
September 19th, 2013




I was getting dinner tonight, and a young man called me a milf. I've never been called a milf before, it was slightly flattering but mostly creepy.

I keep getting random comments on the street though. It's odd because I've never gotten them before. I wonder what's different.

A word to every man out there: Don't cat call a woman. She doesn't like it.




While out walking Lucy and Colin today, Colin decided to be a little fashion plate and pose for me. I swear, between Lucy's churro addiction and Colin insisting he have accessories, my life has become a pet-based comedy.

Nobody will believe I dream I'm a demon at this rate. Well. Maybe when I tell them I'm a lawyer and PR guy.


I did it! I got a job at Okugata (that new burlesque club)! I'm so excited I could scream and oh man, now I have to get new stage clothes and dresses and stuff.

This is going to be a blast. Who wants to go celebrating? Ms. Oyama, thank you so much.




Arrgh!! Today be talk like a pirate day!!




Good thing I was already out of bed at the time.

Pet Goat Shenanigans )




Ah feel like going out tanight.


Well, readers, it seems that once again, this strangeness has passed. Though we still must deal with the repercussions of our actions, or the actions of our plants, or those of our doubles (depending on what sort of situation you may have been in last week), all seems to be calm for the moment.

Let us take these experiences as a reminder that while there may be awful disruptions during the course of our lives, things move forward constantly. Nothing remains the same. And that, perhaps, is for the best.


I had a customer ask me the other day why I didn't serve coffee or tea or pastries, or some such thing. Do many bookshops do that, these days? I would think that there would be a concern about getting some sort of stain on the books. Or crumbs, or goodness knows what else. It seems terribly dangerous to me to have food and beverages around books, especially old ones.

(Never mind that I sometimes have tea at the shop, it always gets put under the counter when a customer comes in. And never near the shelves.)


Ugh, I don't know what I did to myself but I don't feel so great. I woke up with a headache, like the universe was trying to push its way into my skull, and what feels like a fever though my thermometer says I'm normal. I think it's broken because I swear I feel like I'm burning up, I took the day off and napped in a cold bath but it didn't help.

Fever dreams are the weirdest, this afternoon I had one where I was a kid again. My mother and I were living in a weird desert town, apparently we were slaves owned by this big slug thing before we were lost in a game to some flying blue bug thing. He had me building and repairing mechanical stuff, I was even building a robot to help my mom with her house work. Not only that but I had like heightened reflexes and could see things before they happened. Strange stuff. Anybody know what it might mean, if it means anything? Or at least a place where I can get a decent thermometer and a body bag full of ice?




Hello, Valar! I've arrived! I hear this is the best place to be online.




Who's already got their house decorated for Halloween? Plus a costume for herself, and one for her dog? Yeaaaaah, this girl. I can't WAIT.