
December 1st, 2013



I managed to have a dream while at Padme's parents place and not ruin Thanksgiving with it. I was lucky this time as it was mostly about romancing my way to breaking the Code, though at the end I dreamed of my mother in danger and decided to drag Padme with me to Tatooine. I know it isn't going to end well given how accurate my dreams are when I'm him, but thankfully charming the girlfriend's family gave me something to focus on for a while.

And it went really well too. I should teach a class on how to be liked by the family of your significant other, seriously, it went that well. Of course her mother and sister had to hear her call me Ani so now I'm stuck as Ani forever with them. I can take it from her but if this is going to become a thing I might seriously consider changing my name.




Been a good Thanksgiving! For once, I didn't have to shoot the turkey for the table! Lol! Now I just need to try and work off all the calories I've eaten in the past few days!




fuckAfter last nights dream I never want to sky dive. The scar in my side reopened when I woke up, too, but that's not so bad. I didn't freak out this time.

I'm not sure much could freak me out anymore.




I think I've finally recovered from Friday. All in all, I've got to say, I'm pretty pleased with the haul. And only a few bruises - really, a huge success in my books.

(Same time next year, Emma?)




It appears to be a pretty common theme in recent posts on here, these dreams. I have to say, I thought I was going to get away with this round being pretty insignificant, but I guess not. It seems when something goes right in one world, it goes completely wrong in the other. At the very least, I think I'm starting to figure some stuff out.

Silver lining, right?




I think my moms are going to kill me when they find out that I went on a road trip and ended up in California. At least Jubilee will be happy to see me.

I hope.

By the way, Jubilee, I found your apartment. I'm not out in front of it right now because that's 'creepy stalker', but I logged onto this net cafe place a block away. Could you post here when you get home? Because I don't really have anywhere else to stay.




Thanksgiving in Kabul. It was... not fun, I dare say. Of course had I not been so absent minded this week, maybe my work would have not resulted in a medical release to home a few days early. Oops? Ow is more like it, I suppose.




Hi! I guess this has been a long time coming. I mean, I've lived here for about four years now, and I kept hearing about this, but I guess I didn't really have the drive to join until now. It looks pretty customary to do the standard introduction, so, here goes.

My name's Peeta (yeah, I know), I work at Baxter Bakery. I actually might even know some of you without actually knowing you. I also go to school in LA, doing fashion and art (yeah, I still know). I've always been told that life's about being in the right place at the right time, and it's who you know, and this seems like a pretty good place for all that. Career wise. Even though I'm still a while off from a degree, let alone a career. But, hey, never hurts to start early, right?




So, getting to spend Thanksgiving with Annabeth's family was fun. Her brothers are pretty cool and Annabeth was right; there was plenty of food for all of us. Didn't have to fight with her brothers over any turkey or pie or anything.

Other than enjoying Thanksgiving and spending time with Annabeth, I was lucky enough to have more dreams. Note the sarcasm there. Like, even as a demi-god, I'm still getting picked on. And by another girl no less. She's Ares' daughter so it's not really a surprise. I'm not exactly sure what happened though. She tried to stick my head in the toilet and instead it like backed up on her or something. Kind of like the fountain with my other bully earlier on. Other than that, Annabeth gave me a tour of camp and since I don't know who my godly parent is, I get to stay in the Hermes cabin. Apparently that's where you go when you haven't been claimed. Suffice to say, it's pretty crowded. Oh yeah and my teacher, Mr. Brunner is actually a CENTAUR called Chiron!

And now it's back to school tomorrow. Although, now that it's December that means finals are coming up and I'm dreading that.




It's hard to believe that I've been back here for almost a year now. If someone had told me a year ago that not only would I be back with Sirius, but that I'd also be a Wizard and Werewolf, I would have told them they were mad. It's been a very interesting year, but I don't think I would change anything.

I suppose since I'm no longer living on my own, my Charlie Brown tree from last year won't due. I think Sirius and I will have to go get a Christmas tree soon.