
December 2nd, 2013




So after the last week; Stefan & Rebekah's wedding, Thanksgiving and Huck's birthday, I think I need a vacation. Okay, so Huck's birthday wasn't stressful at all, but I still think I need a vacation. Only problem is that with it being the Christmas season, we've got a lot of things happening at Disneyland so a vacation is probably not in the cards.

Speaking of the Christmas season, has anyone seen that Joe Boxer commercial?




I don't think I will ever understand the appeal of Black Friday. Just reading about the chaos after the fact makes me glad I hid in my house all weekend. I never got into Thanksgiving myself, it's one of the holidays I haven't quite adopted yet. And I think I'll avoid adopting Black Friday shopping madness. I like to shop but that's taking it way too far in my book. I can wait on sales.




Woooooow! I love when I wake up and there are good surprises from these dreams. I woke up and there was a brand new wardrobe in my bedroom, which was completely unexpected, and it is completely futuristic looking. I knew it had to be something from my dreams because it looked so familiar.

I opened it up and it was full of dresses from my dreams. Some I haven't even seen before! They are so beautiful in person and I really wish I had time to dress up in them. But I would definitely need my own set of handmaidens to help me out with some of them. The head pieces, my god. It even came with a few of the dresses on mannequins so I took a few pictures. I really want to show these off.

Dress Pictures )

I am dying over how pretty they are.


i couldn't save her. i wasxn't strong enough to save her. everything dies, evne stars burn out. i was too latve to saave her. like laslt time i wassn't there. couldnt' do anythhing to save her. i killed people. tthe sandpeople. all of them. me,n womne and children. so angry. qui-gon told me to stop but i kilsled them anyway. thlyl'e nevre hurt anyonxe else againt. they deserved it. quick kdeath was too good for them.

(ooc: He meant to text to Obi-wan, but then accidentally posted on the net)




I feel like I owe a lot of people an apology for just disappearing. I just ... needed time to myself, to get myself sorted. It's funny how it didn't help at all.




It is now December, and it's appropriate to put up holiday decorations. I'm silently judging everyone who did so beforehand.

I've gotten in some brand new magical tomes, as well as more classics - a beautiful set of hardbound British writers. Defoe, Austen, Hardy, and the like. I do have to wonder who continues to drop beautiful books like The Key of Solomon into my drop-off box, though.




All'a you should feel sorry you ain't married to my wife. She not only cooked Thanksgiving dinner for me, she deep-fried the turkey.

It's December, it's cold as shit for this Louisiana boy, but at least I got her to keep me warm. Just hoping no more craziness comes to pass, at least not this year.




Of course. As soon as I am on the market again, a colleague invites me to their wedding.

If anyone wishes to be my plus one, let me know - the catering should be splendid, and I promise to be a perfect gentleman when you are within earshot.




Thanksgiving was fantastic and I had so much fun volunteering as well. It helped me burn off a lot of calories since I walked around during the day and then I absolutely stuffed myself at dinner. Gabriel is my new favorite person on the planet for his amazing desserts. I think I may have an addiction to chocolate and I know Granny would never approve of me picking chocolate over her pie, but she doesn't have to know.

Sorry, I got off track there. Just wanted to post and see if anyone would be interested in going to see the goddess Beyonce with me tomorrow at the Staples Center. I have an extra ticket due to my friend just phoning me to say she has the flu.

So....is anyone ready ready for this jelly?


It makes me feel good when I (attempt) to cook and manage to not make the smoke detector go off. Though one time it was totally Damon's fault for being distracting Yay! Progress!