
January 12th, 2016




In my dreams I saw my ex-boyfriend with another girl. It didn't feel like I was jealous. I was with another guy, too. It felt like we were both okay with the situation. It was... Strange. I guess I'm moving on in my dreams. It feels weird.




Fuck, I never post on this forum, do I? I think the last post I made I was a woman, then before that the bearer of bad news. It feels odd to not have anything catastrophic to say.

I've always hated that 'pink for girls, blue for boys' shit so imagine this in orange font or something. Anyway, according to the doctor's poking (which looked uncomfortable) we're having a girl and I unfortunately didn't get any 'it's a girl' biscuits or cakes or cigars, but if anyone wants to drink with me tonight, I'll be at [insert name of bar] and I'll buy you one.

Names are still being brainstormed. That one's tough, isn't it?




Day two of sobriety. It still sucks. Yesterday we cleaned out all the cupboards and ever since I've been opening and closing them like booze is magically going to appear.

I have support but it's one of the hardest things I've ever done and I'm only two fucking days in. It gets easier, right?




I was taking pictures for class. And I found this really fat squirrel.

image )




Well the end of my dreams is bittersweet, we are free but I lost one new friend and another left us by choice. I wish things could have been different.

But at least in real life I have my friends and family.


I'm probably older than I think I am to be on a forum for the first time. My younger siblings would be proud. And poke plenty of fun.




Ok, so I don't often post things like this, but I find myself in a post-festive period rut which I desperately want to get out of. My Dreams have been a bit more intense lately with aliens trying to suck the life out of my second in command and human-form Replicators trying to destroy my city.

So are there any ideas out there for things to do around here?




I'm bored, amuse me!