
Posts Tagged: 'agent+washington'

Jan. 9th, 2016




I don't understand this. In these goddamn dreams, after everything Project Freelancer did to me and put me through, used me and turned me into a guinea pig and even though I have all of Epsilon's memories and I know what they did, I'm still with the program. York, North, even South, were smart enough to leave. I'm the only one left. I thought they would have come back for me, but no one has. So now I'm stuck there, being used again to pick up the pieces of a broken project.

Jan. 7th, 2016




I got my battle rifle this morning. A little late for the gremlin infestation, but finally I got something fucking useful from these Dreams.

Jan. 5th, 2016




Yes or no: it's an abuse of one's invisibility powers to poof to the front of a line when you're super friggin' hungry.

Asking for a friend.

JK, it's totes me. But in my defense, the person at the front of the line was doing that bob and weave thing, where they keep leaving and coming back.




Okay, who the hell just gives other people's stuff away? I mean, sure, dead and all, but c'mon man.

Don't know how much stock to put in that death thing in this place, but jeez, giving away a mans bow? That's low, even for Cap and his well meaning.

I'm pretty sure this samurai thing isn't gonna stick.

Jan. 4th, 2016




I probably coulda posted this a while ago, but people really don't gotta know when my birthday is I forgot. Anywho, been listening to this song a bit lately.

18 don't really feel much different than 17 though. Sept I don't gotta use my fake ID to buy smokes no more I guess. And if I get arrested I'll be headed to real prison insteada juvie now.

Dec. 30th, 2015




I'm running under the assumption that it is okay for ravens to pick at a gremlin corpse and have it for breakfast, because that has been the reality of my morning.

All this is silly, and the solution is clearly slaughter. I think one of them tried to eat Schmooples II.

Dec. 23rd, 2015




So a friend told me about this website, said it was the place to be in the area. Since I'm new around here, I figured I would try it out.

So, I'm Remy LeBeau, comic book artist and writer, newly moved up from Los Angeles to get away from the big city and telecommute. I mostly work all day, hang out in coffee shops, and hike a lot.

How's the world treating all of you, this winter?

Nov. 21st, 2015




I got a new perfume and my sales have gone way the fuck up. Who says stoners don't have a good sense of smell?

Nov. 17th, 2015




It's way less fun than you think getting into a fight with your parents about how gross Tofurkey is. Now I have to go up to her place, drive with her to the free range turkey place, and then help a dude kill my turkey. Something something I wouldn't eat meat if I saw how it was killed. Mom underestimates how much I fuckin' hate tofu.

Nov. 10th, 2015




I was reading a bit about 'fun' Thanksgiving tidbits, you know, to educate myself a little. In addition to learning that the day after Thanksgiving is the busiest for plumbers (to handle all those clogged drains/toilets?) apparently whatever is commonly eaten on Thanksgiving wasn't even present during the first anyway - you lot are strange.

But I suppose that leads into my question. Where's a good spot to get a pie? I'd try making one myself but I live on a houseboat and my kitchen is somewhat small. It would lead to fires, surely.

Nov. 2nd, 2015




So I'm Neena and I'm new to this sort of group. I just got a smartphone and this is apparently one of the sites it recommends.

I'm a bartender. The best thing about where I work is we don't do anything for the holidays. No stupid costumes, no candy on the bar, and the old drunks don't think they're clever when they ask for 'tricks'. Everybody just wants to get wasted and go back to their lives.

Nov. 1st, 2015




Ya know, I appreciate the OC giving me something to fight, but this is way too easy. Man, why can't it give me something that takes more than one punch to take out?

Oct. 15th, 2015




Ever get to that point where your dreams stop being even remotely interesting and then segue into an inevitable train wreck? I don't care about prophecies, I don't care about your dragon drama (especially when all of you are suspicious bastards), please stop interrupting my plans of travel that involve a) me getting filthy rich and b) eating. I'd also appreciate the attempts of murder to stop, because I actually didn't do what this urinal cake thinks I did.

On the bright side, I can blame my sister for forcing me to handle this mess, otherwise I'd quit. But I hope I get cool stuff. I'm due for getting cool stuff again, dreamfairy. Hinthint.

Anyway, moving onto more realistic matters, is anyone interested in a big clunker van? It's a Frankencar, has been shot at multiple times throughout the year and still runs pretty well. It's got somewhat butchered shag carpet on the inside and I'm keeping the beaded curtains, fyi, but it'd be a good project for a grease monkey.

As for the blood in it, it's not mine, I didn't kill anyone, people who got shot just bled all over it. I'll, uh, discount it for that part.

Oct. 8th, 2015





If you've seen the news, please, please refrain from hunting the spider. Please. It's my girlfriend. I recognize the markings, I don't know why she turned into that - and I don't think she knows either - but please don't attack. We'll, um. Handle it.


Oct. 6th, 2015




It's been a very, very, very strange week.

Oct. 2nd, 2015




(OOC: Pretend this was posted this past Tuesday when I meant to post it.)

So I go off to L.A. for my tri-monthly poking and prodding and “congratulations, you’re not dying” follow-up last weekend and return to find my news feed blown up with gender swapping.

Highly amusing. And while I’m disappointed I missed the shenanigans, I’m glad that for once it wasn’t me.

Oct. 1st, 2015




Please explain to me why everything is pumpkin and why Americans enjoy this so much.

Sep. 19th, 2015




"Mind if I tag along?"

Why do I think that's going to be my famous last words?



Locked from Kyu

Okay, I need advice.

Is it alright to tell a girl you've been dating for a couple of months that you love her? Is that too early or going too fast?

I have no idea what the hell I'm doing.

Sep. 18th, 2015




Moving in with some friends on October 1. I would say I have a ton of packing to do, but... well, I don't have a whole lot of stuff to begin with. Even though I've been amassing a bit more than when I came home from overseas...

More Dreams, though. I'm starting to get used to them. Is that a bit scary?

Sep. 17th, 2015




Last night I got a peek at the aftermath of my father's death. My mother turned into a cold, snippy bitch. I got lectured on how I'd better cultivate relationships with people to make friends and earn favors because I could never skate by on looks alone. Thanks, dream-mum.




Looks like torture of the Alpha A.I. is the new trend my dreams have decided to take.

More torture, new fragment.

Really would like to dream about being Agent Washington again. Not the best marine in the world, but it was a lot easier to get through than this.

Sep. 13th, 2015




I think my dreams are over. Looks like lucky dream death number five is what finally did me in. I would have liked to see things through to the end, but then, I've known that I wasn't going to for a while now.

I don't know if I was hallucinating or if it was real, but Kira, my best friend who died a while back... He came to come collect me in my final moments. I wanna believe it was really him though. And my final act before that was making sure Setsu got through the gates of Etemenanki safely. Probably about as much as a guy like me can ask. I hope he and the rest of 'em can wrap things up all nice and pretty without me.

But holy shit am I glad that's over. My Dreams started off a hoot, but they kinda blew toward the end there.

Sep. 12th, 2015




Just as I think i'm staring to figure out what the hell is going on with these dreams, they decide to throw in a new wrench.

I'm not dreaming I'm Director Church anymore. Nope. Now I'm dreaming I'm the A.I. he created...and decided to torture in the name of science.

Jesus Christ.

Can I just be a space marine? Isn't that exciting enough?!

Sep. 11th, 2015




whelp. last night i dreamed i said "ta da!" and then wiped out half of all creation.

Sep. 8th, 2015




Something occurred to me last night. I've never actually seen myself in my Dreams. I mean the guy that I'm starting to believe is me. I'm not talking like I'm seeing the dreams all in first person. At least not all the time. I'm always wearing this suit of biomechanical armor and a helmet. And I mean always. Kinda weirds me out.




Bloody dreams. Am I the only one who thinks they're absolute bullshit at times?

Sep. 7th, 2015




Even though it's over, I'd assume anyone under its power would at least like to know the name of the spell - Shattered Sight. Consider it a dream bleed over in a way, and it did exactly what it was meant to do: turn you against your loved ones to destroy one another. Fortunately for us, it was stopped before it went that far. File that under the list of 'dream baggage occurrences,' as we've had plenty.

Public announcement aside, gaudy Disney Villains have graced my dreams, Robin Hood and his family are no longer in the picture, but neither is Rumpelstiltskin. How fitting, though I doubt we've seen the last of him there. We're never quite that lucky.

Private to Emma )

Sep. 5th, 2015




Does anyone know how to get glitter off of a cat? I might have had a Dream related incident.

Sep. 2nd, 2015




So a random news article has pointed out that the green gummy bear is not the flavor we all thought it was.

Green apple? No.

Lime? Afraid not.

The green gummy bear is in fact strawberry flavored. Really Haribo?

My whole childhood was a lie

Sep. 1st, 2015




And here I was thinking I knew every significant network on the web. I'm Dutch. Hello.

Aug. 31st, 2015




Ok, I wanted to to this earlier but a week of prolonged rage didn't really seem like the best time.

I need a job, and it was suggested that putting the word out here might be a good idea.

I'm a high school graduate, ex-marine, disciplined, weapons specialist.

I'm not really sure what I'd like to do. Something outdoors would be nice, but I'm not above washing dishes if it comes down to it.

If anyone's got any leads, I'd appreciate it. I'd like to start feeling useful again.

Aug. 29th, 2015




You guys are seeing the news reports about the fire bomb in Cosa Mesa, right? The youtube videos?

Something tells me this isn't your average fire bomb

Not that fire bombings things are an average everyday thing stateside.

The hell is going on now?

Aug. 25th, 2015




Back to School Cookies at Baxter Bakery! )

Aug. 15th, 2015




So people's Dreams have been giving them gifts, right?

People I know have gotten some pretty neat shit. Like bad ass bows, wings, a mechanical arm and kick ass ravens.

I get a skateboard.

Specifically this skateboard:

cut for image. Viewable to all )

Not even the full fucking board. Just the damn deck!


Fine. Whatever.

Anyone know a skate park where it won't be weird for a 27-year-old ex-soldier to do a few fucking ollies?

Aug. 14th, 2015




I had the most peculiar dreams last night. I dreamt that children basically come from birds. We can still fly as long as we believe we can and I left my house and flew to a particular garden in England. It takes a while for tiny baby me to realize that I'm not a bird, but I can understand the birds and the fairies that I meet. It's all so very strange and makes absolutely no sense.

And the strangest part was when I woke up there was a large amount of birds on my balcony.

Let's not talk about how I was floating above my bed. Flying is not possible.

Aug. 13th, 2015




Dream Katou just continues to prove himself to be the baddest badass of all time. Last night in dream land, he ripped off his own rotting arm so he could make some space for a brand-spanking new one. Check this out.

By day, kind of a sleek new design. Very cool, very modern.

Cut for image, visible to all )

But by night, it really takes my Edward Scissorhands cosplay to a whole new level. There's no way I'm losing the costume contest this Halloween.
Cut for image )

So I guess there's an upside to keeping a mad scientist chick who wants to dissect you around, eh? This is pretty sick though. I'm getting all them dream perks with none of that dream work.

Filtered to Friends )

Filtered to Akane )

Filtered to Zee )

((OOC: Pretending scans are actual photos because there's zero chance of me finding photos of Katou's arm.))

Aug. 12th, 2015




Bored now. Need more shit to beat up. Or like, base jumping. I think I'll do that today, that sounds fun.

Anyone want to jump off of high stuff with me?

Aug. 11th, 2015




It's official: Looks like I'm one of the dreamers.

I suppose I should appreciate the fact that things seem to be off to a relatively tame start.

Aug. 10th, 2015




I can't believe that Viv is fifteen days old. Fifteen days. I'm on some pretty heavy duty pain killers that make the world seem a big foggy, but it feels like it's been longer. Maybe the lack of sleep makes it harder to judge the time?

Fifteen days. Wow.

Aug. 7th, 2015




Well, after a whole bunch of shit happened (like... Hell completely collapsing and then colliding into Heaven. Lots of people died, worlds were shaken, Heaven and Hell are like the same place now with all them demons and angels occupying the same space. Fun times), I met back up with Setsuna again. Fucking dumbass managed to lose an eye and two of his wings which wouldn't've fucking happened to him if he'd let me fight instead, but he's alive.

We're actually storming the White Mansion in my dreams, where the Prime Minister of Heaven lives. He's got this stupid complex name so I'm not going to bother trying to spell it so we'll just call him Sevy for now. Anyways, Sevy's pretty much this giant shitbag dictator who's completely insane, and we're totally going to overthrow him. A small group is gonna infiltrate the place, and I get to act as Setsuna's double so that the enemy will attack us instead of him. It's pretty bitchin'.

Now, I ain't so up and up with like, word meanings and shit, but is it considered ironic if the first time I've ever prayed in my life is right before toppling Heaven's government on our quest to kill God? Kira's not with Setsuna, but he's still got to be alive. He's gotta be.

Aug. 5th, 2015




This applies mostly to soldiers or people in high risk professions, but do you ever feel like you just don't know what to do with yourself in peace time?

I've been out of the marines for over a year and I still don't know what to do with myself. And my dreams were...Lets just say I don't think dream me would ever adjust to peace.

My job gives me some excitement but it still doesn't feel right. I want to climb up the walls.




My entire world has been turned upside down! Kermit and Miss Piggy have broken up. This is awful!

Aug. 4th, 2015




That's it. I can't take it anymore. As much as it pains me to say it, as terrible of a feeling as it is deep within me to come to terms with it... I just I can't handle it anymore. It's the only thing that really stands as a truth for me.

So fine, I'll admit it, I'll say it.

I'm leaving you Nintendo.

Look, you have so many great games, and franchises, and I love you. You've been a part of my life from the beginning. You've helped me through so many of my tough times. My first kiss that resulted in me actually stumbling into the girl. Or my first driver's test, when I drove through the garden on Mrs. Watson's lawn.

But I can't be with you anymore. You've changed... you still have great content, and amazing ability to tell great stories in beautiful worlds, but you're different. I don't even know how to be with you anymore. Your motion controls are just... just awful. It's not right. I don't like the me I become when I'm with you.

So it's done. Maybe next time, maybe when it's not such a focus... maybe then we can see each other again. Until then, I'm moving on. I've met someone: Steam. They just get me. Such a large variety of content, we can try new things, experiment. Sometimes it's awful, but that's the fun in it. And, I can play it on my PC with a real controller, and I can feel happy.

Until next time, Nintendo. Until NXT time.




I have possibly, on occasion, been told I work too much and I should try having a better social life. No, Jess, I'm not looking at you at all. This is going to be my attempt at that.

Now, to avoid making this sound entirely too much like a personal ad, I'll just stick with...

Hi, I'm Sam.

Aug. 2nd, 2015




So I have taken into consideration the dreams that everyone has been having, and certainly I'm by no means the only expert on this network so please offer critiques or support or what have you to anything I might be saying.

Still, I've been running through my head the concept of 'destiny'. I can attribute this to my lovely, and wonderfully brilliant roommate, who has made me actually stop and contemplate the very existence of these dreams and their role in our own society.

Stop and think if you will, we all know they're there, and I think most of us agree they're memories more than simply dreams. From the data I've managed to gather at any rate; question is though, does those being memories then alter our personality, make it even more confusing, or does it become a choice? Some would argue that having those memories return has to ultimately change your personality, right? Of course, because you've now experienced those things.

But you've also now experienced so much more, so then the question is, does it alter your personality, or actually does it simply now play a part in it?

I ask this because it seems that sometimes, some of us do not want to be the person we are in our dreams. And I guess I'm asking is how do you all feel about it? Do you feel you're destined to be that person? Can you make the conscious choice not to be? It seems easy to say 'of course I can', but you may not have chosen. It may have just happened overnight.

Because I'm beginning to theorize all of this might be a bleed over from a supremely thing reality barrier, and that our 'former' or parallel selves are actually bleeding into our own beings, and so we're getting a tiny, or large, bit of that personality. Is it true? I'm not sure, and wish to find out.

... oh, and also! Watch the movie Ex Machina, fantastic film!

Jul. 26th, 2015




At some point I hope I get used to waking up from these damn things in a sweat.

I really don't get it. In one Dream I'm a doctor of some kind starting some kind of paramilitary project as a cover for some kind of experimentation with artificial intelligence and in the next dream I'm a military grunt in the project. I don't...I don't understand these Dreams.

All I do know is that they make my head hurt. And I have no desire to go back to sleep.

Jul. 24th, 2015




I used to think that only the students dreaded the end of summer vacation. I'm looking forward to meeting my new students but at the same time - I wish there was more than another month before the start of the new school year.


Now that everything is settling back down again, could we have dinner one night? There's something I want to talk with you about and I'd rather do it in person.

[Merlin and Audrey]

I'm going to talk to Lance and tell him about my history with Arthur. Or try to anyway. Wish me luck? If it goes badly can I stay on your couch for a few nights?

Jul. 21st, 2015




As thankful as I am for the owner of Baxter's Bakery for letting us hunker down there last week, I'm happy to be home again. Already I've slept for like two days straight.

I've been dreaming and I don't care for them very much. At least one things clear: I'm a marine (I think) in that life too. Hopefully a better one.

Jul. 20th, 2015




What's with you lot and the talking about dreams? I haven't signed up for the wrong forum and signed on with the hippies, have I?