
April 2nd, 2016




So I'm sleeping, dreaming away of kicking some First Order ass and reuiniting with my best buddies. When I get woken up by this beeping. At first I thought it was my alarm clock, like I was stupid and didn't turn if off. But it wasn't my alarm.

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I get to train for a viking part. Honestly this might be the coolest role ever.




Forgot it was April Fools yesterday. Only remembered after a guy dumped a Slurpee on my head as a 'prank'. I didn't think it was very funny, but I don't think he found my prank of kicking him in the nuts to be very funny either. On the plus side, the professor who saw the whole thing felt my reaction was completely valid and talked the guy out of calling the campus police on me, and it was after my last class of the day so I didn't have to worry about skipping classes.

Three showers later and I'm still sticky. Anyone have guesses as to how to get red out of a white shirt?




With all the helping pack and move and unpack, I completely forgot it was April Fool's Day yesterday! Did anyone do any good pranks? Or like, have good pranks done on them? I'm sad I missed it. It's such a fun holiday when it's done right!