
January 13th, 2016




1940s me apparently has far too much fun for her own good.

Mags was stunning though.




Nothing beats insomnia like chamomile. I can't put my finger on why I can't sleep, though! It's just this restless feeling that I have. Do you ever get that way?




I've got business completely unrelated to dreams. My mum is apparently very sick. My dad just called. Some kind of lung infection involving a fungus. Asper-something. How does that even happen? It's no wonder I flunked biology... Just... If you're the superstitious type, light a candle for my mum, alright?




Public announcement: you too can find an abundance of riches if you're willing to stay several weeks underground, inside Dark Spawn infested tunnels, and if you can tolerate being back-stabbed by a dwarf who fits in your arsehole and attempts to leave you for dead, you have it made.

Then there's the part where by the time we resurface, my brother is making strides to become a bloody Templar and no, that doesn't hurt my mage-feelings, why would it? spoiled little prat

I now have a fancy red robe with the family crest on it. I'll wear it anywhere I please, thank you, even at grocery stores and coffee shops. It'll give me the illusion that I'm as wealthy as I've come to be in these blasted dreams. Perhaps I'll have better luck literally digging for treasure? Or stealing someone's gold tooth like someone I know.




Sometimes these dreams are really hard. I mean, they were going great for a while there! A unicorn with all her centaur friends made us a big feast which was delicious and there was enough food for all of us even though Caramon was there because when Caramon is around there's usually not nearly enough food for everyone. But there was, and we all got to eat it and it was delicious!

And then we got to fly on the backs of these Pegasuses and it was wonderful. I'd never flown before in the dreams and I just loved it. At least until they put us to sleep. I tried not to fall asleep, but they insisted that I did because otherwise people might panic and fall off their backs but clearly they've never met a kender before because kender don't panic about anything.

And then when we landed we saw Goldmoon's home town and it was... nothing really all that interesting. In fact, there was nothing at all interesting until we found our ways into this swamp, and Flint and I scouted ahead and we might have got a little bit drunk we ran into even more draconians! Draconians are these creepy lizard people that turn into stone when you kill them. Anyway, Flint and I jumped into the swamp but everyone else got captured by the draconians! And then I pretended to be a dragon in order to free them all, and I got stuck in it's head and because everything was on fire Tanis had to chop off the head and I was really worried that they were going to chop off my topknot but it was all still there when they finally managed to get me out of the fake dragon's head.

And once we escaped from the draconian camp, we finally found Xak Tsaroth which was where we were planning on going because of Goldmoon's magical blue crystal staff, and we found a dragon.

Like, a real live breathing dragon! I thought that all the dragons got killed by Huma a really long time ago, but nope! There was one just hiding in this well in the middle of Xak Tsaroth.

But running into the dragon really wasn't as great as I thought it would be. Cut for a description of someone melted by acid )

For the most part, I really do like the dreams. It's so much more interesting than just going to sleep at night and not really doing anything. But I wish that the bad things that happened in them... didn't happen. And I don't know why all the really awful things have to come right after really great things like flying on flying horses and seeing a real life dragon for the first time.




I've clearly been directed here by mistake. Is this some sort of online forum for the loony bin or something? Between all the talk of dreams, dragons, and magic, it's got to be either that or some sort of elaborate prank.

I'm Tyler. Not new to the area, though I did just move back home to go to UCI. Not sure why I'm bothering with this.




It certainly is a very active community here. How wonderful. I look forward to getting to know you all.




Hello, darlings, my name is River Song. Some of you may have heard of me before, but for those who haven't, I'm an Archaeologist and I've recently taken a position teaching Archaeology at UC Irvine. I've been traveling so often and for so long, I decided I wanted some time to stay in one place for a little while.

This isn't my first time in California, but it is the first time I'll have a chance to do some proper sightseeing. What would everyone suggest?