
September 29th, 2014




I was going to go to Oxford in my dreams. Pretty intense. I wonder if I'm going to dream the whole thing. Like, as if Stanford and MIT weren't enough in the Real World, I'm going to have four years of Oxford injected into my brain courtesy of Weird Dreams. I suppose there are worse things to Dream about.




I think I have done National Coffee Day justice, I've gotten three free coffees from various businesses and I even bought one. Now time to take advantage of my coffee buzz and edit my research paper!




Pretty sure a vacation isn't supposed to be this tiring before I even leave.




Cut for Warnings/Triggers: Offensive/vulgar language and mentions of violence/gory situations. )



Serious Research Question

Okay, so, I've been going through the Valar archives but I haven't found this yet, so I'm hoping to crowdsource.

Has anyone who has memories/dreams of being possessed--by anything; a demon, a spirit, whatever--also been possessed by that same demon/spirit in this universe? Is that possible?




Halloween is coming up, which means parties and costume planning. I haven't even begun thinking about a costume yet, but I did have an idea for a local for a party. I'd have to ask a few people for permission, but I think it would be a much better venue than my house.

What's everyone else thinking of doing for Halloween?




If there is one thing they should stop making movies about, it's super, creepy dolls. Not much scares me, but that stuff does. I can't be the only one here.