
August 26th, 2018




My dreams have taken me down Under the Mountain.

But a lot of things that had been unclear I get now. My Fae Lord is cursed, and the woman who cursed his court rules their lands like a despot.

And I'm supposed to be the one to break the curse but I don't have any idea how I'm supposed to do that, except I managed to make a deal with her to do three trials.

That'll probably get me killed.




I hit my follower count goal, so it's time to celebrate!

[Private to JNPR]
You guys wanna do a pancake thing? I promise I won't cook, but I'll do all the prep and cleaning!

Pleeeeeeeeease? :)




Who thought that a television show based on The Purge movies was something we really needed as a society? Who thought that was good idea? Just...really?




Hello. I'm Kala Dandekar. I'm a bit new to this whole social media thing. I hope I'm doing this right. I heard this is a good place to meet people and possibly find a job. Does anyone on here know of a pharmaceutical company that's hiring?




Well, that was an experience. For the first time in a long time, my dreams returned. I'd found some refuge in Bucharest where I was beginning to piece my memories and life back together, the ones that Hydra stole from me. But that was all shot to hell, quite literally, when Steve Rogers showed up and brought a bunch of people trying to kill me along with him. I swear, Steve has the worst sense of timing ever. And the worst sense of fun. I just wanted some plumbs, man!




I had the weirdest dream last night. I don’t think it was part of the Dreams because… how could it be? I mean, considering. But it felt as real as those dreams do. I dreamed I was kickboxing, which… I took kickboxing for years in real life, so that’s not exactly an unusual dream for me. But it was sort of… kickboxing to the death? Which was the weird part. Also the fact that I think I was naked, and really that’s a sport you don’t want to not have protective gear on for.




My Dream this time starts with me waking up. Weird, I know. My mom was trying to wake me up so she could have my sheets to clean, and I tried begging her to let me sleep in. Because it was tiring to be in middle school and ... here is where I almost outed myself as Sailor V, a super hero. Luckily Artemis smacked me and told me I was supposed to keep that secret before I could finish getting the sentence out. I mean, not that my parents would actually believe me about that.

I go to hang out with my friends, after letting my pen do my homework for me (take that, talking cat), and one of them has a radio he’s used to sort of… hack radio station signals? So we can listen to concerts without actually being at the concerts. He said it picks up the signals from their wireless microphones. I’m sure it’s super illegal, and I really have no idea if this is something that would even work here. My dreams seem to take place a long time ago. The singer we’re listening to is called Petit Pandora. Which… the singer who turned out to be a monster in my last dream was named Pandora, also. So, that bodes well. She even looks like a younger version of her.

A letter to challenge me is given to the police. I’m not affiliated with the police, they don’t even particularly like me because a masked 13 year old putting robbers you can’t catch in jail for you has to bruise the ego. But she leaves a letter with them all the same, which the friend with the radio picks up on, also tapping into the police radio I guess. She’s apparently behind the disappearances of all the teenage boys in the area.

I go to where she says to meet her, only to find the place swarming with cops. So clearly the only sensible thing to do is use my magic compact (wasn’t it the pen before? How do I rewind and review my dreams) to also turn into an idol singer. I have to say, I made a pretty cute boy. I make my way past all the cops and try to be a distraction for the girl. She falls for it, and also falls off the perch she was waiting on. (A swing hanging from a blimp? This is Doctor Evil levels of ridiculousness. I demand better super villains.) I use my pen to transform into Sailor V and introduce myself.

Petite Pandora flips out on me, saying she’s here to get revenge for her sister. Otherwise known as the ham zombie from my last dream. She sics the boys she kidnapped on me, and once again I’m trying to kick and punch them away. It’s not their fault they got brainwashed by an evil pop singer. I use my compact on her and her face starts to melt away, just as her sister’s did. Revealing another zombie with pineapple slices on its face. Unlike her sister, as she melts, she starts emitting a toxic gas. I somehow call on the power of Venus to shower purifying light on the entire area. It kills the zombie while clearing away the fumes.

And that’s where I woke up.