
Posts Tagged: 'lily+evans'

Mar. 26th, 2020




I'll never understand people that say it's cruel to keep domesticated animals as pets, that they should be allowed to roam and live free. I want to invite them into my house and I want to introduce them to my cat.

Today Apollo could not stop meowing at his food dish because his own toy that he put into his dish himself was blocking him from eating the food in it. I had to make a grand show of taking out his toy fish and shaking his bowl before he would come eat, and then he couldn't stop gratefully weaving himself around my ankles.

My cat needs a parent.




I'm officially a pirate and it's all Emma's fault.

That's new.

I was already a ninja.

Does that make me a pirateninja? Did I win?

I've even got the outfit and sword, woke up wearing it.

How do I look?

Mar. 25th, 2020




Mid-May is when I will get my results back.

The last four week have seem to drag by....not sure if I can make it another month or so.

Mar. 23rd, 2020




I lay down for a nap and fall directly into a dream where I got my letter to Hogwarts, finally since I've known that's going to be a part of them for ages, and then went to Diagon Alley to get my school supplies. Including my wand which I did enjoy that part since I didn't choose my wand, it chose me which yes is a very weird sentence but a true one. When I woke up the wand was laying on my pillow and just having it here feels right somehow.

[Magnus Bane]

After practically destroying my room trying to practice using it with my magic - any chance the Institute has a room I could use to practice? Preferably not full of things anyone will be pissed at me for accidentally breaking?

Mar. 20th, 2020




A friendly reminder to be patient with health care workers. We are doing our best to attend to everyone in a timely manner but some cases are more urgent than others. I know this is a scary time for all of us but I assure you, we will get through this together.

Mar. 14th, 2020




Whenever there's an outbreak of anything, suddenly everyone under the sun believes they've been infected despite many not engaging in risks to exposure in the first place. It's concerning, I know, but we must remain calm and rational through this. I understand, some of the symptoms are remarkably similar to the common cold, this isn't a complaint or to downplay the seriousness of getting tested if need be. More a request to be mindful of the professionals attempting to scramble in response to the current crisis and how resources are spread thin. We are working round the clock to the best of our abilities.

Be mindful of your recent exposure risks, don't panic, and I cannot stress this enough wash your hands. Why we have to tell grown people to do this in the first place is daunting to me.

Feb. 22nd, 2020




It’s not like that idiot can say I didn’t warn him. I told him that if he didn’t shut his mouth I’d shut it for him. And I did. Rather useful little spell I found in that book that showed up. Petrificus Totalis. Doesn’t hurt anyone but it shuts them up and keeps them from hurting themselves any worse.

Feb. 20th, 2020




Who wants to join a fucking lonely handsome single man at his own club for some drinks?

Feb. 18th, 2020




In a week I will be sitting in a room, taking my exam.

I can' believe it's almost time, where has this month gone?

Time to tighten up on my studying.

Feb. 11th, 2020




Okay, what did I miss? Why are people posting pictures of brooms on Facebook and stuff? Something about it being able to stand on it’s own? I don’t have a broom to see what this is all about.

Feb. 10th, 2020




I never thought I would say too much homework, but alas, the time has come. And I'm only a freshman. I wonder what will happen in the coming years, but I imagine I'm going to adapt fairly well to it. I have so far, right? I have to remember to stay focused. I have a journal for all of my rambling thoughts when I can't seem to focus properly; usually a good thing, right?

Feb. 6th, 2020




It's not my job in life to parent other people's kids. I've got two, I'm responsible for them. More if you count the ones with fur. But that's all I'm responsible for. So I'm not going to tell other people how they should and shouldn't raise their kids.

However I can silently judge them when we have story time at the library and one kid will not stop talking over the guest because he thinks whatever he's talking about is more important.

Feb. 1st, 2020




Just a friendly reminder for those watching the Superbowl tomorrow. Make sure you have a ride home. I don't want to see you in the ED tomorrow night.

Jan. 20th, 2020




I'm not sure exactly what my cat has against the laundry, but every time we've got a load going? Apollo just sits there and meows loudly at the washer and dryer. Which is apparently gaining the dogs' attention and they start running when they hear him crying. The laundry room isn't big enough for the four of us. Ever tried to fold sheets while trying not to trip over a mastiff?

Jan. 16th, 2020




Okay, so it's definitely not the water. Cuz I've been drinking nothing but bottled just in case and I GOT DREAMS. What. Is. Happening.

I was some sorta soldier for something called the First Order, and I'm not 100% sure, more like 101% sure we are bad guys. No man left behind is definitely not their thing.

And that village on that desert planet...

Who names a planet Jakku??

Jan. 14th, 2020




If you see the special edition white cheesecake M&Ms in the store and are wondering if they're good; I'm here to tell you that they're extremely good. I wasn't sure if I wanted to spend the money at first, but I'm really glad that I did. Of course now this means that I'll have to get another bag next time I go shopping.

Jan. 13th, 2020




There's a cat outside in heat and it's a good thing I'm up late working.

But I'm trying to tell this cat that my cats are fixed, you aren't going to get what you're looking for here!

Jan. 12th, 2020




February 25 and 26, 2020 are the dates set for the bar exam.

It's time to buckle down and to a refresher, so I can ace this test and get a job within a law firm.

Jan. 10th, 2020




The damn things are back! Twice now! TWICE! Each time these bloody wings come back! I can hear dear old dad laughing his ass off.




I didn’t realize how exhausted I was until I was fixing dinner tonight and actually forgot the word spoon. I spent a good three minutes staring at one in the kitchen, trying to think what the name was before just caving and asking my roommate to pass me the metal thing so that I could stir.

God bless her for only laughing at me a little bit as she handed it to me and restraining herself to only one comment about it. “We call it a spoon for short”.




I'm a green alien in my dreams! A green alien. I feel that that is very unoriginal.




Welp. Now I have an unexplained facial scar. This will be fun to explain.

Jan. 5th, 2020




So. Who is good with a knife and has a strong stomach?

Dec. 13th, 2019




Blowing things up is useful.

Dec. 11th, 2019




When did talking pictures with the Grinch become a thing?

I mean...I'm not oppose to it, little one got a picture with him, but I genuinely did not know it's a thing now.

When did this happen?

Dec. 10th, 2019




I hope that whoever wrote the sign I found in the teacher's lounge today didn't mean for it to come across as creepy as it did? At the same time I think I am going to give up coffee at work for awhile and just drink water instead...

cut for image but visable to all )

Dec. 6th, 2019




Nothing quite like hearing "Would you quit that already!?" from the other room, going to investigate and finding out that K9 decided to play Les Miserables at my dad for some reason. And of course I'm not getting any sort of answer on what prompted the decision. Because why would my dad or K9 tell me that?

Alien robot dogs and Time Lords, making Friday nights interesting.

Nov. 9th, 2019




Hello Orange County, I'm Alecto Carrow.

I will be staying here for a long while, getting settled with my family and reconnecting with my best friends.

You'll be seeing me around.



Nov. 4th, 2019




Due to the holidays coming, I'm extending and adding an extra yoga class at night.

Members get first pick for spots, what's left over is open for visitors or those who pay at every class.




It’s cyber security training at work and this year’s theme is ‘Don’t plug random USB drives you find lying around into your devices.’

I am offended this needs to be said. And if it needs to be said to employees of Lockheed Martin, workplace natural selection should run its course. Fire those incompetent weirdos who pick up random-assed USB drives from off the ground and plug that shit into their computers.




MySpace is dead, gone, and buried along with all the embarrassing pictures of me on it. I'm a married man with two daughters, three pets, a career, and a day job. I am long since out of high school and college. Now is NOT the time for my inner emo kid to want to spring back to life.

But am I still going to go to MCR's reunion show and drag my husband with me? Yes, yes I am.

Nov. 3rd, 2019




As...interesting as that was, I'm certainly glad to be myself again. Especially with tech week starting today. That would have been hard to explain. Though I'm fairly certain that "Don't schedule rehearsals on or around Halloween" is in the unofficial putting on a production while in Orange County handbook at this point.

C'est la vie. Onwards to tech, then previews running the 12 through 14th with the official opening for Bonnie & Clyde the 15th and running through December 29th.




With the clothes I get from my dreams, I can be a Queen every year for Halloween and this year was no exception. It was difficult to figure out which outfit I was going to wear, but eventually I figured it out and I was able to convince Roman to dress up too. By the end of the night, I didn't want to take off my crown; if only it were acceptable for me to wear it all the time here.

And for anyone who has taken the time to actually read my recent rants about my dreams, my most recent one was better. We robbed a fucking bank. Of course it didn't go as planned, but I got to plan the entire thing and tell everyone else what to do.

Oct. 27th, 2019




Don't worry, this was taken at a redlight. I'm not about to use my phone in a moving car, especially not with the twins with me. It's just. There are so many things wrong with this that I don't know where to begin.

Cut for image )




I will admit to missing one thing from the dream world. Changing seasons. The foliage in Mystic Falls was beautiful.




Is it really quite so necessary for anyone to be bringing out the Christmas decorations yet? My senses were assaulted by the appearance of a Christmas light display in the park.

Oct. 24th, 2019




Could someone help us solve a family debate? Cooking in bacon grease, is it or is it not normal? Will and I both grew up with it, Nico has apparently just noticed for the first time that's how I cook (what else are you supposed to cook eggs in?) and thinks we're both crazy.

Oct. 22nd, 2019




I'm off tonight, I want to go out!

I want to go dancing, drinking, just blow off some steam.

Who's going with me?




I wish that my kid would inform me that we are playing a game of hide and go seek before she starts playing. This impromptu game has made us late for school.

I have to say that I am pretty impressed with her hiding skills though.




Started EMT training earlier this month. It's funny, all my life the last thing I really wanted to do was anything medical related; my dad was a doctor, but recently I'd started thinking about it and while I don't want to be a doctor, I want to be able to help people so I thought being an EMT would be a good alternative. I don't know if it's the random invasions that happen here or if it has anything to do with my Hunter abilities, but here I am. Hopefully I'll pass all my classes.

Oct. 14th, 2019




I woke up this morning with a mandrake leaf in my mouth. Let me tell you, that is not a fun experience. I'm pretty sure I very nearly died. Aside from the choking hazard, this is vile tasting.

And, according to my dreams, I'm probably going to have to keep it there for at least an entire month. Sorry, luv.

Oct. 12th, 2019




I really should know better than to read the comments on practically any article on Yahoo. I've never seen more horrible comments than on Yahoo. It doesn't matter what the article is about; these people are honestly the worst. They're rude and criticize everything. The worst are any article that is even remotely LGBTQ+ related or Kardashian related.

Oct. 9th, 2019




Sometimes while I'm taking a break from homework or studying, I'll watch those satisfying videos on youtube, you know of perfectly timed animations or of things perfectly fitting into other things? Just to reset my brain before I can continue with whatever else I was concentrating on. Sometimes I forget I have it on when I go back to studying, and I look up to see that youtube has just continued on showing the next few videos in autoplay.

....Whoever did this? I hope you mistake sugar and salt next time you make coffee.

Sep. 23rd, 2019



[Filtered Away from Eliot Waugh]

Fuck the Foo FU Fighters for trying to assassinate Eliot. Fuck Eliot for knocking up Fen. And double fuck Eliot and the Patriarchy. I'm High Fucking Queen, but apparently the only decisions that matter are Eliot's. We're supposed to be ruling Fillory together.

The only thing that makes this dream better is that when I woke up, the outfits I was wearing, in the dream, were in my closet. Honest to God, Fillory fashion is some of the highest fashion I have ever seen.




I never really liked the water much, so why is it that's all I seem to dream about lately?

Sep. 18th, 2019




So is it abnormal to not get dreams? I feel like I'm missing out and yet I'm pretty sure I want to be missing out.




Anyone elses dreams seem blurry at times?

The name of the race that's chasing me in my dreams is Mogadorians and they finally caught up to me and Katarina. We were caught and brought to a base in a mountain side, very military looking. Things kinda of a blurred from there. I know I was tortured, questioned, and even as a teen my smartass knew better than to give into them. So I feed them false information, but it came at a price, because when they found out it was false they killed Katarina.

I woke up from there, I called Katarina at five am, thankfully she was up drinking coffee and was alright.

Just felt so real.




I was very proud of the fact that until now I had not actually heard that bloody Baby Shark song, but today that all changed. I had a meeting with a client for their kid's first birthday and the meeting was at their house, which is fine, but they must have played that bloody song for the kid at least a dozen times. And now it's been popping up in my head ever since. No matter what else I listen to, it just pops up when I least expect it. I think I need a few drinks.

Sep. 17th, 2019




After that whole thing with the powers was over, I decided that I needed a bit of a change. So, here's the new me. All natural; no extensions or processed hair or anything.

All Mine )

I might go back to the braids at some point, but right now I love how my hair looks.

Sep. 12th, 2019




I never thought I’d be saying this but - I miss that feeling of my magic being right THERE for me to pull on. I never used it much, or at least not as much as someone I know - who I am absolutely not laughing at while watching him do dishes by hand for the first time in months - but I still got used to that feeling.