
Posts Tagged: 'h+g+wells'

Dec. 28th, 2014




I actually left England and chose California for the weather... seems a bit ironic now, especially today. Looking out of my window the weather is particularly bad. Still, don't have to go anywhere until this evening, so now I shall enjoy a warm tea and some fantastic reading. Which is fortunate, because I can't really seem to find my winter jacket.

I probably left it in England.

Dec. 21st, 2014




I must say I have not been in America during the holidays before, so this Christmas shall be quite the experience. I have only recently moved here, so I have not even had the time to unpack much! Though I suppose I should make an effort for my daughter, hm?

Considering my status of being new here, I should introduce myself. Hello, my name is Helena Wells. I moved here from Hamburg, Germany. Moving half way round the world is not recommended, it is rather stressful.

Oct. 29th, 2014




I think I'm going to hide inside on Halloween. It's just too many people out and about at once for me. On a positive note, I got the job with National Geographic, which is nice. I'm happy and giddy.

Pic of the Day, not filtered )

In other news, more of those Dreams. They are turning out to be interesting, fascinating and a little scary, too. Anyone have experience with knowing someone here that is in your dreams, but you have no idea if they've dreamed or know you? I'm kind of at that stage.

Oct. 26th, 2014




I find I'm rather in need of a large Tesla coil. They are ever so useful.

I would build my own, but I haven't the space.




I finally had one of those dreams everyone keeps talking about. It was weird, so different from my ordinary life. I was British, I was still dating Rose and the worked in this shop that ended up getting blown up. She met this guy called The Doctor and I got kidnapped by this creature. It was all little scary, honestly. And then Rose went off with him, The Doctor. After we all nearly got killed because of him, she just left me to go off with a stranger.

( Private to Martha Jones )
Is this what they're all like? It took me a minute to even realize it was just a dream.

Oct. 13th, 2014




Now this is much more like it.

Oct. 12th, 2014




Hi, Valarnet. My name is Hazel Grace Lancaster, but you can just call me Hazel. I've heard this is THE place to be on the Interwebs, so here I am.

wow, that was lame

Are there any other book lovers on here? I am completely obsessed with post-apocalyptic fiction right now. I don't know what it is about that genre that has sucked me in, but I think it's really interesting to see all the different versions of the future. So many of them are realistic in the sense that you can see it really happening. I guess it makes me wonder what the world will really be like 150 years from now. I know I won't be around to see it and that's kind of sad, but I still like trying to imagine it.




So, Halloween's coming up. I don't have a costume yet.. which is a big deal for me, of course.

And I do plan to be at a Halloween party, since it's on a Friday.

Now the two questions:

Who's throwing this awesome party I'll be attending-- or am I throwing it?

And what the Hell am I going to dress up as?

I was a Ken Doll last year. That was pretty awesome. I've been a (female) hooker. I did the pirate thing, the frat-boy-in-a-sheet-at-a-toga-party thing.. Three years ago I was a slutty ghost. I threw a sheet over my head and put on ladies underwear over top of it. That was fun.

Anyone have suggestions? Requests?

I could always dress up as Iron Man. Or, you know, Master Chief.

Sep. 30th, 2014




My dreams seem to have left a gift. I hope this isn't to become a habit.

Sep. 29th, 2014




Cut for Warnings/Triggers: Offensive/vulgar language and mentions of violence/gory situations. )

Sep. 28th, 2014




Please tell me I'm seeing things. Please tell me that one of my neighbors does not have Christmas lights on their unit already. It's way too early for this.




Bored out of my mind.

The last fun thing I did and can't completely remember was Harry's Party.

The last fun thing I did before that was.. well. That's between myself and the lovely lady I did it with.

Who's up for Vegas?

My jet sits twelve. Takes forty-five minutes to get there.



Sep. 24th, 2014




We've all belonged to another time, another place. We've each been someone else. Do any of us know who we really are?

I've been given a name with a history. A man's name. How much of what I know of him will come to be true of myself?

I am ever so curious.

Sep. 23rd, 2014




I'm working on my assignments and I am seriously wondering why self-portraits have to be so hard to get right.

Sep. 21st, 2014




People more experienced with this than myself:

I've been told dating men is easier than dating women.

Contrary to popular belief, I have never dated a man.

Is dating a woman always like needing to care for a small child?

Is dating men any easier?

Aug. 12th, 2014




My dreams have seen fit to rip my heart out. I'm in need of drink. I'm in no mood for laughter.


Did you know? What happened to mother? And you?

Aug. 11th, 2014




Damn. I missed a trick. With all these weird texts going around it makes me wish I'd taken a naked pic of myself and tried to send it to someone ;)




A picture meant to be private has become public, but I won't let it bother me. The human body, any human body, is a beautiful thing. Or elvish body in this case, of course. I will not be shamed.

It is not as though I've not danced skyclad in the woods before.

Aug. 10th, 2014




HI! My name is Amelia and I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone on this network!

I just got accepted to Golden West College. GO RUSTLER SAM! I'm SUPER excited to be starting as a Criminal Justice major! It's been my passion ever since I was a little girl. There's just something about JUSTICE triumphing over evil that has always just put a fire in my heart!

Also, if there are any charity establishments that are in need of volunteers, I'd be happy to help! I was a soup kitchen volunteer at my home town for four years running and I absolutely LOVE animals so if there are any animal rescue groups out there, hit me up here!

I'm sure we will all get along just wonderfully and I can't wait to meet some of you, especially my fellow students at Golden West!

Jul. 30th, 2014




I thought I should introduce myself. I wouldn't want to seem rude.

My name is Helena. I'm certain I'll be pleased to meet you.