
May 9th, 2013




So. Today, during fencing, things got hard again. I felt like, well, like a friend has described it, the sensation of being somewhere entirely else, with someone entirely else. It was not incredibly different, really. The equipment is more secure now, but beyond that, I could have sworn that I was back in a completely differentsalle, and not here, and now. Read more... )

So, I present my new and improved hair )
Insanely sexy, right?




I have a dream! Sorry, had to say it. I still remember that speech from school. We all had to memorize it.

Anyway, I did have a dream, and it was pretty badass. I was a demon hunter. I killed a Demon that looked like a boy at first, but I knew. It was awesome. Now for the big question. Some of my friends were in the dream? Is that normal?

[Private: Alec]
Have you had one of these dreams that everyone talks about? You were in mine.




Arcane warrior. I rather like the sound of that.




Getting shot sucks. At least it wont take long to heal. Stupid teenaged reflexes. Who robs restaurants anyway, anymore? Don't robbers have more style? Or is there no pride at all? Meh.

Being shot in this life really trumps the memory of being shot in a dream. In a bad way.

Also, hospital food and television programming sucks. I think they want to encourage people to get better by sheer will alone, just to get away from it.




HOW?? )




Oh, son of a bitch.




So, I think I get bonus points for doing this exercise routine with a really fat cat. Isabela's furry boyfriend weighs a ton.