
Posts Tagged: 'tinkerbell'

Jul. 20th, 2015




How much does a polar bear weigh?

Enough to break the ice.

Hi, I'm Peter.

A customer at the coffee shop suggested that I should look into this network. Not really completely sure what I'm supposed to say on here. I do enjoy long walks on the beach and misspelling people's names on their to-go cups. If I'm not at the coffee shop working I'm usually off by the beach playing guitar for money and phone numbers, the latter is usually unintentional.

Oh! I also attend UC Irvine and currently undeclared. Suggestions on a good major are welcome.

Jul. 15th, 2015




I had been sitting here imagining finding whoever stole my Stella and beating them into a bloody pulp if they damaged her before arresting them. Not that I'd actually fucking do it but it's nice to imagine.

And then I logged on here and found out that even buildings have gone missing. Surprisingly, I am not comforted by the fact that my car may have disappeared into the ether instead of just being fucking stolen by some punk.

I am so fucking sick of this place.

Jul. 14th, 2015




Lady Widge and I are going to spend the day hiding from the storm. Two of my bravest mechanics will be keeping the shop open, but if you need me I'll be hiding under a big pile of blankets.

[Private to Anders] )

Jul. 13th, 2015




Since it looks like it's going to pour, I have all of the plants in my garage at home. Tight fit, but I managed. Zora and I are now inside, snuggling under a blankie with a fire going, trying to eat the perishable stuff in the fridge.

Just in case! Worst comes to worst, I just have time to lose.

Jul. 11th, 2015




Learning more and more about Legos as the news hits my screen. Anyone else interested in how Lego might change to be more environmentally friendly? I'm not sure what they're gonna do, but I applaud them for trying. Click Here for more info.

Now I want to go to Legoland.

Jul. 7th, 2015




Hi! My name is Nux!

I work for Dean Winchester so you may have seen me mowing your lawn or working on your car! And then he mentioned this network thing so I decided to check it out?

Cars are kind of my thing, I guess. I love working on them and I love driving them! I want to try being an Uber driver but you have to have your own car and I don't I just borrow my brother's car when he's not using it so they won't let me :(

But maybe someday :)!

Jul. 3rd, 2015




FILTER: Friends

Hey. Um. So... you've probably noticed I've been kind of, oh, say... unBuffylike (adjectives of choice may vary), and I kinda got stuck in the bitch-fu. Don't really want to talk about what's been going on, 'cause I've kinda had my venting and bone smash fest '15, so the worst is kinda behind me. I just... I know I haven't been myself and I'm sorry. Nobody deserves a grumpy Buffy.

..yeah.. so. There. 'Kay. Bye.


Thank you.

Jul. 2nd, 2015




I... can't fly.

Jun. 8th, 2015




I get America is on this Get Fit kick thing now, but you cannot tell me everyone is mowing their own lawns. It just ain't happening. Why is it so hard to get a business started? American Dream my ass.

Jun. 1st, 2015




Oh my God Pokemon ate my life again.

Hello, world. I forgot you existed.

Catch me up on what I missed?

May. 29th, 2015




Have you guys heard of the hoodie with a cat pouch? Because it is absolutely perfect. I've ordered two.

I mean, I'll be cutting off the ears and the paw pads when they come in, but why has no one thought of this sooner. No longer will Sir Pounce-A-Lot have to suffer through sitting in my rucksack when I take him out with me.

May. 12th, 2015




alright, so i looked pretty fucking cool in my dream last night. like, pure, unfiltered badass, which was awesome.

but, you know, if i could maybe stop getting possessed and killed in my dreams, that would be pretty cool too.

May. 7th, 2015




Working here would be the best job ever.

May. 6th, 2015




It's rather nice to be added to the ranks of people who have had their dream pets show up! Nana was really our nurse, back then, because all our neighbours had one though we really were too poor to afford such a luxury - but my father wanted to be like everyone else anyway, so he brought Nana the Newfoundland to us. Isn't she adorable?

Cut for image, viewable to all )

She's even got a frilly white nurse's cap, it's so sweet. She had the best knack for knowing how to treat coughs too!

I also think my dreams have ended, at least for now. I ended up with a daughter who is absolutely lovely, and she'll get to see Neverland for herself as well. It makes me think if she's out there somewhere, which is odd, because I don't have a daughter now so I'd probably never know.

Private to Justin Taylor )

May. 5th, 2015




Today at lunch I went out to the park near the precinct and took a nap. Had one of those 'dream within a dream' dreams, and it took me a good five minutes once I woke up for real to be sure that I was actually awake. Fucking disorienting. By the way, did you guys know there used to be some sort of huge fucking deer kicking around in the past? And that a different species of animal goes extinct nearly every day? Because I sure as hell didn't know either of those things. Googled it when I woke up, and yep. I didn't think it was actually possible to learn new facts from my dreams. Must've learned about it in grade school or something.

In other news, does anyone know of any mechanics that are good with old, classic cars? My Stella is needing some work. Tried to look under the hood myself this weekend, but as good as I am with cars, I think this one's beyond my skills.

May. 2nd, 2015




[Filtered to Gwen Stacy]

How do I go about applying to Stark Industries? I mean, you know, since you're like Miss Assistant and all that, do I uh... give you my resume, or send it to HR, or ... build a giant mechanical AI arm that can play marbles?

Because I have an idea, but not the resources.

[/end filter]

So I've been watching a lot of Cracked: After Hours, and realized today that I am seriously underwhelming in my nerdiness that I can't think of these things in this way. I love it, it's clever, but I can't decide if I'm ashamed, jealous, or happy about the fact I can't think along those lines.

Also, I just had the cheese fries off of In n Out's 'secret' menu. Amazing.

Apr. 21st, 2015




Huh, amazing the random news articles you find when insomnia strikes.

Kermit is real

Now I can't get the muppet theme song out of my head.




In these new dreams, I seem to have married Smee at some point. I'm really very unsure how to feel about that.

Also I swear, since I've started dreaming, ticking clocks are causing my eye to twitch more and more. It can't be possible that clocks have gotten louder, which means I must be noticing them more. Hardly very pleasant.

Apr. 20th, 2015




I need a couple of Beta testers for a little project we're working on. Anyone got a free weekend that wants to get paid to play some video games? Only catch is that you have to agree to be locked in where I work beginning on Friday evening and ending on Sunday afternoon. But we will be providing free food, beds, etc.




Another one of the vet techs showed me this today at work and I thought that there would be a few of you on here who would get a kick out of it. It's cat reactions that sum up your job. Enjoy.

Apr. 14th, 2015




Whew! What a whirlwind. People in each other's bodies and then an amazing camping trip, and I feel like I'm completely out of the loop. So come at me, Valarnet. Give me all your secrets. Show me what I've missed.

Or give me fun cat gifs. I'm happy either way.




Just came home from an amazing camping trip with my fantastic girlfriend.

And it looks like my dreams are finally starting to pick up. For my birthday yesterday, I dreamed that the Hero of Fereldan gave me a kitty. And not just any kitty. Sir Ser Pounce-A-Lot! I can't imagine it's going to be very safe taking him into the Deep Roads with us, but he's proven himself to be a feirce attack kitty. The dreams also bestowed upon me an adorable little bell collar for Sir Pounce-A-Lot in this world, which I've already added his tags to.

I'm finally free of the Circle, and even if the work I do kind of sucks (but at least it's not boring), at least I like some of the people I work with. I've found myself missing them lately even Velanna the bitch and Nathaniel the stick-in-the-mud. Please don't tell me I'm the only one who misses Dream people.

So yes. Dreams are great, life in general is great, and I'm another year older. And Sir Pounce-A-Lot has an adorable new collar that just looks dashing on him.

Cut for photo )

Apr. 6th, 2015




I have never taken as much time off of work as I have in the last couple of months. My inner workaholic is losing his mind. It's a wonder that anyone ever manages to get hold a job in this county, with the random truth spells and body swapping and whatnot.

I also have a newfound appreciation for just how annoying catcallers are.

Apr. 3rd, 2015




So I have decided on the perfect way to celebrate my birthday this year, so next Friday 10th April after a day of pampering with my bestie everybody who comes to Always will be celebrating my birthday with me and will get their first drink on the house.

I will be out from behind the bar and dancing the night away with the rest of you! Hope to see you there!

Mar. 30th, 2015




Someone help me. My car is dead. Well it isn't dead but it doesn't seem to want to work right now. Does anyone know the name of a good mechanic or garage? Please help.

In case you hadn't guessed already I'm going to be late home from work tonight, baby. Can you maybe take care of dinner?

Mar. 24th, 2015




A very important question has recently crossed my mind, and I just can't help but ask: What do people without cats do with the extra tuna juice when they eat canned tuna?

Alistair )

Mar. 23rd, 2015




God, so many dreams last night. My head is swimming today. I don't even remember my own name.

I'm running late. I need a coffee.

Mar. 22nd, 2015




Do you ever see physical differences in yourself or your friends in dreams? Like they don't match with what you know from the waking world?

Mar. 16th, 2015




Well, the one upside to the Blight, I suppose, is that it stopped the Templars for coming after me for a year. Nothing like sweet, sweet freedom in a country ravaged by Darkspawn. Woo.

That being said, I'm not sure if demons or darkspawn would win in an "Ugliest species of Thedas" competition, but I'm leaning toward darkspawn. Ugly brutes, aren't they? (I guess the majority if you can't actually answer that. The answer is "Yes, Anders. Extremely. And smelly, too.")

Seriously. Can these dreams just stop already? I'm sure they're interfering with my usual dreams about beautiful people, cats (of the non-demon variety, thankyouverymuch), and pie.




Me, a fairy. Riiiiight. Though I guess if I was gonna be a fairy, a sex fairy isn't a bad bet. Oh, right, sorry, a "love" fairy. Pfft.

And Sugardust as a last name is stupid as hell. Kind of glad I missed out on that part.

Mar. 15th, 2015




Oh my God, I ate so much pie last night. So. Much. Pie. Someone should have stopped me.




Beware the Ides of March. Here's hoping you don't get stabbed today, network.

It's also Mother's Day in the UK but I'd rather hear about where all the good St. Patrick's Day celebrations are going to be. Go on and help a fellow out?

Good god, I'm ready for new dreams where I'm not in an arranged marriage with a fairy.

Mar. 8th, 2015




I decided it was probably in everyone's best interest if I took the weekend off of work this week, which feels a little strange. I don't often have time off.

But this weekend is quickly shaping up to be the best weekend I've had in years. So I suppose time off isn't the end of the world.

Mar. 3rd, 2015




Coming this summer - SHARKNADO III.

Why, Hollywood, why?









oh my god, sorry I really needed that off my chest.

Mar. 2nd, 2015




Previously in dream land I dreamed about my cat who turned into a demon. Now, I've had a dream where I was forced to fight a demon who turned into a giant cat (though I'm pretty sure fighting giant demon cat came before running from medium sized cat demon).

I have no idea of my dream world has a weird penchant for cats and demons, or if it's just me.

At least Sir Pounce-A-Lot will protect me from any mean nasty demons that come my way here.

Mar. 1st, 2015




A big "THANK YOU" to everyone who's been helping me pack up the Old Man's house. I bought hundreds of cardboard boxes (okay, not literally) and they've all been filled. Most of them donated. Some stored. Others went straight to the dump. And my own apartment is almost empty now, too, with me taking several trips a day after work in my brother's mini-van. (Yes, my brother drives a mini-van. Yes, he's been mocked for it.)

The point of the story is that I'm exhausted. Not sure I can do much more of this.

Oh, and I need a new vacuum.

Feb. 27th, 2015




Live long and prosper, Leonard. RIP.

Feb. 23rd, 2015




Well, I had a fantastic weekend (first one in ages) which I guess decided to end itself by giving me more of those weird dreams. And was visited by the Dream Fairy I've heard so much about. I now have the dress I've been wearing in my dreams. And also have figured out a pretty big draw to why I'm wearing it.

I've also escaped this Circle place a number of times, which leads me to one very important question. How is it possible for an entire country to smell like dog shit?




The Garage is reopening. Under new Management. Come on by for all your car needs.

Feb. 18th, 2015




So I've had to miss school the last couple of days while my face heals. So I've been binge watching a show called the IT Crowd. I've never seen it before, and it's amazing. Super funny.

I've also had some crazy dreams, they've been keeping me up. Scary things, always waking up a bit cold or scared. Nightmares I guess. Just, well I've never felt anything like them. There's a forest, and kids that are adults but... I don't know. Must be the medication stuff.

[Filtered to Clara Oswald]

Sorry Ms. Oswald for not making class. I was mugged, near my house. I'm fine, nothing taken, just beat up a bit.

Don't worry though, I intend to be back in class soon.

[/end filter]




Well, Lent begins today. And, I thought I'd mention some oft overlooked aspects of scripture.

Jesus and Mary were a couple of lookers, weren't they? I mean, I could certainly see why God chose to knock up Mary. And Jesus? I would walk behind him any day of the week. Unf. God's chosen indeed.

Feb. 16th, 2015




The last few days, I've woken up with my fridge open and Sir Pounce-a-lot's dinner lying half eaten on the floor. I've just assumed that I hadn't been closing the fridge properly.

But I think I'm in the process of watching him attempt to get it open himself. I will keep this riveting tale of the Cat that Could updated as details emerge.

... I don't know what I'm going to do if he has figured out how to open the fridge.

Sir Pounce-a-lot is such a smart kitty. The smartest kitty in the whole wide world.

EDIT: Yes. Sir Pounce has indeed figured out how to open the fridge. Knickerweasles.

EDIT #2: Photographic proof )

((OOC: In the interest of consistency, please ignore the black cat in the last photo, and pretend the kitchen is much smaller. ... For anyone who isn't already aware, Sir Pounce-a-lot is played by my kitty, Yue, and this is totally an excuse to show off my cat.))

Feb. 15th, 2015




I do wish that I would stop dreaming about being pulled along behind a horse in chains, and being woken up by a woman wearing armour kicking me in the head. At the very least, if I could stop waking up with a splitting headache, that would be nice. Though, maybe that's a hangover...

Feb. 10th, 2015




Life has been... strange, lately. Between new dreams and other, real world complications, I feel very muddled. There is, however, at least one fantastic thing that has happened lately, and that is the appearance of my ship. Oh don't get me wrong, I adore my little sail boat. But she isn't the Jolly Roger, is she?

Feb. 1st, 2015




Still trying to get used to life without flying. Pixie dust only goes so far with a broken wing. Maybe I'll have to take a leaf out of Zarina's book and try my hand at Pixie Dust Alchemy. Or its applications in my inventions. Hmm.

Oh, and I had more Dreams. Because someone wants to fuck with me while I'm ... It only hurts harder when I wake up, and What is it with people not believing and making me die? How hard is it to believe in fairies? Seriously.

I gotta go break and fix something.

Jan. 31st, 2015




I had thought my dreams were at an end. I mean, my own death feels like a pretty solid ending, one would think?

But they've started again. I don't know quite how it happened, only that I managed to not only escape the crocodile that was attempting to swallow me whole, but I killed it, stuffed it, and used it as a clock. For irony's sake, I suppose.

Pan never came after me again. In fact, he started spending longer and longer stretches of time away from Neverland. As it turns out, he'd found a reason to stay in London. He'd found a wife.

Peter Pan, grown up. Who would have thought it.




I woke up to dream gifts!

Tink. It's awesome!

Jan. 28th, 2015




So guess what showed up in the garage today.

Cut for pic of a sweet ride )

Gotta love it. She showed up after I had a bunch of dreams, new ones (finally!), although they were about the Grid, not this lovely motorcycle but I'm not complaining. I finally got to learn HOW I got out of the damn place! Note to self: base jumping into the head of an AI is CRAZY. So is sticking your hand into an energy beam just to redirect it so the bad guys don't derezz you.

Being a User is kinda badass, gotta admit. I even saved the girl. Heck, TRON and I saved an entire world when you really think about it. Not too shabby for a computer programmer from Paramus, New Jersey.

Jan. 21st, 2015




So, the Old Man who owns the garage where I work was put in the hospital. He's really old, and now I'm a bit worried that he's I'm going to be working opening to closing shifts for the next week, and I don't get a weekend. At least I'm making overtime.

That being said, come visit me at the garage. Business is slow, and I'm sure to be bored.