
May 6th, 2017




I just wandered into a freaking forest.

Plus side, I'm just sitting in a tree and watching a bunch of furballs murder Stormtroopers. Quality entertainment.




Gwen and I have decided that our hashtag is #Iwannabeajedi. I love it.




Alright, who thought it was cool for freaking starfighters to be strafing parts of the city? This is seriously getting out of hand!

These guys are landing troops, like a full-fucking-scale invasion of all things. And what the heck is with the giant new metal moon in the sky?

Seriously, what the hell? I've had to blow half a dozen of these things out of the sky, and put at least a good thirty troopers of some kind to sleep before they could do major harm. I have collected way too much armor and weaponry at this point.




I missed out on a date because of those damn Storm Troopers. Can this be over already?





Walkers 0

Boom baby.



Filtered away from non-punctured/able Marvels

So went to see Guardians of the Galaxy 2 last night, despite the Star Wars chaos going on around us at the moment. I won't give spoilers, but as the kids these days say: THE FEELS. SO MUCH FEELS.

And of course, the movie has a lot of laughs too. I'm a little bummed that movie me has basically started from scratch development wise. In the comics, I retain who I am and who I know, and everything so that really I'm not a 'baby Groot' so much as just a really tiny version of myself. But the movie literally has me at like, little kid age. And I'm not the brightest crayon in the box either, which, is kinda not cool.

BUT. Still loved it. I wanted to find Rocket and give him a giant hug afterwards, but I know that's not his thing.




Quit my job at the gym. I feel so much better now that I'm not walking on eggshells. Of course, job hunting has its own stresses. I'm wondering if I should try to find another gym or something else in the realm of the physical that's a little different? I don't know.




With this current administration, I often wonder if I would be better off moving back to London. I've got a lot here, but these assholes that somehow got elected into positions of power worry me a great deal. Ugh. Time to binge on chocolate and hard liquor.