
September 9th, 2013




So auditions for Romeo and Juliet are coming up, which means the usual sort of anxiety dreams, ugh.

But I had a really weird one last night. It was weirdly specific? I was back in high school, but it wasn't with anyone I knew. I was kind of hoping for Romeo (still am), but this one guy totally blew everyone else out of the water.

Still, I managed to get Mercutio in my dream, which is pretty awesome, right? Fingers crossed I'll get a decent part in the real play!

I guess this is sort of what people have been talking about, these dreams that feel so real. It's definitely weird.




Woke up yesterday morning with a headache, and I'm still kind of sore Really should see if I have a concussion

Thing is, I didn't do anything that would make my head hurt. At least not while awake.




Hey guys? Will everyone please stop thinking so loud?



accidentally sent to the net instead of directly to Dani

Come. Get your. Squirrel.

He has laser beam eyes and he's flying.

What the hell. Is going on.





Ooooooooooooo, I'm coming down with a cold or something. I feel simply awful.

I usually take such good care of myself, too, but today I just don't even want to try getting out of bed. Thank goodness for my laptop, or I think I'd just ~die~.




What an interesting feeling this is. Freeing. Oh she resists but I know how to bind her




I feel really strange today. It's like I'm getting sick. Or I spent too much time in the sun.

...And yet I feel more powerful. My senses are finely tuned. I can see everything I was blind to before!

I'm dizzy.

...I'm Free!!!
Tags: ,


Well. That's interesting.

I just thought "I wish I had my tape measure" and it floated across the room into my hand.


What's going on in the county?

My cat is fucking flying!


Ugh, I feel like hot buttered ass. I shouldn't make so much vomit.




Oh, hey, animals are talking to me again. And I randomly understand Greek.

In other news, the cabbie I just had is a gross Greek jerkface.




I really, really hate the OC. This can all stop any time, please. I haven't even had any dreams in a couple weeks, and definitely not any about -- this. I thought the powers came with dreams, not rocks.

Eli, I need to talk to you.




So, I don't remember Nymeria having super strength in my dreams. She just uprooted a tree in the backyard. I'm pretty sure my parents are gonna kill me. I should check Summer and Lady.




I'm pretty sure that the plants in my kitchen just tried to kill me. When did that become a thing that could happen?


I'm sorry, lads and lasses, but what the Almighty Fuck is going on here?




Oh my god. My voice is magic.




Everyone talking about waking up with random powers and animals with powers makes me feel left out. In my dreams I have speed and strength and all the usual vampire abilities, but I'm all normal here. Not that I necessarily want to be a vampire or anything like that. It'd just be fun to have some sort of power for a bit.




Not feeling too good this morning, so I had a duvet day and came across this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-23987368

Scientists are amazing!

Found this on the roof last night while I was stargazing, thoughts anyone?




What the god-forsaken hell is going on. Ah'm pretty sure my spider plant tried to eat me. Ah don't even. What the fuck. MY SPIDER PLANT. Ah'm avoiding the bedroom, ah've got a cactus in there...




I woke up today with a massive migraine that I just couldn't shake. But I couldn't ditch out on my class, so I went anyway. That wasn't the right thing to do. I was in the middle of a speech lecture when my head exploded in pain. And then suddenly I could hear every single thought of the people around me. I ran out of the room trying not to cry.

How can I turn this off?! I can't handle this. Someone please help me.


I'm so glad I'm not the only person with crazy pets right now. I didn't even realize anything was going on until my cats decided they wanted to wake me up and literally pulled me out of bed. And as I was laying on the floor one decided to step on my chest and almost crushed me. Not how I was expecting to start off the week! I am almost afraid to take them with me to work tomorrow. I don't need my clinic to get destroyed, but I feel bad trying to kennel superhuman cats.

Does this happen often?




Oh, Orange County. Are you being weird again?

Well, here's something to make all you crazy cats feel better about the fact that you left the house and now everything is awful.

Please let me get what I want.




The hell is going on here?! I'm in my hotel room one minute, the next I'm in freakin' Irvine? Like, right in the middle of the damn road. Nearly became roadkill.

And I could swear I have a sound effect to go along with whatever the hell this...power is.




Dude. It's like Little Shop of Horrors in this place.

If the Venus fly trap starts singing and demanding I feed it, I'm getting a hotel room.



So I walked into the kitchen this morning to find the dogs playing tag with each other, which is normal except for the fact that they were playing tag by flying around. I cannot help but find that somewhat odd...




Sounds like everyone is having an eventful evening... if anyone needs plant extermination assistance I'm not afraid to murder a few household plants.