
August 1st, 2013




My name is Enjolras and I am actually bewildered for the moment.

Three days in the United States and I am already homesick for so many things that it seems hard to believe I was only gone for two years. My parents of all people, as if I still have things to prove to them at my age suggested I should sign up here as a means of helping my re-entry point, but there is a part of me, that, as much as I've appreciated three days worth of hour long showers and turning on a faucet just to see water coming out of it and knowing that there is more where it's coming from, misses, and will continue to miss, boiled coffee, my neighbors, and, next week, Eid al-Fitr, which I had managed to forget the dates for, having, I guess, convinced myself that I was going to be in town forever, instead of coming back here, where, let's be honest, valarnet, I do not have a clue what I am doing tomorrow let alone next week.

I'm happy to be back, I'm sad that my assignment ended, I'm eager to get on working with a paper again, wish I had had the resources, post assignment to manage Russia, for some freelance, and have entirely confused my sleep schedule just now. I am not sure entirely what I feel, if we are being completely honest, and the thought of nothing mapped in front of me is absolutely terrifying for the moment.

I would welcome some constructive suggestions other than the applications I've been sending , and a piece I will be shopping by the end of the week. How does one adjust to a life that they hardly remember living? Any suggestions on this would be amazing thank you.




I eventually did sleep last night, and yes, I did dream. This time it wasn't too bad. I had children, and I went into politics all the way to the white house. That was always a possibility, but I never really chose that in this life.

Being a single mom is a lot harder than being mayor or governor or president, mind you.

Apparently this me let the X-men run off and do their thing out in space while she worked for mutant rights back home.

I hope other mes decide that's a good idea too.




I knew that it would come, eventually, but it's still surprising to actually see it and feel it. My first dream. It would appear that I'm some sort of shinigami.

So how often do these dreams occur to most of you?


I'm not sure how different you and I are in that...form, I suppose, but we shall see as I dream more.


There's something to be said about milkshakes. This heat is almost unbearable and patrolling while out in the sun is even worse. I have a major ice cream headache.

It's my day off and I think I might spend the rest of it in the pool. Would anyone want to join me? Swimming alone is no fun.




Randomly: I never heard that Remy might be a girl's name in some cultures. Saw this Egyptian fille on TV with that name and she was crazy. Worries me.

Not-so-randomly: It's too damn quiet 'round here. Makin' me nervous.




This dream thing is pretty give-and-take, isn't it? One minute it's great and the next it's - I don't want anymore of them.

Not so great.

I really feel like -
Anyone wanna go grab a drink or something -

I'll be at the gym late today if anyone needs me.


Anybody know how to treat rugburn that's inside your buttcheeks? I didn't even know I could do that.




I'm already over looking for a house. I've been doing it for two days, and it's already pissing me off a lot. I guess the market has changed a lot since I bought my place.

I wonder if I could get a permit to add another story instead? It'll be a hell of a lot easier in the long run, I think. Get a decorator for the part we currently have, so it's more 'us' and less 'me'. Luckily we have similar taste in colors, so that won't be too bad.

Is it weird that I really look forward to having a custom master bathroom? Like, the second story idea appeals to me specifically because it means I can make an enormous bathroom with awesome shit like a fancy tub and two sinks and maybe some kind of self-sanitizing option? I don't know if that last one is a real thing.

Also, I know there's some clothing designers or other people who do stuff like that on here, is anyone willing and able to make custom stuff for a wedding? It's a steam punk themed thing, so no big poofy dresses or stuffy suits.