
Posts Tagged: 'eren+jaeger'

Nov. 2nd, 2018




So we have one dragon accounted for - eating cheeseburgers with her new friend - but Will and I are still missing three skeledragons that came to life sometime last night while we were out at Pandemonium. If you see them - let us know alright? Their names are Scales, Fang and Frank and you’ll find our numbers on the back of their name tags. I don’t think they’ll bite you but...I also thought they were secure on our balcony so...my bad I guess?

Nov. 1st, 2018




So Eren and I ran out of Halloween candy about...an hour into trick or treating last night? I have no clue how that happened. Or why the lollipops were the first thing to disappear.

Oct. 22nd, 2018




You'd think whether they want to admit Voldemort is back or not, the Ministry in my dreams would at least be willing to take a few extra precautions to protect themselves. But no they're not, judging by the fact that my Dreamself and the other followers of that psychotic madman were able to take over their government headquarters in one night. Granted there was a fight, unfortunately our side won, but they should have been better protected.

Oct. 12th, 2018




I just love people making snap judgments about me based on a five second glance in the break room. Clearly a 20 year old on their phone must be too wrapped up in facebook or something if they’re unwilling to engage in a conversation with a complete stranger. And that’s because they have no respect and it’s all their parents fault.

It couldn’t possibly be that I don’t want to talk about my personal life with someone I’ve never seen before today that just happens to work at the same bookstore I do. It also couldn’t possibly be that at 20 years old and working part time nights and weekends to help pay for things scholarships don’t cover - I was on my phone emailing a professor to get clarification about the paper due next week. No. I’m only 20 years old so I must be rude and entitled and too busy on facebook to talk to a real person.

And even if that was what I was doing right then and it is my parents fault for raising me to think it was okay the way this asshat claims - shouldn’t there be some blame placed on the people that raised them? The people my granddad’s age since it was their kids that raised my generation to be ‘rude and entitled’? Including this dude who took it upon himself to lecture me before my shift today since he’s about the same age as my granddad?

Oct. 6th, 2018




So. You guys hate women so much you decided to put a sexual predator on the supreme court. Just so you finally have your golden shot to take away women’s rights. I just. I don’t understand that. How can you hate half of the population so much that you make this vote and proclaim “hey, anyone who has ever been abused, you don’t matter!” I mean, I’m not surprised when voters also put a predator in the fucking oval office, but I would think the Senate would at least be a little concerned about losing their cushy jobs and think a little bit harder about this. But then again they’ve been wanting this for decades.

Please, if you’re over 18, vote in the midterms. Even if you don’t necessarily think the Democratic nominee for whatever position is 100% perfect, perfect doesn’t exist. We can’t wait for perfect. Waiting for perfect is what got us in the fucking mess we’re in. Not voting or protest voting is just voting against your own damn interests. I got to vote for the first time in the 2016 primaries, and my candidate didn’t get it. But I still voted in November. And that’s what you’ve all got to do too next month. We have a long and extremely bumpy road ahead, and that’s the only chance we’ve got to even start to fix this bullshit.

Sep. 19th, 2018




I… where did Armin even find this? Our poor baby girl, she’s being so patient through this.

Cut for size, visable to all )

I can’t really say the same for Pan, though. He keeps sniffing of him and then hissing. And it’s really hard watching the hurt on his face. And I don’t know how long this is going to keep going on. I just want my Armin back It could be worse, at least he remembers where he is and who I am. It looks like not everyone who’s been turned into a kid remembers that.

Sep. 18th, 2018




I want to go on an adventure! I want to go treasure hunting! I want to go do something! Eren! Let's go do something! I'm BOREDDD!

Sep. 17th, 2018




First off, to the people responsible for the chrome update: Thanks, I hate it.

I don’t just mean the way it looks (although I will be perfectly honest and say it reminds me of everything I didn’t like about the family computer that was still running Windows XP until Mom finally got herself a laptop. I’m looking at these tabs and wondering what year this is.) Since it updated, each time I try to switch tabs, my entire computer freezes. This isn’t normal. I’ve done virus scans, spyware scans, and everything's come up clean. I’ve cleared out the cache. And it’s still doing this. And god forbid I try to watch anything on youtube, that’s it’s own set of issues.

It would be annoying enough to deal with if it wasn’t for the fact I’m trying to do my homework. Something that involves looking up things. And I’m trying to do it in google docs, so I can access it wherever. And it requires me switching tabs. Which makes me unable to do anything for anywhere from two to five minutes.

And apparently gmail is also going to change in two weeks whether I want that update or not. So. That’s going to be fun.

Sep. 10th, 2018




Just when I think I almost have the Titans in my dreams figured out, a new one showed up. All the rest of them want to eat humans and destroy us all, but this one - he’s fighting the others to protect the humans. Ignoring us actually - even with us standing right there at eye level on the rooftop. I want Mikasa to take my gas tanks and my blades to get to the supply depot where the worst fighting is because - she’s better than I am in the field. But she won’t do it. I’m so tired of my friends trying to sacrifice themselves and putting themselves in danger because of me

Aug. 26th, 2018




I had the weirdest dream last night. I don’t think it was part of the Dreams because… how could it be? I mean, considering. But it felt as real as those dreams do. I dreamed I was kickboxing, which… I took kickboxing for years in real life, so that’s not exactly an unusual dream for me. But it was sort of… kickboxing to the death? Which was the weird part. Also the fact that I think I was naked, and really that’s a sport you don’t want to not have protective gear on for.




Who thought that a television show based on The Purge movies was something we really needed as a society? Who thought that was good idea? Just...really?

Aug. 22nd, 2018




I never knew that movie weddings could be legally binding before. I just want to find the rest of this article 1. to find out how and 2. because Keanu Reeves is my favorite cryptid.

Jul. 26th, 2018




I don’t know why it hit me today but it did - all the things in my dreams. The army training, the fighting Titans, seeing my friends get killed - I’m only 15 in them. If this is what my life there is like as a teenager - what’s it going to be like if I live to be an adult when I’m older?

Jul. 21st, 2018




Okay that’s it - I need somebody to put me under for like 24 hours to see if that doesn’t kick my dreams forward because I really need to know what’s going to happen. Me and my friends got together at that stupid James Dean statue at the Aquarium but we spend most of the time there arguing about what to do and then finally put it to a vote and decided to call the cops and just tell them what we saw. But before we do that, we decide we need to gather evidence first to prove what we’re claiming so we’re heading back into our parents houses to look for it.

And I thought I made stupid decisions here.

Jul. 6th, 2018




Things I did not need to see.... some idiot walking into the frozen yogurt/ice cream place with his pants so far down that everything was visible. Who then starts yelling and insulting the worker for kicking him out.

I get there's a heat advisory and its beyond hot and for the first time I feel warm since but dude. No. No one needs to see that. People just want to eat their ice cream and frozen yogurt in peace.




Hey everyone! It's International Kissing Day! Don't forget to kiss your loved ones today! :D Oh Damian... <3 <3 <3

Jul. 3rd, 2018




I always thought that People of Walmart were a myth. Or at least an over-exaggeration. I mean, how many people really go to the store that way? And then tonight, I stopped by the grocery store after getting off work and saw a guy with his pet rabbit, wearing sunglasses, just perched on his shoulder while he shopped.

I can’t even judge him. I think I caught a glimpse of Armin and I in a few years time.

Jun. 27th, 2018



Filtered away from Poe

So, how do you tell the guy who's your best friend in the Dreams, that he's your best friend from the Dreams?

I mean, he just got here and hasn't had any dreams yet and I don't want to scare the guy off. I already hugged the dude before realizing he didn't know who I was.

Jun. 23rd, 2018




Well - finally found a place that isn’t a couch and got the last of my stuff in and unpacked. It didn’t take me as long as I thought it would - I’m not sure if that’s because I decided to get rid of a lot of the crap I got living in Louisiana or just because I didn’t have my mom and sister ‘helping’ me get settled in. By which I mean going behind me and undoing everything and redoing it how they want so that I have to go back and redo it again.

Jun. 13th, 2018




I thought that my Dreams were over, considering that I died in my last one. I guess not, though. I’m getting to remember things that happened before day the wall was kicked in. So… apparently your life flashing before your eyes is a thing in the dreams? Or at least in mine.

I have to say, the way my parents adopted Mikasa here was a lot less traumatic than the way they adopted her there. I hope she never finds this network and starts drea I mean, her birth parents still died here as well as there. But there was less… violence involved. I also didn’t have to save her life as a dumb kid here and almost die myself in the process.

[Private to Armin]

So in the dreams I might have shanked two grown creeps. When I was nine. And Mikasa had to stab a third one. Who was trying to kill me. And I’m not really sure just how to process this information.

Jun. 9th, 2018




You just have to love those miscommunications at work. Apparently the manager on duty was supposed to call me yesterday to tell me not to worry about coming in today. And then got distracted before making the call... but since he’d already written down that he’d called me - he thought he had and just forgot. So I got to the book store today, only to be met with “You weren’t supposed to come in today.”

Jun. 4th, 2018




I lay down to take a nap after my appointment this afternoon and I fall right into another dream. I’m still not very lucky in them it seems. No matter what I do I just can’t catch up with that white rabbit in my dreams! He’s so fast! By the time I managed to get to my feet after falling down that hole and look down the hallway in front of me, he was already at the other end and still talking about being late for something! I chase after him and by the time I get around the corner he’s gone through one of the doors lining the hallway, but everyone I try is locked and there’s no key!

Then a table shows up in the middle of the hall and it’s got a key on it but, it doesn’t fit any of the doors! Either the lock is too big or the key’s too small for it. When I woke up the key was in my hand - I just wish I had some idea what it opened.

May. 17th, 2018




Between my classes and Eren catching up to me in the dreams, I can tell that my brain is just about fried for this semester. I almost turned in a paper for my anthropology class that included the phrase ‘same old song and dance bitches’ as part of the conclusion. At least we’re at the end of the semester so it can’t affect my grades too much.

May. 15th, 2018




I for one welcome our ancient alien cephalopod overlords.

May. 14th, 2018




It was one thing, Armin telling me about that. Dreaming about it, though. ...That was another thing all together. And I don’t think there’s enough bleach to get the stains out of the sheets, so I’m probably going to have to just… buy new ones. But at least I only woke up bleeding where I was bitten in the dream. Not… without the arm and leg that were bitten off.

I’m getting ahead of myself. This dream picked up where the last one left off. Giant skinless asshole kicking in yet another wall. I move to attack him, but he’s gone. Disappeared completely. The hole he left is still there, though, with Titans coming through. We have to move fast, still technically trainees, and defend Trost alongside the Garrison. After calming down Armin, I have to deal with a huge jerk whose only concern was that he was supposed to go to the interior as part of the Military Police the next day. Thanks Jean, big help Jean. Maybe focus on what we were trained for instead?

The trainees were divided up, and those of us that made the top ten were given our own squads to lead. And… I fucked up. I let my anger get the best of me when one of our classmates got eaten. Rather than try to lead the others safely, I went off on my own, and my entire squad, save for Armin, got killed because of it. I got my leg bitten off and landed on a rooftop a few feet away from where Armin was frozen. One of the Titans reached out and picked him up to eat him and I used what strength I could to throw myself forward. To grab his hand and throw him back on the roof. Armin reached out for me, and that’s when it bit down on my arm.

So this morning I woke up with blood all over the sheets and had to run to the emergency room to make sure I didn’t need any stitches. Not to mention the smell freaked our animals out.

I’m so sorry, Armin, that you had to wake up to that again.

May. 2nd, 2018




I guess once you finally have the dreams, they keep coming whether you want them to or not.

Most of my dream dealt with the years I spent in training for the military. The use of the 3dmg gear, which lets us fly from trees and rooftops, hand to hand combat which is... kind of hilarious given the fact our enemies are generally... what? 50 feet tall? At the same time I'm actually really good at that part. I used to do kickboxing in high school, so it was really familiar to me, that part.

Where you go after graduation depends entirely on where you place. Those deemed the top 10 have the option of becoming part of the military police. Which mostly stay in the inner circle of the walls to protect the royal family. So... those best at fighting titans never have to see a titan. That... makes sense? Everyone else can choose between the Garrison who protect the walls and the Survey Corps who leave the walls. I fully intend on fighting them, so I'm wanting to join the Survey Corps no matter where I place. At the same time, I've never been one to do things halfway, and I wind up ranking number 5. My sister was top of our class. She and Armin both tell me they're going to join me, even though I tell them both not to. No matter what I do, I want them to be safe. She could be part of the Military Police, and he could be part of the Garrison. Not them out there risking their lives with me.

The day after the ceremony, before we can go and choose where we're going and join our new teams, we still have work to do as trainees. I was on top of Wall Rose when who should come back but the same 200 foot skinless giant that first started this whole nightmare?

And that's where I woke up.

Apr. 25th, 2018




Okay so - I found a new podcast that I really really enjoy. They talk about true crime and ghosts and... I’m sort of forcing Will to listen to it with me when I’m at home since I play it through the speakers, but it’s a good one! Even if it does leave me wondering what would everyone’s last meal be if you knew you were going to die and could order anything you wanted?

Apr. 22nd, 2018




You know that classic urban legend we all know never happened, about the guy with a hook for a hand? That everyone knows someone that it really happened to their cousin’s best friend’s roomate’s older sister? And we all know that it never happened at all?

I learned that it is actually based on a real thing that happened back in the 1940s, and now I don’t know how to feel. About it or any other urban legend.

Apr. 10th, 2018




The worst part about getting sick for me? Muscles I didn’t even remember having are sore from how much I’ve had to cough. I get it - my body’s trying to get the infection out of me, but there has to be a less pain causing way to do that right? Or at least one that doesn’t make just sitting up painful?

Mar. 30th, 2018




Today was my birthday, but that didn’t mean that the OC had to give me presents. The only kind it knows how to give are Dreams, and I did not need them.

Armin, Mikasa, and I started bootcamp for the military. We’re only… 12? Who starts recruiting 12 year olds? It’s funny meeting all of these people in the dreams, I’ve never met them before but they feel like they should be so familiar to me. Even the jerk that looks like a horse

When we started training with the gear that lets us... pretty much fly, I failed hard. I turned completely upside down and hit my head. My sister tries to convince me that night to quit, for the three of us to just go back to the fields we’d been working in since we escaped to Wall Rose. I leave while she’s still talking so I can sneak onto the training ground so I can practice. If I don’t prove I can even stay upright in the thing, I will be sent back.

The next day, it’s my turn again. I manage to keep my balance for a few seconds before falling flat on my face again. After switching gear with someone else, it turns out I’d been given faulty equipment. I can do it just fine when I’m using someone else’s.

When I woke up, I had a trainee uniform waiting for me, as well as a necklace with a key on it.

Thanks OC for the birthday presents, but ...why? I already know I don’t… make it.

This was a much better present. Armin laid it on my side of the bed, waiting for me on my pillow when I got home today. I’m not sure where he even managed to hide it, but I love it.

Mar. 29th, 2018




Anyone got some amazing April Fools jokes I can try out?

I saw a hilarious one about dipping Brussels Sprouts in chocolate and making them look like a cake pop. And the classic caramel onion.

Mar. 28th, 2018




Came across this story today about a cat reunited with his human 14 years after being separated by a hurricane. Kind of a real feel good story for a Wednesday.

Mar. 18th, 2018




I think my dreams are getting more interesting.

I woke the Titans. Well, not all of them. They thought I was their goddess, and I guess I let the power go to my head a little. I thought I could use them to make the world a better place. Boy, was I wrong.

I guess I should have listened to Xena.

Mar. 16th, 2018




I’m so over my dreams picking up where the last one left off. I guess I should be glad that I have friends there who won’t leave me behind to help me when I’ve just...been broken by everything we see but - I can live without the replays in dreamme’s memory each time. Trust me that’s an image I’m not going to forget anytime soon. I just wish that Mikasa had left me there like I wanted. I let her brother die. Connie shouldn’t have had to risk himself to get me back to safety.

Mar. 15th, 2018




...Seriously? I know that pot’s legal in our state now, but we’re not that kind of Bakery. Maybe find a place that sells it, and they’ll have the kind of brownies you’re looking for instead of trying to argue with a tired college student. I’m pretty sure you have to be licensed to sell them, and we’re not.

Lost and confused tourists, I think?

Mar. 13th, 2018




Wasn't feeling so hot yesterday so I decided to work from home. Fell asleep at one point and woke up to the fucking strangest movie. At first I just thought it was an old western then a bloody fucking dinosaur showed and up and I thought I must have taken too much cold meds and I was seeing things. Before I could actually check the info on the movie to see what it was, I fell asleep again. Anyone know what the hell was on?

Feb. 24th, 2018




So, my boyfriend is in school to be an archeologist. Which is pretty cool and the reason I’ve nicknamed him Indy. (I am still planning on getting you an Indiana Jones costume for graduation, you know.)

This has me a little bit worried though. And reminded me of an entire list about why it’s a bad idea to lick your sciences.

Feb. 22nd, 2018




I know that most people aren't gonna care, but I just had a pokemon defending a gym for over three days! Longest I've ever had one in a gym. Looks like Walrein is my new go to gym defender.

Okay, now that I've got the geek part of this post out of the way; how is it that most of my stuff has been occupying only one room of our apartment, but it's taking me forever to pack? I'm moving to the Institute with Izzy, which will be fun and different. It's just taking me forever to pack.

Feb. 19th, 2018



blocked from Gabrielle and Callisto


Say you got a soul mate in your dreams. Transcending history and the world and even changes to the past, you always end up finding each other. Like she once managed to wreck the loom of fate just to save you and risking the complete obliteration of the world in the process.

Say she shows up in Orange County, but she ain't dreamed yet.

How the hell am I supposed to not look like a crazed stalker? Besides not being caught.




Have you ever met someone and felt like you’ve known them your whole life, like you were meant to know each other? I met someone like that. Completely by accident. She saved my life, really. It’s funny, I’m sure I’d never seen her before, but I’ve never felt more connected to another person.

Maybe there is such a thing as destiny.

Jan. 26th, 2018




I guess I should have been paying more attention to everything that the office at our apartment complex was saying about the sale. Apparently part of it involved us losing our contract with the company that supplied trash pickup for the complex since they took the dumpster and now there's just an empty place on the other side of the parking lot where it used to be.

Jan. 21st, 2018




Although I didn’t manage to get a surf Pikachu, I got confused on when the event was, I did manage to catch a couple of Plusles today. I don’t understand how they and the Minuns are not part of the Pikachu family. They honestly look like they should be alternate evolutions of the baby version.

Armin and I also got to try out something we got for when we want to take Zelda for a walk and Pan seems like he’s jealous. It’s a backpack like thing with a clear window for him to see out of. He got to go out to the dog park and look around from the safety of Armin’s backpack while Zelda ran around. Meanwhile Flopsy got to take a nap in her hutch without her siblings making noise and waking her up playing. By the time we got home, they wanted to sleep and she wanted to come out and play. But she’s not as noisy about it as the two of them are.

Jan. 19th, 2018




Just when I thought my dreams couldn’t get any worse they did. I almost got eaten by a Titan but Eren saved me right before it swallowed me and got eaten instead.

Any chance your boss will let you come home early? I need you. I need to see that you’re okay for myself

Jan. 18th, 2018




Wait, I thought that this whole Tide pod challenge thing was a joke, but I just saw an actual video of people eating them. I'm not sure if I should actually be surprised that there are people that stupid.

Jan. 14th, 2018




I'm looking for inspiration, anybody have anything they'd like to see in cookie form? Like an object or an animal or something? I need a challenge!

Dec. 19th, 2017




Armin warning me about Mom in the dreams... it still didn’t prepare me for actually experiencing it. After that really huge giant broke down the gate to the wall, the other giants started to pour into our village. Dad was gone to see a patient in one of the other villages, but Mom was still there. And Mikasa and I ran home to see if we could find her. Just to know she was safe.

When we turned the corner to where our house was... It had been completely flattened. Rubble from the wall had completely destroyed it, and Mom… she was lying under it. We tried to lift the wooden beams that were on top of her but. We couldn’t. We were just… what? Nine, ten? I don’t know. She kept begging us to run. One of the soldiers came along and was going to try to help us free her, but Mom told him to take us. He scooped us up and that’s when one of the giants came along. And lifted the beams we couldn’t. I saw the whole thing.

I’ll never forget what it looked like. It had ...too many teeth and just smiled far too widely when it bit

I don’t even want to continue typing this.

Armin finally had to take my phone away and hide it so I would stop calling my parents just to make sure they were alright. I know it was late and I shouldn’t wake them up. But… I just needed to hear Mom’s voice and know she’s okay. I know it doesn’t make any sense at all, because here isn’t there.

But I needed to hear for myself.

Just probably not at three in the morning.

Dec. 9th, 2017




Well - my boyfriend told me that he didn’t want a traditional Menorah when we were talking about getting one for the apartment. What I wasn’t expecting was cut to save friends page but not filtered ) walking in and finding that on our dining room table when I came home from work tonight. I really can’t claim to be all that surprised though, and can’t wait for him to start lighting it.

Nov. 18th, 2017




It’s nice to know that some things are true here and in the Dreams. Eren cannot stop leading me into trouble. We finally finished our training and instead of taking the safe post in the military police, he goes for the scouts. The soldiers that actually go out and fight the Titans and try to reclaim territory they’ve taken from humanity. And I sign up with him. You better not get either one of us eaten out there in Trost, Eren, or I’ll never let you hear the end of it.

Nov. 12th, 2017




I know that I haven’t been going to church regularly lately but I don’t see how being greeted at the door as a first time visitor by one of the ushers who called me by name to show they were just joking around is going to encourage me to start coming more often. If anything it makes the idea of staying home with a cup of coffee and enjoying the quiet of nature from the backsteps while wearing my pajamas a lot more tempting.

Nov. 9th, 2017




Now that we've finally got her settled in, Eren decided to take a picture of Flopsy to send his parents. She's just so cute in it I had to share on here.

My birthday present from my boyfriend and his family Cut to save friends pages but not filtered )