
August 2nd, 2013




I'm going to go die from how crap I feel right now.

And absolutely not consider the pistol that showed up out of nowhere the other night.





Hello Valarnet!

I've managed to secure a room twice a week at the public library to take art classes. They will be very informal - adults and children welcome and I will be running them throughout August.

Monday 10:00-13:00 Sketching, painting with watercolour and pastels, other forms of canvas based art

Thursday 18:00- 21:00 Practical art - collages, sculpture, etc.

If you would like to let me know if you are thinking of attending so I can get an idea of numbers that is great but please feel free to just turn up too.




Well that was...That was a thing. An interesting thing. A very interesting and incredibly disturbing thing. Dream thing.

But it feels warm. Right. Welcoming. It somehow fits. I'm not sure how it fits.

oh Brian




Moving to a new place is always so much work. Does anyone know of any places that have good, but reasonably priced furniture? Also, does anyone own a truck and would be willing to help the moving process? I can offer you payment for your help.

Back to packing up my things.




So glad to be heading home today. I'm ready for sunshine and palm trees again. Boston was okay, but there's no place like home.




Zap Apple Jam.




When you guys said vivid dreams, you weren't kidding.

Kenzi, are you here?


Consider this a warning to my clientele: if you make any sort of disparaging comment about a lady due to her choice of vocation or her sexuality, I will not serve you. And I will advise my professional acquaintances not to serve you either.

Women are allowed to be sexual beings at appropriate times, just like men. None of my shopgirls work in the sex trade, but for the record, if they did or if they ever have, it would be no business of mine. I will not tolerate unreconstructed attitudes toward my staff or myself. Or the adopted mother of my child.

Do I make myself clear?




I have no idea how to express my joy except capslock. So I'm sorry in advance.




I'm so excited I feel like a little dog, I'm all shaky and ready to pee on things at any moment. Except not really the second one. I hope.

Maybe I can get a 60 footer this year!