
May 16th, 2014




Does anyone else out there surf? I'm probably gonna go Saturday morning and figured I'd see if anyone else wants to join me. I know Lilo will, right Lilo? I'm also about 99.9% sure that Billy will just sit there and ogle me the entire time. Not that I mind of course.




I'm beginning to wish that full moons only occurred on the weekends. This months was yesterday and even with the Wolfsbane, I was exhausted this morning and achy and once again had to call out and spent the majority of the day sleeping. No one at the school has asked about it, but I'm sure they're curious as to why I call out at least once a month. I'm honestly surprised that I haven't been asked about it yet. This has been going on since October after all.




cut for mentions of death )




So, I had myself another dream last night. First one in a while. I was wearing a nappy. I mean, baby diaper. At first I thought it was just from changing Christina so often while I'm awake, but then I realized all my old bandmates from Drive Shaft where there and they were wearing diapers, too. We were shooting a commercial, shaking our diapered bums at the camera, dancing in a baby pack-and-play. Our song "You All Everybody" was now "You All Every Butties". It was horrific.

But kinda funny.

Mostly horrific.




It has been like over a month since I had those crazy dreams. Even though everyone kept telling me I would have more I still thought it was a one time thing. Or at least I was hoping it was. But nope, of course I had more.

Damon was in some dungeony place in his own house and somehow I ended up finding him there. It was weird. On the bright side though it looks like I finally moved on from him. Thank goodness, he was pretty much an ass to me. Although he did save me when some guy named Logan attacked me. So I guess it all evens out? I found out one of my best friends is a witch and I am kind of dating my other best friend's ex, who told me he wasn't over Elena, but then he kissed me so who knows what is going on with that. Maybe I will find out if I have more dreams.




Nothing compares to holding a sixteen year old version of your best friend's mother and trying to console her. When she's the same woman that did the same thing to you when you were a kid. God time travel sucks.

Making arrangements to get the kids off to visit with my dad for a couple weeks this summer. And for me too for at least a week of that. And my dad had this great idea for a road trip for them that I'm apparently not invited on. I see how it is.




My week ended on a pretty crappy note. Not only am I out of a place to stay again, but the bookstore I managed is moving to a new location and they plan on hiring on new staff instead of moving us over. They hid it in corporate speak but it roughly translates to 'we don't want to pay people as much as we've been paying you.'




Hmm. I wonder if my animal talking skills work when it comes to fishes. I was just thinking it'd be cool to tell a shark not to chomp on me if I ever met one.

I surf, it's not like I anticipate meeting a shark downtown or something.




People keep telling me how intimidating UCLA is, but once you've lived in New York nothing really compares. I think it's kinda cozy? Anyway, finally unpacked the last box in my new apartment but it's really kind of..plain. I'm not exactly Mr. Interior Design though, so is anyone on here good at that sort of thing? I was told this may be the place to look.




It appears I'm getting a roommate. Or, well, Porthos is getting a roommate, and it's me. I'll admit that at first I wasn't so sure, but it's really a nice option. It's closer to work, I'll have just as much space (if not a bit more) as I do in my current apartment, and cost of living will certainly go down. Not to mention the fantastic kitchen.

The downside being I'll have to leave behind the little garden I've grown very fond of and work on planting an entirely new one. Needs must, I suppose. I've handed in my one month's notice so the move will be entirely official mid-June. Perhaps we'll have a big housewarming party of sorts.




I think I found my location. I was going to build from the ground up, but I found a great place that went out of business that I can remodel and mold to my liking. Damon, it's the one we looked at, the one across the street from the shopping center with the bowling alley.




I want to earn some money on the side of police work, but I really don't have any other skills that can be turned into party tricks for that sort of thing I don't think? Unless anyone wants a sparring partner or running partner or something? There was a guy before looking for a sword fighting partner. I think I can help out there? I lost track of the message-sorry. Accepting most ideas for this?