
June 24th, 2019




Well, I managed to survive bartending during Pride at Pandemonium for the first time. It was definitely something. It's very different to be on the bar side of things instead of someone in the crowd celebrating. Everyone was in a great mood at least, only a couple bad seeds that Security swooped in for. Hope everyone who celebrated this weekend had a great time!

I'm definitely dragging my feet today, so hopefully the higher ups at my internship won't notice if I take a quick snooze in a dark alcove.




I finally think I understand why you made the move out here Bucky. The weather out here is definitely different than New York. It is kind of strange to think that I won't have to experience another New York winter this year.

To everyone else, I'm Steve Rogers. I'm a recent arrival and I have brought my beautiful wife, Dr. Peggy Carter, with me. I look forward to meeting you all.




Everything at The Underworld is ging perfect. God, this had to be our best idea yet.


We should do something special there for Fourth of July. What do you think?




I am very old in my dreams. Three thousand years of life when the war came. It was not the first war our world had seen, but it was the first war I saw.

I dreamed my people had a Queen. Queen Ashara, beautiful and terrible and despotic. She tried to summon a legion of demons to our world and we fought her. Not just those of our people who resisted, but others. Great dragons and other beings fought with us against Ashara's loyalists and the Burning Legion.

And we won, but at such a terrible cost. The well that granted us so much power exploded, shattering the continent of the world into many.

I do not know how I survived it, or how we will all recover, but with my high priestess dead, my people look to me now.




Nothing like waking up in the morning and finding that the reservoir for your coffee maker has decided to spring a big fat leak and spill water all over your counter and floor.

Happy freaking Monday to me.




One thing I definitely did not miss about civilian life? Standing in line at the grocery store on a Sunday afternoon.

Miracle I came out of that place alive.




I am so mad right now. There's a girl back home that, on Mikasa's and mine recommendations, took over a lot of our duties at Mom's bakery when we left for college. We trained her, she always seemed like she was doing really well and customers loved her. We really thought she would help fill the gap both of us leaving at once left Mom with.

So she's going to college soon herself, and when she put her two week notice in? Her personality did a complete 180. She apparently found out that places can't fire you after you put a notice in, because it's considered retaliation. And she decided to use that to be rude to customers and employees and just sit around on the clock without doing much of anything. She even started on personal insults to one of the women that's worked with Mom for ages, and when she refused to respond to those? She pulled up facebook and started in on her children. What the fuck is wrong with her?

I know it's been years since I recommended her but... I still feel really, really guilty. Mom went ahead and stayed for the closing shift her last day to make sure she took her key from her, and she's having all the locks changed now, just to be safe. If she was like this before her last day, who knows what she's going to do after, you know?




In the spirit of Pride, I'm bi. I think. Or gay. One of the two, of which I'm not sure yet but I've never said the words. To myself or anyone else, so I mean. That's who I am. At least a part of.