
August 18th, 2016




I'm glad I don't seem to be dreaming as much since being pregnant.




Cut for Undertale spoilers, visible to all )




I cannot tell if I have a hangover from the dream I had last night, or if I just have a hangover. I suppose it does not matter which. I do not remember the dream very much, I was very very drunk, this is no surprise. I think that I talked too much. This is also no surprise. I woke up with some absinthe in my bed, I am not sure how it got there, I assume that myself who was drunk bought it for me. He is a very kind me. I appreciate him.

I do not appreciate hungover me for leaving it at home, or for not buying coffee before I came to work. The hungover me is very stupid.




So Helena and I are gonna do a real wedding this time. Like we already eloped an' did a reception party but now we're doing the whole shebang! And you're all invited!

All of you! Even you!

It'll be at Location on August 27th, and the party will be at location right after the ceremony!




You ever have one of those months where you completely forget it's your birthday until you get to work and someone smashes a plate of shaving cream in your face?




When bigots expect me to respond to them and then care when I don't because they're angry. Pathetic. I didn't realize fancy coffee made me a fag. Sorry I don't like sludge?




A Whopperito? Just because you can put two different foods together, doesn't mean you have to. That looks disgusting. You couldn't pay me to eat that.




So I have a flashback/black out and then I wake up and find Frank and Percy myself on the land with my friends. They seemed pretty concerned about me. I guess I would have been if I'd have been me, too. So I had to tell them what happened. Frank guessed about me. About my coming from the Underworld. He didn't even look at me like I was some freak. He just looked at me like I was Hazel and told me he'd make sure I stayed alive. Dream me feels guilty about the things I did, but...I don't know how she can ever feel bad about Gaea. That wasn't my fault.

Anyway, then I got kidnapped by grass (Karpoi, to be specific). Well, they weren't really grass. Wheat, Barley, and Sorghum. Of course, I finally found schist, which is a precious stone. They offered to take me to Gaea's army so I could die slowly, but I turned them down. Even dizzy and sort of not entirely with it, I know better than to agree to be killed slowly. At least there's that. They offered me wheat if I came off the rock, but wheat's not that important. Apparently Gaea has a lot of torture in store for me since I ruined her plans, but like I told the Karpoi. I am a daughter of Pluto. They can surely try to kill me. You'd think she'd get over it already.

Thankfully my friends came and helped me fight them because I probably could have done it, but when you're already feeling woozy, trying to fight a bunch of toddler-sized karpoi in weird diaper-like things is kind of difficult. But then we saw her army. Gaea's. One of my friends wasn't feeling so well, so we decided we were going to go to this store we saw. After fighting a giant snake thing we got to the store which belonged to Iris, the goddess of rainbows and also the messenger goddess. Well, she directed Percy my friend and I to the back, but said she had to talk to Frank. I don't really know what to expect next.