookay. Let's say in your dreams you've been investigating someone who you suspect is involved with drug trafficking, slave trading, serial killing, and a whole slew of other crimes as long as my arm for over a year now.

On a scale of one to ten, how weird is it if you let him take you to the ballet?

And is it more or less weird than letting your six year old brother live in the petshop with him?

...I'm asking for a friend.

Why does this make so much goddamn sense to me? I actually think I'm losing it.

Jul. 27th, 2015




Today was completely crazy. And I can't remember ever feeling this overwhelmed with any feeling in my life.

Our baby was born. On Sharon's behalf, I want to say that we're beyond happy to finally meet our little girl. Viviana Margaret Carter - du Vallon. She was born at 6:22pm, and she's 19.2 inches and 6.8 pounds, and she's perfect.

I've never felt so in love in my life.

And Sharon's doing well. And thank you to everyone that was there through it all. I'm so glad to know she's already so loved by everyone.

Jul. 19th, 2015




I think the stress might be getting to all of us.

I came home the other day to hear shouting from the kitchen, and when I went to see what was wrong I saw Aramis on the counter, chucking things from the spice rack at this giant roach that was sitting on the floor.

He started shouting at me in Spanish, and when I told him I didn't understand he switched to French which didn't help at all.

Finally I squashed the (now very well seasoned) roach and had to go sit down before I hurt myself laughing.

I am now also very well seasoned.

Jul. 16th, 2015




What do you do when your dreams start unraveling?

I hadn't accounted for the one scenario that would send me into ruin. I hate the bleed through of feelings. I don't like feeling this panicked.

And if I smoke any more I'm probably going to drop dead from lung cancer tomorrow morning.

Jul. 15th, 2015




I had been sitting here imagining finding whoever stole my Stella and beating them into a bloody pulp if they damaged her before arresting them. Not that I'd actually fucking do it but it's nice to imagine.

And then I logged on here and found out that even buildings have gone missing. Surprisingly, I am not comforted by the fact that my car may have disappeared into the ether instead of just being fucking stolen by some punk.

I am so fucking sick of this place.

Jul. 13th, 2015




I feel like I haven't been going to church as often as I should, and I should really try to fix that. Does anyone attend a Catholic church they'd like to recommend?

Jul. 10th, 2015




I'm so ready for this pregnancy to be over. 15 days to my due date. I can't wait to meet baby Viv.

Jul. 7th, 2015




I had a very relaxing weekend, away from the noise and excitement of fireworks and barbecues. It was a nice reprieve.

Dreamwise, it's all coming to a head soon, I can feel it. The majority of the French court seems to be eating out of the palm of my hand and I've managed to get the king's twin out of the Bastille. He wants to love me like a father, which is something my dream self seems very affected by. I realize now it's not just the future of France I'm in control of, but also this young man's.

Jul. 4th, 2015





CVhris is spending the weekend with soem friends this weekend so I've got the whole weekend to celebrate THE GREATEST HOLIDAY OF ALL TIMEL.

Happy Ameri9ca Day, fuckers!

In my dreams theres apparently this country called Femen (which I can only assume must be filled with topless feminsts. or isn't filled. I don't know. I thihjnk it's supposed to be around Egypt or something).

Tehy've got this cat that wears this stupdi fucking necklace, and they have the cat pick the next king by whoever it liks best. I bet the crown prince got the titel by stuffing fucking tuna down his pants. really not the best system of governemnt I've ever heard of. And then the cat went missing and they got most of the entire LAPD to hunt this fucking thing down. As if I don't have murders and shit to solve.







Today is one of my best dream friends' birthday.


Want to toast Steve later?

Jul. 2nd, 2015




I'm going to get in some much trouble in these dreams. While I am definitely kicking ass and taking names I'm also doing this double agent thing. I know it's going to come and bite me in the ass. It doesn't help that I've been recruited to do this by a dear friend, whom I wish I could punch in the nose because of it. Sorry Tony, your father is a prat some days.

I must say though that I managed to make a couple of really good friends and discover a lot of crazy inventions. The item I almost wish was real in this world is a vial of Steve Roger's blood, but this world doesn't need the ability to potentially create another Super Soldier.

I really need a vacation. Someone make me go on vacation before my cousin's baby arrives.

Jul. 1st, 2015




All right folks, I know everyone's getting excited about the Fourth coming up and all, but let's keep in mind that there are military veterans who get a bit skittish around things that go boom.

Now most of the big fireworks are illegal right now because of the droughts, but I think cherry bombs and that sort of thing are still being sold, and those can make a bit of noise too. If you know any vets in your neighbourhood, consider not exploding things and just lighting some sparklers instead.

Or if you absolutely must make a racket, at least go warn them first so they know what's coming and can get themselves situated first.

To my fellow vets, www.militarywithptsd.org is a good resource for people who are struggling. I'm also available to anyone who wants to come have coffee and talk.

Thank you to my brothers and sisters in arms for their service, your country appreciates you.

Jun. 6th, 2015




I guess this is sort of an open call or whatever, because my Buyer officially moved away - baby birds leaving the nest and all that, but I am in the market for a new one if there's anyone out there in need of a job. Basically, as a Buyer, you'd be researching shoes, purchasing shoes, analyzing fashion trends, and traveling a lot to fashion shows and expos to keep an eye out for the change in trends and styles. Sometimes helping out in the store too, when necessary, like working with customers and making displays. I also need more general help around the store anyway, but hey. Requirements: Must love shoes.

The good news is that I've started my wedding planning binder and already have a ton of magazine clippings in there. I've also made a timeline (average wedding planning time is 16 months) and have begun working out a budget. Venue, bands, photographers, flowers, caterers - I've got a checklist, this will happen.

Though I never understood why people get so Bridezilla about things. I mean, I say that now but check back with me later, I might be more sympathetic.

Jun. 3rd, 2015




First of all, I'm so, so happy that FIFA's finally getting investigated. It's been a long time coming.

Second, FC Barcelona is playing the Champions League final match this coming Saturday. Should anyone be interested in watching, my home is open. There will be drinks and food, and ball drop is at 11:45am. Also, I suppose even if you cheer for Juventus, you can still come.

ETA: Apparently Porthos is jealous of football, so I would like to add that, yes, I am happy to be married and I am just waiting now to officially have my name changed to du Vallon.




I was really handling things. I was doing all right. But the vet's office called today, and his ashes are ready to pick up. I'm not sure I can handle that. Poor Pete. I miss him so much.

May. 15th, 2015




Headed out to DC today to get everything ready for the wedding. I could not be more excited, or more nervous. But mostly very very excited.

The hardest part (so far) was dropping Moose and Bazin off at the boarding house. There may have been a few tears shed, since this is the first time I've been away from the little darlings for any length of time. Had to make sure that Bazin slept in the same place as Moose, or the poor pup would get worried and try to go look for him. Or start crying and keep everyone up all night.

Anyway! I'll be available (in limited capacities) by phone, but otherwise very very busy with very very important wedding things for the forseeable future. Wish us luck!

May. 14th, 2015




Well, I've become the Superior General of the Jesuits in my dreams. That effectively makes me one of the most powerful men and Europe, which is good, because I'm playing a dangerous game. Still, dream Aramis is clever, clever, clever. At every corner, though, is D'Artagnan. He doesn't quite know what's going on, but he knows well enough that it's something, and I'll be damned if he isn't just causing me inconveniences to stall me until the end game appears. There's no enemy greater than a good friend.

In more pressing and relevant news, I'm getting married in nine days. I think I'm going to be sick. I can't believe how quickly time has gone. It seems ridiculous now to ever not be with Porthos, in any aspect. In every set of dreams I've had, he's had a vital role. I still find the idea of marriage both wonderful and terrifying.

We're flying out to DC tomorrow, to spend the next week making sure everything is ready and in order. I'm excited to see my family. I haven't seen them since Christmas, which I know hasn't been very long, but to me it feels like eternity. I hope you all won't get into too much trouble while we're gon.

May. 13th, 2015




There are two brothers in my dreams named Dick and Beaver. With names like that it's no wonder one of them turned out fucked up.

But hey, I figured out who blew up the bus.

May. 10th, 2015




I'm tired.

Whoever caused the mess out there, it's Mother's Day. I've spent all of it cleaning up that mess. I hope this isn't a new crime spree. One of the rookies didn't have the stomach for it.

Now I know I really need that promotion - even though I'd be out there anyway.

Thanks for making my day suck more, whoever you are.

ooc: Mentions of the Klaus murder spree inside, might be graphic. Use caution if easily triggered.




Happy Mother's Day. Go out and make sure to thank your moms today.

I dreamed that I dreamed of my mother last night. I know it was just some dream, but it was... nice to talk to her again.

And I think I must have snagged my arm on a nail or something in my sleep. Woke up and then had to go get stitches. Tried looking for the nail, but it must have fallen somewhere. If this happens again though I'm going to be pissed.

May. 6th, 2015




This Arena is the absolute worst. It's basically a giant clock and divided into twelve sections. At the top of each hour a section locks down and horrible things happen. We've had poisonous fog, homicidal monkeys, blood rain, and birds that imitate the screams of our loved ones. Poor Mags sacrificed herself so that we could live. What a brave woman she was. I just really hope that the right person makes it out alive so she didn't die in vain.

And the Dreams didn't stop when I woke up because I went to my closet and found all my outfits from the Dreams, which include my training, interview, and arena outfits. This is not cool at all. Shoving them to the back of the closet.

But, in good news, I'm going to be in another Food Network baking competition soon. That's really all I can say about that one for now. But I'll make sure to let you know when it's actually airing.




I have to admit that dreaming again is quite interesting. It's been a while since my last one and that one wasn't very happy, so I'm quite pleased to see my dream self enjoying her life. I mean, there's still sadness in there, but also so many things that she would never have done before. Brooklyn, NY has made an impact on her and she is slowly showing the male dominated world she works in that she's a force to be reckoned with. The 1940's is definitely a hard time for someone like her.

But on a more fun note, my cousin's baby shower is this weekend and I'm incredibly excited. I still can't believe there's going to be a new member of our family. This might even be cause for my parents to fly in when the baby gets here.




It's rather nice to be added to the ranks of people who have had their dream pets show up! Nana was really our nurse, back then, because all our neighbours had one though we really were too poor to afford such a luxury - but my father wanted to be like everyone else anyway, so he brought Nana the Newfoundland to us. Isn't she adorable?

Cut for image, viewable to all )

She's even got a frilly white nurse's cap, it's so sweet. She had the best knack for knowing how to treat coughs too!

I also think my dreams have ended, at least for now. I ended up with a daughter who is absolutely lovely, and she'll get to see Neverland for herself as well. It makes me think if she's out there somewhere, which is odd, because I don't have a daughter now so I'd probably never know.

Private to Justin Taylor )

May. 5th, 2015




Okay. I need to fill my time. If I sit around my place any longer I'm going to crazy. Er. Crazier.

I hate job hunting. Dream me was on to something, becoming a drunk in Florida.




Today at lunch I went out to the park near the precinct and took a nap. Had one of those 'dream within a dream' dreams, and it took me a good five minutes once I woke up for real to be sure that I was actually awake. Fucking disorienting. By the way, did you guys know there used to be some sort of huge fucking deer kicking around in the past? And that a different species of animal goes extinct nearly every day? Because I sure as hell didn't know either of those things. Googled it when I woke up, and yep. I didn't think it was actually possible to learn new facts from my dreams. Must've learned about it in grade school or something.

In other news, does anyone know of any mechanics that are good with old, classic cars? My Stella is needing some work. Tried to look under the hood myself this weekend, but as good as I am with cars, I think this one's beyond my skills.

May. 2nd, 2015




[Filtered to Gwen Stacy]

How do I go about applying to Stark Industries? I mean, you know, since you're like Miss Assistant and all that, do I uh... give you my resume, or send it to HR, or ... build a giant mechanical AI arm that can play marbles?

Because I have an idea, but not the resources.

[/end filter]

So I've been watching a lot of Cracked: After Hours, and realized today that I am seriously underwhelming in my nerdiness that I can't think of these things in this way. I love it, it's clever, but I can't decide if I'm ashamed, jealous, or happy about the fact I can't think along those lines.

Also, I just had the cheese fries off of In n Out's 'secret' menu. Amazing.

Apr. 23rd, 2015




Got another dream gift. Not exactly sure what to do with this camera. I'm not exactly a photographer or a PI, but it's pretty awesome.

Apr. 21st, 2015



Locked from Rapunzel's Prince because he is a fartface.


Apr. 15th, 2015




Since it's spring, I've started wanting to do more things outside. The weather's just too nice to stay cooped up indoors, you know? So I take Moose for a nice long jog, and then do my usual workout routine on the front steps instead of in the gym.

Apparently a sneaky fiancé took pictures of me when I thought he was busy sunbathing. I can't be angry, really. I look damn good in them.




Has anyone else covered Onion rings in cheddar cheese, ketchup, sweet relish and spicy mustard? Because it's the most delicious thing I've ever eaten.

Apr. 9th, 2015




Seeing these sorts of images makes me want to get back into research and leave teaching behind. But then I think of trying to get young people excited about science and it makes me want to stay. Any other teachers/profs out there feel the same?

Apr. 7th, 2015




So I helped my dream boyfriend kidnap his baby and leave the country.

There may not be any magic in Neptune, but that town is far from normal.

Apr. 5th, 2015




I'm so glad that Lent is over. I won't lie, there was a moment a couple of weeks back where I cracked and ate a tray of cookies and drank a bottle of wine. But today was fantastic, Porthos and I have so much food still (Athos, D'Artagnan, Sharon - if you want more, we'll bring some with us to work).

And an Easter gift, I have more dreams. Continuing in the same thread, only now a decade later still. I'm a Bishop. Bishop of Vannes, to be exact, confidant of one Nicholas Fouquet and with Porthos we are fortifying a fortress. It's not all as it seems. I know there's more going on behind the scenes, but I want to see how it plays out. I think I hold the very future of France and the monarchy in my hands. Though D'Artagnan someone, I know, suspects me of things. We speak in circles around one another. In my best interests I sent him on a wild goose chase after Porthos, if only to buy Porthos time to express my concerns to those in Paris.

Also, much as I love him, Porthos cannot keep secrets. He would ruin my plans and all in the spirit of meaning well, which will not do.

Oh - did I mention I got some beautiful gifts with these dreams? The robes of a Bishop which are so finely made, and the pastoral ring. I was going to keep it to myself, but, it's amazing.

Image under cut, safe for all. )

It is the crown jewel of all the rings I wear. I'm going to lock it into the ebony box with my other dream gifts, nestled against Anne of Austria's cross and the diamond encrusted cross I received from the Duchesse de Longueville.

Apr. 3rd, 2015




With Chris came Netflix, and with Netflix came me watching 3rd Rock From the Sun.

... That show is so much funnier and so, so much dirtier than I remember it being. I can't believe my mother used to let me watch it.

Mar. 31st, 2015




I usually don't do this whole Internet, social media thing, but I was told this was a good place to get advice.

Howdy, I'm Leon. My kid brother's come to stay with me for a while, so now I'm looking for a babysitter or daycare or something. Someone who can drop him off/pick him up from school, maybe sometimes keep him overnight when my job calls for it. Anyone know of someplace?

Mar. 30th, 2015



NSFW link and probably in the comments. Locked from GoT people past, present, and future.

Alistair! May I bring this set piece home after we are done with it? I think it will make your living room look fantastic.

Mar. 22nd, 2015




I have a craving for red meat like no other, and I'm not sure whether to blame Aramis or Sharon more than that. I will be taking us all out for burgers once Lent is done, however.

I need to stop watching cooking shows until April 7th.

Mar. 21st, 2015




I spent most of the night dreaming of being held hostage. First by smugglers who thought I was someone else, then by a completely deranged man who had me strapped to a vest of explosives. I'll give this to my dream life, it's really never boring.

I've grown quite fond of it.

Mar. 16th, 2015




More of those fun dreams.

Those would be the ones where my dad was the one who killed my girlfriend. He was sleeping with her. They even made a sex tape. These or really high on my list of things I never needed to see in my lifetime. The thing was, for a minute, my new girlfriend thought I might have done it. She and I were kind of having problems - apparently bigger ones than I knew - and, you know, I don't even care. She was sleeping with my dad. That kind of ends it for me.

Let me sum it up by saying that dream me is a complete idiot.

Mar. 12th, 2015




guess who won the hunger games.

22 other teenagers are dead for the amusement of the capitol. katniss and i almost killed ourselves in rebellion to get back at them, buat instead they named us victors.
fuck this.

at least the bartelnder at this place doesn't ask questions otbua why i'm here by myself.

Mar. 10th, 2015




And my sister shoved a cupcake in my face.




I'm so relieved that I didn't accidentally spoil the surprise before everyone had a bite of their cupcakes last night. This telling the truth thing is really tiresome. Any ideas when it might finally be over? But... in happier news...

It's a girl! Aramis, Porthos and I are pleased to announce that our daughter is due to come and meet the world on July 25th. We're still working on names.




Is anyone missing a puppy?

My partner and I found her tied up in an alley while we were making our rounds.

I sincerely hope that this puppy was just stolen by some asshole, and not actually raised by assholes who couldn't deal with a large dog.

Mar. 8th, 2015




There's something so fulfilling about getting one over on these Cardinals. First Richelieu, and now Mazarin. As if there was any doubt that we Frondeurs would succeed. I'm sad another adventure's come to an end. I think that would be it for me, in those dreams. I didn't even bargain anything for myself - I wanted my mistress and her son to get the money and the land I could have asked for myself. Though, to be perfectly frank, I'm almost certain the son was mine.

Oh! Which reminds me, tomorrow I'll be finding out if I'll be getting a son or daughter. I say I'd be happy with either. I would be, really, but I really really hope it's a girl. I'd quite like a daughter.




My dad called, and asked if we were getting together for Father's Day. I said No. Too blunt?

Why I have this strange urge to just tell people every single thing every single time is beyond me. What is going on around here?

Mar. 6th, 2015




I learned today that you really shouldn't take a nap while at work.

I fell asleep for maybe 20 minutes at a max, but it felt like forever because I dreamt about my interview with Caesar Flickerman and divulving my secret crush on the girl that I am enemies with. It didn't go over well with her, but apparently my mentor thought it was a great tactic.

I ran off and decided I was done training with them and just steeled myself for the inivitable and having to figure out how to kill people and still manage to be me. I wasn't going to let the Capitol take control of me and use me as one of their pawns.

And then things moved faster to me being sent up a tube onto my starting block for the Games. And the moment I woke up was when the horns sounded.

Let the games begin.

And now I've been all twitchy all day. Great.

Mar. 5th, 2015




There are some bakers on this thing, right? I'm hoping to find a baker who can do something kinda silly for me on Monday afternoon.




Woke up to a dog in my bed. It wasn't Pete. Looks like I am now the proud owner of a pit bull.

Mar. 3rd, 2015




I Dreamed more last night. There were explosions and the agency that I worked for fell apart. I had to find a new job.

It was interesting. There was a bit of finality to it I wasn't quite expecting.

Mar. 2nd, 2015




I am so happy that Drag Race is back. I have plenty of guilty pleasures in life but that show takes the cake.