
September 18th, 2013




God I'm so bored. I didn't do shit all day and now I can't sleep because I'm not tired. I don't have any energy, but I guess I didn't use my brain enough to qualify as sleepy.

I need something to do that will tire my brain out but not require a lot of energy otherwise. I spent most of the day figuring out stuff for my maternity leave which will probably have to start sooner than I'd like.

If you had a bunch of time but had to stay in basically the same spot all day, what would you do?




Some nights are easier to sleep than others. Or days at this point, since I'm becoming an night owl, I'm not sure how I stay awake when I'm teaching a class except watching the expressions on their faces when I try to act out some myth or other with sockpuppets and arm flailing probably helps.




Anyone looking to hire a military veteran with one hand and plenty of muscle? Feeling kind of bored without shit to do. I got extensive military training, working knowledge of vehicles, and I've got charm coming out of my ass.





It was quite inconvenient having to do away with an independently separate version of myself. Even so, I always welcome keeping yet another spare brain on standby in case of brain injury or self-liquification.

I'm pleased to announce this month's SRDI hot ticket item, courtesy of our toy development division. Perfect even for Halloween (as part of a yard display), I'd like to introduce THIS MAGNIFICENT TOY! )




Hi! I just moved here from New York, and I was told this might be a good place to start getting familiar with everything? I hope it is, anyway.

My name's David Nolan. I used to be working towards joining the NYPD, but I've got this memory issue so I had to leave the academy. Which is why I'm here, to start seeing a specialist about it. I guess there's not much more about me to say, but I really can't wait to settle into everything here. Orange County seems like a great place.




Does anybody know how to figure out who called you when they blocked their number? Or texted?

It's either a totally not funny prank text, or my dad found me. One of them will result in me changing, my number.

Cut for TW: alcoholism. )


I've had an evil twin. I can't believe I just said that. I don't know who I hurt, but I'm so sorry if I did. I mean other me. The evil me.

I don't blame you if no one wants to talk to me anymore.

I don't know what to do with myself.