
June 29th, 2016




I have just found Adam Lambert's music...and now I'm a little bit obsessed! I have so much choreography I want to do!




So thanks to a new dog owner that I know, not naming names, I paid a visit to a shelter today fully expecting to walk out with a dog without a fuss. How little I know about the adoption process. Did you know there's paperwork involved? It's all quite intimidating. There were a lot of questions. I took the forms home with me. Do I own or rent my home? Do I have a yard? Have I owned dogs in the past? Am I able to provide daily exercise for a new dog? I'm feeling quite insecure at the moment. I think I'd be able to provide for a dog in all of the vital ways, but I don't have a yard and I've never owned a dog before. Are those deal breakers?




I have found something fantastic, my friends! Voila!

cut for image, visible to all )

It is made from a bottle of vodka. There are bottles of vodka that are skull shaped. I will find one tomorrow so that I can make a light of it. I do not know anything about electronics but it could not be that hard, this man made one!

Jehan! Would you like a lamp as well? That is a silly question, I will buy two.




Christ on a white horse, this Brexit nonsense is pissing all over the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Did anyone not consider what ramifications this will have, to fuck with the border, when they voted leave like the idiots they are? Decades and decades of violence and tension, and now it's all going to be kicked up again. I remember I used to travel back and forth with no trouble at all - who knows what will happen now, since loads of people live and work on different sides of the border, and cross every day.

I'll just be out scrubbing my deck. And I mean that in the cleanest way possible.

private, secure messages to thalia and luke )




Some days a man should be happy only to be alive. I'm telling myself that today. For some reason? I don't believe myself. Funny. I always thought I was a better liar.




I understand why guys in my position get dogs now. Running with a dog tends to get people to stay out of the way. When I run by myself, I have two options: run with my eyes uncovered while risking the stares or run with tinted goggles since sunglasses won't stay in place at the pace I keep.

And they still stare.

Weird thing? I never noticed until now.




All these people walking around blind in the sunshine while I can see them for what they really are in the dark. Almost makes me wish I could turn it off. Go blind like the rest of them.




Yes, lets drop everything and follow a woman who may or may not hate me through a mirror.




I'm hiding in my room, watching Moulin Rouge on repeat. Thank you, DVD player. If I lose this remote I'll be even more unhappy because I don't want to leave my bed. :( :( :(




I finally understand why people drink alone. If this is part of the whole growing up thing? I'm not so sure I'm ready to sit at the adult's table.




Arcane Advisor certainly has a ring to it, even if I am far less than comfortable being in the Orlesian Court. Tis not the safest place to be, considering all the court intrigue, civil war, and the fact that an ancient magister has ripped a hole in the sky which threatens the safety of the entire world. Regardless of anything else, the insane magister must be stopped. I anticipate the Inquisition's influence shall be felt within the halls of the Winter Palace itself. And for the sake of the world and the state Orlais is in, I do hope it shall come sooner rather than later. I am going to ignore the fact I have a son in the dreams




Is it time to go home yet? I've never been so ready to leave work.


Ever get the feeling somebody's watching you? It's funny. I have that feeling all the time except it's less a feeling and more a voice in my head telling me all sorts of things I usually listen to only to ignore and do what I want anyway. I guess I'm a self-starter. That's what they call doing your own thing these days in the Self-Help Aisle. I know because it's the same aisle they keep the Sex books on and it's sorta like going shopping for cheese and coming home with sour cream since it's kept in the same section and it seems like a great idea at the time.




Summer squash is overflowing my gardens. I've been reading up on some recipes. I liked this one since it was a catch-all bake with multiple squash used. Rachael Ray has a simple saute which turned out really well once I added zucchini to balance out the red pepper.

It's a good time to be a farmer. That's for sure.




Soon we'll celebrate freedom again. Who are the free? Who is free? Are any of us? Strange questions in a strange land. No answers here. No answers anywhere.




Made the rent on my showroom with enough to spare to cover the rent on my apartment. I'm exhausted, but at least the bills are paid. This month.




This is a really good idea. Such a positive move for young girls. I never really understood why any of these pageants needed a swim suit competition.




So I finally got my Hogwarts letter in the dreams, which meant a trip to buy what I'd need for school. I'm honestly a bit disappointed that my parents refused to buy me a owl. They were on the list of acceptable pets we could bring with us.




You'll never believe it! The Anaheim Ballet is taking me on as an apprentice dancer and will almost certainly add me to the corps de ballet in a couple of months. As an apprentice I won't be paid, but that's okay. I'll still have time to work at the tea shoppe. They were really impressed with my solo, but apparently they don't usually add people to the corps right off the bat. It's routine to start as an apprentice, get some training and experience. I'm really happy.




April Fools Day was almost three months ago, so I have to wonder why am I just now getting notifications in my email from pinterest about April Fools Day boards I might be interested in?




It figures that during the summer, I'd start dreaming about starting my college classes. They all seem to be general education classes so no clue what dream me decided to major in, guess I'll just have to keep waiting to find out.




I'm definitely not used to waking up to the smell of the ocean. Manhattan might be an island, but it's very easy to forget that you are surrounded by water when you are walking in Midtown or shopping in SoHo. Even with the East River and the Hudson River only a few miles away at most given points, it's nothing like California.

I never thought I'd want to live anywhere but New York City, but here I am, moved in and partially unpacked in Southern California. Someone point me in the direction of the best coffee (don't say Starbucks. Or Dunkin' Donuts. Those are both lies.)