
April 30th, 2014




I'd forgotten how good it feels to be on the stage, again. And doing Shakespeare, no less! There really is nothing like the live theatre. Not that I don't love film acting, as well, but there's something about being in front of an audience that gives me a thrill.

And it helps that my dear friend is in it, with me. Exciting times!




My dreams are over. I moved on finally. And I saved the human race. At least I hope so. I got to see my friends again. That was nice.

I'm so very glad they're over though. You have no idea.


ugh I have the worst summer's cold.
and my period.

please kill me. or send cake and cough drops.




I don't know if I've ever needed cash badly enough to comply with this ATM. Also: it's sexist. Bastard ATM.




Oh my god, the best fight just happened. I can't really talk about it and technically I shouldn't even be saying this, but that was truly epic. Things were broken, it was so epic. Seriously, best thing I've ever witnessed.




In about a month it'll be a year since I came back here. To some this probably wouldn't seem like a big deal, but after being away for six years, it was a real adjustment being back around my family, but I'm really glad that I did come back. I'd missed so much and couldn't imagine being away again. Not to mention, if I hadn't moved back, I never would have met Sage.




My dreams just keep getting weirder and weirder. There's angels and demons, leather and weapons. It's an artists dream really and I'm loving the work I'm creating from them but seriously messed up!




I was sad to hear about Bob Hoskins this morning. Who Framed Roger Rabbit has always been one of my favorite movies. It was one of the movies I used to watch over and over again when I was younger. Even now, I could put it on and know almost all the lines. In fact, I think I may watch it this weekend.




And this is why I chose astrophysics, simply amazing what physics can do.

On a side note, I dreamt I opened up a wormhole while performing an experiment in outer space then got beaten up and straddled by a hot, alien chick in leather.

So, there's that...




While I'm incredibly excited about the prospect of raising a family with the woman I love, there is that tiny needle of doubt that keeps pricking at the back of my mind.

What if they look like me.




I think I'm gonna see about signing up for a few summer classes at one of the local community colleges. I have the money now, so there's no long a question of where I'm gonna get the money. The only question is, what do I wanna do? I got my GED so that I could go to college so I might as well do it now. If I put it off any longer then I won't do it.