
April 3rd, 2016




I can't believe
Of course the

Of all the terrible strange things that can come from these dreams, I have to say, my sudden heterosexuality is by far one of the more unsettling things I have seen.

I need to know how to get out of restraints in a more efficient manner.




It's a little last minute, but planning and traveling definitely got in the way of me remembering to say something here!

Seventh Heaven's closed until next Friday. I'm in Taiwan right now and... I'd forgotten the awful jet lag. Been a long time since I came back! Got some tombs to sweep.

How are things back in the OC?




Just when you start thinking you got this whole thing figured out in your dreams, something you've been doing for decades, some asshole named Fisk and psycho called Bullseye stroll on in to really ruin your day.

At least I don't wake up with any of those dream injuries you people seem to get.




Animaniacs was added to Netflix.

I know what my evening plans are.




Yesterday my daughter informed me it was National Peanut Butter and Jelly day and refused to eat anything except those sandwiches. I have to say I don't want to make one ever again. I'm glad I have a boyfriend who indulged her because after breakfast and lunch I was done.