
June 23rd, 2019




That war I thought would happen is happening. The Horde is marching south towards my city and I've called in every favor I had left and twisted a lot of arms to evacuate the civilians while bringing in reinforcements.

Some are refusing to leave and ... I appreciate that.

I once asked my bodyguard why she stayed with me all these years and she gave me some vague answer that she'd never been officially reassigned even though she'd been free to go ages ago. Frankly I don't know what I'd do without her and I'm glad she'll be around for this.




Well I finally saw my dreamself get the punishment he deserved. He got sentenced to Azkaban after the battle. I hope that he rots there. He deserves it.




I managed to get out of the my wedding in my dreams the first time around. I don't think I'll manage to get out of it a second time. Unless I faint again.

It's strange to watch my dreamself deal with something that I completely avoided here.




Do you ever see things you wish you didn't while driving? Because we just passed a gas station with a fuel delivery truck in the parking lot, with some idiot smoking a cigar right beside it. I decided that the car didn't really need refilled that badly. I still have a fourth of a tank left.




I usually just get the store brand of eyedrops, contact solution, etc for whatever they consider the most popular brand. I figure that the ingredients couldn't be that much different than the more expensive brands, at least the most expensive brands that aren't for specific medical purposes. Out of curiosity today, I picked up the one that said "all natural" to see why they were so expensive vs what I usually use. All natural would have different ingredients after all, right?

Oh yeah, they were certainly different. The active ingredient of the "all natural one" was belladonna. Which... I'm fairly certain is a poison? I think I'll just stick to the generic version of Blink. Seems a lot safer.