
June 25th, 2019




And here I thought my problems were solved when that Jedi killed the Emperor.

It seems as though I've discovered what Revan has been up to since they escaped my clutches.

Attempting to draw the Republic and Empire into a war with each other in some attempt to destroy us both. Somehow, the Dark side and his Light side were separated into two beings.

An intriguing possibility to study later, meanwhile I have more pressing concerns in what they told me my Emperor is up to. Besides actually being alive. In a way.

Something about destroying all life in the galaxy in order to use that life force to become immortal and immensely powerful.

What precisely, is the point of ruling a graveyard?




I keep having the same recurring dreams. Not DREAM dreams, just regular neurotic dreams. I have no idea how the actual "speak now or forever hold your peace" thing goes if someone actually objects to a wedding in real life, but that's the part I keep dreaming about. It's always someone who wasn't invited to the wedding. Sometimes it's my parents, sometimes it's Am's deadbeat ex, and a couple of times it's been the girl I had a play wedding with in kindergarten when 1. I had no idea I was gay yet and 2. I was five, and there's no way that was legally binding.

All of them are uninvited and, so, really, they have no say.

I guess, really, I'm just nervous they're going to show up anyway, and try to make a scene. My parents or his ex, I mean. I just need reassurance there really isn't anything they can do if they try.