
September 25th, 2013




I feel like I haven't been around in ages, but I've been bouncing between school and conferences, and now a new job! I'm officially doing research work with Tony Stark at The Irvine Company, which is incredibly exciting.

I hear there are quite a few of us, so I look forward to meeting all of you.




I swear to god, I'm so sick of getting lectures on how I need to be a more social person. I work a solid five days a week and usually come in to help on days off, it's not like I have a lot of time to be social.

If my uncle spent as much time worrying about himself and his own life as he did worrying about mine, he might have his shit together.




While I don't mind living out of hotels, it really is nice to be in a proper house for once. I can't remember the last time I've lived in a house.

Now if only I could remember where we put everything.




Welp. I thought I could make it through this month with no dreams, but of course I jinxed myself. Surprise surprise. At least it wasn't anything that left me completely exhausted this morning. We left the planet and arrived back on a planet that is basically the capital of this part of the galaxy. I talked to one of the Senators from my planet, who weirdly enough is a Senator here in real life as well, and we discussed how to figure out our problem with the people trying to take over my planet.

A lot of political things went down and I'm not entirely sure if I made the right decision in that dream, but I did decide I'm going back to my home planet to fight for freedom. Whenever those dreams happen they should be interesting.

On another note, at least it's almost October, which means my results are almost here. I am going crazy just waiting around for this stuff. Someone hire me to just file paper work or something until I become a big girl lawyer! Haha.




So. I get the whole "dream thing" now.

Cause I think I had them? I mean, they could have just been normal dreams cause they seem sort of on par with what I usually dream, but these felt pretty real.

So, I was me. And I lived in Burbank which, you know, story of my life. But I got this ... I dunno, government project imbedded my brain and then I got these flashes of top secret information? So theh sent in the CIA and NSA to keep an eye on me, and the CIA agent is a total fox and her cover is my girlfriend, so, worse things. Oh. Except that I work at a big box retailer and I am the supervisor of the Nerd Herd (think Geek Squad).




I just want to say that my first week here has been great. I wasn't sure how I'd like California, but it's amazing.

I've also had a couple sessions with the specialist. He thinks my problem might be emotional, and so it's fixable, but he's doing hypnosis to try and find the issue. But I don't ever see my past. I mean, it's me, but it's not, but I don't really know how to tell a therapist that I'm some sort of prince in a fairytale land and a coma patient in another.

Strangely enough, it's easier to mention that to all of you than anything else.


So, the universe gave me morning sickness for my birthday. Big fucking surprise.




My dreams took a turn for the horrible. I’m trying to look at this objectively, but my side feels like it’s on fire. There’s this angry wound I woke up with…

I just don’t know how the hell I kept going after that. Getting run through and then crawling through mud and water and rain to escape.

I’m not even going to think about that shrine, or the corpses. Oh god, Steph.

I could really use a jaffa cake.

And rescue from hospital.




I have officially gotten to the point where I need a new job.

[Link to Resume, which includes extensive clerical work and randomly includes dance skills.]

Anybody hiring?




Yumi. ARE YOU HAPPY? God. Finally signed up for this network THING. Whatever.

I need a job. My makeup box won't keep itself filled anymore. UGH




What a dream. Oh, what a dream. The intellectual challenge was so amazing, I almost didn't want to wake up. Someone who understands how things work - a man eaten by his own pride and ambition, torn by his wont to do good for the undeserving masses, but also a tiger, ready to destroy that which he hates.

His name is John Luther. I must find out if he's real.