
April 4th, 2016




It happened again. I don't really feel like dealing with it. I miss him even more now




Alexander and I were on the beach tonight and I couldn't help but take this picture of him.

Even His Shadow Profile is Beautiful )




I have to say that I'm becoming quite skilled at juggling about ten coffees every single morning. I'm not going to complain though because people would kill for my internship and I'm very lucky, but my dry cleaning bill is insane this month. If I spill coffee on one more shirt of mine I may just scream wherever I may be at the moment, which will make me look like a crazy person.

Anyway, hi, I'm Chloe and I was told about this network at the coffee shop (Surprise surprise), so I'm curious to see what I can use it for. I'm currently interning at Warner Brothers studios, so if you like movies then I am your girl.




I have no idea what I'm doing on this fucking thing. My boss suggested that if he's going down in burning flames on this thing then I have to join him. And since I like my job - here I fucking am. Seriously though, what the fuck kind of place is this? Why is everyone talking about their dreams? Was there a batch of LSD released in the water supply? You guys really need to get out and get a fucking life. Oh, and you can find your life at Victrola.




Anyone know a way to stop a recurring dream? I'm running out of alcohol.






Okay, not mine since Maximus is his own horse, but he's my buddy in the dreams.


Um....can I bring Maximus to the ranch?




Great, so I'm surrounded by a bunch of superheros with strange names in my dream.. Fun.




Someone implemented an anonymous feedback system at Stark Tower. So far so good. We've gotten some constructive criticisms, and I appreciate that.

One note asked if he/she/it could put a garden up on the roof. Sounds great, right? Though, I have no idea to whom to give the go-ahead. Maybe just posting a note here saying "Go for it" is good enough?




i was out at the park the other day and i wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. then it hit me!




I think it's safe to say never say never. Ever. The second you say it the exact thing you say hasn't happened does happen, and it's all very weird. And I'm most certainly not a fan of this. No no no.

Never again.




Why do people think running is an easy thing to do? Somebody in the gym over the weekend was training for a half marathon - first time they had gone into the gym and yet the marathon is in a week. Some people do not have an idea about these things.




Having a blast on holiday with the kids and so far nothing is going wrong with the shop. There are some beautiful botanical gardens around too.




Days later and people are still doing the Macarena at practice. Signs of a good prank?

Man, we've got some talented dancers in this cast. The girl who plays the Queen of Hearts is fierce. I really hope I'm as sharp as she is come the first performance.




This woman is going to be a thorn in my side and I know it. Someone filed an anonymous complaint about the way I dress. The only reason it didn't stick is that I've read the dress code and was able to defend myself. Anonymous my ass. I know exactly who that complaint came from. There's only one person in this office I don't get along with.




My brother texted me this afternoon to let me know that there's a freeze warning in NYC and that it might snow a little tonight. I, being the excellent and caring brother that I am, went outside and took a picture of how nice and sunny and warm it is.

Also I overnighted him mittens and a new electric blanket. No one tell him, I want it to be a monstrous surprise.




I got hit with a really intense dream last night.

Seriously. My face hurt when I woke up from being slammed against the steering wheel of my jeep and then again slammed against the computer when I resisted giving up information.

And when I woke up, my Lacrosse gear was there in my room. I think I'd be even worse at playing that sport than my dream self, and believe me, he's like the worst of the worst. I do not understand how he made the team. I'm not even sure Coach likes him.




Is someone missing a very life-like doll? And I mean this doll might have some voodoo magic in it because it came into my shop and ordered muffins and coffee.

It might be one of the creepiest things I have ever seen.




Well, at least I have a few more answers.

I swear these dreams are like a damn soap opera.




Tonight seems like a "talk about dreams" kind of night.

All this time and I'm caught by Romans. Too much to ask to die in glorious battle. I won't suffer death in captivity. Figures shit would go this way if I chose to follow the Gaul.




Oh man! I felt the baby move! Sorry if that's an over-share, but I'm just really excited!




Late night at the office tonight, and thank God for pack-and-plays. Viv is asleep in the corner while I go through this paperwork. Poor girl. She's amazing and patient. I wish that I could have given her a more interesting night tonight! But she's got her blocks in there, scattered around her little, sleeping body.

Means I'm stuck here until I'm finished with this mess and can head home. I'd sell my soul for a Philly Cheesesteak sandwich right now.




I'm just so angry I can't
is this even my feeling or is it someone elses?

I have two papers due and a test to study for and I can't focus on a single one. Think I'm officially screwed. Fun.




I think I had one of those dreams.... Everyone keeps talking about.... Mine was nice though...




Holy crap...... That's..That's a lot of....spiders people




Well thanks to my dream last night and some Roman shithead, I now have a scar on my face. In the dream and apparently in real life unless this is a very vivid hallucination. Not sure which I prefer at this point. There goes that fantasic modeling career I didn't have.

We found Naevia and managed to get her out. Lost Crixus in the process. Escaped into the forest. Lost more men. Killed even more. Spartacus was right: swords do get lighter with time.

Naevia's so weak, I'm not sure how we'll get her back to Vesuvius, and our numbers are so low I'm not sure how any of us will get back at all. Needless to say, morale isn't too great right now.




Got some new dreams, oh yeah!

FINALLY get to meet Rey and BB-8. That escape in the freighter was EPIC. Rey you were not kidding how amazing that was!

Learned Han Solo's a badass. Except for the smuggling of Rathtars part - that's just straight up crazy. Those things nearly ate me!

Also, Solo is a terrible smuggler. He tried conning like two or three groups of people at once! We're lucky we made it out of there in one piece between them and the Rathtars!

Lastly, wookies make terrible patients. Never trying to patch one up again. Thought I was gonna lose an arm.

Here's to hoping I hurry up and dream some more.